I'm crazy

Chapter 175 Update

Chapter 175 Update
Zhaohui Film and Television Company, general manager Meng Bo had just finished the work at hand, and hurriedly asked his assistant to invite the young ancestor of their company in.

"Brother Meng, how is it? Is there any news from the Fengyue website?"

After a white and soft glutinous dumpling came in, he hurriedly asked.

Although it was an awkward word to describe an adult, this young man seemed to fit the adjective.

His skin is very fair, not a top-notch face, but it is a very comfortable type, with a gentle temperament, and looks like an obedient and soft glutinous rice dumpling.

Meng Bo has a bit of a headache, and he still feels sorry for his good child: "Yes, how about changing it? As long as it is from other authors, I can buy the copyright for you."

Ke Youwen said that the starlight in the bright eyes dimmed in an instant, and Meng Bo felt a little uncomfortable. After all, he was his own child, so obedient, and wanted to be satisfied with all his demands.

But he really can't do this!

Everyone knows how popular Abyss's books are, how much they can earn if they can buy the copyright, and everyone knows that this is a guaranteed business.

Unfortunately, no one knows that Abyss does not sell copyrights.

Anyone who is in the party will want to eat a bite of this huge cake, but so far, the eye-catching cake has been quietly sitting there.

No one can move.

Ke You was very sad, but he knew that Brother Meng had tried his best, and he couldn't criticize Brother Meng, but he was still so sad!
When Meng Bo saw the look on his child's face, his heart ached a little.

Ke You lost his parents since he was a child, and he and his cousin Ke Yu watched him grow up.

She has been well-behaved and obedient since she was a child, and her academic performance is also very good. As she wished, she was admitted to the Directing Department of the Alliance Film and Television Academy, and graduated as an outstanding graduate this year.

He and Ke Yu have always been proud of their children.

Also try my best to meet his requirements.

But the children are so obedient, they have never made any demands on them since they were young, and this time they finally had it, but he just couldn't do it.

Meng Bo just wanted to say something to comfort his well-behaved child.

Then came the common drama link in film and television dramas.

He opened the terminal that had just rang, and saw a contract lying quietly on top of his terminal.

Meng Bo took a little breath and passed the contract to Ke You, "Yes, please check the terminal."

"Okay." Although he didn't know why Brother Meng asked him to look at the terminal now, Ke You obediently opened it.

"About the copyright use contract of "Emperor""

"Ah!" Ke You exclaimed. He originally thought that this matter was impossible, but he didn't expect a sudden turn of events.

"Brother Meng, this... is this true?" Ke You looked at Meng Bo with some anxiety.

Meng Bo responded to his uneasiness with a smile, but in fact he was also very happy.

Not only because some wishes have come true, but this contract is also of great benefit to their company.

Because they are the first to eat their cake.

"Yes, you are about to start preparing your movie."

These thoughts flashed by in a blink of an eye, Meng Bo said softly to his children.

Ke You clenched his fists, and a heavy pressure fell on his shoulders in an instant. It was both pressure and motivation.

"I will definitely not let you down!"

Abyss will definitely not be greatly disappointed!absolute!

Once the contract is in hand, the follow-up work will be handled by the company's full-time staff. What Ke You has to do now is to seriously prepare the film.

For the production of a film, the preparatory work is very hard and difficult, but Ke You will definitely do it well and do his best.

The assistant put the document on Meng Bo's desk, hesitating a little.

Meng Bo: "Say, what's wrong?"

The assistant gritted his teeth: "Mr. Meng, the status of Abyss is obvious to all in Sanxing Province. Our young master is still a new director without any works. Of course, I am not questioning the ability of the young master. It's just that Fengyue and Abyss and Abyss are huge. Fan group, I'm afraid..."

Meng Bo frowned, and then let go: "Fengyue and Abyss really need to explain well, otherwise people will think that we don't pay attention to this project, and don't care about the rest. As long as Abyss himself has no opinion, it's fine. What will happen in the end as long as the movie is released? Everyone will know."

After finishing speaking, he put down the pen in his hand, leaned on the chair and said with a smile: "Don't think that we are obedient, it's easy to bully, but whoever thinks that he is really easy to bully, then the unlucky ones must be themselves. Moreover, this is the ultimate ideal that has been contemplated for several years so far, and it is absolutely impossible for him to be destroyed by anyone."


Tofu should be eaten while it is hot, so Zhaohui Film and Television immediately sent someone to contact Fengyue after receiving the contract.

In Fengyue's reception room, Xia Yuan, Thurse, Fengyue's lawyers and other teams were sitting on one side, and the person in charge of Zhaohui Film and Television and the lawyer team were sitting on the other.

The lawyers of the two parties came and went with each other on various aspects of the contract, and refused to give in to each other.

One must be cautious about things like contracts, because even a small supplementary regulation may lead people into a deep ditch.

"Editor-in-chief, all right."

Fengyue's lawyer gestured to Xia Yuan, while Zhaohui's lawyer also gestured to Cheng Han, Zhaohui's person in charge.

Xia Yuan smiled, there was still an expression on her face when talking about business.

"Cheng Zong, although there is nothing wrong with the contract, but before signing the contract, I would like to ask for our author, who is the director in charge of the movie "Emperor"?"

Xia Yuan laughed at Yan Yan, looking very gentle.

Cheng Han said solemnly and gently: "Editor Xia, the director of our company, Ke You, has finalized the film "Emperor"."

"Oh, I don't know what movies Director Ke has made, can you tell me?" Xia Yuan continued to ask.

After all, the director of a play is actually the core to a certain extent. If the director's level is not good, then even the best script may be ruined.

Cheng Han said earnestly: "Director Ke You just graduated this year, but please rest assured that Editor Xia, Zhao Hui is absolutely serious about "Emperor". He has always been among the best, and he himself likes the author of Abyss and her works very much, and will definitely try his best to make this movie well."

When Cheng Han said the first sentence, Xia Yuan's expression was a little bad.

"Emperor" is a phenomenal work, even if it is not finished, but the previous content alone can be filmed, and it can be regarded as a complete story.

And Zhaohui let a newly graduated Lengtouqing take over "Emperor", no wonder Xia Yuan had a bad face.

After listening to Cheng Han's explanation, it was a little better. The Alliance Film and Television Academy is one of the best schools in the All Freedom Alliance.

Being admitted to this university and being an outstanding graduate representative can also reflect his strength to a certain extent.

But Xia Yuan still couldn't agree. After all, the young director has no experience. Who knows what his level is?
This is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, if this young man ruins "Emperor", then the condemnation of so many fans in the abyss is enough for them to suffer.

"Cheng Zong, let me tell you clearly, I believe Director Ke is excellent, but just to be on the safe side..."

 Thank you little angel Lingyuan, I just want to vote for little angel ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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