My apprentice is by no means sick

Chapter 109 Hades, here we come!

Chapter 109 Hades, here we come!
Ling Kun did not expect that Emperor Han would sacrifice his life to protect them.

What made him even more unexpected was that this iceberg had turned so open for Mu Qianying.

Although Mu Qianying concealed something from Ling Kun secretly, she was the one who was always by her side after all.

Ling Kun still couldn't bear to punish her. He was very confused when he thought of this matter, and his chest was heavy, but this matter had to be put aside, and then he had to find a way to save Emperor Han.

"By the way, I was just about to ask.

Where did you get this little girl? Zhi Li pointed to Xu Xinyu behind Ling Kun.

Coincidentally, Ling Kun also wanted to leave this matter to Zhili.

"The fire and phoenix soul is in her body, and now it is one body and two souls.

Help her refine the fire phoenix Yuanling, her natal fire can burn the soul of Ye Shen. "

Ling Kun expressed his thoughts.

Several people looked at each other and thought it was feasible.

"So, this matter is left to you."

Speaking of which, Ling Kun took out the scroll and put the Huofeng Yuanling into a glass bead and threw it to Zhili.

After Zhi Li took the glass beads, he was still in a daze, Ling Kun had already stepped out of the formation, and by the way, he sent a voice transmission to several people:
"Her Xianji's physical body is not tough enough. If you try to harden her body and condense her roots, I will bring Emperor Han back first."

Without asking their opinions at all, Ling Kun flew out of the formation again.

Although they were helpless, they were somewhat used to it.

Looking at Xu Xinyu again, she was a little embarrassed.

"Lord Hades, ghosts in various regions of the underworld have recently experienced a lack of yin energy, and many souls have inadvertently disappeared.

In particular, ghosts with high cultivation bases dissipate their yin energy in a short period of time and become ordinary wandering ghosts.

Although there are only a small number of them at present, this matter is strange, maybe it has something to do with the two immortals before! "

In the hall of Yan Luo, a judge presented a notebook, describing a strange event in the underworld today.

Yan Luo, who was sitting on the seat, held his forehead and seemed to be a little unwell. He looked at the things on the booklet and slapped the desk heavily.

"Go, call the other two Yan Luo ghosts to discuss the matter. This matter needs to be resolved as soon as possible."

The judge ordered to retire.

Underworld Center
Sheng Di sat in a secret room.

His severed hand has grown back, billowing black air filled the air, only an outline can be seen vaguely.

Suddenly he opened his mouth and breathed in, all the Yin Qi permeating the secret room was swallowed into his abdomen, his body meridians burst out, but it was a terrifying black color.

Inhaling the yin energy in the secret room in one gulp, Chengdi licked his lips with still insatiable desire.

"Sure enough, "Swallowing Heaven" is still suitable for pure Yin Qi cultivation."

A cloud of black mist condensed in his palm, and he murmured secretly.

"Master, what you arranged has been done."

A voice came from the secret room, the voices of the two guardians.

Sheng Di waved away the yin energy in his hands, and walked towards the stone gate.


The stone door opened slowly.

Shengdi's figure appeared, and her complexion was fair, and her face was more handsome and feminine than before, and it was more of a strange feeling.

"Where's the news about my good master?" He asked leisurely.

The male protector knelt on one knee and said: "Return to Master, Lingdi's whereabouts are difficult to guess, and he cannot be pinpointed.

But it seemed to have appeared in the territory of the Shenhuo Kingdom before, and disappeared again after capturing the Huofeng Yuanling. "

fire phoenix
Sheng Di thought of Ye Shen, and immediately understood what Ling Kun wanted to do.

The corners of his mouth lifted slightly.

"Don't bother with this matter, how is the progress of the three kings of Hades now?

The heart-wrenching Gu worm should have worked.

If you guessed right, it's almost time to find trouble with my good master. " Shengdi asked as she walked forward.

"The master really counted everything. Now the judge who is placed next to the King of Hades has delivered the collected 'evidence', and then made provocative words, and mixed a small amount of madness that can make the soul lose his mind.

I believe that I will take the initiative to go to the land boundary to ask for an explanation in the near future.

When the main combat power is gone, master, you will be able to 'eat up' all the ghosts in one bite, and become a true immortal! "

Sheng Di ignored it, he is not the kind of person who is easy to drift away when he is flattered.

Tiandao is not here now, otherwise he would not dare to dance like this.

I don't know when he will come back, so naturally everything needs to be arranged as soon as possible.

no corpse domain
Ling Kun took out the spirit that was not crushed before.

Xiao Huojing's ability has been further strengthened, and it is not so difficult to brainwash.

Ling Kun also cut off the thread in his mind with ease, so that he could speak freely.

It's not easy to find Emperor Han, so it's better to just ask the Night God Sect and where their headquarters is, and catch someone who knows the whole story and ask, the information will definitely be faster than him running around like a headless chicken.

"Master, what are your orders?"

Like the previous one, Xiaohuojing still replaced Ling Kun as their leader.

After all, the power of little fire spirits is limited, and it is currently impossible to wipe out their entire rationality and reach the point where they ask what they say.

If the situation is wrong, they may still be aware of it, and then regain their senses.

Therefore, replacing Ling Kun with the person with the highest status is the most labor-saving and effective.

"Master Ye Shen, where is it?"

Wan poison cave

Bug Cave
The night god in the lingering mist skin is sitting on a high seat, looking down at a group of night god believers below.

There were three scratches on his face that could not be healed. Toxins had eroded nearly half of his face, and there was even thick water flowing, which was extremely disgusting.

The followers of the Night God below all knelt on the ground, being overwhelmed by the breath of the Night God.

Yin Yunxuan knelt on one knee, waiting for Ye Shen to speak.

There was no movement for a long time, except for Ye Shen's dull panting, there was a dead silence.

Boom! ! !

Ye Shen suddenly smashed the seat, and the whole underground mansion trembled three times.

Many people trembled in fright.

The scar on his face is aching, it's all because of his carelessness and underestimation of the enemy.

He was very interested in killing the envoys of the Heavenly Dao, after all, it was the Dao of Heaven that smashed his body.

Yu Tianzuo is extremely happy to him, but why does such a thing appear in this world!

He stretched out his hand to stroke his upper cheek again, the wound on his cheek gradually healed, but soon opened again, still so disgusting.

This time he finally couldn't take it anymore.

Ye Shen raised his hand, and a dozen or so believers from the audience flew up with screams, and turned into blood and condensed into Ye Shen's hands with a bang.

He opened his mouth and sucked it hard, and the blood was swallowed by him. The scar on his face finally began to gradually improve, but it was only improved.

Just when Ye Shen was about to continue, Yin Yunxuan spoke.

"Master Ye Shen, if you want blood to feed your subordinates, I know there is a place that can satisfy you best."

Night God stopped his movements.


Although his voice is Lingwu, it is even more dull.


This place is Zhongzhou, where monks from the mainland gather, and the young talents with top-grade immortal roots are the most scarce among them.

It must be more delicious than my night gods, and I got the news.

God, it seems that it is not on this continent! "

Ye Shen's eyes lit up when he heard this.

If the way of heaven is not there, then why should he hide!
Ye Shen seemed very satisfied with Yin Yunxuan's proposal.

"Go, take me there.

If the quality is not delicious enough, then I will take you as a tooth sacrifice first. "

Yin Yunxuan raised her head, her beautiful eyes narrowed and a smile appeared.

"Yes! Lord Yegami!
But don't forget my wish to revive you. "

Overseas land
"This is?"

"Reporting to the master, this is indeed the place where the subordinates have intersected with them before."

Ling Kun said reverently with his hands in his hands.

And his consciousness did feel that there was a formation covering it below.

The Qiankun pen in the other hand loomed, Ling Kun wrote two characters in the air, and then pushed hard with his hand.


With a light drink, something below suddenly cracked.

Like a bowl of transparent glass turned upside down, with a crash, the entire barrier disappeared, showing its original appearance.

a small island.

Looking at the area, it is only about a hundred miles away. For Ling Kun and the others, it will be gone in one breath.

Spiritual consciousness penetrated into it, and the surface was ordinary, but until Ling Kun looked through the ground and looked at the ground, he couldn't help but feel a little evil.

There were countless detainees inside, and although some of them wore shabby clothes, Ling Kun could still recognize them as the disciple clothes of Tianlan Taoist Academy.

These are all excellent disciples of Zongmen Colleges in various regions of the mainland, and most of them have been experimented with now.

Dementia, paralysis, vegetative state, and some bodies festered, lying on the ground for most of their lives would be worse than death.

Ling Kun stepped directly into it.

When those people saw Ling Kun's appearance, they mostly cowered in the corner in fright, and some lost their reason and rushed forward to bite Ling Kun.

But they had shackles made of special materials on their feet, and they fell heavily to the ground within two steps.

Looking at the abnormality of these people, Ling Kun didn't know the reason, so he directly asked Shenhun.

"What did they do?"

Shenhun confessed honestly: "My lord, this is the failed product and the embryo that was sucked dry of your mind when you raised the demon seed.

Although they are failures, the celestial roots are good anyway, and you specifically ordered them not to die.

The subordinates don't dare to speculate on your specific plans, but there are more and more defective products. According to the subordinates, it is better to solve them properly. "

Demon species?

This reminded Ling Kun that the thing on Ling Wu's body seemed to be the same, and it was also the human demon raised by the Night God Sect.

"Then what was the discussion with the leader of the night god last time?" Ling Kun asked.

I just scanned with my spiritual sense, but I didn't find the breath of the old ghost at all.

Not to mention the leader of the Night God, there is not even a shadow of a Night God cultivator.

Although the divine sense may not be able to believe it now.

"Master, have you forgotten?
Last time we were here to discuss with the leader of the Night God how to erase the Night God. "

Shenhun was a little confused.

Ling Kun was even more confused.

"Why did the leader of the Night God do this?" He still asked.

Shenhun didn't hide it either, "Back to Master, the ultimate goal of Ye Shen's leader is not Ye Shen, but Emperor Ling.

He said that as long as Emperor Ling was entrusted to him, he would cooperate with anything. "

Ling Kun frowned, "That's it?"

"Yes, these are his exact words, and he does not believe in the night god, but more for profit.

Night God has so many instabilities that he's not even sure Night God will help him.

This point was seen through by you, master. Although I don't know what you said when you transmitted the voice with your spiritual sense, we were all very surprised when you persuaded the leader of the night god, master.

My admiration for you runs deep."

Just when he was still about to flatter, Ling Kun squeezed the soul in his palm and put it away.

Ling Kun couldn't help thinking, "Master Ye Shen wants my life?

It may not be impossible to do it in the heyday of Ye Shen, so why choose to attach to this unknown organization? "

Let's just say that they didn't trust Ye Shen enough, or they overestimated his strength.

But it is not easy to kill him.

It's not that he blows, if he doesn't want to fight, even Tiandao may not be able to catch him.

The organization 'Hao' is currently unclear about anything, and there may be a way to crush him to death, so we have to be more careful.

Ling Kun did not find any traces of the Night God believers within the scope of his spiritual consciousness, and it seemed that no one would take care of this place except when necessary.

What about these people?
Looking around, Ling Kun saw that these people were bound here like domestic animals.

trouble! "

He sighed softly, Xianli crushed the shackles on their feet, and waved his sleeves before a few people rushed towards him madly.

[Immortal Technique: Universe in Sleeves]

One counted as one present, and Ling Kun put them all in his cuffs.

Fortunately, his celestial power is strong, otherwise he might be a little unbearable.

He planned to go to Zhongzhou first, as for Emperor Han's whereabouts, he had to inquire again.

Ling Kun didn't think Emperor Han would die so easily, he was a ruthless person who could freeze space.

He seemed to have won the battle of Qiandao Mountain, but in fact, he didn't fight back at all.

Otherwise, it would not be a piece of scorched earth now, but a piece of ice.

A vortex appeared in front of him, and Ling Kun stepped into it again and disappeared.

Sheng Di yawned and looked at the sky-gazing mirror in his hand, the corners of his mouth were split, and he smiled sinisterly.

"Hehe, the fun has begun!"

A spatial vortex appeared in the square without warning and knocked down the patrolling members of the Immortal Alliance.

The leading captain shouted loudly after seeing a foot protruding from the vortex.


The sudden appearance of Ling Kun caused the members of the Xianmeng to be on guard, and they all took out their magic weapons and pointed them at the void vortex where Ling Kun was.

Suddenly a man in white robe came out of it. He looked at the spear in front of him with his hands behind his back, and walked past him silently.

During the whole process, everyone seemed to be prohibited from acting.

Hundreds of people watched Ling Kun walk by helplessly, but they couldn't move their bodies.

This seems to be coercion, but it doesn't have the sense of coercion, but is directly imprisoned to the limbs.

It seemed that they were aware of the movement here, and many members with higher cultivation bases in the alliance also came out to check.

But before they got there, a gust of wind blew out, shaking these people almost blind.

The strong wind didn't last long, but the whole arena was full of lying people.

The appearance of these people made some Xianmeng newcomers retch, and the smell on their bodies was even more stinky.

But most of the faces can still be seen clearly, and many of them have been recognized.

At this time, the members of the Xianmeng with higher cultivation bases also rushed over.

Among them, Black and White and Two Xu were slightly surprised when they saw Ling Kun, and they knelt down on one knee together.

"grown ups!"

"grown ups!"

When Ling Kun heard these two voices, he immediately knew it was the two of them.

If you don't distinguish carefully, you will think it is a person's voice.

Now that the two of them are practicing the immortal method given by Ling Kun, their breaths are a little blended, and their movements are also inadvertently consistent. Obviously, the tacit understanding and relationship between the two are quite good.

Seeing Black and White Erxu calling for the man in front of him, many people didn't react, but the smarter ones knelt down on one knee.

Seeing the people around me kneel down and others kneeling on one knee, although I don't know who this person is, just follow the big team.

Ling Kun didn't talk nonsense.

"Check who these people are, and send them back after treatment one by one.

I have something to do here, so I'll leave first. "He said black and white.



The two took orders, but before they got up, the Immortal Alliance suddenly became dark clouds, and the wind blew up, and the strange thick fog swept everyone's bodies with a strange chill.

The slightly weaker members were already trembling.

This kind of cold air that hits the soul directly is the ghost air of ghost cultivators in the underworld.


Where do you want to go! "

The cold voice came out from the thick fog, majestic and dull, making people shudder.

Hades, here we come!
(End of this chapter)

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