Templar Sun King

Chapter 95 666 (2)

Chapter 95 666 (2)

Facing Adam's problem, even the golden-ranked archbishop couldn't maintain his pure faith and was shaken, becoming a silver bishop.

The Cardinal has fallen!

And once the degeneration begins, it is basically an irreversible process. As the rift in belief continues to expand, his power will slowly disappear.

If there were no special circumstances, the Cardinal Archbishop who had fallen because of Adam's problem would never be able to recover to become a strong man of the golden rank, and his strength might continue to weaken over time, eventually becoming an ordinary person.

The features of old age that were suppressed by the power of the golden rank all showed up after his strength dropped to silver. The silver hair became dry and dull, and the skin on his face appeared more wrinkles and age spots. It seems to be 20 years older, completely different from the hale and hearty look just now.

The other eight archbishops had regained their composure at this time. Although they were shocked, they did not appear degenerate.

They were also very surprised at the depravity of the archbishop in the secret room.But thinking about the shock he brought to them just now, I feel sorry and sympathetic for what happened to this companion.

The Pope sighed. Even Gordon, the cardinal who had been promoted to the gold rank for 11 years, had fallen because of the image of the memory crystal. Those silver bishops who died as ordinary people after watching the image were even more understandable.

Adam is definitely the enemy of Dawn Church!
"My lord, I am guilty." The fallen Gordon repented deeply.The power on his body has not continued to decline for the time being, staying at the high silver level.The depravity was forcibly suppressed during his confession, but he did not return to the golden rank.

"Your Majesty, please tell me where Adam is. I will personally atone for the Church's removal of this enemy."

Gordon saluted the Pope respectfully.Now he is the only silver-ranked bishop in this secret room, and the only archbishop who has fallen. This fact makes him feel extremely ashamed, and the hatred for Adam in his heart has reached an unprecedented level.

Only by killing Adam can he repair the rift in his inner faith. Even if he cannot return to the golden rank, he must prove his piety to the Lord of Dawn and the Pope.

He Gordon was only temporarily bewitched by Adam and fell.

"He went to Sauk." The entire secret room was silent, only the sound of everyone's breathing remained.It took a long time before the Pope revealed Adam's whereabouts.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Gordon saluted respectfully again, and then exited the secret room.

"Your Majesty?" Ram looked at the Pope strangely, and let him go like this?

"Let him go. If Gordon can kill Adam, at least he can maintain the high-level power of Silver. If he can't, he will lose all the power bestowed by our Lord due to the fall in less than half a year. As for the backlash of divine power..."

The higher the strength, the stronger the backlash from the divine power. At the level of the cardinal archbishop, once the backlash is received, it is doomed to end in death.

The pope's tone was very bad. No one could accept that out of ten cardinals, only nine were left in a short while. All of this was Adam's fault.

After Gordon left the chamber, the pope and the nine archbishops continued their discussion on Adam.

"According to the image in the memory crystal, Adam has a certain summoning ability in addition to being a white mage. These wolf-shaped monsters are the best proof. But the number of summons and the speed of casting spells..."

When watching the video for the first time, they didn’t carefully check the content behind the video because of Adam’s problem. There was no way, that problem had a huge mental impact on them, and all their energy was devoted to stabilizing their beliefs.Now rewatching the later part of the video, you can immediately see something special about Adam.

They summoned 35 wolf-shaped monsters whose strength reached the high level of black iron in one breath. With such talents, they even suspected that this was not a summoning technique but a skill similar to teleportation.

"According to the news from the Celts, Adam is indeed a summoner. In addition to this wolf-shaped monster, he also summoned a spherical light creature with the ability to release white magic." Ram said.

"Although such a talent appears in a white mage, it is doubtful of its authenticity, but what is more important to us is his advanced skills similar to teleportation."

The identity of a summoner may be a big bonus to other people, but it is not very attractive to cardinals like them who are in the golden rank.The focus of their discussion was Adam's ability to teleport ten bronze warriors and five bronze archers after he pronounced his name.

Although I don't know if there is a limit to the number of people with this skill, Adam, a bronze mage, can teleport the combat power of fifteen bronze ranks to his side in less than half a minute, so if they use this skill instead, What will be the effect?
The strategic significance of this capability is simply too important.

As long as they mastered this teleportation-like spell, any one of them could call his companions far away in Glenn to his side when they were in danger or needed help, and the situation immediately reversed.

But the premise is that Adam can be caught and the details of this spell can be obtained from him.Considering Adam's danger to the Church of Dawn, the nine archbishops knew that the final decision had to be made by the pope, choosing between capturing Adam alive or killing him on the spot.

"Ram, summarize Adam's crimes."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Ram picked up a piece of parchment, which recorded Adam's crimes in detail.

"Killed the Celtic bishops James and Luke successively, and killed the bishop of Lucan City, Jon. In addition, three bishops fell indirectly because of Adam." Ram paused and continued, "A cardinal archbishop fell indirectly because of Adam. .”

Adam's crimes are told one by one.Especially when Ram mentioned the 'fallen cardinal archbishop', all the faces present were very bad.

Since the Dawn Church took control of Frans, it has been a long time since there has been a loss of a gold rank powerhouse.But now a cardinal has fallen because of a problem with Adam!
Such a crime is simply unforgivable.

"Your Majesty, Adam must be found and killed in the shortest possible time. Once this problem is revealed on a large scale, it will definitely be a disaster for the Church of Dawn." of.

Come to think of it, this wicked question can seduce even a cardinal, let alone bishops and priests.

Thinking of the scene of a large number of degenerate bishops and priests in France at the same time, they felt shuddering. This can be regarded as one of the biggest crises that the Church of Dawn has encountered in so many years.

"We must find a proper way to deal with this problem, and we cannot just watch the bishops and priests in the church degenerate. But if conditions permit, we must torture the teleportation-like skills from Adam." This is the hope that the two Can have both.

"Your Majesty, I suggest that Adam be blacklisted and distributed to the bishops of the dioceses. Once Adam is seen, he must be killed no matter what method is used." Archbishop Quentin said viciously.

Quentin never imagined that the little white mage he saw in Midland a few days ago would become the enemy of the Church of Dawn.At that time, he didn't directly attack Adam because of the arrival of the great demon.

If he had known that Adam would do such a serious thing, he should have killed Adam first.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing.



"Kill him at any cost."

"In view of Adam's crimes and provocations against the Church of Dawn, he is now officially blacklisted at number 66."

The blacklist of the Church of Dawn is aimed at the enemies of Upler and Yasha. It is the first time that the Pope can directly rank in the top 100 among all the enemies on the two continents. This is definitely the result that the Pope attaches great importance to.

Once listed in the top 100, it is basically an endless situation.

"However, considering Adam's particularity and the strength of his Bronze rank, the blacklist is divided into two different contents. The bishop and above ranked Adam 66th, called Satan Ye, and noted all Adam's crimes. Gordon Temporarily hide things, to remind the bishops that the enemy has a special ability to tempt them to fall, and needs special treatment."

The matter of Gordon really needs to be concealed for the time being. The cardinal represents the face and strength of the Church of Dawn and Frans, and the special meaning given to him is too high.The fact that a golden-ranked cardinal and archbishop was all tempted to fall was a blow to the other bishops and priests of the Church of Dawn.

"Satan leaf?" The nine archbishops looked at each other, this was the first time they heard this word, and they didn't understand why the Pope gave Adam such a title.

"This is the derogatory name for Adam in the oracle sent by our Lord."

"Yes." Since it was the oracle received by the Pope, there must be nothing wrong.

"On the blacklist received by the priests below silver, Adam was ranked 666th, marking his bronze level strength."

The pope got up, showing a hint of murderous intent: "Anyone who kills Adam will receive divine grace! Those who assist in killing Adam can come to the Great Temple to receive rewards."

The nine cardinals agreed in unison, and at the same time felt that the Lord of Dawn attached great importance to Adam.

Anyone who participated in the killing of Adam will receive divine grace, divine grace, this is divine grace.

Divine grace is a special reward and gift from the gods to believers. Even the believers with the worst qualifications will become gold-ranked powerhouses smoothly after receiving divine grace. In the Church of Dawn, they are the cardinal archbishop.

They have worked hard in the church for so many years and have not received divine grace, but now they can receive divine grace as long as they kill Adam, a small bronze mage.With such a reward, not to mention the other bishops and priests in the church, even they were moved.

After entering the golden rank, it is extremely difficult to increase their strength every time. If they can obtain divine grace, they are likely to break through their current strength, and maybe they can become as strong as the Pope.

Such a price is enough to show the determination of the Church of Dawn to kill Adam.

(End of this chapter)

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