I'm crazy

Chapter 166 Sweet Pet

Chapter 166 Sweet Pet
"Yu Ling, there is a freshman welcome party tonight, do you want to go and see it?"

Gao Ling sat cross-legged on the bed eating snacks while talking to Lin Yuan who was reading a book underneath.

Before Lin Yuan could speak, Qian Xiao's voice came over, "I, I, I..."

"You, you, you, you have companions, if you don't hurry up to date, why are you watching the welcome party!" A pillow was thrown over.

Another pillow hit.

"Hey, you can't watch the welcome party if you have a partner! What kind of rule is this, let me tell you, you are discriminating against lovers, naked discrimination, do you know?"

"Why did I discriminate against you? Why can't I say a word as a single dog! I'll fuck you!"

Gao Ling grabbed the pillow that Qian Xiao threw over just now, moved forward, and attacked! ! !

"Okay! You actually took the initiative to make a move, and my aunt let you know that you were still shitting in your pants when my aunt ruled the world!"

Qian Xiao looked down on the world's invincible, watched Gao Ling approach and moved forward, grabbed Gao Ling's pillow, and started to fight! ! !
Wen Nan on the bed next to him was gentle and calm, as if he was so used to it that he couldn't get used to it anymore.

She also took the time to comfort Lin Yuan: "The two of them are like this, don't worry about it."

A large dormitory is a four-person room, with two beds against the wall, and the upper bed and the lower table.

The beds of Gao Ling and Qian Xiao are on the same plane, and the beds are next to each other, which means that when Gao Ling and Qian Xiao sleep at night, if there is no fence, they will touch each other. together.

The two of them didn't know each other, they kept fighting like this, and their relationship became better and better.

At the beginning, Wen Nan would worry about the unity of the dormitory and try to persuade him, but now...

it is more than words.

Lin Yuan peeled a lychee and threw it into her mouth, signaling that she didn't care at all.

She likes the atmosphere of the 5023 dormitory better, and the three girls in the dormitory are also the ones she likes among human beings, so now Linyuan usually stays in the dormitory after class to eat, drink and watch plays, except for sleeping at night. .

In the end, a fierce pillow fight ended with the exhaustion of both sides.

"I'm going to buy a pillow again!!!"

Different voices said the same words, and the two fell on the bed, silently regretting and weeping.

The head of the dormitory, Wen Nan, finally asked for everyone's opinions and made a decision to go to the welcome party tonight with the whole dormitory.

"Xia Xia, are you okay!"

Sitting Ni Haiqing noticed Xia Yizhu's expression and said worriedly.

Xia Yizhu shook her head, she was fine, but her heart beat a little faster, "I'm fine."

Even if she wasn't face to face with him, she would feel overwhelmed just by seeing him in the crowd.

"Ah, come to think of it, Xia Xia." Ni Haiqing excitedly touched Xia Yizhu.

"what happened?"

Ni Haiqing's face was full of sternness, just like the question she was about to ask next, "you are the one who kissed our school girl A! How is it, tell me quickly, how does it feel? School girl Are your lips soft? Is it sweet? Is it fragrant?"

As soon as these words came out, Xia Yizhu immediately looked like a cooked duck, his neck and face were completely red. Fortunately, at night, the performance had not started yet, and the lights were not very bright, so Ni Haiqing couldn't see clearly.

"Finally, nothing at all! Who did you listen to, me, me, how could I kiss someone."

Seeing that Xia Yizhu was about to cry, Ni Haiqing immediately stopped, "Okay, I was wrong! Don't ask, don't ask."

Ni Haiqing turned her head and continued to stare at the front, Xia Yizhu quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Woo~, watching so many idol dramas is not for nothing, at least her acting skills are a little better.

She didn't actually lie, it was just that she accidentally fell that day, and Shi Hua helped her up, because of their posture, their lips just touched a little bit, it was not as exaggerated as Ni Haiqing said!

She is also very sorry, she actually wants to know these questions too!
At [-]:[-], the show starts on time!
The four of Linyuan sat in the middle of the third row, a very good position, although the freshman welcome party had been arranged.

But today, the students in the four seats in the third row happened to have something to do, and those who didn't want to come didn't come. Wen Nan, a top student and the chairman of the student union, always had a little bit of power, so these four seats became their dormitory.

Originally, they planned to stand behind and take a casual look, but now that they have a seat, they don't have to feel wronged.

The welcome party of University A is divided into half and half for each department. After all, there are so many students, even if the school wants to hold all of them, it is impossible. Firstly, there is no such a large venue to accommodate all students, and secondly, it is too time-consuming and energy-consuming. , even if each department only produces one or two programs, that time is too long.

And why does the Department of Chinese and the Department of Computer Science hold a welcome party together?
That's because the former chairman of the Chinese Department and the chairman of the Computer Department happened to be a couple.

Now it is also a major feature of A University.

After all, there are many boys in the computer department and many girls in the Chinese department. The combination of the two departments is suitable and interesting, and the effect of the program is very good.

So every year, many students come to watch the welcome party of the Department of Chinese and Computer Science.

The host's ability to control the field was good, coupled with the wonderful program, the applause in the auditorium continued throughout the night, accompanied by roars from boys and screams from girls from time to time.

There seems to be no mistake on the scene, but the backstage is going crazy.

"Ah, what should I do? What should I do?"

Wu Yu, the director of the Ministry of Literature and Art, was scratching his hair, holding the program list in his hand, and was in a state of collapse right now.

The next program will be Shi Hua's program.

Just by looking at this appearance time, you can tell how much the students rehearsing the show have high expectations for this show. Wu Yu knows that many girls sitting below are here for Shi Hua.

Now that something happened, the show might have to be canceled. Wu Yu felt that it was the best way for her to be killed by Jiang Dao Lei.

Shi Hua was sitting on a chair, wearing a white suit. The decent suit outlined a nearly perfect slender figure. Coupled with the outstanding appearance of the hero of the novel, I don't know how many girls are watching him secretly.

"I have a way."

"Huh? Who's talking." Wu Yu turned around while grabbing her hair, and saw Shi Hua who was sitting on a chair with no expression on his face, and said, "I have a solution."

Xia Yizhu was watching the show when she felt someone pat her on the shoulder. She turned her head away, and the girl in the back seat said, "Student, someone is calling you from behind."

Xia Yizhu glanced at it, she seemed to be a senior, and after a closer look, she was a senior from the Literature and Art Department of the Department of Computer Science. This senior was also a famous person in school, and she helped Xia Yizhu carry things when the school started, Xia Yizhu naturally recognize her.

After talking to Ni Haiqing, Xia Yizhu bent down and walked to the back as much as possible not to disturb other students.

"Sister, what's the matter?"

As soon as he asked this question, he was grabbed by the wrist.

Wu Yu said while running: "There is no time, I will explain to you later."

 Thank you, little friend, little angel for your tickets ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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