I'm crazy

Chapter 253 Change of Dynasty

Chapter 253 Change of Dynasty
Lin Yuan was slightly taken aback when he heard the little wolf cub's words.

Seeing Lin Yuan's doubts, Qi Yu thought that she thought she was lying, that she thought she was a scheming child, and pretended to be a fool even if she said it so clearly.

Qi Yu's cheeks that were originally dyed pink turned pale, her thin hands were tightly clenched together, her dark eyes stared straight at Lin Yuan, she didn't dare to blink, for fear that she might misunderstand her, or that she would hate herself.

"I didn't...I didn't...I didn't...I didn't mean that, I'm sorry...I'm sorry, I was wrong..."

Qi Yu stammered an apology, because too much panic made him uneasy, and because Lin Yuan's long silence made him even more panicked and uncomfortable.

In fact, Lin Yuan just froze for a moment.

As deep as stars, a smile slowly leaked from her eyes as deep as the vast sea. She patted the little wolf cub's head again, and said softly, "I understand, and I'm not angry either."

"Well, little wolf cub, I can tell you that as long as you don't regret it, I will always be your queen mother." Lin Yuan looked down at Qi Yu arrogantly.

It was obviously not a serious gesture at all, and his attitude and words were not serious at all, but Qi Yu was relieved.

It was rare for him to have a little bit of extravagant hope and a little bit of courage.

Qi Yu watched Lin Yuan's face carefully, and moved into Lin Yuan step by step, taking a look at one step, taking a look at one step, Lin Yuan wanted to laugh.

Finally moved a little bit in front of Lin Yuan, her small face was already covered with the brocade clothes embroidered by Yun Jin.

He stretched out his hand, took one last look at Lin Yuan, and hugged Lin Yuan's leg with a heroic expression on his face, but after a while, Lin Yuan felt wet.

This little wolf cub!
It is rare for Lin Yuan not to be angry and let the little wolf cub hold her. After all, it is Xiaotuanzi. She has a better temper and a higher tolerance for these creatures' cubs.

After a long time, Lin Yuan heard indistinct words from his tightly buried mouth: "Thank you."

"En." Qingling's indifferent monophonic words contained a heavy momentum.


Emperor Qi'an was so satisfied with his beloved concubine Tao Fan, so even though no one agreed, he still decided to promote his beloved concubine Tao Fan again, regardless of how Tao Fan had already been promoted in just a few months after entering the palace. how many times.

Success has become a thorn in the side of the concubines, a thorn in the flesh.

She also became the demon concubine of the ruling and opposition parties, and a vixen who got it and punished her.

But Tao Fan himself didn't care at all, the framing of Gongdou by the concubines in the harem was nothing new, either poisoning or poisoning, could they be her opponents?Not to mention that she still has the cheating device of the system, whoever poisoned her where and what kind of poison is clear.

They thought they could kill her, but they didn't know that they were all her stepping stones.

The praying mantis catches the cicada, the oriole follows behind, and she will never let anyone who wants her dead go.

Thanks to the strong desire of these concubines for her death and their active actions, she has received so much pity from Emperor Qi'an. She will always be the innocent one. So many concubines want to frame her, which shows that she is How pitiful, it brings out how vicious and vicious those concubines are.

There is Tao Fan who puts eye drops on Emperor Qi'an from time to time, making those vicious concubines look like a peerless pure white lotus without any trace.

The abacus can be said to be extremely loud.

This day was Huang Chen's auspicious day chosen by Emperor Qi'an, and it was the day when he was going to make Tao Zhaoyi his concubine.

All the concubines and concubines attended together, and the canonization ceremony was extremely grand, allowing people to know just how much the current emperor loves this "famous" concubine Tao.

"Concubine Tao is really amazing, she has worked so hard on His Majesty's heart, but she has already been promoted to the concubine position in just a few months."

Before the canonization ceremony started, the low-ranking concubines arrived at the canonization palace early, while the high-ranking concubines had not yet arrived, so at this time the low-ranking concubines gathered together to talk in twos and threes.

He said it was amazing, but there was no admiration in his eyes, only unwillingness and hatred in his heart.

These are the words in the hearts of all concubines.

Obviously at the beginning, it was nothing more than a small charge, not even a master.

She doesn't have a prominent family background, she doesn't have an extraordinary appearance, and even from her domineering appearance, she doesn't have any character.

So why exactly?
Why is it her?

Many concubines were extremely jealous, and the concubine who was staying with the concubine who was talking also responded: "Indeed, this Concubine Tao's methods are really superb, people have to admire!"

What means is not a means to seduce people.

She was just a coquettish vixen, a disgusting thing, and the concubines wanted to tear Tao Fan's mouth and ruin her face.

"Tao Zhaoyi is here!"

The sharp voice of the eunuch came in, and the speaking concubines consciously moved out of the way, so that Tao Zhaoyi, who was followed by a mighty crowd, could pass by smoothly.

Tao Fan is wearing a red dress today. She specially added a modern design to the Imperial Clothes Bureau. Just a little change made the dress extremely brilliant.

Looking at the appearance of these concubines, who claimed to be ladies, who had never seen the world, Tao Fan couldn't help but feel complacent. They really are a bunch of country bumpkins, how can they know more than himself, a person from modern times.

Tao Fan raised his neck high, pulled out a contemptuous smile, and said to the concubines who were saluting to her, "Get up, don't be so restrained."

This attitude disgusted all the concubines.

"Who does she think she is? Who in this world doesn't know that Zhenghong is a color that only the royal family can wear. In this palace, only the empress can wear it. Does she not care about the empress at all? You put on that posture, it really makes me want to throw up overnight, and I don’t even look in the mirror to see what I look like, as if this harem belongs to her, and we are all her handmaidens, the empress does not have any How can she treat us like this!"

Some concubines who were so outspoken that they couldn't stand it had already quietly talked to the concubines she knew well.

The concubine who had a good relationship with Liu Mei slightly frowned, and said softly: "Stop talking, people will know what is good or bad when they hear you."

Although she doesn't like this Tao Zhaoyi, it's not because of how quickly she was promoted. After all, there are many high-ranking concubines in this palace. If everyone is jealous, then I don't know where to be jealous.

She just felt that this Tao Zhaoyi was a little strange, he acted strangely, and the things in his mind were also strange.

She doesn't like it for no reason, no, it should be very annoying.

(End of this chapter)

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