Chapter 123 The Polar Snow Fox
This silver wolf is taller than Chen Yang's, and its head and tail are bigger than ordinary horses!

The silver wolf stared at the surrounding group of silver wolves and growled in a low voice, and those silver wolves immediately lowered their heads and whimpered, wagging their tails.

This silver wolf is the wolf king of these silver wolves. After Su Ying tamed it, they lost their wolf king. Now they come out collectively to want their wolf king back.

The silver wolf Xiaoxue let out a huge roar, and those silver wolves all started to retreat, and then collectively turned to the sky and returned to the mountain forest with a long roar. Not long after, wolf roars came out one after another from the depths of the dense forest. Wolf!
Silver Wolf seemed a little sad, lowered his head, and growled.

Su Ying stepped forward and patted it on the back, saying: "Don't be sad, follow me out, I'll take you to eat delicious food and drink spicy food!"

The silver wolf was extremely spiritual, and immediately widened his eyes, sticking out his tongue and licking Su Ying's little hand like a puppy, Su Ying giggled happily.

Chen Yang walked around the silver wolf, patted the silver wolf's back non-stop, his eyes were shining, he was very interested in this silver wolf.

The silver wolf Xiaoxue was terrified by the aura of the most powerful person on Chen Yang Mountain. It squatted on the ground and buried its huge wolf head into Su Ying's small body. It closed its eyes and dared not look at Chen Yang. Li wu wu pointed.

Chen Yang was amused by this extremely spiritual silver wolf, and said: "This guy is too smart, but he doesn't look like a wolf, but like a big dog."

Su Ying protected the silver wolf Xiaoxue's wolf head in her arms, looked at Chen Yang vigilantly, and said, "Master! You are not allowed to bully my Xiaoxue!"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Okay! I won't bully you!"

Su Ying got a big mount, she was very happy, she kept running around on it, and the whole forest was full of her laughter.

Chen Yang was roasting Tang Danling's prey, the silver wolf Xiaoxue was stimulated by the aroma of the barbecue and screamed, drooling and looking at Chen Yang, his appearance was very funny.

Chen Yang looked at its huge size and said helplessly: "This little food is completely not enough for you to eat! You didn't look at your big man, this little is not enough for you to stuff your teeth."

Silver Wolf was very clever and immediately understood, turned around and ran out into the mountains.

Su Ying anxiously called out to Silver Wolf to chase after her.

Chen Yang stopped her and said, "Don't worry, it didn't run away, it went hunting prey."

Su Ying was very angry with a black face, this damn thing abandoned its owner, it should be beaten.

The silver wolf was very fast and efficient. It dragged back a bunch of prey in no time, squatted on the ground, and begged Chen Yang to cook for it.

Chen Yang was amused by this guy.

Tang Danling began to skin and clean the prey on the ground, and a snow-white fox caught Chen Yang's attention.

The fox's two hind legs had been bitten off by the silver wolf Xiaoxue. It whimpered in pain, looked at Chen Yang with tears in its eyes, and crawled towards Chen Yang with its two forelimbs.

Chen Yang's eyes widened, he couldn't believe it, the fox actually knew to ask Chen Yang for help.

Could it be that there are really gods in this Tianshan Mountain?Why are the animals here so spiritual?First it was the silver wolf Xiaoxue, and now it was this fox.

This fox has a faint sandalwood aroma, which does not have the foul smell of ordinary foxes, which makes Chen Yang very interested.

The fox gently licked Chen Yang's hand, and tears flowed from his eyes!

It turned its head to look at the wound on its back, and turned to look at Chen Yang, and then gently licked the wound, looking extremely pitiful.

This fox has become a spirit!This was Chen Yang's first feeling, and then he was suddenly softened by the appearance of this fox.

Sighing, he thought to himself: Foxy, foxy, that's probably what he was talking about.

Picking up the scented fox, Chen Yang checked the fox's wounds.

Fortunately, it was only a broken bone. As long as the bone is connected and bandaged, and then the Tianxiang intermittent ointment is applied, it will get better in a short time.

Su Ying caressed the fox and said, "It's so pitiful!" Then she turned her head and began to reprimand the silver wolf Xiaoxue.

Fix the fox's bones, apply Tianxiang Intermittent Ointment, and use internal force to catalyze the medicinal liquid to seep into its skin, and the effect of the medicinal power makes it hum comfortably.

Lying beside Chen Yang, Chen Yang fed it roasted meat.

This fox eats very slowly and carefully, biting it very gracefully.

Chen Yang liked this fox even more.

The silver wolf Xiaoxue was extremely dissatisfied with the fox eating its prey, so she leaned over and growled in a low voice, as if threatening.

The snow fox changed direction with the meat in its mouth, completely ignoring the snow wolf, because it knew it was safe now, and the snow wolf didn't dare to do anything to it.

The silver wolf Xiaoxue growled angrily at the fox's attitude, it was provoking its majesty as a king!

Chen Yang gently stroked the snow fox's fur, and drove the silver wolf aside. He felt more and more that the fox seemed to have become a spirit. Not only the fox, but also the wolf was about to become a spirit.

It took a long time to feed the giant wolf, and the full silver wolf nestled quietly on the ground. Su Ying lay on top of it and fell asleep comfortably.

The medicinal power of Tianxiang Intermittent Ointment had already connected Xuehu's broken bone. Chen Yang checked it and felt that it was almost done, so he untied the wood chip from Xuehu's broken bone.

The snow fox jumped on the ground a few times, and then started to run happily. It was very happy that its broken bone was healed.

He jumped onto Chen Yang's shoulder, nestled on Chen Yang's shoulder, and wrapped his fluffy tail around Chen Yang like a scarf.

Chen Yang moved his neck, feeling the warmth, and said, "Not bad! It's comfortable!"

There was another loud howl of a wolf in the distance. This is the birth of a new wolf king, and he is swearing his majesty.

The silver wolf jumped up and knocked Su Ying, who was already asleep, to the ground.

The silver wolf Xiaoxue also raised her head and let out a huge roar, and then there were wolf howls one after another in the mountains and forests.

Su Ying reprimanded the silver wolf Xiaoxue fiercely. The silver wolf lowered its head and hummed softly, expressing its mistake, then lay down on the ground to signal Su Ying to climb up.

Xuehu jumped off Chen Yang's neck, ran a few steps forward, and yelled at Chen Yang. Seeing that Chen Yang was unmoved, he ran back and grabbed the hem of Chen Yang's gown to signal Chen Yang to follow him. Walk.

"This seems to be a fox with a story!" Chen Yang said.

Call Su Ying and Tang Danling, and follow the fox to the depths of the dense forest.

It has traveled a long way, the dense forest is receding, and the eyes suddenly open up!
A road paved with huge stone slabs stretches to the distance, and there are huge cedar trees on both sides, about one tree every three feet.

Chen Yang counted, there were a hundred of these huge cedar trees, extending all the way to the mountainside in the distance.

A bald hill that is not too big. It is said that it is not too big, but it is actually set off by the surrounding giant peaks. This hill is actually not small.

The road paved with huge stone slabs extends all the way here, and there is an extremely huge mountain gate built with huge stones, with three big characters carved on it.

"Happy Pie!"

(End of this chapter)

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