I'm crazy

Chapter 128 Ancestor

Chapter 128 Ancestor
Lin Yuan strayed past, leaving behind two faint words.

"Need not."

She didn't even want to save her.

Because the two men suddenly transformed like beasts and had a sense of familiarity, she took the initiative to go forward and explore the reason.

Unable to bear the pain caused by the soul search, her soul collapsed, and the disgusting body left behind disappeared without a trace with a wave of her hand.

Julie stood quietly, watching the person who rescued her walk forward. After she was no longer visible, Julie wiped her knife, then turned and walked out of the path.

Although the scene of feasting and feasting is a bustling scene, Lin Yuan actually doesn't like it.

For a demon like her, she still prefers nature and natural scenery.

No matter how ingeniously crafted the things made by human beings are, in her opinion, they can't compare to the perfect creations of nature.

For example, now, in the 21st century, colorful lights are nice and cool, but after all, the sky full of stars is more beautiful and attractive.

The most important thing is...

The night market in Country L doesn't have as much food as Hua Country!
A little disappointed.

Because he just woke up, Lin Yuan didn't feel sleepy now, so he walked around aimlessly.

And just when Linyuan was about to turn too boring, there was finally something exciting to watch again.

After several days of investigation, the Blood Hunting Association found out the reason why the vampires went crazy that day.

"President, the detected news shows that a high-ranking blood clan has awakened from a deep sleep."

The minister of the association said to Jeff Marcus, the president sitting above the seat.

"What! The high-ranking vampire has woken up?"

Jeff Marcus said in surprise.

The minister affirmed: "Yes, it's definite news. A high-ranking blood family has woken up."

Jeff Marcus was silent and didn't speak for a long time.

The minister understood his shock very well, in fact, he was taken aback when he first heard the news.

The high-ranking vampires have been asleep for almost 1000 years. During these 1000 years, they never showed signs of waking up. Now that they suddenly wake up, they are inevitably worried about whether it will have any impact on the current peaceful situation.

After all, some high-level blood clans kill and kill, while some high-level blood clans prefer to have fun or sleep in the territory and ignore common things.

The minister thought with concern that if the blood races who wake up have a murderous nature, then humans and the blood races will definitely start a war, and there will definitely be countless casualties.

The minister sincerely hoped that the awakened high-ranking vampires would be unreasonable. Otherwise, even though the weapons developed by the blood hunters were effective against mid- and low-ranking vampires, they would be To give away the head in vain.

However, the minister's ability to observe words and expressions was obviously not good. He didn't see that the expression of his boss, the chairman, was not shocked and worried, but full of excitement.

Jeff Marcus said worriedly: "Okay, thank you for your hard work. We will call everyone for a meeting tomorrow. We need to discuss the solution to this matter."


Seeing the minister go down, Jeff Marcus restrained the worry on his face.

The greedy excitement in his eyes finally couldn't be concealed.

"Tell me, if you catch that high-ranking vampire..."

Jeff Marcus muttered to himself facing the empty room, as if talking to himself.

But as soon as he said this, a male voice broke in.

"It's easy to say, do you have that ability?"

Jeff Marcus didn't panic at all when someone suddenly appeared in the room, as if he knew this person was in his room for a long time.

He didn't turn his head, but looked at his hand, which was so pale that it was more transparent than that of the vampires, felt the abundant power surging in the blood, and smiled.

"How do you know that I can't do it, even if I can't do it, wouldn't there be you and Bartley Scott?"

The visitor walked up to Jeff Marcus, and his face was gradually revealed under the light. It was Ken who chased Kerwin Andrew with Karl a few days ago!
Ken sneered, playing with the silver gun in his hand.

With a "bang", the bullet had already passed Jeff Marcus' ear, and made a dark hole in the wall behind Jeff Marcus.

Jeff Marcus tilted his head. Facing Ken's perverse behavior, he didn't show a trace of emotion. He just took out his silver gun from his pocket, and after paying Ken a shot, he put down the gun and said, "Enough is enough!" No? Put your attention where it belongs."

Ken easily dodged Jeff Marcus' bullet by turning sideways.

"Hee hee, don't be angry!"

Putting the silver gun in his pocket, Ken turned around and waved his hand perfunctorily at Jeff Marcus, saying, "In order to complete your hegemony as soon as possible, I'm going to find Bartley Scott."

Seeing Ken's figure disappear, Jeff Marcus gradually relaxed his expression, but before he could completely relax, another bullet shot straight at his heart.

A strong sense of crisis prompted Jeff Marcus to dodge the bullet in time.

Anger rushed into his face, he looked towards the door, and saw Ken standing at the door, who had already left, holding his special silver gun in his right hand, with smoke still smoking from the muzzle.

Seeing Jeff Marcus' angry face, Ken smiled indifferently, and said, "I knew you could hide."

After finishing speaking, regardless of Jeff Marcus' face that almost wanted to kill him, he left without saying a word.


Jeff Marcus kicked out, and the seat was kicked several meters away by him.

He let out a long breath, and then calmed down the anger that was rushing straight into his heart, and his face became calm again.

By the time he's finally done, he's got great powers, and Ken is sure to die!
Ken who walked out blew on the still smoking silver gun, and headed towards Bartley Scott's laboratory.

Ken didn't knock on the door. The moment his figure appeared in front of the door, the door of the laboratory opened automatically.

In Bartley Scott's laboratory, apart from himself, only Ken has the right to freely enter and exit.

Of course, this is not because Ken and him are friends, but because they are all crazy!
Bartley Scott likes crazy research, especially those researches that are currently banned internationally, including human experiments. In order to satisfy his research hobby, he has killed many people.

Of course, there are too many people killed, so naturally it cannot be handled perfectly every time.

Bartley Scott was discovered, if it was secretly, because of his excessive talent, he might be accepted by the government, and let him engage in some "reasonable" government research.

But it's a pity that he was accidentally seen by ordinary people. The various corpses and tragedies in the laboratory scared a person to death.

Under such circumstances, his crime could not be concealed.

In the end, it was Jeff Marcus, the president who could be regarded as being able to see the sky, who brought Bartley Scott into the association in a new look, and even built a laboratory for him.

Specially for him to carry out some research that even the president of the inhuman society needs.

Ken smiled happily, he and Bartley Scott also share similar interests!

 Thank you, late stage lazy cancer, little angel's monthly pass ^O^!

  Thanks for the votes of little angel and oh, late stage lazy cancer ah little angel *^_^*
(End of this chapter)

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