I'm crazy

Chapter 147 fluke

Chapter 147 fluke
It's a pity that now seeing Rao Liang as a bastard makes him want to vomit, let alone talk to him.

The spiritual power swept directly towards Rao Liang, and with a "pop", Rao Liang had already knelt on the ground.

Before he could react to what happened, he felt that his strength could not even move under this powerful coercion.

"What do you mean by that, sir?"

Rao Liang tried his best to suppress his temper, and said gently and respectfully.

It's a pity that he didn't answer him, and even the spiritual power directly damaged his throat.

Rao Liang screamed when the violent spiritual power touched his throat, and immediately, he couldn't even scream.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Rao Liang coughed, and spit out a lot of blood from his mouth, which stained the ground in front of his knees red, and also stained his body.

It looked like a half-slaughtered pig, extremely disgusting.

It's a pitiful pig for comparison, at least pigs don't harm people, but Rao Liang is full of disgusting and vicious thoughts.

At this time, no matter how stupid he is, he knows that the person who came is not kind, let alone Rao Liang is not stupid.

The spiritual power fluctuated, Rao Liang struggled hard, trying to escape from the scope of the inexplicable little girl's spiritual power, but it was all in vain.

Rao Liang clenched his fists and raised his head a little bit with all his strength to look at the little girl in front of him.

He has already felt the killing intent that must put him to death, begging for mercy will not work, Rao Liang knows.

But he hasn't given up yet. In his room, there is a formation that he spent a lot of money on, and the mechanism to activate it is in his sea of ​​consciousness, and it doesn't even require spiritual power.

He absolutely wants this person in front of him to die without a place to bury him!
But even if he could escape, under the effect of the formation, his cultivation would be completely destroyed.

Rao Liang hated his heart, he could practice again after his cultivation was ruined, not to mention he still had Rao Xian's Yuan Dan, as long as he integrated Rao Xian's Yuan Dan into himself, it was only a matter of time before his cultivation came back, even He will be even stronger.

Rao Xi, who had already seen that Rao Liang still had a back move, stood still and did not kill Rao Liang directly.

Having been with her senior for a long time, she also has a bad taste of her senior, so she will see what troubles this beast can make. If he sees that his back tricks don't work for her, that expression must be very interesting .

If Rao Xi was fighting with her own strength now, then she would definitely not underestimate the enemy so much.

In these years of life-and-death battles, she has taught her a truth, never underestimate any of your enemies, even if he is an inconspicuous flower.

But Rao Xi is now using the power of his predecessors. As a member of Lin Yuan's infinite worship, Rao Xi has nothing that can threaten his seniors.

That's why she stood quietly watching the play.

Rao Liang's mind moved slightly, and a huge formation rose from where Rao Xi stood.

A faint blue light flashed, and feeling the restraint of his body, Rao Xi nodded as if realizing.

"So it is!"

The little girl in front of him was restrained by the formation, and Rao Liang finally stood up from the suppression of spiritual power.

His throat was completely destroyed, and it would be impossible to restore it unless he advanced to Yuanzun level to reshape his body.

Rao Liang looked at Rao Xi, carefully tested it, and found that Rao Xi was really restrained, so he was relieved.

This carefulness is also worthy of his design to get rid of Rao Xi's parents who blocked the road, and used her Yuandan to practice when Rao Xi was still young.

Rao Liang looked at Rao Xi full of hatred.

No matter how powerful a cultivator you are, you will die in his hands in the end.

His throat was damaged, he couldn't ask the reason why the girl wanted to kill him, and he didn't know the enemy behind it, which made Rao Liang a little anxious.

It's a pity that he just ran out of soul-searching spells, so he couldn't use them to search for souls.


Rao Liang looked at Rao Xi, and said happily in his heart: "You just stay here and wait for the formation to exhaust your spiritual power and die!"

But before Rao Liang could finish his joy, he saw a purple light flashing, the formation had been broken, and the powerful spiritual force swept over again.

This time, he didn't hide half of his strength anymore, the terrifying spiritual power directly pressed Rao Liang's head to the ground, and there was a blood mark on it.

Rao Liang could no longer care about the pain, his eyes were flustered and frightened.

How is this going?

Why is this little girl so powerful?

Which enemy invited such a strong man to kill him?
But regretting that he was bored no longer gave him a chance to think about it.

The spiritual power goes down against the sky cover to extract Rao Liang's spiritual power.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

The miserable cry, the pain of the spiritual power being extracted from the body made Rao Liang cry out directly.

I didn't expect to be able to make a sound after the throat was destroyed. It's a pity that I sighed a little. Sure enough, the potential of human beings cannot be underestimated.

It seems that her methods are still too gentle.

After strengthening his spiritual power again, Rao Liang could no longer scream, and his body could not move due to the suppression of the spiritual power, but it could be seen that his body was trembling slightly.

This is excruciating pain!
But after a while, the spiritual power was drained, and if he moved casually again, it was a pity that Rao Liang's dantian had been smashed.

Rao Liang's eyes were shattered. If the extraction of spiritual power only made him terrified, then the destruction of the Yuan Dan would have completely lost his mind.

Spiritual power can be cultivated back, Yuan Dan is destroyed, unless there is a cultivator of Yuanshen level who is the strongest in Yuanwu Continent to act for him, otherwise he will be a useless person in this life!
Rao Liang looked at the bitch in front of him, wishing he could tear her to pieces!
Rao Xi naturally noticed the hatred in Rao Liang's eyes.

She raised her eyebrows and didn't take it seriously, the ant's resentment didn't pose any threat to the strong.

Besides, after today, Rao Liang might not be able to die even if he wanted to!

Rao Xi stretched out her fingers wrapped under the black clothes, and moved the spiritual power to Rao Liang's eyes.

Rao Liang seemed to have sensed something, the expression of wishing to tear up the pity just now was completely gone, only begging, only begging for mercy.


Rao Liang thought he made a sound, but in fact he didn't have the slightest sound coming out of his throat.

Two lines of blood and tears flowed down Rao Liang's eyes, which had been destroyed by spiritual power.

This is not the end yet, but Rao made another attack, the meridians of Rao Liang's hands and feet were severed by spiritual power, and there was no possibility of repairing it.

Rao Liang's whole body was covered in blood, and he had turned into a lump of mud that could only wriggle on the ground.

Rao Xi turned around and walked out of the room full of bloody smell. The barrier Rao Liang had placed in the room made it easier for her to act. No one felt the big movement just now.

The setting sun is setting, and the setting sun is like blood.

Rao Xi called out Ming Yin, and said softly: "Senior..."

It seemed that he just called out subconsciously, and seemed to be expecting some response.


Qingling's indifferent voice entered Rao Xi's eardrums, easily washed away the chaotic mess in Rao Xi's mind, and finally returned to her senses.

"It's nothing."

Rao Xi smiled towards Ming Yin, the clear smile seemed to have returned to the carefree time when she was a child.

 Thanks to little angel Mingyue Qingfeng and little angel Lingyuan for their votes o>_<o
(End of this chapter)

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