I'm crazy

Chapter 194 Duckweed

Chapter 194 Duckweed
Ninghua sneered unceremoniously, "She's not stupid, she's stupid, don't talk like she's cute, if it wasn't for you, who cares if she dies."

Ninghua stretched her waist, her enchanting figure spread out like a willow, full of vigor and fragrance.

"Obviously she was raised by Sansheng until now. She is only a 15-year-old girl, she has not learned anything, and what money she can earn. It's not because you often give her your own money, and the pavilion master treats the sisters again. That's why she saved so much money by taking care of her, and in the end she looked down on us people. As everyone knows, if she didn't have Sansheng, her final fate would be worse than ours."

Huayan didn't speak, but smiled when Ninghua became more and more angry.

"That's enough! Still laughing." Ninghua stretched out her hand and pinched Huayan lightly, "I said, you don't still worry about her, do you?"

Hua Yan lightly shook her head, "If you're born with Sansheng, you're not Sansheng anymore, you don't think I'm a great sage, do you?"

Ninghua rolled her eyes, "I think you're almost going to become an eminent monk who can save sentient beings."

Huayan said softly: "How is it possible."

How could it be possible for a person like her who has been here for such a long time from the previous three lives to the present three lives to still have that compassionate mind?

A large part of the reason for her being like a cloud is because she is a girl from Sansheng Pavilion and a member of Sansheng.

The pavilion master is her benefactor, and she will stay in the Sansheng Pavilion for the rest of her life and do what she can for the pavilion master.

If Ruyun wasn't from Sansheng, then she wouldn't have cared for her at all. How could a woman who has been a prostitute for more than ten years care about a person inexplicably?
She just wants to share one or two for the Pavilion Master, that's all!

Ninghua obviously understood what Huayan meant, and looked at Huayan without a smile on her face: "It turns out that you have deceived us so hard."

She pretended so well, thinking that she was such a gentle and considerate big sister, but it turned out that everything happened for a reason.

Huayan also turned her head and watched Ninghua silently, very seriously and attentively.

"Don't look at me like that." Ninghua turned her head slightly unbearably, "You invited us for today's meal!"

Hua Yan smiled, "Okay."

Life is still uneventful, and there is no difference because there is one less person.

Linyuan occasionally plays a guest role as Sansheng's musician, but most of the time he is still sleeping, or he arranges songs and dances for Sansheng's girls on a whim.

At the end of the month again, Lin Yuan casually played the pipa, and his black pupils casually scanned the stage.

On the stage, Ninghua had jumped to the wrong beat several times. The girls on the stage all noticed that Ninghua's state was not right, and her attention was not on the stage at all.

Lin Yuan put down the pipa in his hand, and the real Sansheng Pavilion musician immediately picked up the music that Lin Yuan had interrupted.

"What's going on?" The questioning words also seemed faint.

It seemed that she didn't care at all, and didn't want to know that much, she just asked.

Huayan sighed, "The person she was waiting for is back."

Just such a piece of news can make Ninghua's mind flustered and unable to extricate herself.

Love in this world!
"Really?" Lin Yuan asked indifferently, not paying much attention.

Fortunately, Ninghua finally realized her mistake, managed to regain her senses, and after finishing the dance, she couldn't wait to go back to her room.

Ninghua took out a box from under her bed cabinet, the box was still locked, Ninghua opened the box carefully, and took out the letter that had just arrived.

Ninghua put the envelope on the dressing table, then sat down and opened the envelope.

What catches the eye is the vigorous and powerful strokes.

With tears in her eyes, Ning Hua carefully read the not-so-long letter word by word.

Ninghua sat in front of the dressing table, looked at the face in the bronze mirror that was more than the most peony, stretched out her hand and gently stroked her face, it was finally here.

As the day when the army entered the capital was getting closer, Ning Hua became more and more restless.

Huayan talked to her once, and Ninghua seemed not so anxious at last, but she was still busy making various things, making clothes and shoes for him. Black, not thin.

Ninghua is looking forward to the future with all her heart, the future she and he share.

But in the end, she must be disappointed.

"What did you say?" Ninghua supported the table with one hand, her fingertips turned white with force, her expression was filled with panic.

"General Pei Feng is a talented person. He has fought for the chief minister for five years and has made great military exploits. He is bestowed upon the general to marry Princess Mingzhu."

Huayan told Ninghua word by word the news that would break all of Ninghua's fantasies.

Since the establishment of the Si Dynasty, the frontier has been unstable. Pei Feng is a military genius who was born five years ago. He has grown from a small unknown soldier to a general of soldiers and horses. It can be seen that he is capable. This time he returned with a big victory. Holy Majesty The joy was evident, and he immediately made a marriage agreement between Pei Feng and his daughter, Princess Mingzhu.

Of course, it's unknown how much of this is due to the fear of Pei Fenggong's mastery of outsiders.

"Now all over the world are talking about General Pei's success in the spring, and his future is bright."

"Don't say it...don't say it..." Ninghua interrupted Hua Yan, she seemed unable to support her body and collapsed on the chair, muttering: "I see."

In the General's Mansion in the capital, Pei Feng was looking up at the moon, drinking away his worries.

"General, don't you think about it any more?"

The subordinates couldn't help asking aloud when they saw the mighty and brave general who was victorious in all battles in the past.

"Consider? Ha!" Pei Feng dropped his wine glass, "Do I still have room to think now?"

The emperor wanted him to marry the princess, so could he still bluntly refuse to marry in front of so many ministers?
Pei Feng is not a fool to be able to achieve his current status. Since ancient times, the emperor has never been suspicious. How about him, but not necessarily in the future.

Since ancient times, there are so many loyal generals who died because of the emperor's suspicion, let alone if he lost the emperor's face like this.

From the emperor's point of view, he was just taking credit for himself and being arrogant, disobedient to the emperor, even more outrageous.

He couldn't help it at all, he couldn't refuse, and he couldn't refuse.

Unless he wants his own life to die, unless he wants the status he has worked so hard for to disappear, and after he dies, the brothers and subordinates who fought with him will not be much better.

Now, he couldn't take another step back.

"Prepare the horse, I'm going to Huaiyang." Now that the decision has been made, it is impossible to delay this matter any longer.

In the Sansheng Pavilion, Ninghua looked at the distant Taotao river, silently, Huayan beside her was also accompanying her, the two of them stood quietly, and this space seemed to be silent.

 Thank you little angel Jiexi, I just want to vote for little angel ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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