Chapter 617
Sure enough, it's the Three Fates, Adam thought!

The people who spied on his origin just now were the three goddesses of fate, and it was also the three goddesses of fate who isolated and sealed off the twelve main gods in the Chaos Sea area.

"Grace, what are you doing? It is extremely unwise to offend eleven main gods at the same time. I advise you to give a reasonable explanation, otherwise—"

The lord of the sky was furious, and stared at the three goddesses of fate sitting opposite him together with the goddess of earth and fertility.

However, he was not dazzled by the unexpected fall of the three goddesses of beauty and love, but instead used the names of the eleven main gods to deter the three goddesses of fate.

The three Goddesses of Fate turned a blind eye to the angry and resentful eyes of the two main gods of the Titan pantheon, and the surprised and angry eyes of the other main gods for various reasons.

After a full two seconds of ignoring, the goddess of prophecy Feite responded slowly and casually: "Don't worry, Uranus, and everyone here, come one by one. Today is a day of harvest, and it is also the evening of the main god. It's your turn soon."

boom!Another explosion resounded through the outer plane, and the throne representing the original god of the water element was like a blooming firework, turning into countless light spots and disappearing, igniting all the main gods just because of the extreme arrogance and defiant attitude of the three goddesses of destiny quenched his anger.

At this moment, all divine and arcane spells related to [water] in the multiverse failed.

The pantheon, the gods were in an uproar, and were shrouded in sudden great fear.

"What the hell happened? Or can someone tell me it's just a hallucination."

In less than ten seconds, the two main gods, the three goddesses of beauty and love and the original god of water element, fell one after another, and they didn't even know the reason.

"Chaos Sea, the twelve His Majesty Lord Gods all entered the Chaos Sea just now, there must be something wrong in the Chaos Sea!"

The successive fall of the two main gods made the Dark Goddess, who already had a feud with the three Goddesses of Fate, curse at them: "What do you mean, you bastard!?"

"She should mean - I saw them in the air element area."

"Be careful, Uranus—"

Before Adam could say the word "Your Majesty", the third explosion sounded in the ears of the gods.

The law of Qi was vibrating, and all the spells related to [Qi], the two major schools of storm and thunder, all failed.

If the fall of the three goddesses of beauty and love and the original god of the water element is still within the acceptance range of the main gods, then the sudden fall of the sky lord makes the main gods uncontrollably raise a trace of fear.

The reason is very simple, the sky lord fell too fast - the explosion sounded the moment he saw the three goddesses of fate, and there was no time to resist or fight in the middle.

You must know that the Goddess of Illusion, Goddess of Beauty, and Goddess of Eros are all at the peak of the true god rank, and only when they unite and share a main god position can they have the combat power of the main god. It is not surprising that they are instantly killed when facing the three main gods, the Goddess of Misfortune, the Goddess of Luck, and the Goddess of Prophecy. matter.

The main god is against the true god, it is three against three, and the ending of the fall is really normal.

The fall of the original god of the water element can also be explained, after all, the three goddesses of fate have more than once shown their control over this law god with the appearance of the goddess of ice and snow.

However, the Lord of the Sky is a genuine Lord God, even if he was besieged by the three goddesses of fate, he should not have fallen so simply.

If it weren't for the fact that his daughter, the Three Goddesses of Beauty and Love, had just been killed by the Three Goddesses of Fate, all the main gods couldn't help but wonder if they were cooperating with the Three Goddesses of Fate in acting. This was almost challenging the cognitive limit of the main gods.

Besides being unbelievable, what filled the heart of the main god was a burst of fear—among the twelve main gods, except for the God of Truth, the Three Goddesses of Fate, and the Sun God in the first three rows, the combat power of the remaining nine main gods was basically not strong. Xiang Bozhong.

Since the Three Goddesses of Fate could easily kill each other before the Lord of the Sky could react at all, what would happen if it was him?
In the four major areas of water, air and fire in the kingdom of chaotic sea elements, the three goddesses of beauty, the original god of the water element, and the master of the sky have all fallen. Could it be...

While looking at the three goddesses of fate, the main gods couldn't help but leave the corner of their eyes to the goddesses of earth and fertility.

"Wait!" Adam suddenly shouted, successfully attracting the eyes of all the main gods, including the three goddesses of fate, to him.

He seemed a little nervous, because the incarnation of will that remained in the Pantheon clearly swallowed his saliva, and stretched out his right hand in a defensive posture.

"Ms. Grace, Your Majesty Ditney, Your Majesty Fate, I don't know your purpose...uh...but can you...I mean, can you make me understand before I die. Until now So far, my mind is in turmoil."

Ditney chuckled and explained, "For Arlos' sake, I can answer two questions for you, Your Majesty Adam."

"Dieterney!" a voice of disapproval.

"Feite, you just treat it as us showing mercy to help this group of gods who think they are superior die a little more dignifiedly."

Seeing that Grace had no objection, Feite snorted unwillingly and stood aside without speaking.

"Thank you for your generosity." Adam's brain was running fast, he licked his lips and asked cautiously, "I want to know why you did this—the first question."

"There's no reason, we're just taking back what's rightfully ours."

"I don't know."

"The second question is this?"

"No, no, wait, wait—" Adam waved his hand quickly.

"Tell me who you are!" The Greedy Demon God suddenly shouted angrily, and his usual smiling fat face was replaced by a ferocious face, "Otherwise... I remember that His Highness Arlos is the son of His Majesty Ditney. I think a true god no matter what Can't resist the siege of the six ring spirits? Cancel the blockade on the Hall of Souls—"

The Goddess of Darkness roughly interrupted the Greedy Demon God and said: "No, cancel all the blockades on the outer planes, otherwise you will probably have to go to the astral world to find a crazy god as a son, Ditney."

"Are you threatening me?" Dieter's eyes were fierce.

"No, I'm just negotiating, for his poor survival instinct." Greedy Demon God leaned forward slightly, his tone softened, "The Realm of Truth, Heaven God System, Titan God System... all the powers under the command of the main gods present, The death pantheon has no chance."

"That's right, the God of Slaughter would be very willing to experience the priesthood of Slaughter through the death of a true god." The Lord God of War echoed.

"Mammon, you have no idea who you're talking to." Mrs. Grace let out an ugly laugh like a night owl, looked around with indifferent eyes, "You can try."

"Grace?" The voice of disapproval this time came from Dieter.

"This is not a threat at all, Ditni, Arlos is also my son to a certain extent. When we get back the glory, sit on the throne of the god king, and go back to the long river of fate, let alone a true god, even Even resurrecting the ten main gods is easy."

God King, the three Goddesses of Destiny finally revealed their purpose for doing this, God King!
"Your Majesty Adam, glory, wait for us to get back the glory." The goddess of life sitting beside Adam reminded Adam in a low voice.

"Second question, Your Majesty Dieter, what is your glory?"

"The throne of the god king!" Ditney raised her chin slightly, as if her innate arrogance made her more accustomed to looking down at the other main gods in the meeting space, "The first throne of the god king in the multiverse, that was originally It's what belongs to us."

"Ridiculous! It's nonsense!" The Dark Goddess's dignified face may be distorted from fear or anger, "Who do you think you are? It's just the expression of three lucky people talking nonsense based on the law of fate." Son! No one has really touched the throne of the God King in the two epochs of the multiverse."

Fett laughed extremely disdainfully at the Goddess of Darkness: "Sad and ignorant thing, what makes you think that the multiverse has only passed two epochs so far, huh? Just because of your insignificant first-era main god Identity?"


Could it be that before the first era, there really was a period of history that even the main god didn't notice?
Adam and the Goddess of Life looked at each other, and they both remembered Adam's question at the beginning—is the first era really the first era?
"What do you mean!?" As one of the oldest main gods in the multiverse, the Goddess of Darkness couldn't believe the information she had just heard.

Ditney turned a deaf ear to the Dark Goddess's question: "I've already answered the two questions, next—"

Adam couldn't bear to close his eyes, and then there was another explosion in his ears.

"The Demon God of Greed has fallen." The Goddess of Life said to Adam.

In the soul hall, the three goddesses of destiny stand in the air, with the hazy light above their heads forming a piece, wrapping a stone slab.

On the stone slab, the name of the Demon God of Greed was decomposed into three threads, which were absorbed by the symbols representing the names of the three goddesses of fate. The latter became more golden after absorbing the essence of the four main gods.

Ditney was playing with a brass ring in her hand, and on it was a more evil and stronger ring spirit than the other six, which was transformed by the Greedy Demon God just now.

"Hmph, for a lowly creature who doesn't even know his own origin, it is a kindness for you to become a ring spirit."

With a flick of Ditney's fingers, the Lord of the Rings in her hand flew out of the Hall of Souls and fell into the Nine Hells. Together with the other six Lord of the Rings, it emitted a strong dim light and became the pillar of the reason why the Nine Hells are called the Nine Hells.

"The...fourth...this is the fourth fallen Lord God."

Looking at the astral world opened for the fourth time today, a demigod tremblingly uttered a terrible fact.

The destruction of the dragon gods made the gods once again realize the power of the kingdom of truth, and they should not be enemies of the main god;
The delisting and destruction of the demon gods and the fall of the flame demon made the gods know their own insignificance, and they must not be involved in the battle of the main god;
And what happened today made them feel desperate, endless despair!
If it is said that even the main god fell so easily, then what is the meaning of the existence of these demigods and true gods.

"She probably means that, as the oldest main god in this universe, any creature, even the main god, is just a crop they recklessly harvest at certain times."

The God of Truth suddenly spoke out after the Demon God of Greed fell, breaking the eerie silence in the conference space.

"So you know even this, no wonder... Colin, tell me, what else do you know?"

"Since Madam ordered, I will naturally tell what I know." The God of Truth is still sitting upright in his own position, as if he doesn't care about the plight of the main gods, including himself who is trapped in the nirvana of the clock , "Things start from the beginning of the birth of the multiverse."

"There are ten laws in the multiverse, time, space, life, death, light, darkness, creation, destruction, soul, and fate. For some unknown reasons, the two laws of fate and creation among the ten laws were born. One's own consciousness, the law of destiny becomes the goddess of fate, and the law of creation becomes the ancestor god of creation!"

Creator God!

Goddess of Fate!


Adam didn't know whether the past told by the God of Truth was true, but if so, why did the Gems of Creation, Gems of Destiny and Gems of Life that were supposed to be in the corresponding area of ​​the Chaos Sea shatter and scatter on the two crystal walls, located in the Pantheon and the World Tree? Got it.

Creation and life complement each other, and being taken away by the ancestor god of creation, the gem of fate naturally fell into the hands of the goddess of fate, and perhaps it had already been forged into a high-level artifact, the fate stone tablet at that time.

However, there is still a space gem that is wandering outside.

"Continue." Mrs. Grace crossed her arms, her expression indifferent, accompanied by the background sound of the Lord God of War, "Who the fuck is the God of Creation?"

"The Goddess of Destiny and the Creator God are perfecting the new multiverse together, including Chaos Sea, Pantheon, Demons, Dragons, Giants, Naga, Elves, Dwarves..."

"The Creator God is responsible for the evolution and birth of life species, and the Goddess of Destiny was responsible for the layout and structure of the multiverse. As for the ability of Madam to isolate us in the sea of ​​​​chaos, it is probably inherited from Goddess of Destiny's creation grace. "

The face of the Dark Goddess was livid, she was not born by natural evolution, but the fact that she was created by other people gave her a sense of being played with and a huge gap, so even her tone was a little hysterical: "Why do they Inheriting the creation grace of the Goddess of Destiny, just because they are also the law of fate?"

"Of course things won't be that simple." The God of Truth shook his head and continued to explain, "Because the three goddesses of fate today are the goddesses of destiny back then!"

How can it be!

Adam's first reaction was disbelief, knowing that there is no concept of reincarnation in the multiverse.

When all things die, they are divided into two types according to whether they have faith or not. Believers who have enough faith go to the Kingdom of God to become petitioners and live forever with the gods. Those who have no faith are drawn by the river Styx and are eventually wiped out, becoming elementary particles and returning to heaven and earth.

As for the gods, they were pulled into the astral world under the influence of laws after their fall, and turned into floating islands, where gods were bred.

However, after thinking that I can lead to the multiverse under the guidance of His Majesty Bryant's work, Sacred Paradise Mountain, and become the main god all the way, the setting of the three goddesses of destiny as the goddess of destiny becomes less difficult to accept.

"If I remember correctly, the three Goddesses of Destiny all became gods in the past few thousand years." The Goddess of Life said, which does not match "inheriting the grace of creation" at all.

Even if you can't directly become the main god, but it won't be so late in the time to become a god, in case there is an accident in the middle because you are not a god...

"Because of a battle of gods, a battle of gods for the throne of the god king!"

All the people in the conference space were the main gods. After being reminded by the God of Truth, he immediately outlined in his mind the general situation of the ancestor god of creation and the goddess of destiny fighting, and both of them were injured and both fell.

As for the creator god, Adam guessed that he should be completely dead, even if he was not completely dead, he should be completely wiped out by the three goddesses of fate during the reincarnation process.

The main god of space glanced at the three goddesses of destiny, and turned around like other main gods to ask the god of truth a new question to delay time: "I have a question, why did the goddess of fate become three?"

"Priest!" The Goddess of Earth and Fertility, who had been silent all this time, suddenly stared at the three goddesses of fate and guessed, "Is it based on the incarnation of the priesthood?"

"That's right." A trace of surprise flashed in Ditney's eyes, as if she was very surprised that someone could guess why they split into three people.

Cleric incarnation!

Reminiscent of the situation of the three goddesses of beauty and love, and the goddess of the harvest, the goddess of the earth and fertility not long ago, Adam suddenly realized.

Things should be like this. At the beginning, the main priesthood of the Goddess of Fate was not any one of doom, luck, and prophecy, but fate.

In addition, there are three priesthoods of misfortune, luck, and prophecy, and they have cultivated three incarnations of priesthood, the goddess of misfortune, the goddess of luck, and the goddess of prophecy.

Due to some reason that Adam is temporarily unknown, the goddess of fate had to reincarnate in the battle with the creator god.

However, what she used in her reincarnation was not the body, but in the form of the three priesthood incarnations, so there are today's Grace, Ditney and Feite.

That is to say, the three sisters in the eyes of outsiders are actually the same person, and they are all the goddess of destiny, or part of the goddess of destiny.

All kinds of special circumstances among the three goddesses of fate have long reminded them that their relationship is extraordinary, but the incarnation of the priesthood gradually appeared in the group of social gods after the opening of the Pantheon. The Harvest Goddess incarnation.

In addition, the main gods preconceived that there are real bodies before incarnations, so it is difficult to think that the goddesses of fortune, fortune, and prophecy are all pure priesthood incarnations.

"So to a certain extent, we main gods are just the fruits that Lady Destiny is waiting to pluck to restore the former glory and hit the throne of the God King?"

"I'm afraid so."

"Okay, gentlemen and ladies, let me remind you that the time for popular science is over." Mrs. Grace looked at the God of Truth coldly, and did not give the main gods any more chances, "Tell me, Colin, why do you know These?"

"A scepter?" Adam said suddenly.

"What?" The gods didn't know.

"Your Majesty Colin, I think I saw you." It was less than ten meters away from me.

 *Can't get around the setting of "the villain dies because of talking too much". . .And, the protagonist is pretending to be weak.

  *The initial setting is like this, I hope it won’t be too abrupt, if there is, it must be because the foreshadowing in the middle is not a good relationship QAQ
  * There are about four chapters left. I originally wanted to finish it before May [-]st, so that I can go out to play on May [-]st. Now it seems that the holidays should also be coded at home.

(End of this chapter)

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