Chapter 41

It is not difficult to pull the bow and arrow apart, although it is very difficult to do it with his worm body, but Wang Xiaoyu also has a unique thing, that is - silk thread.

Using the elastic force of the silk thread, as long as the bow and arrow are fixed, Wang Xiaoyu can use the elastic force of the silk thread to pull the bow and arrow apart. Although a single silk thread may not be able to do much, the elasticity of dozens or hundreds of silk threads can be combined. Can draw the longbow.

It's like a rubber band and a watermelon. One rubber band may be nothing to put on a watermelon, but hundreds of rubber bands will definitely strangle the watermelon.

Without waiting, Wang Xiaoyu immediately began to clean up the debris on the ruins. The arrow was relatively weak in the ruins, and it was a little loose at the beginning. After Wang Xiaoyu spit out a few elastic silk threads to connect, the arrow It was pulled by the elastic silk thread and moved slowly, and was soon dragged out by Wang Xiaoyu.

But the remaining wooden bow was a bit tricky, because it was buried deep, so Wang Xiaoyu could only keep cleaning up the accumulations on the wooden bow. Fortunately, due to years of rain erosion, most of the wooden pieces buried on the wooden bow were rotten and black. , few large chunks exist, so it's not that much of an effort to clean up.

The red-headed cricket on the side was sent out again by Wang Xiaoyu to look for treasures, but this time he found nothing good, because after a long time the red-headed cricket just caught a grasshopper again and flew back.

The red-headed cricket didn't gain anything, and Wang Xiaoyu wasn't disappointed either. After all, he had already gained a lot from the water of life and this set of bows and arrows.

Let the red-headed cricket rest aside and don’t make trouble, while Wang Xiaoyu dragged some debris with the silk thread alone, but after a while, the restless red-headed cricket also came to help Wang Xiaoyu. Although it couldn’t move the big pieces, it could It can still be done by flapping its wings to transport some small woody debris.

Time passed, and when dusk approached, the suppressed longbow finally began to loosen, so Wang Xiaoyu finally pulled the longbow out of the ruins before dark.

"Red head, you stay on guard around me, and if there is any danger, please call me." Wang Xiaoyu said to the red head cricket.

"Okay, big brother!" After the red-headed cricket finished speaking, it came to the top of the ruins, and its tentacles kept swinging again, entering the radar scanning mode.


As night fell, it was time for many predators who had been hungry all day last night to move again, but Wang Xiaoyu did not stop because these predators had basically posed no threat to him, and any hunter who dared to attack him would surely Killed by his counterattack.

When the night fell completely, Xiaoyu dragged the wooden bow slowly with a silk thread. Although it needed the elasticity of more than a dozen silk threads to pull it, after more than an hour of hard work, Wang Xiaoyu dragged the wooden bow to the nearest unknown place. In the collapsed elf wooden house, the arrow and the water of life were also moved by Wang Xiaoyu not long after.

Wang Xiaoyu chose a relatively solid floor near the floor, and used his body to drive away the dust to clean it up. He moved the wooden bow and adjusted the angle. Wang Xiaoyu began to glue the bow body of the wooden bow to the floor with silk thread.

Although normal bows and arrows are usually shot vertically, for Wang Xiaoyu, it is obviously the most trouble-free and stable to pull the bow and arrow flat on the floor, because what he needs to hit is a crystal bottle less than 4 cm high. , it will be enough to shoot close to the ground.

The bow body of the wooden bow was quickly fixed, and Wang Xiaoyu began to pull the elastic silk threads up the bowstrings of the wooden bow one by one, and glued these threads to the floor.

As the number of silk threads pulled increases, the body of the wooden bow gradually begins to bend slightly, and the arc of the bowstring becomes larger and larger...


Just as Wang Xiaoyu was about to finish, suddenly an unknown and slightly hoarse voice came in from outside the elf wooden house, which seemed to be a soft humming sound from a man.

This humming tone is ancient and vicissitudes, and the direction of the sound comes from the withered tree of life.

Wang Xiaoyu melted the silk thread halfway through his mouth, stopped his movements, and decided to go to the window to have a look.

【Jet Silk Thread】Activate!
Wang Xiaoyu launched the silk thread in his mouth to fly above the window of the house, and then landed on the window sill to watch the source of the sound coming from the withered tree of life.

In the distance, a translucent fuzzy figure exuding white fluorescence is performing an unknown dance around the withered tree of life, and the humming melody is coming from that figure...

"The ghosts of the undead family?" Wang Xiaoyu whispered, but immediately shook his head, because the ghosts of the undead are generally blue, even the lowest ghosts are light blue, and the one dancing around the tree of life The spirit body is pure white in color, and it should be just a dead soul who has not dissipated in the world because of his obsession.

The body of the dead soul seems to have a large robe, and the dance or the melody of the dead soul should be his prayer to the tree of life. If Wang Xiaoyu guessed correctly, the dead soul's life It must be an elf priest, and the withered soul of the tree of life must know the inside story.

Wang Xiaoyu let out a silk thread and hung back to the room. Although the dead soul knew the inside story of the withering of the tree of life, Wang Xiaoyu didn't want to touch it. After all, he is just a bug now, and even if he knew why the tree of life withered, it would be too much for him. won't be of any practical use...

At this time, Wang Xiaoyu's top priority is to smash the bottle of the water of life, and then drink the water of life to break through his level lock.

It's just that when Wang Xiaoyu spit out silk thread again and stuck it to the bowstring, a faint white fluorescent light suddenly appeared, and a burst of words also appeared in this elf house, but because it was [Elf Language], Wang Xiaoyu didn't understand it.

"Brother, I don't know what's coming!" The voice of the red-headed cricket came out.

Wang Xiaoyu turned the head of the insect, and found that the red-headed cricket was sitting on the table with its head tilted and looking forward, while the elf priest who suddenly appeared was squatting and looking straight at the table. Watching with small eyes.

The elf priest looked very handsome, and it didn't take long for the voice of the elf priest to come out again, but this time it was not just [Elf Language], but also a skill similar to [Spiritual Words].

Because this voice sounded directly in Wang Xiaoyu's heart, Wang Xiaoyu could also understand the meaning.

"I haven't been seen for seven years. I didn't expect that it was a lowly bug that saw me again, but why do I feel that your mental fluctuations are different?"

"I don't know!" The red-headed cricket replied directly, tilting its head.

The elf priest didn't speak, but frowned...

"Hey, there are even stronger mental fluctuations than you. It turns out that I felt you just now..." The elf priest turned his head, and then looked at Wang Xiaoyu who was crawling on the ground with a disappointed look: "But it's still only Low and dirty reptiles."

The handsome face of the elf priest suddenly became ferocious and angry...

"Why! Why did I wait for so long, it was like that seven years ago, and today I finally met again and could see my existence, it turned out that even the ugly half-goblin half-blood seven years ago was not as good as a lowly bug... "


The white dead soul suddenly covered his face and laughed...

(End of this chapter)

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