I'm crazy

Chapter 134

Chapter 134

The Chaos Demon God is born without marriage, so it is even more impossible for him to have someone he likes, and it is impossible for him to marry a man and a woman in the plane.

You must know that as a god, if you marry a living being, even if it is only on a small plane, it is a contract, so this kind of thing is impossible.

In the end, the best way to solve this problem is to make Zhou Xuandi think that he likes men, once and for all, and don't have to worry about it in the future.

Here, Linyuan solved a matter that could not be considered a big or small matter, and walked around the street in a very relaxed and leisurely manner.

In the Qianyuan Hall, Emperor Xuan of Zhou, who is wise and mighty, is sitting on the dragon chair. He seems to be sitting upright like usual, but if you look closely at his eyes, you will find...

Emperor Zhou Xuan's pupils were slack and he had no focal length. He obviously looked as if he was wandering in the sky and suffering from being terribly hit.

What are these things!
Emperor Xuan of Zhou slapped the table hard, scaring the maids who were clearing away the tea sets, and immediately knelt down to plead guilty.

"Okay, let's all go down and clean up later."

Emperor Zhou Xuan was in a bad mood at the moment, but as a wise emperor, it was impossible to vent his anger on the maids and eunuchs, and let them go down with a wave of his hand.

Emperor Xuan of Zhou is so worried!
I am almost dying of worry!

He looked at De'an, who had been with him for decades, and said lightly, "De'an, tell me, what if the prince has no heirs in the future?"

The emperor just wanted to hear an opinion, but De'an was so frightened by the information in this sentence that he knelt down and said in panic, "Your Majesty, this old servant dare not speak unreasonably about Your Highness."

Emperor Xuan of Zhou was impatient, "Get up and say, I forgive you for your innocence."

Seeing that his master was angry, De'an didn't care about dignity anymore. He was worried because they couldn't talk about his master.

No matter how good-tempered your majesty is, he is still the emperor who controls life and death in this world, and he must never forget the difference between superior and inferior.

But now His Majesty wants him to say it, so he has to say it.

De'an poured a cup of tea for Emperor Zhou Xuan, and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, is it because His Highness doesn't want to, or..."

Emperor Xuan of Zhou sighed, "It's another reason."

It's okay if he doesn't want to, as an old man, he will always find a way to make this little bastard marry a wife.

But this...

De'an knew in his heart that the other reasons might be hidden illnesses or His Highness's love for Longyang.

He carefully observed Emperor Zhou Xuan's expression, "Your Majesty, if it's because of your health, then there are so many strange people in Dazhou, so there is always a solution, but if it's anything else, this old slave doesn't know what to do."

Emperor Xuan of Zhou sighed again, and he knew it was the answer, and it was not De'an's fault, he had nothing to do.

He can't press the little bastard's neck or drug his son to make him have a relationship with a woman, can he?
He and the little bastard are father and son, not enemies, so it won't work!
Unless he doesn't want this son anymore.

Although the little brat was lazy and irritating since he was a child, and he seemed to be a fool, but as the old man of the little brat, he still understood this kid's temperament.

If he really dared to do this, let alone whether he could succeed, he couldn't bear the consequences alone.

well!Just had to look again.

Maybe the son won't like men after a while!
Press this matter first.

"De'an, what did I tell you today?"

De'an bowed his head and said respectfully: "Your Majesty didn't say anything to this old slave."

Emperor Zhou Xuan motioned for De'an to go out.

It was about that little bastard and the ruler of the Zhou Dynasty. This matter could not be revealed in the slightest. De'an had been following him since the time he hid in the mansion, and he knew very well what to do and what not to do.

"By the way, didn't the tribute from the dependent country arrive yesterday? Take it and let that little bastard pick it."

Emperor Zhou Xuan suddenly thought of this and said to De'an.

Thinking of him being an imposing emperor, he would worry about whether the little bastard was eating well, sleeping well, and whether he was in a good mood all day long. Emperor Zhou Xuan despised himself a little.

What can be done?
Who let that little bastard be born by him, and raised to such a big age, it's still the same sentence, his father doesn't love him, whoever loves him, it's even better if this little bastard can be less angry every day.

Thinking of this, he thought of what the little brat had said to him just now.

What are these things!
Lin Yuan had just walked to his mansion in the capital when Emperor Zhou Xuan's things came.

There are two full boxes of things, and you don't need to look at them to know that they are good things. After all, such things are really common after so many years.

The people in the Prince's Mansion are very calm. It is known to the whole world that His Majesty loves His Highness the Prince.

The ministers in the capital taught their children to be the same, and no one can offend His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!
Even if you offend His Majesty, you will not necessarily die, because Your Majesty is a wise king, unless you really deserve to die, you will not be angry about a little thing under normal circumstances.

But His Highness the Crown Prince is not necessarily so. If His Highness the Crown Prince is offended, if His Highness the Crown Prince is in a bad mood, then you can’t die happily even if you want to die!

Not only His Royal Highness, but His Majesty will not let you go.

The people in the capital are all smart, and even the common people are smarter than those in other places.

Linyuan has "relyed on" Emperor Xuan of Zhou in these years and has become a "dominant capital"!
The kind who is the leader of the playboys.

After resting in the mansion for a while, he planned to continue to develop his "big cause".

The biggest casino in Beijing is full of excitement inside, and they all look like they are putting their wealth and lives to fight.

"Young master, be big! Be big! Follow me, young master!"

"Young master, I'm the youngest!"

"Win is definitely me!"

The two playboys were standing at the place where the dice were being rolled, one after the other, almost betting red-eyed.

The servant beside him was quietly persuading, "Master, we have no money."

Qian Cai frowned, holding a folding fan in his hand in the cold weather, pretending to be an unsuccessful playboy.

"How can there be no money, young master, how long have I been gambling, and when I came out, I took a full 500 taels of silver!"

He has only been standing here for a quarter of an hour, how could he have no money?

The boy had a bitter face, "Master, I really didn't lie to you, we really have no money."

He was also wondering, they really only came for a short while, how could the money be spent so quickly?

Qian turned pale when he got the affirmation from the boy with a bitter face.

It's over... over?
He asked his grandpa to sue his grandma for the 500 taels of silver from his father!

For this reason, he signed a "prostitution contract", swearing to his father that if he can't earn double the money, he will obediently go to school.

God knows how much he hates reading!
This is miserable, this is miserable, ah ah ah!
Qian Cai is still wailing, and his money is gone.

The other dude saw that he hadn't spoken for a long time, and raised his neck in disdain, "Why, I'm afraid, why don't you follow?"

Although Qiancai clearly knew that this was the aggressive method, and the most important thing was that he had no money left, he still blushed and said loudly, "It's my freedom to follow or not, what's your business?"

Qian Dadan, who didn't play cards according to common sense, choked this dude enough.

 Mr. Zhou was almost pissed off by his son, hahaha.

  Thanks for the votes of just thinking about little angels ╭(╯ε╰)╮

(End of this chapter)

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