Templar Sun King

Chapter 65 Territory

Chapter 65 Territory
Half a month later, Adam and Andrew did not return to Falcon City, but came to his territory, Yorktown, a small town located in the southernmost part of Falcon City.

Yorktown was just the most common town in Falcon City before it ushered in Lord Adam, with a permanent population of about 2000 people. The most common occupations for the free folk in the town were farmers and some craftsmen.

The only unusual place is that it is often harassed by goblins and attacked by vampires.Although the town has its own armed forces, they are still at a disadvantage in the face of the fearsome vampires.

When Adam and Andrew walked into the town, they immediately greeted all kinds of eyes.

There is no way, Adam is wearing a magic robe, and he looks like the most honorable mage among professionals, and he is also a young and handsome mage.

The residents of the small town may have never seen a noble mage come to Yorktown in their entire lives, and they inevitably cast a lot of eyes on Adam.

And Andrew in armor followed Adam, seemingly nothing special, but if there was any danger, he could block attacks from all directions in an instant.

Coupled with his mature and handsome face, faint smile, and extraordinary aura exuding from his whole body, even the most ordinary residents will think that Andrew is a person with extraordinary background when they see Andrew at first sight.

Adam and Andrew walked into Yorktown under the curious and envious eyes of everyone.

Adam was not surprised when he saw the residents in ordinary clothes. In fact, it was better than he imagined. At least there were some shops on both sides of the town's streets.

When Adam was looking at the town curiously while advancing, two people walked towards him. The surrounding residents greeted these two people respectfully. It was Arras and Jenny who were sent by Adam to the territory to take over the daily affairs. special.

"Sir, welcome to Yorktown, your private domain."

Arras looked in good spirits.In the past, he was just a little clever black iron adventurer, but after more than a month of acting as the lord, his whole person has become different.

Whether it is knowledge or means, there is enough growth.And all this comes from the gift of the young mage in front of him.

"Sir, welcome back." Janet blinked and looked at Adam and Andrew following him with a smile.

The residents of Yorktown who heard what Arras said looked at the young lord curiously. As a small town within the sphere of influence of Falcon City, Yorktown welcomed a lord for the first time since its establishment.

"You guys knew I was coming so soon?" I was a little surprised that Arras and Janet greeted Adam, it was less than 15 minutes after they entered the town.

Aras said with a grin: "I know that you are coming back soon, sir, so I have asked my subordinates to pay attention to it from three days ago. Someone said this morning that they saw a young mage and a knight coming to the territory , I knew it was you, sir."

"Because there is not enough time, the house that originally belonged to the mayor has been transformed into a temporary mansion. Sir, you can live in it for a while. When we have enough time and money, we can build our own mansion."

Arras took Adam and Andrew to the temporary lord's mansion.

"It doesn't matter." Adam never minded where he lived. Whether it was the manor in Falcon City gifted by Martin or the temporary lord's mansion here, as long as he could live, it wasn't too much. "By the way, where is the former mayor?"

If Arras hadn't mentioned it, Adam would have almost forgotten that there should have been a mayor here.

"Don't worry, sir. The original mayor came here with the papers of the city lord Bit. After the handover, he will return to Falcon City. The city lord should give him other arrangements."

"So that's the case." After questioning and answering, everyone had already arrived at the Lord's Mansion.

Adam stretched and woke up from a big soft bed.Since coming to this world, Adam hasn't rested so comfortably for a long time.

Arras held a small banquet for Adam last night, only a few of them, Adam drank some wine, and then went back to the room to rest.

Under the service of the maid, Adam finished washing and changing clothes, which made Adam have to lament that the lord's life is really extravagant.

After breakfast, Adam came to the place where the lord's mansion was handling affairs. Of course, he was just arranging some things today, after all, a small town of York couldn't bind him here.

In the hall, people with real power in Yorktown were waiting for Adam's arrival. They knew from the beginning that Arras had only come here with the order of the lord to take over the affairs of the territory and prepare for the arrival of the lord.

Just yesterday they received notifications that the lord of Yorktown had arrived and asked them to come to the lord's mansion for a meeting this morning.

From now on, they will be the lord's people, so they will naturally have to make a good appearance in front of the lord, so they arrived early.To put it bluntly, it is not a word of the lord whether he can keep his current position and power.

The previous mayors had to weigh carefully if they wanted to take back their power or change positions, but the lord was different. Once the lord was confirmed, he would have supreme power in Yorktown, and even the mayor of Falcon City could not interfere with internal affairs.

More importantly, they have heard that the lord himself is an extraordinary bronze white mage, bronze rank, no matter what factors the white mage makes them respect from the bottom of their hearts, in the final analysis, strength is everything.

Soon, they saw a very handsome young man walking into the hall, followed by a knight in armor, they immediately got up to say hello, showing their best and most kind side.

Adam sat at the head, "Everyone sit down."

Arras stood up at the right time and introduced to everyone, "This is our lord, Adam Weaving, a bronze and white mage."

"This is the lord's guardian knight, Andrew, a person whose strength has reached..." Arras drew his voice, "A silver knight of the silver rank!"

Sure enough, Aras got his wish and saw the shocked expressions of everyone present.

Silver turned out to be the Silver Knight!

The lord of Falcon City they are in is just a silver warrior, and now their new guardian knight of the lord is a silver knight!
Reminiscent of the lord's surname Weiwen, they immediately realized that the power represented by this surname is absolutely extraordinary.A few people who were still a bit cautious immediately killed their last thoughts and planned to work hard with the lord.

Just kidding, this is a silver knight, silver knight, they are so desperate to fight against the lord.

In the next 15 minutes, Adam took a closer look at the duties and scope of power of these people present, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"As you can see, I am a white mage, so it is impossible to do it myself. I plan to hand over the usual territorial affairs to my follower Arras."

Everyone in the hall looked at Arras with envy. According to their understanding, this Arras was just an ordinary adventurer with low strength in Falcon City before he followed Adam, but now he can be said to have become York in one step. Big shot in town.

Arras got up excitedly to accept Adam's appointment.

"So, from now on, Arras will be the consul of York." Although it was the first time for everyone to hear this official position, they knew from the literal meaning that he was the administrator in charge of York's affairs.

Janet was happy for Arras from the bottom of her heart. This good friend for many years finally ushered in a new life. A consul of a territory would be the envy of many adventurers.

"Other positions will remain unchanged for the time being. I sincerely hope that I will see all of you at the next meeting." Adam's meaning is very clear, and he hopes that they can sincerely serve him, otherwise he does not mind changing personnel.

"Yes, my lord."

This ended the first meeting after coming to York.

(End of this chapter)

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