I'm crazy

Chapter 173 Update

Chapter 173 Update

It is very normal for people to go to high places and everyone desires, but Sese refused to take a step closer and rejected the opportunity in front of her.

Sister chuckled: "Editor-in-chief, after I become the editor-in-chief of the fantasy department, I can no longer be the editor of the abyss, right?"

Xia Yuan nodded, "Are you worried about Abyss? Don't worry, the website will arrange another excellent editor for Abyss."

Some editors have a very good relationship with their authors, so Xia Yuan also understands that Cather may be worried about the author she is in charge of.

Sese shook her head, "This is one aspect, but the most important thing is that I don't want to."

She is very clear about her temper, what if the editor on the website doesn't like Da Da, even though she firmly believes that those who don't like Abyss Da Da are definitely mentally retarded.

But she can't control people's thoughts, and she also knows that a person cannot be loved by everyone.

Although the right of editing is not very great, especially for the author of the great god level.

But Sese is still worried that her abyss will be wronged a little bit, and she can't guarantee that the next editor will respect or even respect abyss as seriously as she does.

Most importantly, she loves it.

Yes, she likes it!
Perhaps in the eyes of others, this is a very willful word, and her choice is not wise.

But after all, it is hard to buy and I am willing.

For most grievances, the word abyss is faith.

It's very strange, it's a person you've never met, you don't know what she looks like, you don't even know her real name, just relying on a few books or even one book, these two words become unknown people's beliefs.

"Okay, I get it, but I still want you to think about it."

Xia Yuan understands Sese's unfinished meaning, she respects her subordinate's choice, but as a boss who cares about her subordinates, she is inevitably a little worried about Sese's choice.

After all, opportunities won't wait for you. If Sesel doesn't choose this time, she won't be able to choose when she wants to.

Moreover, although Abyss is the supreme god of Fengyue, no one can guarantee whether she will continue to write and write for a few more years.

If the abyss doesn't continue to write in the future, Sese loses this opportunity again, and in the future...

But even though she is Thurse's boss, she can't make a decision for her. In the end, Xia Yuan said with a blank expression: "Just don't regret it."

Sese nodded with a smile, even if she may regret all the decisions she has made in her life, but this one will definitely not.

After sending a message to the editor, Lin Yuan rarely boarded the star network that had been useless for hundreds of years and posted a post.

Abyss: Updates are uncertain, you have to be a little cute, don't get mad at your editors.

Within a few seconds of sending it out, this star state was captured.

"Ahh! No matter what you say, grab a sofa first!"

"Then, I realized what I said a lot..."

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Lable

"Who, like me, thinks that Da Da wants to tell us good news, and almost regards the four words "updated and uncertain" as an immediate update? Is the vision of my wing clan that is so proud of the entire interstellar world finally broken here?"

"Upstairs +1, I also thought that the boss was going to tell us good news, and I almost misunderstood the words I have learned for more than ten years... I just want to praise the upstairs, the earth language is not bad!"

The language of each race is different, but with the existence of converters, racial communication is not a problem at all.

And Linyuan has readers from all races, the key is that she writes in Earth language, and many of them are ancient planet cultures that have disappeared or only know a little bit of the current third-star province. The language is also learned well, so it can be seen that he is a true fan.

"I'm already crying now... I'm not afraid of waiting, but I'm afraid that "Devil God" will be cheated in the end, woo woo woo."

"Upstairs, you told me that tears came out of my eyes. Really, I'm afraid too. If this one is also a mess, I'll... I'll... woo woo, what can I do? I still love it so much The abyss is huge!"

"So I can only pray silently in my heart, don't cheat! Even if it's me who has been serialized for ten or eight years... I... I can accept it⊙﹏⊙"

"Upstairs, I can tell from your tone and expression that you are reluctant. I am different. As long as Da Da can finish "Devil God", I will, I will lose twenty pounds of flesh on my body."

"Upstairs, domineering, too domineering!"

As we all know, because of the rich cosmic resources and the alliance government almost takes care of the alliance residents from birth to death.

Not to mention that the technology of the interstellar era is so advanced, which has caused a problem, that is, 80.00% of the residents of the interstellar era are house dwellers.

The remaining 20.00% are deep home dwellers!
After all, everything can be done at home, and there is no need for people to go out at all. Even if you are socializing with friends, the virtual projection is no different from the real person.

All kinds of reasons add up, and the result is that most of the interstellar residents are not in such good health, and they are in a sub-healthy state.

Although the physical fitness of the residents in the interstellar era is much better than that of thousands of years ago, the cumulative effect of not exercising or even going out of the house is not much better.

And another characteristic of interstellar residents is laziness!

The reason is the same as above.

So this reader said that she was willing to lose twenty catties, which is really true love.

"Well, although I don't have the arrogance of the upstairs, if the abyss can finish "Devil God", I will, I will try my best to find a job. After graduating from the Federal University and working for a year, I will No more work."

"I didn't expect that the upstairs is still a top student! Then can I ask why the upstairs is not working?"

"There is no special reason, one is that I am lazy, and the other is that I am not short of money."

"Jealousy made me unrecognizable, I still remember it was a dark and stormy day..."

"It's started again upstairs, I've memorized your asterisk by heart."

"On that day, our grievances were not called grievances, but Yuan Yuan. There was a cutie on the star network @迷岩大大, who was very cautious and looking forward to asking why he couldn't update on time. He replied with four words: [ Lazy and not short of money] [Screenshot.JPG] Oh, pity us Yuanyuan, after waiting for a long time for a big update again and again, big fans 'angry' changed Yuanyuan to resentment."

"It's a pity that this threat, which is not considered a threat at all, did not threaten Da Da at all."

"So I continued to post a post saying, it's useless. 【Screenshot.JPG】"

"The only slight struggle of our grievances was crushed under great pressure, and it went bankrupt in a second!"

"However, the name was not changed in the end."

"Because Da Fan silently feels that maybe one day Da Da will kindly find out and update us?"

"Oh! Sad reminder"

"Ah! Hard work"

"Oh! Poor!"


(End of this chapter)

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