I'm crazy

Chapter 207 Adorable Baby

Chapter 207 Adorable Baby
Feng Yan put down the pannier she was carrying on her back, walked lightly to Lin Yuan who was sleeping under the tree, stood there blankly and kept staring at the child who suddenly appeared in front of her, who didn't know whether it was a human or a fairy.

Feng Yan always felt that her daughter's such a beautiful dumpling should not be born by humans.

After standing for a long time, until her legs became weak and the sun was about to set, Feng Yan walked into Linyuan when it was already going down, and patted her belly lightly to wake her up.

Lin Yuan, who had just woken up, saw Feng Yan's face like a big bad wolf who wanted to kidnap Little Red Riding Hood, and asked her where she came from.

Lin Yuan acted cute directly, staring at Feng Yan with big shiny black eyes, saying that she didn't know, Feng Yan couldn't help but picked Lin Yuan up and carried her back to her home.

After asking Xiaotuanzi, but Xiaotuanzi didn't know anything, Feng Yan guessed that Xiaotuanzi was either a ghost, or was alone in the mountains because of being trafficked and abandoned by his parents, etc., guessing this possibility Feng Yan was so distressed that she was about to cry.

Feng Yan took Xiaotuanzi to the police station to report the case, but there was no news after waiting for almost a month. Finally, after asking Linyuan for his opinion, Feng Yan directly adopted Linyuan and became Xiaotuanzi Linyuan's grandmother.

Today is the market, grandparents and grandchildren are going to visit the market.

"Ninny, eat slowly, don't be in a hurry, the market will be open all day! Don't be in a hurry, baby!" Feng Yan put another egg in Linyuan's bowl, motioning her to eat.

She also found out that although her good baby nanna would let her hug her, she loves to be clean very much. She has to keep her clothes clean and wash her face and take a shower every day. Even though she is only three years old, her chubby little hands can't even hold a spoon. Steady, but also eat slowly.

The potato meatballs in Linyuan's bowl have not been finished, and the three-year-old has little appetite, so although Feng Yan's cooking is delicious, she can't eat much.

She stretched out her fat hands with small dimples, pushed the egg towards Feng Yan with difficulty, and softly said in a soft voice, "Eat milk."

Kunlun Mirror: [! ! ! 】


Feng Yan smiled and opened a flower, look!This is her baby girl, how cute and filial she is!
Children eat slowly. Feng Yan, who used to be in a hurry to do anything, is very patient now. She is also worried that her baby will choke her in a hurry, so she also slows down eating now.

Hey, let alone, since she slowed down her eating speed, she felt that her food tasted a lot better, especially when she was eating and chatting with her sweet baby.

Watching Guaibao eat a spoonful of food with his round mouth, his chubby face slowly bulges while chewing, and his pink and tender tongue can be seen from time to time.

Feng Yan simply said: "!!!"

She thinks she can eat a few more bowls of rice!
After the meal, she packed all kinds of eggs for sale and some gadgets made by Feng Yan herself. With her back basket on her back, Feng Yan led Linyuan's chubby little hand with her big hand, and walked towards the market one by one.

Feng Yan lives alone and has been raising some chickens, ducks and geese by herself, selling her own eggs, she can also do some handicrafts, and can also make clothes. The little skirt Lin Yuan is wearing now is made by Feng Yan herself.

"Sister Feng, here we come! By the way, are there any more duck eggs? I want five catties." Aunt Zhou greeted Feng Yan who was setting up a stall.

Feng Yan also smiled and said: "Hey, okay, I'll pretend it for you right away, why do you need so much today?"

While quickly fixing the things in his hand, he put the pony on the side and let his baby sit down.

Looked up, boo!Aunt Zhou has completely ignored her, and she is sneaking up on her sweet baby again!

She has such a bad temper!

Aunt Zhou looked at Lin Yuan who was obediently sitting on the pony and eating candy, and she was very envious. Why didn't she pick up such a obedient, soft, obedient and good-looking baby?

"Ninny, grandma made ribs today, do you want to go home with grandma for dinner?"

Aunt Zhou took out a small cake she bought in a basket and handed it to Lin Yuan who was sitting on a pony and eating candy. Feng Yan read a lot of books to take good care of Lin Yuan. She was literate and knew that children should not eat too much candy , so it can only be eaten once a few days.

Lin Yuan doesn't like sweets very much, but since she became a child, many things are a little out of control, and she also has many children's hobbies.

Linyuan smiled sweetly, and smiled at Aunt Zhou like the boy Guanyin, which almost melted Aunt Zhou's heart.

Lin Yuan was taking it, when he suddenly thought of something, turned his head and glanced at Feng Yan, and saw Feng Yan staring at Aunt Zhou with a dark face.

"Ninny, say thank you to grandma." But when she turned her head to face Linyuan, her expression changed instantly.

"Thank you, grandma." She smiled so generously, and her soft and waxy voice made Aunt Zhou feel like she was the one who ate candy.

Aunt Zhou also couldn't help but smile, "Good! So good!"

Once again, she envied Feng Yan's good luck, and regretted why she didn't go up the mountain that day, otherwise she would be the one who picked up her daughter.

Feng Yan could see what Aunt Zhou was thinking at a glance, her complexion became even darker, and she packed the five catties of duck eggs almost in a short while, forced a smile and handed the duck eggs to Aunt Zhou.

Aunt Zhou still wants to tease the obedient and soft dumpling again, but obviously more and more people don't give her this chance.


Sister Feng's increasingly bad face also let Aunt Zhou know that she does not "welcome" her...

Aunt Zhou didn't think much of it.

If she also had such a little granddaughter Xiaotuanzi, she would have to keep an eye on her every day, for fear that her Xiaotuanzi would be abducted by others if she didn't pay attention!
Aunt Zhou walked away reluctantly, turning her head three times at a time.

Lin Yuan quietly glanced at Feng Yan, whose face was still not very good, and gently took her hand, "Grandma, I love you the most!"

Feng Yan, who was secretly angry, only felt her hands soften, and before she could react, she heard her own daughter's voice, and couldn't help laughing.

She turned around and gently held her daughter's hand, squatted down and said, "My grandma loves my daughter the most."

Feng Yan started to sell things with a smile on her face, hum, so what if others like her daughter-in-law, her daughter-in-law is hers, and the person she loves the most is also her.

After coaxing Feng Yan, Lin Yuan began to unwrap the small cake that Mrs. Zhou gave her. The small cake was very delicate, it looked delicious, and she knew it was expensive at a glance.

And almost everyone who came to buy things had to take a few glances at the little dumpling on the ponytail who was eating the cake with a small fork, and everyone wanted to go up to tease and touch it.

It's a pity that Feng Yan took good care of her, and Xiaotuanzi ate so seriously and happily, they didn't have the nerve to bother her.

So in the end, like Mrs. Zhou, she looked back several times reluctantly before leaving.

Feng Yan counted the money for selling things. As long as a little girl came out, her business would be much better, and everything would be sold out every time.

If you earn money, you can buy delicious food for your daughter, and her daughter is about to go to kindergarten. Feng Yan, who knows how important learning is, has always wanted to send her daughter to kindergarten, although now the kindergarten also teaches There is not much learning knowledge, but the last one must be good.

 Thanks to the little angel Meng Qiongchen for the monthly ticket ^O^
  Thank you little angel Jiujiu, little angel medicine, and little angel Mei for your votes ^O^
  Hahaha, suddenly very happy today????
(End of this chapter)

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