Templar Sun King

Chapter 49 The Sad Bishop of Silver

Chapter 49 The Sad Bishop of Silver

Opening his eyes, Adam saw Andrew standing beside him.

At this time, Andrew looked the same as before, not much different, but Adam knew that now he was a genuine silver junior paladin, and he was fully sure of any silver-level attack present.

James' face was very ugly.

When Adam advanced, the president and Bit had already blocked his retreat one after the other.

After Adam's promotion, Andrew also stepped forward slowly, chose a position to stand, and three people formed a triangle to surround him in the middle.

One-on-three, he was not sure, so he planned to negotiate.

"There is a very important message, what about my safe departure today?" James said to Santo Bit in a very humiliating manner.

Among the three silver powerhouses present, the president generally does not participate in the affairs of the city, and Andrew is obviously not a high-level executive in Falcon City. Only Bit is still the city lord after suppressing Emma's rebellion, so the bishop's negotiating partner chose Bit.

The onlookers all stared at James with malicious eyes.

They chose to be neutral in the previous battle between Bit and Emma, ​​but now that the situation is very clear, they are naturally on the side of the city lord, waiting for the decision of the city lord.

"It depends on how important your news is, otherwise..." The city lord raised his big sword and wiped it gently with his hand.

"People from the Scourge Church came to Celtic and joined the Goblin Ginseng near the Ash Forest. I met him before."

In exchange for leaving safely, James had to say this big news.If it wasn't for the sudden attack by the person from the Scourge Church, he wouldn't have wasted time for it. Not only did the third brigade not be wiped out, but the whole plan failed because of this, and Emma also lost her life because of it.

"Church of Calamity?" Bit recalled the information about this church, "Church of the God of Disaster!"

"Haven't they been hiding at the junction of Upler and Yasha? How did they come to Celtic?"

"I don't know, but no matter where they appear, they will always bring countless troubles, and the disaster will befall the five-color dragon queen. Just a few days ago, I fought with him once, and the opponent was a silver rank black mage."

"Queen of the five-color dragon?" The moment Adam heard it, he remembered the logo on the cover of the magic book he got in the castle last time. A ferocious dragon with a five-color head was wrapped around the hexagram.

"What's their emblem?"

If someone had spoken to James so rudely in normal times, he would have reprimanded him, but now he could only suppress his anger and humiliation.

"Their religious emblem is a hexagram inscribed in a circle, and a giant dragon with five heads is wrapped around the hexagram. It is said that it is the body of the five-color dragon queen."

"Have you seen them?" the president asked Adam.

"Well, I didn't meet that black mage, but I saw some of his works."

Now Adam is very sure that whether it is the ghosts and middle-aged warriors encountered in the castle, or the goblins who can obtain the bronze primary ability after being implanted with beads, they are all related to the black mage James mentioned.

"People in the Church of the Scourge like disasters and are good at creating chaos. Although I don't know their purpose in coming to Celtic, it must not be simple." The bishop tried hard to describe the horror of the Church of the Scourge, "Now, can I leave?"

Bit looked at Adam and made a gesture.

Adam immediately understood what Bit meant, and said, "No!"

"I thought I was negotiating terms with the lord of Falcon City!" James was a little annoyed.

"The city lord naturally agreed to your conditions, but you wanted to kill me just now, and now it's my turn to take revenge. It's a fair thing and has nothing to do with the city lord."

How could James think that Adam blocked his way in this way, he looked at Bit and the president, and he really didn't intend to make a move, so he raised the scepter in his hand.

"Okay, let me see how you, a little bronze mage, are so arrogant in front of me."

"Who said I was going to fight you?" Adam made a puzzled expression, "Andrew, kill him."

On the side, Andrew held a big sword, and streaks of milky white fighting spirit began to emerge from his body, and everyone could see a little bit of brilliance in the fighting spirit.

This once again reminded everyone of the fact that this knight had mastered the fighting spirit attribute the moment he advanced to Silver, and even so, he still faithfully obeyed Adam's orders, making people even more curious about Adam's origin.

But now that's not all.

Just as James was about to fight Andrew, he heard Adam's voice coming again.

"Bit, president, there is a powerful enemy now, and Andrew alone may not be the opponent. I wonder if you are willing to help?"

"My honor." This is the president of the Falcon City Mage Union.

"No problem." This is Bit, the lord of Falcon City.

James, who heard the conversation, was trembling with anger. After giving an important message, he not only failed to leave safely, but fell into the dangerous situation of being besieged by three strong silver men again.

"I can understand this little mage's short-sightedness. What gave you the courage to kill a bishop of the Church of Dawn!"

James held up the scepter, and with him as the center, the light energy rioted, forming a huge whirlwind.

The president obviously understood James' threat. Indeed, he alone was nothing. What really deserved their attention and attention was the Church of Dawn behind him.

The Church of Dawn on the territory of the Celtic Southern Noble Council is only a small part of the church's power. Their base camp is in France in Upler, and there are many masters.

Priests of black iron and bronze ranks, bishops of silver ranks, and on top of this, there are cardinals of gold ranks and the mysterious Pope.

These are the consequences they need to consider.

Bit resolutely raised the long sword, which was covered with a khaki grudge, and his expression was very ferocious.

"Being bullied by the members of the Church of Dawn, if you still want to let him go in a friendly manner, then what's the point of Falcon City's existence? Don't forget, the Federation of Seven Cities was established to deal with the noble council. It used to be, and it is now .”

Bit looked back at the president: "It's an offense anyway, I don't mind sending him to see the Lord of Dawn now!"

The Lord of Dawn, a god whose priesthood is dawn and hope, is also the god of the Church of Dawn.

"It's because I thought too much." The president laughed loudly, and at some point there was an extra magic wand in his hand, and he began to prepare spells.

At this time, James has added the most powerful defensive spell to himself, and the energy shield visible to the naked eye wraps his whole body.

It was useless to fly into the sky at this time, because what he had to face was Andrew and Bit, who also had the ability to fly.

"Flame vortex!"

Blossoming red flames emerged from the sky, and soon formed a huge flame vortex with a height of three meters at the center of the bishop. The high temperature made the air seem to be twisting little by little.

Both Andrew and Bit, who were being attacked by the flame vortex, had a layer of vindictiveness covering themselves. From a distance, they seemed to be wearing a pair of armor composed of vindictiveness, resisting the attack of the spell.

The flames and fighting energy collided with each other, making a loud noise. Some fighting energy was ignited by the flames and disappeared, and some flames were extinguished by the fighting energy, splashing energy ripples.

Andrew thrust the big sword into the ground, and the fighting spirit on his body glowed faintly again, and as soon as the light appeared, all the flames that were tightly attached to the fighting spirit were forced back.

At this moment, everyone looked at Andrew, who was safe and sound in the flames, and his body was shining like a god of war.

The caster begins to gain the ability to attack in groups at the silver level, and at this stage, fighters gain explosive growth by relying on the power of fighting spirit.

So even for Andrew, a paladin, he was very powerful when he slashed with a sword, which made people look sideways.

A sword slashed on the bishop's shield, and the fighting spirit continued to erode the shield.

The bishop no longer commanded the spell of flame vortex, but used all his energy to maintain the protective magic of shield.Once the shield is broken, the knight in front of him has a hundred ways to kill him.

After no one directly commanded the flame vortex, Bit quickly rushed out of the spell.

Unlike Andrew's attack method, Bit's sword cut down like a huge boulder.

Under the blessing of the earth attribute grudge, Bit's power was continuously amplified, and with just two swords, the bishop's shield was broken.

A ferocious expression appeared on the bishop's face. He wanted to release a magic spell that would hurt both sides. Even if he died, it would not make Falcon City feel better.

But at this moment, he felt his body stiffen for a while, and then a huge force acted on his body.

Another gravity technique!
The body doesn't listen to itself, the internal organs and bones howl unbearably under the action of five times the gravity, blood spurts from the skin, it seems that even the bones are squeezed out from all parts of the body.

In the last moment when his consciousness fell into darkness, he saw a bright and holy light fall on his forehead, and then everything fell into darkness.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket, Tiger Landing


(End of this chapter)

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