I'm crazy

Chapter 126 Ancestor

Chapter 126 Ancestor
With a slight movement of consciousness, she learned all the news she needed to know.

Therefore, Linyuan still prefers this kind of mid-level and high-level plane, and may use a small amount of divine power, not like the previous plane, but it is a bit weak just by drawing a spell.

Kunlun mirror wanted to complain again.

It's just a spell drawn!
Master, can that be described as "but"?

In your eyes, the "unsuitable spell" can destroy the entire small plane, not to mention that you have deliberately compressed the power of the spell.

Of course, the divine power consumed is not something that low-level plane can bear, and most of the plane's unbearable needs to be borne by the master.

If the master just draws a talisman, naturally nothing will happen.

But unfortunately not...

It has to be said that there is a fundamental difference between the standard of the Demon God Linyuan and the Kunlun Mirror.

"Albert, what happened to the blood race recently?"

The subconscious meaning is that if you have nothing to do, don't bother her.

Albert, who knew his king well, bowed slightly and said, "My lord, everything is fine."

After speaking, he hesitated a little and said: "But there seems to be some changes in the blood hunter in recent years."

Albert, who had been guarding Wang Suxing's side, didn't understand the blood hunter's affairs so clearly, so he didn't know what the blood hunter had been doing all these years.

However, the sharp decline in the number of blood clans in recent years cannot be ignored.

Even if it's just a low-middle-level vampire, it's easy for them to make it, but it's still a member of their vampire, and humans are not qualified to deal with them.

Albert said to Linyuan: "Wang Anxin, Albert will take care of everything."

Lin Yuan put down the tableware, and Albert respectfully handed over the napkin in time.

Lin Yuan stood up, and in an instant the clothes on her body changed into a dress that was pure black like ink dots.

The devil-like blood-colored pupils of the abyss also turned into black-colored pupils that seemed to be in the sea of ​​mysterious universe stars.

"Albert, you don't need to tell the members of the blood clan that I woke up. You can deal with the rest by yourself first. If it is not necessary, don't bother me."

Albert lowered his head slightly, his pale blond hair slid down smoothly, his silver eyes were gently closed, and his fingers in pure white gloves were placed on his chest, which was an extremely standard and elegant aristocratic etiquette.

"Follow your orders."

Putting aside the matter of the blood clan for the time being, Lin Yuan left the castle first.

I don't know how many years she has been in deep sleep. Although sleeping is her hobby, she can't sleep forever.

As dark creatures that live forever, the blood race has a long and long time.

Therefore, most blood races have inevitably understood the word "loneliness" in the passage of countless years.

They are always alone, and no existence can accompany them all the time.

Loneliness accompanies eternal life!

This may be the price of immortality.

Of course, the benefits of a long life are also very rich.

At the very least, any existence in the blood race that has lived for hundreds of years will not be troubled by the so-called money in the human world.

For the blood race, with hundreds of thousands of years of background, what they need most is money and power.

Bloodlines are not born elegant.

That is the gift of endless time to the blood race.

Anyone who lives for such a long time, learns music, painting, etiquette and other arts at will when bored, and has the support of supreme rights and rich money, then most of them will become noble and elegant.

After leaving the Forest of Dark Night, there are more than 500 miles away where human beings live.

The skyscrapers soared into the sky, and the road traffic extending in all directions was like a circling beast that devoured people.

It's nine o'clock in the evening, and for some, the nightlife has just begun.

It was rare for him to want to go for a walk by himself, Lin Yuan didn't take a car, so he turned around and took a small path.

But apparently her whim had run into trouble again.

"Little girl, don't move obediently, I will make you comfortable."

A hoarse voice came.

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows. Sure enough, no matter how prosperous the city is, there are always some eyesores.

Not far from her, two men were facing the wall. From the looming light not far away, it was obvious that the blue cloth in their surrounding circle could be seen. Listening carefully, it was a woman's voice.

It was obvious and normal, Lin Yuan was robbed and raped in the "conventional" situation.

"You guys, what are you going to do?"

Julie hugged her body with her hands, her back was already against the wall, there was no way to retreat, no way to escape.

If she had known that this kind of thing would happen, she shouldn't have taken a shortcut because she got off work too late today.

There was a pocket knife in her pocket, but there were two men in front of her, the stronger-looking ones, and she wasn't sure if she could kill them.

But no matter what you have to try!
It is far away from the police station, and her mobile phone is out of battery, so the alarm is obviously unreliable, and almost no one passes by in the alley, and it is far away from the downtown area, even if she cries for help, no one will hear it, the most important thing is to hear her The person who calls for help must be willing to come to her rescue.

It can be seen that she still has to rely on herself.

Julie still looked terrified, hugging herself tightly, not daring to move, and stared at the two people in front of her with wide eyes.

And the right hand quietly reached into the trouser pocket, and took out the knife inside without any trace.

Because she has lived alone for many years, she has a strong sense of crisis, so the knife has never left her body. This knife was specially made by her friend. It is extremely sharp, and killing people is definitely not a problem.

The two people in front were getting impatient, and one of them said, "You go first or I go first."

Another one who looked extremely greasy said: "Of course I will go first, last time it was you who took the lead, and this time I will try something new first."

The person who spoke before took a step back and said, "Okay, hurry up, I'm hungry."

"Got it, got it, what's the rush!"

After speaking, he took a step forward and almost stuck to Julie's body. He smiled disgustingly at Julie, stroked Julie's golden hair with one hand, rubbed it slowly, and took a breath intoxicated. aroma.

"Sure enough, she is a big beauty. This taste is really delicious!"

He put his hands down, lowered his head, and approached Julie's neck, his hands were already trying to pull off Julie's blouse.

The greasy face was almost touching Julie's neck.

Julie gripped the knife!

A look of determination flashed in his eyes, it's time!

It stabbed quickly towards the heart, and in an instant, blood flowed all over Julie's hands. The depths of Julie's eyes were very calm, and her hands didn't even shake at all.

Beauty invites evil.

But beauty itself is innocent!
Guilty is sin itself.

The extraordinary beauty from childhood to adulthood has only taught her one thing, to use it rationally when necessary and to protect herself.

"Hey, what's going on?"

There was no movement for a long time, and the waiting man got impatient, and said loudly.

Julie said to herself, it worked!
With only one left, the chances of her escaping are slightly higher.

But what she didn't expect was...


A slap made Julie's face turned to the side, so strong that a sharp slap print appeared on her face immediately, and her face was swollen.

"Stinky bitch, you dare to plot against me!"

Julie ignored the pain on her face and said in shock.

How is this going? !
 Thanks to the little angel of Mingyue Qingfeng for the tickets *^_^*
(End of this chapter)

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