I'm crazy

Chapter 158 fluke

Chapter 158 fluke
It's a pity why he was able to fall down defenseless, of course it was because of the presence of seniors.

So, it is good to have a golden thigh!

Not far away, the woman looked at the dead body, and said calmly, "You lost."

What a bunch of trash!
The man restrained his furious look, "No, I haven't lost yet."

"What do you mean? I never knew you were such a shameless person." The woman turned to the man and said angrily.

A trace of disdain flashed across the man's eyes: "Win the king and lose the bandit."

Then, ignoring the woman's movement to stop her, she waved her hand.

"You don't regret it!"

The woman left angrily, and the man narrowed his eyes fascinated by her back, "I really don't know what to do."

Rao Xi was completely unconscious on the ground, and Rao Xian was sleeping not far away, now is the best time to strike, once this move is made, this girl will leave this world forever.

The leader also glanced regretfully at Lai Xi, who was lying on the ground and could vaguely see his face, why did he come to the Exile?

Don't blame him if you want to die yourself!
The leader used his spiritual power and was about to make a move when he heard a clear and indifferent voice, like a pine in the sky, like a moon between clouds, the voice said: "Mie."

Lin Yuan casually glanced at the soul body that had dissipated into the air, then looked at the panicked man in the distance, and lightly tapped him with his fingertips.

The spiritual power moved slightly, and Rao Xi and Rao Xian together with coaxing the little fox floated in mid-air like a corpse, following Lin Yuan's footsteps.

This scene, coupled with tonight's starless night and the floor full of regrets for the dead bodies and blood just killed, really scares people to death.

Lotus grows step by step, as if a space has been crossed in one step.

"It's really useless."

The indifferent voice spread into the wind far away and was scattered somewhere.

As soon as the woman returned to the room and hadn't sat down, she saw her subordinates stumbling in.

"Boss! Boss!"

The woman stood up abruptly, and quickly walked to the subordinate, "What's wrong?"

It's that little girl who has...already...

"Boss, Tai Jun is dead!"

The woman froze, "What did you say?"


"Wow, it hurts like hell."

Unfortunately, when he woke up from the coma, he didn't feel anything, but he felt pain that could almost kill him all over his body.

Regret closed her eyes, it would be better for her to sleep a little longer.

I can't feel it when I sleep.

Well, she reassured herself.

"Don't pretend to be asleep when you wake up."

Qinglingling's voice was obviously light and ethereal, but it sounded like Shen Yuan's dangerous purple thunder, reaching Rao Xi's ears.

The body that could no longer move seemed to be shaking.

Rao Xi opened her eyes, rolled her eyes, and saw Shi Shiran's senior sitting on the chair, and her younger brother who was holding the fox and looking at her worriedly.


"Sister, you finally woke up, do you still hurt, sister?"

Rao Xian, who was sitting well at first, rushed up like a cannonball, but when he was close to Rao Xi's body, he slowed down and didn't touch her at all.

Rao Xi comforted him: "My sister doesn't hurt."

At this time, Lin Yuan who was beside him said indifferently: "Really? Say it again."

Rao Xi blinked, and immediately succumbed to the evil power of the big devil: "It hurts, my sister is about to die of pain."

Rao Xian who originally wanted to say that his sister was lying: "..."

He didn't know what to say.

"That's right."

After saying this, Lin Yuan went out.

Rao Xian watched Lin Yuan leave the room, the cute little guy with a bright smile on his face suddenly let out a long breath.

Rao Xi laughed and said, "Are you so afraid of senior? Did senior not do anything to you?"

Rao Xian strongly retorted: "It's because I didn't do anything to be afraid!"

It would be fine to reprimand him a few words, or beat him up, but the senior just looked at him with those black pupils, without any emotion or emotion, like looking at the dust on the ground, like a heartless god , looking at the mortal world.

It's scary, isn't it?

Every time he dared not look at his senior or stay with him, he only hoped that his sister would wake up soon.

"Okay, okay, originally you were so happy not because I woke up, but because I woke up!"

These words are a bit convoluted, but fortunately, Rao Xian, who has an online IQ, understands the meaning of pity without any hindrance.

He smiled cutely: "Of course not, of course I'm happy when my sister wakes up."

After finishing speaking, there was another big and generous smile.

Unfortunately, her whole body hurts now, and she knew that she was seriously injured. After all, no matter how hard she dealt with so many people who were stronger than her, she couldn't get away with it.

If this is the case, then it is not the halo of the protagonist, and it would be fine to directly dominate the world.

Rao Xian took the cup, gently fed Rao Xi some water with a spoon, and then explained the current situation to her.

"Sister, after you fell into a coma, senior took us out of the exile, and then directly found a mountain range, because your injury was too serious, and the mountain range is more suitable for you to recover from your injuries, and there are not too many people bothering you." , and then you slept for five days."

Rao Xian put down the spoon and said softly to his elder sister: "Sister, senior is really kind to you. She has healed your injury for several days. It is thanks to senior that you can wake up so quickly."

Rao Xi curled the corner of her mouth, of course she knew.

Although the senior looks cool and indifferent like a god sitting on the throne, he is really soft-hearted.

Lin Yuan: "..."

This is really a big misunderstanding.

She just wanted to eat Rao Xi's meal earlier.

It's a pity that the injury was still too serious, and after chatting with Rao Xian for a while, he fell asleep again.

Seeing that Rao Xi had fallen asleep, Rao Xian stepped lightly, and when he went out, he saw the senior waiting for him.

"Senior, let's start!"

After the effect of the sleeping charm passed, Rao Xian woke up immediately, and then saw his sister who was seriously injured and unconscious. Rao Xian couldn't describe how he felt at that moment, just thinking, he never wanted to see his sister like this again up.

He knows that it is common to get injured during the process of cultivation, and even many practitioners are almost on the verge of death during this long cultivation journey. It is quite normal for practitioners to be injured.

But he wondered if he could work harder, and he also wanted to protect his sister, at least, when she was with him in the future, she didn't need to fight so desperately, and didn't need to fight for the chance of survival.

"Are you a turtle? With such a slow speed, when you attack the enemy, I'm afraid the enemy will fall asleep."

The seniors are still "dare not to describe" as always.

Rao Xian grasped his bone sword tightly and rushed towards Linyuan again. Although he fell to the ground in a short while with wounds all over his body, he still persisted time and time again and made progress time and time again.

And the "ruthless" Lin Yuan obviously couldn't feel Rao Xian's desperate spirit, she just felt that his aptitude was not very good.

Facing the master's high demands, Kunlun Mirror spoke timidly and rarely explained to these people from the small plane: [Master, sorry to show that they are already the most qualified in the small plane. 】


An extremely indifferent tone and attitude.

At this moment, Lin Yuan thought of the two apprentices whom she had forgotten how many epochs away, and she rarely sighed, "Why are all of them so stupid, it's really annoying to teach others, and it's even more annoying to be a master."

It's not easy for her!

 Thank you for the tickets for thinking about little angels ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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