Chapter 159 Peak Kendo
After a loud gong sounded, Shi Zhenxiang stood up, shook her lower body vigorously, and immediately the lice were shaken out from her hair and clothes, fell to the ground and bounced.

Bian Lingyu frowned and took a few steps back, holding a long sword on guard.

Shi Zhenxiang patted on his body, shaking off all the lice on his body, and those lice scattered all over the ground were slapped to death by the internal force from Shi Zhenxiang's body, then looked at Bian Lingyu and sighed, saying: "You are still young, I am I advise you to go home, this world is too dangerous."

Bian Lingyu's expression changed, and he said, "What do you mean?"

Glancing at Bian Lingyu again, Shi Zhenxiang sighed, and said, "It's useless to talk too much! You'll know later, I just think that you haven't suffered in the rivers and lakes like this, but I just don't want you to follow your master." Just the footsteps of the withering swordsman."

Now on the Tianshan Mountains there are people who claim to be Jianghu Bai Xiaosheng selling all kinds of information. Shi Zhenxiang only spent two taels of silver to buy all kinds of information about Bian Lingyu, especially his master, the withering swordsman.

Back then, his master, the withering swordsman, had become famous for his withering swordsmanship. He used his not-so-high innate strength to meddle in various affairs, and ended up falling into a rivers and lakes battle to his death.

This arena is actually very realistic. If you have absolute strength, then any conspiracy is useless. On the contrary, if you are not strong enough, it is normal to die in the arena.

Shi Zhenxiang looked at Bian Lingyu as if she had seen her back then. She came out to the rivers and lakes with passion, but encountered all kinds of setbacks. Now when she sees Bian Lingyu in high spirits, the temperament on her body is the same as that of the original I resembled him so much, that's why I couldn't help but speak up.

Bian Lingyu said coldly: "You talk too much." Then he drew out his long sword and stabbed straight at Shi Zhenxiang.

Shi Zhenxiang's face was dull, and he raised his hand to slap the attacking long sword away. Those palms were like cast iron, and there was a sound of metal and iron clanging when they slapped the long sword.

"You and I are different in strength, you can't beat me! I advise you to give up early."

Being underestimated, Bian Lingyu was furious, stabbing Shi Zhenxiang continuously with his withering swordsmanship, Shi Zhenxiang slapped away the thrusting long sword one by one and stamped his palms on Bian Lingyu's chest, the huge force made him back It was two feet away.

"My master taught me this set of palms. It's called the Broken Rock Palm, but I want to call him Jianglong Ten Slaps. This palm is best at hitting faces. I don't want to use this palm. Use it on you."

Shi Zhenxiang approached Bian Lingyu step by step, his cast-iron palm seemed to be impenetrable, and he didn't take the oncoming long sword into his eyes at all, every palm would shake Bian Lingyu a couple of feet away Far.

Bian Lingyu had been gradually forced to the edge of the ring, he was furious in his heart, but he was helpless, the suppression of his strength left him almost no room to fight back.

Those Jianghu women under the ring were cheering for Bian Lingyu, they cursed Shi Zhenxiang angrily why he insisted on persecuting this handsome young master.

Shi Zhenxiang's face was darkened, and his shots were more determined, knocking Bian Lingyu out of the ring.

Chen Yang smiled lightly, crushed and threw away the detailed information sent by Jin Yiwei. Although this kid's strength is not too high, no matter his appearance, temperament or talent, he is the top candidate for the Xiaoyao faction. It's a good choice, and it can be done with a little training.

Tang Danling at the side waved his hand with a smile, and two disciples of Mingyu Palace stepped forward to restrain Bian Lingyu, dragging him away.

Bian Lingyu's eyes widened, and she wanted to resist, but found that the two women were so powerful that they couldn't break free at all.

"You... what are you going to do... let me go!"


Long Qiulin's murderous intent was overflowing, his aura had gradually adjusted to its peak, his long sword fluttered, and his internal force came out majesticly, the sword energy turned into a green lotus and slammed into Xu Wei.

Xu Wei used the Chunyang Sword Jue, and a Taiji diagram appeared on the tip of the sword. The green lotus and the Taiji diagram collided, and the strong wind blew up the sword energy, raging against the ring.

The two long swords screamed piercingly, as if they were about to break away from their respective masters.

The two of them came up to be the most peak duel, they both met the enemy with the strongest strength and state, and their shots were killer moves.

There is a fierce confrontation between the pure Yang Sword Art, which is mainly fierce, and the Qinglian Sword Art, which is mainly feminine.

But Xu Wei's Chunyang Sword Art is not complete. In terms of swordsmanship, he is one level behind Long Qiulin's Qinglian Swordsmanship. If he learned Chunyang Swordway like Miao Miao, then he would be able to face Long Qiulin. Qinglian Sword Dao will not be too bad at the beginning.

Xu Wei's swordsmanship always felt that something was missing when it reached its peak state, and was suppressed by Long Qiulin every time.

"A set of sword tactics that is not complete also wants to compete with me?"

Long Qiulin's long sword pierced out many huge green lotuses, and then the green lotus changed from one to two, then from two to four, from four to eight, and from eight to 64.

The green lotus formed by 64 sword qi circled in the sky and turned into a huge gossip Taiji diagram. It turned into a stream of light and cut towards Xu Wei.

Xu Wei's expression was cold and unruffled. The Chunyang Sword Art had already been used to the limit by him.

Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things!
The long sword in his hand was held in the air by a huge internal force, and then one long sword became two, two became three, and three became dozens.

Xu Wei raised his hands lightly, and the long sword transformed by internal force circled to form a huge sword formation. The Qinglian Tai Chi Bagua diagram collided with the huge sword formation, and the two kinds of internal force mixed together, forming a huge explosion.

But Xu Wei's Chunyang Sword Art is not Chunyang Kendo, his sword array is not complete, and the shock and backlash formed after the sword array was broken has begun to cause him slight internal injuries.

Long Qiulin turned into a streak of light and ran towards Xu Wei with a long sword in his hand.

The huge and ear-piercing sound of the sword made eardrums hurt, and the raging sword energy pierced densely packed sword marks on the arena. The two threw down their sword moves and were attacking with pure sword power.

After removing the sword moves, the two were purely chopping horizontally and vertically. The two swords pierced each other's shield of stellar energy. There was no internal force on the long sword but infinite sword energy.

Chunyang Sword Dao is based on momentum, and the same is true of Chunyang Sword Art. Xu Wei, who has thrown away his sword moves, is now more like a fish in water, and he is on par with Long Qiulin.

Qinglian Dao is famous for its two unique skills, one is Qinglian Sword Dao, and the other is the shape-shifting that Wukong stole at the beginning.

However, the Tianshan School is slightly inferior to Qinglian Tao in terms of lightness kung fu.

And Qingliandao's use of shape-shifting and shadow-changing is not comparable to Chen Yang and Wukong, two thieves.

Long Qiulin's figure has changed from one to three, forming a triangle to fight around Xu Wei. Each figure has the same strength as him, and Xu Wei has gradually started to panic.

One mistake, a sword mark appeared on Xu Wei's shoulder, and blood flowed from the wound.

Long Qiulin broke Xu Wei's sword and kicked him out.

(End of this chapter)

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