Chapter 319
"Subjects of Lord Sea God, I'm sorry, Sea God Island cannot send troops~"

Bo Saixi was in a high position, condescendingly looking down on this person who came to Sea God Island after all kinds of hardships.

She knew that his most urgent thing was to hope that Sea God Island could send troops to save the tens of thousands of Sea God's people...

It's a pity that she doesn't have this right, she can't send troops.

Back then, the third prince of the Xingluo Empire, who is now the Great Xingluo Emperor Dai Mubai, had personally visited Sea God Island and told her about the attack from the Sun Moon Continent.

At that time, Dai Mubai had asked her, hoping that she could lead Sea God Island to fight for the Douluo Continent, and together resist the enemies from the Sun Moon Continent.

However, Dai Mubai returned disappointed.

Bo Saixi would not send troops, even if the people of Douluo Continent were massacred and all died, Sea God Island would just stand by and stand aloof.

As far as she was concerned, whether it was the Three Great Empires ruling the Douluo Continent, or the Sun Moon Empire ruling the Douluo Continent, it had nothing to do with her Seagod Island.

Just change a ruler, or not change at all.

The Seagod Temple is located on Seagod Island, and is blessed by Lord Seagod's divine power. With such divine power, it is impossible for Seagod Island to have accidents.

As for her, An Anxin guarded Sea God Island, An Anxin waited for the appearance of the Sea God successor, and everything was done step by step.

If her generation cannot wait, then the next generation will wait, and the next generation will wait...

Hundreds of years, thousands of years, or tens of thousands of years, or hundreds of thousands of years, there will always be a successor of the sea god.

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed since Seagod left, and now hundreds of thousands of years have been waiting to come over, and it will always pass like this in the future.

"No, no!"

When Khosla heard Bo Saixi's words, he became violent in an instant, and his emotions were extremely agitated. The soul that suddenly went berserk completely ignored even Bo Saixi's noble identity and strength.

How can you not send troops?
How could he watch Lord Sea God's people being mutilated and massacred?

"That's tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of people. They all believe in Lord Seagod and are His most loyal subjects and followers. How can Lord Seagod disregard their lives?"

Khosla was very excited, shouting hissingly, completely ignoring that the opposite was a beautiful woman, let alone her super strength of 99 points...

If Sea God Island does not send troops, then what is the reason for all the hardships he has gone through all this way?
In order to protect him along the way, what are the tens of thousands of people who died directly or indirectly because of him?
Could it be that their blood was shed in vain?

Their relatives and friends, their descendants, their descendants...

Could it be that those sea people who have believed in the sea god for generations will have to experience their tragic experiences, being killed by those evil butchers, being played with like livestock, and being teased...


Rare anger appeared on Bo Saixi's flawless face, no one could blaspheme her belief in front of her.

"The Sea God loves the world, provides shelter for the sea people, and ended millions of years of sea turmoil. How can you allow you to slander?"

Bo Saixi was impatient, the Sea God was her belief, the ancestor of her Bosai family, the great figure who established Sea God Island, and this little Contra dared to accuse Sea God?

"My lord, forgive me~"

Khosla knelt down on one knee. Of course he knew what he was doing, which was disrespectful to the Sea God, but he was just in a hurry and lost his sense of proportion.

"Lord Sea God loves the world, it is the belief of my Co-Master of the Endless Sea Region, the Sea Spirit Master of the World.

Now that the people of the sea are suffering, and tens of thousands of people are in dire straits, with the disposition of the Sea God, he will never stand by and watch...

I also ask you to take action, Lord Priest, to save my sea people, and to save the tens of thousands of people of Lord Sea God..."

Khosla's affectionate request is for the sake of all beings in this endless sea, otherwise, who can stop those butchers, those demons who kill without blinking an eye?
Bo Saixi didn't move, not even the slightest change in expression. At her level, even if she was as strong as a Super Douluo, she was just an ant-like existence.

How could she care about the lives of some ants among ants?

She is an envoy of the gods, and she can use the power of the sea god on this sea god island. She can be called the top powerhouse in the entire continent. Even Qian Daoliu and Tang Hao, who joined forces, are no match for her.

Moreover, her life's tasks and missions are to protect the Sea God Island, the Sea God Temple, and the Sea God inheritance...

Getting her to leave Sea God Island is much harder than raping her!
Bo Saixi's expression was indifferent, and she always adhered to the ideals in her heart. What does the life and death of other people have to do with her?
This extremely beautiful woman didn't make any movements, nor did she have any thoughts of sending troops, and Khosla's heart was completely chilled.

Khosla knelt down on his knees, full of piety, like a fanatical believer who firmly believed in God and would bless his people.

"I implore my lord to save my sea people, I will believe in the sea god for life and life, and I will always remember the kindness of the sea god and my lord's kindness..."

Kneeling on the ground, this is the top etiquette in Douluo Continent, even when facing the emperors of the two empires, very few people kneel on the knees...

Kneeling on one knee is already the most revered etiquette when meeting the emperor.

Bo Saixi didn't move at all, so what about kneeling on one knee, what about kneeling on both knees?

It is impossible for her to change her will!
Even someone as noble as Dai Mubai couldn't persuade Bo Saixi to send troops, let alone just a Contra?

"How can this be, how can this be~"

Khosla was desperate, he raised his head rarely, and looked directly at this beautiful person.

She is like the goddess left behind in the world, she does not eat the fireworks of the world, full of fairy spirit, noble and unparalleled.

But why does she have such a delicate body, but her heart is as cold as a rock, facing the life and death of thousands of people, she can remain indifferent and calm...

She is as beautiful as a flower, but as cruel as a scorpion.

"My lord, please save me Haimin..."

Khosla begged again, like the lowest slave, without dignity.


What is dignity?

In front of tens of millions of sea people, what is his dignity worth?
There are too many people who died for it, and for their will, he despised his life, how could there be any dignity at all!

He was begging, as if he could save the Endless Sea just by being lonely.

It's a pity that Bo Saixi's beautiful face was as calm as the sea outside Sea God Island, and it was terrifyingly quiet.

"The mission of Seagod Island is to maintain the tranquility of Seagod Island. Anyone who lives on Seagod Island must never leave Seagod Island lightly. This is a prohibition from our ancestors, and it is also an order from Lord Seagod."

After a long period of silence, Bo Saixi finally spoke again, her rosy lips opened, and even the breath she exhaled was mellow.

She turned around and walked towards the temple, her long white and straight legs were exposed to the air, her long sky blue hair was fluttering, like an illusion and a dream, it was extraordinary.

It's a pity that no one can appreciate such a desperate scene, or no one can appreciate it.

Khosla was heartbroken and completely desperate.

How did he face those compatriots who went first?
"However, Lord Seagod cares for the common people in the world, if anyone can come to Seagod Island to seek refuge, Seagod Island will protect them as much as possible.

As long as they follow the rules of Seagod Island and maintain the order of Seagod Island, they will prepare all the supplies needed for life by themselves, and Seagod Island will not be responsible for them.

And if anyone dares to violate the rules of the Sea God Island and destroy the peace and tranquility of the Sea God Island, no matter who they are or how many people they are, they will all be punished by the Lord Sea God~~"

Sitting on the divine throne, Bo Saixi looked down at the ants crawling on the ground hundreds of meters away, her round red lips exuded a cold breath, although there was a trace of humanity, it was awe-inspiring to kill.

"Leave, Sea God Temple is not a place where you can stay casually, except for the Sea God Palace group, other locations are up to you..."

With a wave of Bo Saixi's slender hand, the divinity and easy-going power radiated out, and Khosla disappeared instantly.

Appearing again, he had already left the Sea God Temple and arrived at the edge of Sea God Island.

Khosla was extremely sad and angry, and a pair of clenched fists ruthlessly bombarded the golden beach...

Unwilling, painful, distraught.

If Sea God Island doesn't save them, Lord Sea God doesn't save his most loyal followers, who else can save them?
Khosla fell to his knees and fell towards the sea.

There, the one-sided massacre continued, and his compatriots were still being mercilessly killed.


Khosla wailed loudly, Sea God Island was too ruthless and indifferent...

How many people can a small Sea God Island hold?

millions?Or 1000 million?

But the endless sea has hundreds of millions of people, so what should the nearly [-] million people do?Wait to die!
"Sea God Island? Heh, Sea God Island~~"

After a long time of grief and anger, Khosla turned to look at the magnificent palaces of the Sea God Temple in the distance, where there is the most powerful sea soul master in the endless sea area, with the belief of hundreds of millions of sea people.

Unfortunately, it was extremely ruthless and indifferent.

"I was originally the most loyal believer of Lord Seagod, but now, I no longer believe in Seagod, nor respect Seagod Hall~"

Khosla's grief and indignation immediately became firm.

People must save themselves!
Now that Sea God Island doesn't save them, they can't wait to die!
Khosla took a deep look at Sea God Island. From now on, he no longer believes in gods or sea gods.


Khosla was strong-willed, and instantly released his level 89 soul power, flying towards the endless sea.

Even if he dies, he will die with honor!
If you can't lead the sea people to live gloriously as victors, then use your flesh and blood to pave the way for the future of the sea people.

"Brothers, here I come!"

Khosla left Sea God Island with determination in his heart, if he didn't succeed, he would die!

The invasion of the Sun Moon Empire fleet did not end. In just one month, millions of citizens of Douluo Continent died, and countless prosperous islands were instantly reduced to ruins. Apart from the large number of casualties, the direct economic Losses cannot be measured.

And the looting and killing continued.

Every island of the Sun Moon Empire will be bombarded, every person will be killed, and every ship will be crashed. In this endless sea area, they are rampant and rampant.

As time passed, the Sun Moon Empire fleet approached the Douluo Continent step by step.

But at this moment, far away in Suotuo City, Tang San and the others are here.

Suotuo city was originally burned down by the Wuhun Empire, even now, it is still in ruins and it is difficult to clean it up.

However, as early as Qian Renxue regained control of the Heaven Dou Empire, took back all the territories belonging to the Heaven Dou Empire, and drove the Spirit Empire to the Spirit City, this land that was plundered by the war once again flourished.

Suotuo City was originally one of the large cities in the Douluo Continent. Although it couldn't be compared with super large cities such as Xingluo Imperial City and Heaven Dou Imperial City, it was also a place with extremely prosperous economy, and the permanent residents were in the millions.

With the efforts of many parties, this bustling city can be regarded as returning to normal operation.

And Tang San was here waiting for the enslaved people of the Tang Sect.

The Spirit Empire was temporarily defeated, and the Heaven Dou Empire was victorious, which can be regarded as a temporary agreement between the two sides.

Now the Heaven Dou Empire is not only asking the Spirit Empire to return all the territory of the Heaven Dou Empire, but also asking the Spirit Empire to release all the people of the Heaven Dou Empire who were captured by it.

As for Qian Renxue, she particularly emphasized the need to return all captured people from the Tang Sect.

She was thinking about Tang San and Haotianzong, she hadn't played enough, how could it end suddenly?
Originally Tang Sect suffered heavy injuries, heavy casualties, this incident alone formed a huge blow to Clear Sky School, and it was precisely because of this incident that Tang San was vaguely wary of her.

This will not work!

She had to play Tang San in her hands, sell him and make him lose money for herself.

Of course, the most important thing is to let him witness his own stupidity, and let the huge Haotian School be pushed into the abyss of destruction.

No, she demanded that the Wuhun Empire return all the living people of the Tang Sect safe and sound, and this was what she did on purpose.

Originally, with the deadly enmity between the Clear Sky School and the Wuhun Palace, these people were destined to die if they fell into the hands of the Wuhun Empire.

But as early as the beginning of the plan, Qian Renxue had emphasized to the Angel Family that she wanted these people to live and live safely!

Now that the Wuhun Empire let people from Tangmen come back, it can be regarded as appeasing Tang San and dispelling the suspicion in his heart.

Tang San led everyone from the Tang Sect to wait outside the city gate of Suotuo, all waiting eagerly, waiting for their brother to return safely.

Although they were defeated, fortunately, a group of brothers survived.

As long as you are alive, there is always hope!

Don't you see, this time the Wuhun Empire was defeated, and its own power was greatly affected.

Of course, this is just the world in the eyes of ordinary people.

As for the Spirit Hall or the Spirit Empire, those who understand understand it, and those who don't understand don't...

After experiencing so many setbacks, Tang San's easy-going attitude after Yu Yuexuan cultivated his mind became more restrained, and the vague sense of superiority disappeared completely.

He knew that he was still far from it!
He still has a long way to go if he wants to make Haotianzong great.

And now, it was time for him to meet the most humiliating group of people in the Tang Sect.

He must appease them, turn grief and anger into strength, turn humiliation into potential, and accumulate his own strength for future revenge.

No sadness, no inspiration, no sorrow, no hair!
It's a pity that he waited for a long time, but he still hadn't arrived, and Ma Hongjun and Bai Chenxiang beside him became anxious.

"Why haven't you come back yet? Why haven't you come back yet?"

And this time, a woman in a white dress appeared from a distance.

"I'm coming……"

Ma Hongjun yelled happily, and finally came.

I saw that this woman was all in white, and she even wore a white silk scarf on her shiny black hair, a pair of white cloth shoes on her feet, and a sharp white sword on her waist.

Women are not beautiful, they are not comparable to Bibi Dong, Bo Saixi, etc., and they are not worthy to be compared with Ning Rongrong, but they can still be compared with Bai Chenxiang and others.

Although she is not all over the country, she is also a top-notch beauty. With her temperament, she is even more extraordinary, enough to attract everyone's attention.

Tang San glanced at her, didn't care so much about her appearance, but he knew that this person was not the one they were waiting for, and was slightly disappointed in his heart.

But after a brief disappointment, he discovered the clue.

This person, he has seen.

In other words, he has seen a person dressed like this person before.

Star Luo Empire, this woman is from Star Luo Empire, Dai Mubai used to be accompanied by a group of women in such attire.

Most of these women are extraordinary, they are all beauties in appearance, with superb strength and good temperament.

"Xingluo Empire, Bai Yuwei, and Dongmei have met Mr. Tang San."

This capable and temperamental beauty stepped forward and saluted Tang San respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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