Chapter 114
Chen Yang threw Qionghua and Laiying'er on the bed, and closed the door behind him. The maid, Xiao Lian, dismissed them knowingly, and then hid away.

Lai Yinger buried her face in the quilt in embarrassment and did not dare to look up. Although he and Chen Yang had lived together in Yangguan for a few days, if she served Chen Yang with other women, she would not think about it anyway. passed.

Her cheeks were flushed, and she was trembling all over. She was not like Qionghua. Qionghua was the princess, and she was taught how to serve her husband and how to maintain the family since she was a child...

The time Qionghua and Chen Yang have been together is not short, sometimes she would touch her stomach and sigh why she couldn't get pregnant after being with Chen Yang for so long, King Qin laughed that she couldn't wait to get married.

Think about it too, if you carry a big belly when you get married, it would be shameful.

Pushing Chen Yang away, she stood on the bed, pointed at Chen Yang and said, "Wait a minute!"

Chen Yang looked at Qionghua with a depressed face, and said, "What's wrong? This great time can't just be wasted like this."

Walking to Lai Yinger's side, stroking her back.

Lai Ying'er was trembling all over, humming softly: "Wow!"

Qionghua slapped Chen Yang's hand away, and said, "Are you shameless? Although we both call you Husband, we are married."

"Although everyone in the Jianghu regards the two of us as your wives, even the royal family is preparing for our marriage, but you haven't proposed a marriage! You can't just drag it like this? I was afraid that my senior sister would disagree. , now the senior sister agrees, the master also agrees, what are you waiting for?"

When Lai Yinger heard what Qionghua said, she also stuck her head out of the quilt, and looked at Chen Yang with silky eyes. This was not only about Qionghua, but also about her.

Chen Yang looked at Qionghua and Lai Yinger solemnly, she was right, this matter cannot be delayed any longer, although no one dared to make irresponsible remarks to Chen Yang and her, but this was only on the surface , behind the scenes, maybe someone would say, no matter how much they love each other, they are still not married yet, which is not good for their reputation!

Calculating the time, there are many things that must be resolved next year. It will be the next year after the end of Tianshan Heroes Conference, and the things to be resolved in the next year will be Tangmen, and then Zhongnanshan. Only after returning from Zhongnanshan can we make it to the capital.

"You're right. I was negligent. No matter how loving we are, we can't resist the rumors in the Jianghu. After all, we are not married. Not to mention the Jianghu, there will be criticisms in Mingyu Palace. This is not only It will hurt Lai Yinger's reputation, it will hurt me and you."

"Calculating the time, I can only wait until next year when I return from Zhongnan Mountain and go to the capital to marry your father and Zhu Shi."

Caressing Lai Yinger's cheek, said: "And you, I plan to marry you together."

Lai Yinger's heart was warm, and she couldn't help crying. These were tears of happiness. This was what she had been looking forward to. Now that her wish has finally come true, why is she so unhappy?
Lai Yinger suddenly thought of something and said, "Husband, have you forgotten something?"

Chen Yang knew what she was talking about, and said: "You mean the third senior sister? She might not choose to marry me. She said that I am just her holy king, but not my husband. In her eyes, There is no word for husband."

Qionghua shook her head and said: "There is no woman who does not want to marry the person she loves the most. Husband cannot neglect Third Senior Sister."

Chen Yang pondered, and said: "Perhaps, it is estimated that the third senior sister will arrive in a while, and then ask her properly."

Qionghua sighed, pointed Chen Yang's forehead with her finger, and said: "You! Sometimes you are the nemesis of women, and sometimes you are silly and cute. You must not ask such a question. Let me make the decision! Since the two If you marry all of them, it is better to marry all three!"

"We want to hold the most grand wedding in Jianghu! Let the whole world come and celebrate us."

Qionghua thought about the best moments in her life, and she couldn't help but feel a little bright, and the tenderness on her face made her even more beautiful.

He hugged Qionghua into his arms, pecked lightly on her cherry lips, and said softly: "My lady, you are so beautiful!"

Qionghua patted Chen Yang and said, "Go! I will speak nicely."

Lai Yinger felt shy, she rushed into Chen Yang's arms, and said softly: "Husband... my sister is beautiful, so am I not beautiful?"

Chen Yang also rushed Ying'er into his arms, saying: "My ladies are the most beautiful in the world."

Chen Yang hugged Qionghua and Lai Yinger from left to right, not to mention how beautiful it was in his heart, the feeling of hugging from left to right was simply wonderful!

Sleeping with each other not only fulfilled his dream, but also solved the estrangement between the two wives. As long as they have slept in the same bed and met each other honestly, they will no longer be awkward over trivial matters.

Qionghua rubbed against Chen Yang's arms, pointed at Chen Yang's lips, and said with a smile: "Then tell me, who is the prettiest of us?"

Lai Ying'er also looked at Chen Yang with great interest. The jade hand was already prepared on Chen Yang's waist. As long as he said something she didn't like, he would hit him hard.

Chen Yang stood upright in cold sweat. Just now he thought it was good to hug left and right, but now he doesn't think so.

After coughing twice, he faltered and said, "Dumei...hehe, Dumei..."

Lai Yinger was dissatisfied, twisted the soft flesh around Chen Yang's waist, and said, "No way, my husband can't be careless like this, we must compete."

Qionghua covered her mouth and smiled, seeing how happy Chen Yang was.

Chen Yang pretended to be angry and said: "Okay! How dare you embarrass your husband! See if I don't deal with you."

With hands up and down, Yinger was peeled into a big white sheep in a short while.

Lai Ying'er covered her trembling body and was extremely shy. She pulled the cup and wrapped it around her body, her head was exposed, her face was flushed and very touching.

Qionghua pressed Chen Yang on the bed and said, "Sister, come and help me, he is usually the one who bullies us, today we will deal with him."

Lai Yinger's eyes lit up, and she got out of bed shyly to help Qionghua clean up Chen Yang.

Chen Yang turned over and pressed Qionghua under him, slapped her on the buttocks twice, and said: "I still want to punish me, let's see who will punish whom."

Lai Yinger wanted to run away.Chen Yang grabbed him and pressed him down.

Qionghua patted Chen Yang and said, "Oh! Chen Yang, you shameless..."

After a great battle, Qionghua and Lai Yinger each occupied one of Chen Yang's arms, their faces were the pink color after loving each other, and they were slightly dressed roughly.

Qionghua looked up at Chen Yang and said, "Husband, if we are all pregnant, by the time we get married next year, I think the children will all be born."

Chen Yang caressed Qionghua's jade back, and said, "Isn't that very good? At that time, we will even have the full moon wine!"

Qionghua blushed even more embarrassingly, and Buyi said: "I hate it! Isn't that too ugly?"

(End of this chapter)

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