I'm crazy

Chapter 227 Adorable Baby

Chapter 227 Adorable Baby
Shi Xing gently lowered his head and kissed Tuanzi's forehead, the extreme gentleness between his brows and eyes was deeply concealed.

The curled eyelashes blinked, and those black and white eyes, like the sound of a clear spring, finally opened.

Shi Xing's tense nerves relaxed quietly in a place he couldn't see, "Yuan Yuan."

When Lin Yuan opened his eyes, he saw Shi Xing's same expression as before. If he ignored the lifeless Han Ling lying on the ground, no one would think that something happened.

Shi Xing didn't want Tuanzi to see Han Ling's appearance, but he thought she had the right to know.

His dumpling is not an ordinary child, even if he wants to keep her under his wing.

It is impossible for him to guarantee that his tuanzi will always be safe under his protection, which requires the tuanzi to have the ability to protect themselves.

His dumplings are not delicate princesses, but noble kings.

So Shi Xing did not cover Lin Yuan's sight, and Lin Yuan naturally saw the tragic state of Han Ling lying on the ground.

Shi Xing's expression was unclear, his eyes were full of obscure and incomprehensible meanings, he hugged the dumpling into his arms, patted her on the back lightly, and said casually, "Are you afraid of brother?"

The eyelashes, which are lighter than butterfly wings, blinked lightly, as if ripples appeared on the calm lake surface, sparkling and intoxicating.

Shi Xing saw that Tuanzi's white and tender face did not hide his admiration and joy for him; Shi Xing felt that Tuanzi's soft little hands hugged his neck without hesitation; Shi Xing heard that Tuanzi was as sweet as glutinous rice The voice said without hesitation: "My brother is here to protect Yuan Yuan, Yuan Yuan loves my brother the most!"

Shi Xing closed his eyes, and the last trace of darkness that tormented him was swept away by the little milk dumpling in his arms.

"My brother loves you the most too."

Love you more than life.


Shi Xing poured a glass of milk for the dumpling and let the dumpling drink it. Too many things happened to the dumpling today, and he was afraid that the dumpling would leave a psychological shadow.

"Brother, what about that girl?"

Now that this is the case, Lin Yuan is also curious about how Shi Xing will deal with Han Ling.

Shi Xing rubbed Lin Yuan's little head, "Wake her up, she will leave by herself."

A stern look flashed in his dark eyes, now that he is still a child, he has no power or capital, and he can't deal with the reptiles that hurt his dumpling, so it doesn't matter if she lives a little longer.

But it is impossible for Shi Xing to let the factors that hurt the dumpling continue to live like this. He does not allow things in this world that he knows will harm the dumpling to live.

"Hey, don't be afraid, wait for brother, brother will come to accompany you right away, okay?" Shi Xing comforted Tuanzi, although he didn't want to spoil Tuanzi into a delicate princess, but Shi Xing's various behaviors were undoubtedly not pampering Tuanzi .

There is no match between what I think in my heart and what I do in my hands.

Linyuan, who was happy to see the success, was very happy.

After all, she is not really a child.

She understands Shi Xing's contradictory psychology. She doesn't want her cub to become a weak person who can't live without protection, but she is unwilling and subconsciously does not want to temper her cub.

As a three-year-old cub, Lin Yuan nodded obediently and went back to the bedroom.

Shi Xing directly stabbed Han Ling's neck lightly with the knife, and the pain that was not heavy but absolutely insignificant made Han Ling wake up from the coma.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the face of Shi Xing, the devil.

Han Ling came back to his senses, looked at him in horror, and wanted to back up, but his body, which had lost too much blood, could not move a single bit, and just struggled twice on the spot like a disgusting reptile.

Shi Xing casually threw the blade on Han Ling, slowly unfolded a piercing smile, parted his thin lips, and said, "Get lost!"

Thinking that Shi Xing was going to kill her, Han Ling was relieved when he fled, but Shi Xing found out the deep hatred hidden in his eyes.

She struggled to support herself, opened the door and took a look outside. There was no one, and she walked out of the room. She didn't forget to erase the monitor to eliminate the traces of her being here.

I'm afraid Shi Xing is also confident, knowing that she will never speak out, that's why he let her go.

But she definitely won't just let it go, she wants to make their lives worse than death!

Han Ling had a golden finger in her hand. Although Shi Xing had injured her finger badly and her finger was almost destroyed, it was almost healed after an afternoon, and she went to participate in the competition.

When Shi Xing saw Han Ling again, he noticed her unusual injury, and the astonishing hostility flashed in the dark eyes, which did not attract anyone's attention.

Since Han Ling is not an ordinary person, let her not be let go, she must die!
These thoughts were fleeting, Shi Xing hugged the dumpling in his arms and fell into a sweet sleep, carefully sat on the seat, adjusted his sitting posture, so that the dumpling in his arms could sleep more comfortably, and then closed his eyes.

The competition was over, and when Han Ling happened, Tuanzi was frightened, so naturally he didn't have the idea of ​​going out to play.

Shi Xing and Lin Yuan stayed in the hotel for an afternoon, playing games seriously with Tuanzi all afternoon, those chubby hands were very good at playing the game, even Shi Xing lost several times.

"How about brother, I said that I am very powerful!"

The small chest stood up proudly, and Tuanzi had a shy smile on his face, as if saying: Praise me, praise me!
Shi Xing lived up to Tuanzi's expectations, touched the little hairy head of Tuanzi with his slender hands, and a smile appeared on the boy's handsome face, "Yes, Yuan Yuan is very powerful."

Tuanzi smiled happily, apparently being praised by her brother made her very happy, and then stretched out her hand to signal Shi Xinghuo.

Shi Xing naturally picked up the dumpling that was sitting on the blanket, and Lin Yuan dragged Shi Xing's face with both hands, rubbed it with interest, and gave another sip, softly said: "Brother is also amazing."

Shi Xing didn't speak, but slowly moved closer to Nai Tuanzi, and gently touched Nai Tuanzi's pink face, leaving behind a faint scent of molan.


It was still the same as when we came here, Lin Yuan slept all the way back on the train, and when she got off the train, she quietly complained to her golden thighs: "Brother, the train is so uncomfortable and noisy, it would be great if there were planes like those on TV Yes, Yuanyuan wants to fly alone."

So, golden thighs, work hard so that she can sit back and wait for death in the future.

The golden thighs are really good.

I saw Shi Xing softened his eyebrows, and said to Nai Tuanzi: "Yes, brother will let Yuan Yuan take the plane."

There was imperceptible seriousness in the boy's deep voice, as if he was making an oath to the person he valued.

Shi Xing took Nai Tuanzi's hand, passed through the crowd, and walked towards home. The sun seemed to be partial to the two of them. Although it was scorching hot, it became gentle when it shone on the two of them.

Not yet, but not in a few years.

Yuanyuan, wait for brother.

 Thank you for the votes of just thinking about little angels ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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