I'm crazy

Chapter 263

Chapter 263
Neither Cang Feng nor Liao Yuan noticed the soaring monster aura in this house, which shows how powerful this monster is.

But that's it, it's really impossible for them to turn around and leave now.

The demonic aura is already very strong, if it is not dealt with, I am afraid that the people in this city will be implicated.

"Cangxi, protect yourself." Cang Feng drew out the sword and held it in his hand, and ordered Cangxi behind him.

Liao Yuan also explained to his younger brother who followed him and had not spoken to him. One of them walked in front and the other walked behind. Cangxi and Liao Yuan's younger brother Wu Wu walked in the middle and were protected.

The demonic aura was so strong that it blocked their sight, and they couldn't see anything.


The demonic aura condensed into claws and came towards them. With the movement of the Buddha bead in Lio Yuan's hand, the golden light flashed, and the demonic aura was washed away, but after a while, the claws came towards them again. At this time, Cang Feng swung his sword , continue to disperse the evil spirit.

He said with a serious face: "Master Liao Yuan, we must find the monster first."

Monsters don't die, and these evil spirits can never be removed.

Liao Yuan said in a low voice, "Amitabha, what the Almighty Cang said is justified."

And Lin Yuan, who came in first, watched Cang Feng and others who were fighting against the evil spirit not far away.

She stretched out her hand and pulled the leaves of the yushu next to it, playing with them boredly, "Are you going to kill these people?"

She said to the empty house, but then someone answered her words: "Don't tell me that you plan to save them? Don't forget, you are also a demon, and all human beings deserve to die!"

Lin Yuan said indifferently: "I'm not that busy yet, I'm just here to watch the show, right? But I kindly remind you, you may not be able to kill these people."

As soon as the words fell, the evil spirit was instantly torn open by the sword. Cang Feng held the sword in his hand, and his arm was filled with black and blue. big deal.

The temperament is not bad.

Cang Feng and the others did not expect to see the person standing behind them in the inn just now after breaking through the evil spirit.

Cang Feng frowned slightly, and was about to speak when Cang Xi couldn't wait to ask: "Why are you? Are you a demon?"

Cang Feng: "..."

Is his junior brother so heartless?

Just like that, he asked in a daze whether he was a demon or not.

Cang Feng supported his forehead, and said to Lin Yuan: "Excuse me, your Excellency?"

Liao Yuan and his younger brother stood aside and watched, Lin Yuan twitched the corners of his mouth lazily: "What's none of your business?"


Cang Feng is worthy of being the big brother of Baiyun Temple. He has brought more juniors and younger sisters. He has a good heart and does not feel angry when he hears the words. He explained: "We are here to get rid of demons. If you are not a demon, we will naturally protect you." Your Excellency is in danger."

"Really?" The black pupils flashed mockingly, with a nonchalant gesture, "What if I say, I'm a demon?"

Cang Feng was silent for a while, and was about to speak, when Yuan said directly: "If the benefactor is a demon, then for the sake of the common people in the world, we will naturally send the benefactor to the place where he should go."

Cang Feng secretly thought it was not good, and hurried to look at Lin Yuan, sure enough, although this person's expression didn't change much, the aura around him cooled down.

"Really? What a savior who cares for the common people!" Suddenly a stern voice sounded, and Cang Feng took a closer look, and saw the monstrous aura all over the sky condensed into a shadow.

A black mist condensed into a sharp blade and came towards Yuan unexpectedly. This mist was so powerful that Yuan was hit in the chest suddenly before he had time to avoid it.

"Pfft!" A mouthful of blood spat out, Wu Wu quickly supported Yuan's body, "Brother!" He took out the medicine and fed it to Yuan, and Yuan got better.

Cang Feng and Cang Xi didn't react to this sudden change at all, and didn't rush to defend until Yuan was attacked.

Lin Yuan conjured up a deck chair and lay down, watching the play leisurely.

Out of the corner of Cang Feng's eyes, he glanced at this mysterious person, and with confidence, he said loudly: "I am apologizing to you two on behalf of Master Yuan, and I will definitely not mean that."

"Hmph!" Heiying sneered, "I dare not admit it even after I have said it. Don't you human beings always believe in people other than my race, and you must be punished if you have a different heart? You human beings are not my clan, then Is it very reasonable for me to kill you?"

Cang Feng was stunned for a moment, they walked the world of Baiyun Temple to slay demons and slay demons, they had always killed demons that caused harm to the world, they could not kill those demons who practiced peacefully, but other demon slayers were different.

It's not that he doesn't know that many cultivators think that demons are demons, and they must be eliminated. For example, the Ling'an Temple of Liaoyuan and them is like this.

Although he faintly felt that something would happen sooner or later, but after all, it was a faction's concept, and he couldn't change it. He could only reach out to help when encountering it.

"Your Excellency, I, Baiyun Temple, act in an upright manner, and the monsters we get rid of are all bloodthirsty monsters that cause harm to the world." Cang Feng said loudly while blocking the attack of monster energy.

Heiying laughed bitterly: "I don't care anymore, I just know that you are all going to die here today!"

After speaking, he gathered all his monster power and came towards Cang Feng and the others. Liao Yuan barely supported himself, and Wu Wu also barely protected himself and Liao Yuan.

Cang Feng had been invaded by the demonic energy just now, and after a long battle, he had no physical strength or magic power, and he barely supported the attack of the demonic force.

Cangxi, who was protected by him, had reddish eyes, and he stretched out his hand to support Cang Feng's back to send him mana, hoping to support him for a while.

But the difference in strength was too great, but after a while Cang Xi and the others couldn't hold on anymore and knelt on the ground.

Hei Ying laughed sharply twice, and was about to kill several people directly, but Cang Feng, who had no ability to resist, suddenly got up and swung his sword.

The sharp sword shadow swept over, and the black shadow that couldn't dodge was hit, and the body formed by the condensed monster energy dissipated in an instant.

But the black shadow did not die, Cang Feng knew very well that his sword shadow could seriously injure her, but it was impossible for her to die like this.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Cang Feng clutched his chest and coughed non-stop, Cang Xi hurriedly supported him, took out the pill and water and fed Cang Feng to eat, gently lucking to make Cang Feng feel better.

It took a while for Cang Feng to recover, and looking at Yuan again, he was completely unconscious, only his junior brother Wu Wu was left struggling to support him.

Cang Feng gestured to Cang Xi, Cang Xi curled her lips and was not very willing, but finally walked over and gave a pill to Wu Wu.

"Amitabha, thank you Cang Benefactor."

Cang Xi had a bad look, "You're welcome, if you can say a few words less, we won't be where we are today!"

Blame this bald ass!

Wu Wu looked apologetic, but he was a little more pleasing to the eye than his hypocritical senior brother, Cangxi snorted secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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