Templar Sun King

Chapter 485 Experiments and Visions

Chapter 485 Experiments and Visions

After the matter of the Hanging Garden was satisfactorily resolved, Adam withdrew his gaze and looked at Frans on Upler Continent.

"The natural disasters of darkness have weakened, and the natural disasters of the undead will be negligible in a few days. Only the natural disasters of demons will become more and more intense."

Baimon obtained the second main god and ascended to the head of the four main gods, which brought great confidence to the lava area, and a steady stream of demons ran out of the six volcanoes and rushed to the earth.

Flame, smoke, ashes, destruction, everything in its path is ruins.

The forest was burned, the buildings were destroyed, and the ground was dug up by the devil's magic, reaching a depth of a thousand meters, drawing out magma and sulfur flames, and building hideous devil strongholds full of the atmosphere of lava regions.

"According to this form, the central part of France will definitely become a dark country. After nearly an era, the demons finally returned to the surface world. But..."

It may not be a good thing for the Griffin Kingdom or Adam himself.

The energy of the Lord of Dawn and Order was restrained by the devil's natural disaster and the status quo of Frans, and he had no time to deal with Adam.

Objectively, it created a not-so-bad condition for him to concentrate on gathering the power of faith, extract divinity, and prepare to ignite the divine fire.

"Andrew, continue to inform: stop all foreign expansion in France, and instead stick to the territory of the five cities, be vigilant, and guard against the invasion of demons at any time."

Demons are chaotic creatures by nature, and once they establish a kingdom on the surface of the earth, it is inevitable to expand outward.

Taking advantage of the fact that the three major natural disasters of the Griffin Kingdom have gained enough benefits in France, let alone going too far, consolidating the rule of the five cities and digesting them as soon as possible is the most important thing at this stage.

Adam's purpose is pure, faith, a lot of faith.

He had a premonition—especially after learning the last time the Three Goddesses prophesied about the time when he would ignite the divine fire—the time left for him was running out.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Andrew turned around and left the temple, and contacted Leon's temporary commander Galen through the Templar arms, while Adam closed his eyes and immersed his consciousness into the temple.

The character interface predicted on that day that the three goddesses summoned the six laws, and the two seraphim rushed into it with his consciousness to comprehend the law of light, and some changes occurred.

In addition to the basic information such as name, occupation, level, belief, arms, and magic pet, there are three additional columns, divine power, divinity, and law. The first two items before Adam could only be queried on the proxy template interface.

Divine Power: 12000
Divinity: 15
Law: Law of Light (Progress 1%)

With the help of the temple, Adam comprehended the 1% law of light, and absorbed a total of 12000 light powers.

There are three ways for gods to obtain divine power, belief, priesthood, and law. They need demigods, true gods, and main gods to use divine fire, priesthood crystals, and godheads to obtain them.

While other demigods were still working hard to use the divine fire to burn the power of faith to obtain divine power, Adam, who had neither divine fire nor godhead, had experienced two completely different ways to obtain divine power with the help of the temple.

If it is known by other gods, Adam will definitely become the target of public criticism.

Among them, the divine power obtained through the law has a pure light attribute, which is most in line with the identity of Priest Adam.

As for the enlightened law of light, the number of 1% made Adam very disapproving at first, until he extracted the divinity again.

Understanding the law of light brings great benefits!
The most intuitive and obvious benefit is that a unit of divinity that used to cost [-] Faith to extract can now be completed with only [-].

The same 70 power of faith, before comprehending the law of light, could only be extracted to seven units, but now it has become ten units.

This is just a comprehension of the 1% rule, and the effect will obviously become more significant as time goes by.

Faith: 1256523
Adam's eyes fell on the column of power of faith, knowing that there might not be a second chance to comprehend the law of light in a short period of time, and began to extract divinity.

Two minutes later, 2 beams of light floated in front of Adam.

"Store divinity!"

Soon, the number in the divinity column became 32.

As long as there are 68 more units of divinity, the minimum requirement to ignite the divine fire is met, Adam said to himself.

After the Hanging Garden officially became the second mage organization of the Griffon Kingdom, the team involved in the construction of the Silver Eden Plane included three more golden archmages (two from the earth faction and one from the natural faction), one hundred silver mages and A group of more than five hundred flower demons.

The flower demon is a fist-sized magical creature with six leaf wings, and its general strength is black iron.

They are proficient in natural school spells, and have extraordinary talents in greening, helping plants grow, and improving the environment.

With the help of this batch of vital forces, the progress of the plane construction was immediately accelerated.

According to Grande, the person in charge: "Seven days, no, not even seven days, the natural construction task of the entire Silver Eden was initially completed. The land, forests, rivers, and atmosphere form a self-circulating cycle, and monsters and magical creatures thrive here."

At first, Grande wondered why Adam spent time and effort to let the Ministry of Magic and the Magic Guild capture all kinds of monsters and magical creatures, but considering the characteristics of the plane of Silver Eden, the land lord was soon relieved.

As high as 55% bright energy, is there any better place to study the impact of a high-concentration bright energy environment on monsters and magical creatures?

It is not unheard of to experiment with sky gardens for cultivating monsters and magical creatures, but there has never been an experimental environment and conditions that can compare with Silver Eden's natural environment.

It is worth mentioning that the flower demon is the most perfect and most complete type of magical creatures cultivated in the sky garden.

The geographical location and environment of the Hanging Garden have prompted generations of mages to devote their energy to cultivating a magical creature that can effectively improve the desert environment until the flower demon was born.

The research project on how this group of monsters and magical creatures would be affected by their survival in Silver Eden was unsurprisingly handed over to the Silver and White Illuminati, and it just so happened that Basel was also very interested in it.

So far, 32 kinds of monsters and 27 kinds of magical creatures have been put into Silver Eden, and among them, the species with the attribute of light account for one-sixth.

"In the future, they will become a magical species unique to our Griffin Kingdom..." If it succeeds.Basel looked at a white bright butterfly not far away and said to Grande.

"The success rate should be higher than the experiments we conducted at the time."

In the 4000-year history of the Hanging Gardens, except for those who failed and were rejected, there are only four kinds of successful ones.

Two kinds of magical creatures, flower demon and fire spirit, two kinds of monsters, horned eagle and desert snake.

Huojing is a kind of fire-type monster whose body is covered with fiery red scales, has a round head like a lizard, and is about one meter tall.

The existence of the fire spirits was kept a secret until the Hanging Gardens joined the Griffin Kingdom.

The horned eagle can serve as a mount to fly in the sky, and the desert snake is a snake-like monster with a strong poison that can kill any black iron professional.

Basel nodded. In terms of bio-magic experiments, Babel, who is still good at black magic, was more open-minded and whimsical, using experiments to transform the four orcs.

Among them, the lizardmen, wolfmen and lionmen established the orc kingdom, and even a true god was born among them, which had a profound impact on the progress of the entire main material plane.

Compared with the flower demons, fire spirits, horned eagles and desert snakes that are generally black iron in the sky garden, they are insignificant.

In this regard, Grande puffed out his chest and said: "But we have the floating city and the magic crystal cannon!"

Especially the Floating Void City, known as the pinnacle creation of elemental magic technology, and this title will be retained for a long time.

Basel scoffed at Grande's way of comforting himself, but before he expressed anything, he suddenly found something unusual in Silver Eden: "Have you noticed that the sun seems to be getting stronger?"

"So it wasn't my illusion."

Now it is the afternoon of Silver Eden, and according to the logic, the sunlight will get weaker and weaker until it disappears and enters the night.

But in the super spiritual perception of the two, the brightness is rising.

The two looked at each other, looked up at the sky together, and slowly opened their mouths wide.

I saw that the second round of the sun began to appear in the sky without knowing when, emitting intense hot rays, shining on the earth.

"what happened?"

Grande knew that the gods' gods would turn into the stars seen by people on the main material plane in the sky, but what does a round of the sun represent?
"The sun is generally related to light energy, you..." Grande said, looking at the president of the Silver Light Society.

"I don't know." Facing Grande's puzzled gaze, Basel shook his head very simply to express his uncertainty.

Whether it is the books at home or the ancient books of the Silver Pagoda, there is no record about the vision in front of him, and there is nothing similar.

In doubt, the sky regenerates a vision.

A round of black crescent moon gradually emerged opposite the sun, exuding a dark and quiet light.

The sun and the moon are in opposition, allowing the light of Silver Eden to return to normal, but Grande and Basel are even more puzzled.

But there is one thing they can be sure of: something important must have happened on the outer plane!
(End of this chapter)

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