Chapter 24
In the dark night, a ray of red light gradually appeared from the sky. Chen Yang took the lead and behind him was a dense crowd. The torches illuminated the night and made the sky red.

"Hero Chen is here!" Someone shouted, and the crowd waiting for Chen Yang in the Su Family Graveyard took the initiative to part ways.

Chen Yang and Zhu Shi entered the crowd, and Liu Lang threw Wu Zhen off the horse. Wu Zhen's whole body was crushed by Chen Yang, and a lump of soft flesh hit the ground with a slap and shook.

Qionghua took Su Ying's little hand and brought Su Ying to Chen Yang's side.

Su Ying's red eyes filled with tears: "Brother! You caught the murderer, right?"

Chen Yang knelt down and wiped away the tears for Xiaoying'er: "Brother caught the murderer for you, and after a while, brother will use the cruelest punishment, blood sacrifice! I will avenge this hatred for you, the whole family of the Su family!"

Su Ying strolled in front of Wu Zhen, and a choked voice sounded: "Why did you kill my whole family!"

Wu Zhen's voice has been necrotic, but his hoarse voice can still be faintly heard: "...Little beauty...hahaha..."

Chen Yang's heart filled with killing intent instantly, he handed a long sword to Su Ying and said, "Xiao Yinger, go! Cut off all the tendons, tendons and pipa bones of this beast."

The tears in Su Ying's eyes gradually disappeared. She seemed to have grown up in an instant, and the cowardice in her eyes disappeared. She took the long sword in an instant. The jade girl sword technique that Chen Yang had taught her emerged in Su Ying's mind.

The long sword in Su Ying's hand drew strange traces. At this moment, the long sword seemed to have life. The sword light flashed, and Wu Zhen's tendons and pipa bones were picked off by Su Ying.

"What a fast sword! What an exquisite sword technique." The surrounding people from the rivers and lakes exclaimed in admiration.

"This little girl's achievements in the future may be extraordinary."

"How can there be mediocrity around Chen Daxia?"

Chen Yang took the long sword in Su Ying's hand, and slashed at Wu Zhen's artery, and blood gushed out instantly.

"Isn't it too cheap for Chen Daxia to let him bleed to death?" Someone dissatisfied.

Liu Lang then said: "Everyone does not know, this Wu Zhen has been crushed by Chen Daxia to the bones of his whole body! Now he has been picked out again, and Chen Daxia will use the world's most powerful blood-generating medicine to give him If Wu Zhen eats it, Wu Zhen will bleed and produce blood at the same time, and will not die until he swallows all the energy in his body, will everyone say that his death is too cheap?"

"Great Xia Chen!" Someone exclaimed.

Wu Zhen felt his blood flow slowly, a heat flowed out from his wound, and his body began to gradually become colder.

Chen Yang knelt down and said: "I said that I would not let you die so cheaply. I will sacrifice your blood, and your blood will flow to the entire Su family cemetery."

Chen Yang fed Wu Zhen ten condensed pills in one breath, and the powerful medicine began to quickly devour the body's essence, and most of the nutrients in the body began to be used to make blood.

Wu Zhen felt that there was heat in his body again, and that heat quickly flowed to his whole body.

The artery spurted blood again, but the body was producing blood. Wu Zhen couldn't move his whole body. He was lying on the ground, without the support of his ribs. His body oppressed the heart. The pain was severe, and the heart seemed to be about to burst. They felt that the heart In the violent provocation, without a beat, there is a pain that seems to burst the heart.

The red blood flowed all over the ground, Chen Yang snorted softly, stepped on the ground, and Wu Zhen was thrown from the ground by strong internal force.

With a quick kick with his right foot, Wu Zhen was kicked into the middle of the Su family's cemetery by Chen Yang.

Su Ying closed her eyes in pain, lay on Chen Yang's waist, wrapped her arms tightly around Chen Yang and cried bitterly.

After a long time, Su Ying came out of Chen Yang's embrace. She solemnly knelt down to Chen Yang and said, "Brother! Thank you brother Ying'er for helping Ying'er avenge this great revenge, helping our Su family avenge this great revenge! From now on, Ying'er Only my brother is left as a relative! My brother taught Yinger the most powerful martial arts. My brother is like Yinger's father. Here, Yinger wants to ask her brother to accept Yinger, a playful and disobedient apprentice. Always be by my brother's side, if one day my brother grows old, Ying'er will give my brother a retirement pension, and use this kindness of nurturing and teaching."

Su Ying solemnly kowtowed a few times.

Chen Yang's heart ached for a while, he had never thought of bringing an apprentice.

The onlookers on the side were booing: "Daxia Chen, accept this good student, this little girl is so pitiful..."

Another person said: "Little girl! Apprentices are called masters. If you call them elder brothers, your seniority will be messed up. You see that your master doesn't speak, but he is actually waiting for you to change his mouth."

"Haha! Hero Chen's place is so simple and simple. With his status as Hero Chen, accepting apprentices is a big deal. It's time to throw a big banquet and invite all the heroes."

Zhu Shi patted Su Ying's head with a smile and said, "Xiao Yinger still doesn't change her mind?"

Seeing that the heroes around her were booing, Su Ying suddenly felt a little embarrassed, her red face lowered her head and said, "Master!"

After speaking, she threw herself into Qionghua's arms, too shy to raise her head.

Chen Yang made up his mind, he cupped his fists and said to the surroundings: "Thank you for your kindness, Chen Yang decided to accept this good student, three days later happened to be a good day, Chen Yang decided to hold a big banquet in Yanyu Building, and I hope you all come Join us!"

Qionghua pulled Chen Yang and said: "This is too hasty, it should be pushed back, at least one month later, and don't use your identity as Mr. Moyu, but use your own identity as Chen Yang.

Leave it to me, you're not good at this kind of thing. "

Qionghua smiled slightly and said to the surroundings: "Three days is too hasty. After one month, the Qiushui Pavilion outside Luoyang City will hold the apprenticeship ceremony of Chen Yang and Chen Daxia. All the heroes of the rivers and lakes around Luoyang can come to participate. For sects, Daxia Chen will send invitations to invite all sects to participate, and I hope everyone will come to join us."

"Hero Chen, we must come to join us!"

"Yes! Definitely come..."

Liu Lang said: "It's too late today, I've seen the excitement, everyone, please go back and leave some private space for Daxia Chen."

The heroes of all rivers and lakes clasped their fists and left one after another.

Wu Zhen's blood gradually flowed across the entire cemetery. The original red blood gradually became more transparent and gradually became more transparent.

Su Ying couldn't bear it and said: "Master! Let him go! Xiao Yinger's revenge has been avenged."

Chen Yang caressed the top of Su Ying's head and said, "You are kind, you should not have known the ugliness in this world.

But ah, this world is like this, the more you don't want to know, you will know, and the more you don't want to meet, you will meet.

One should be strong and face the world bravely. This is the first lesson Master taught you.

In the future, don't call me master, it's better to call me brother to make it more comfortable. "

Su Ying nodded solemnly.

Liu Lang went into the cemetery to cut off Wu Zhen's head, and visited Su Ying's parents' grave.

Su Ying knelt down, kowtowed three times and said: "Father! Mother! Your revenge! Ying'er avenged you, and it was my brother who avenged me. Ying'er also found her closest relative. I'm worried about Sakura."

Chen Yang picked up Su Ying and patted her on the back, saying: "There are still enemies! There is also the Kunlun faction! This is the culprit! It's just that this enemy is left for Ying'er to find them when she grows up."

"Yeah! Ying'er remembered it."

The sky had gradually brightened. Su Ying was so tired that she fell asleep lying on Chen Yang's shoulder. Qionghua also had a tired look on her face.

He carried Su Ying into Qionghua's carriage, and Qionghua also lay down in the carriage and fell asleep.

Chen Yang sat on the carriage and became the driver, Zhu Shi also got on his stomach and sat beside Chen Yang.

The carriage moved forward slowly, the big white horse followed the carriage leisurely for a while and ran to the front to graze some grass, for a while the horses that were learning to pull the cart walked in the same way, and then stretched out their big heads for Chen Yang to ride on it.

Gently patted the big white horse's head, Chen Yang looked at Zhu Shi and said, "Have you been out for too long?"

Zhu Shi sighed and said: "Yes! It's too long, it's time to go back. In the past few days, people should come from the capital, right?"

Chen Yang was a little puzzled and said: "You came out alone like this and there is no one with you? Why don't I believe it?"

Zhu Shi giggled and said, "Guess who came out with me?"

"You like to talk or not."

Zhu Shi curled his lips and said, "It's boring! It's nothing."

"Wukong? That blood monk from Shaolin?"

Chen Yang was very surprised. He really didn't expect Wukong to protect Zhu Shi all the way out of the palace?Then Zhu Shi was with him all the way from Qinglian Dao General Altar?
"You two went to Qinglian Dao General Altar together?" Chen Yang asked.

Zhu Shi laughed and said: "We went together, but he went in alone, and I waited for him outside, you know, it's exciting! We'll find another sect to rob! Let's rob Kunlun Pie! They have a lot of good stuff!"


Zhu Shi sighed and said, "It's just that it's time to go back to the palace, back to that prison! How much I want it to be like this, do you know? These days are the happiest in my life."

Chen Yang glanced at Zhu Shi and smiled.

Then he said: "Thinking about when I was in Chengyang, that bastard Wu Kong happened to be there too, it turns out that you two are in the same group!

I'm just curious how he could enter the palace and still be with you?Didn't see it?You have enough backhands! "

Zhu Shi smiled and said, "It's too complicated, I'll explain it to you in detail later!"

(End of this chapter)

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