I'm crazy

Chapter 168 Sweet Pet

Chapter 168 Sweet Pet
After dinner, Father Yu said to Lin Yuan, "Ling'er, come with me."

After speaking, she took the lead to go to the second floor, Lin Yuan also got up and followed, she almost knew what Father Yu was going to tell her.

When they got to the study room, Lin Yuan and Yu's father sat on the sofa, which was placed when Yu Ling was a child.

Because Yu Ling likes to stay with his father when Yu's father is at home, and Yu's father has to work, the study is relatively cold, but after Yu Ling often stays in the study with his father, Yu's father has placed a lot of things.

For example, the fluffy dolphin doll, the big sofa sitting under it, and the carpet covering the floor. In short, traces of Yu Ling can be seen everywhere in this originally cold study room.

Some people may ask, don't you think it's cruel to replace Yu Ling like this?
For this kind of mental retardation, the demon god Linyuan will directly kill him. Since you are so kind, how about you turn it into the nourishment of the world to support this world?
Not to mention that the identity she replaces is either a dead person or a person who voluntarily gave up his life, or most of the time Linyuan let Kunlun mirror create an identity in the small plane.

She never owed any karma.

What's more, the human beings whose identities are used by her, I don't know how much merit has been bestowed by this Fang Tiandao, and the blessings in the next life will definitely allow them to live a good life.

This is a fair and voluntary transaction!
So don't stand on the moral high ground and say some hypocritical words.

Just like now, when Lin Yuan sees the study full of Yu Ling's things, he has no emotion at all and is very calm.

Therefore, Linyuan sometimes prefers the human body without any cause and effect.

[Master, I'm sorry. 】

"Sorry, it's not your fault, my dear."

[Mmmmmmmm, I see, Master. 】

"Don't be coquettish."

Lin Yuan's smiling voice made Kunlun Jing jump happily again.

"Ling'er." Father Yu spoke at this moment, his face was no longer the indifference that he showed in front of his subordinates, but was full of guilt and love for his daughter.

"Father is sorry for you."

Ever since he saw that document that day, Yu's father fell into endless panic and fear. In the past few days, he didn't have a good rest at all, and fell asleep every time he closed his eyes.

He would dream about his daughter's misery after marrying that bastard. Similarly, Yu's mother, who knew the news, fell into the same condemnation of herself as Yu's father these days.

But every time they faced Lin Yuan, they didn't show anything wrong, so that Lin Yuan didn't even notice it.

"Dad, what are you talking about? It's not your fault. You don't know what kind of person Qi Zheng is. Don't blame yourself. Am I doing well?"

Once you understand the cause of the problem, you must find a way to remedy it.

Yu Ling's wish is for her parents to enjoy their old age peacefully. Of course, they cannot be allowed to fall into self-blame and affect their mood and even their bodies.

Father Yu nodded, but his expression still looked a little sad and remorseful.

Lin Yuan continued: "Dad has been a hero to protect Ling'er since he was a child, and this time Dad has also protected Ling'er. Linger will let Dad protect her in the future. Dad can't go on like this forever."

When Lin Yuan said this, Yu's father's eye circles were a little red, and he nodded heavily: "Dad will always be my precious daughter's hero, and will always protect my daughter well!"


Lin Yuan closed the door, it would be better for Father Yu to stay alone in the study to settle his emotions.

As for Yu's mother, Lin Yuan looked at Yu's mother who was sitting on the sofa in a daze, walked over and sat beside her.

Neither of them spoke. After a long time, Lin Yuan said lightly: "Mom, Yu Ling loves you, and she hopes you will be well."

After speaking, he stood up and left.

Mother Yu looked at the TV in front of her, shed tears and sobbed loudly.

When Lin Yuan went downstairs the next day, although Yu's father and Yu's mother's eyes were red, and it looked like they hadn't slept all night, their spirits were much better, and there was no sense of self-blame in their expressions.

Yu's mother pushed the fried eggs to Lin Yuan and Yu's father respectively, and said to Lin Yuan: "Ling'er, eat more."

Then he said to Yu's red-eyed father: "Don't go to the company today, take a good rest for a day."

Father Yu nodded with a solemn face, and said, "Don't be too busy, take a good rest after eating."

Yu's mother smiled, and Lin Yuan had an inexplicable feeling that she was a little brighter?
While eating breakfast, Yu's father said softly: "Qi Zheng, I have already been sent to prison, and I will never see this person again in the future."

This matter has been discussed, and the strong emotions disappeared, Yu's mother nodded in the face of this result, she believed in her husband, since Yu's father said that it has been resolved, then she doesn't have to worry about it.

Lin Yuan didn't care, she already knew that Qi Zheng, a pervert, was no match for Yu's father at all, and once Yu's father understood the truth, it would only take a day or two to deal with him.

After dinner, Linyuan went to school again. Yu's father and Yu's mother didn't sleep last night, and they wanted to rest well today, so they went to bed.

As soon as Lin Yuan opened the door of the dormitory, he was attacked by a "hidden weapon".

"Yu Ling!"

"Get out of the way!"

Of course, this kind of attack could not hit Lin Yuan's body, she avoided the oncoming "hidden weapon" with a slight dodge.

a pillow!
"Woo!" Gao Ling who threw the hidden weapon breathed a sigh of relief, and almost hit Yu Ling.

Wen Nan hurried over to pick up the pillow, and said to Lin Yuan, "Yu Ling, are you alright?"


After speaking, he walked into the dormitory, closed the door, and jokingly said, "What's the matter?"

At a glance, it was obvious that they were Qian Xiao and Gao Ling again.

Qian Xiao stuck out his tongue, "Isn't Gao Ling having a convulsion?"

"Qian Xiao, you're just having a convulsion!"

After putting the pillow away, Wen Nan handed Lin Yuan a cup of tea. She likes to drink tea, and there is also a tea set she specially bought in the dormitory, but the other two don't drink tea, so Lin Yuan and Wen Nan usually drink it.

"It seems that Lingling's male god died, she was in a bad mood, and after a few words in the novel, the two started fighting."

After Wen Nan's explanation, Lin Yuan roughly understood.

So, "Who died?"

Who knows that Gao Ling retorted loudly: "It's not death, ahhh, don't curse my male god, who said my male god is dead."

Weeping, weeping, choking, and sniffing snot while talking.

It looks extremely miserable!

"Huh?" Lin Yuan was puzzled.

Talking about this Gao Ling, he couldn't control himself, and once he wiped away his tears, he said bitterly: "My male god lost, I'm so fucking mad, I can't wait to grab the author and kill him! "


This "hiccup" made everyone laugh, and a smile flashed across Lin Yuan's eyes.

Wen Nan got a glass of water and handed it to Gao Ling to comfort him, "Don't be sad."

She doesn't know what else to say, and she doesn't watch anime and other two-dimensional things, so she really doesn't know how to comfort Gao Ling.

Qian Xiao didn't need to count on it, the battle between the two just ended.

It happened that Lin Yuan was interested, so she took a sip of tea, sat down and said calmly, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

 Thank you little angel Lingyuan, little angel who just wants to, thank you little friend for your votes ^O^, thank you to the little angels who voted for me almost every day????
(End of this chapter)

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