I'm crazy

Chapter 295

Chapter 295

He was walking well, when suddenly a banana peel appeared at an unknown time, if it hadn't been for the past 20 years he has been stealing chickens and dogs!No, it was the experience of jumping up and down that made him stabilize his body, and he had to make a dog eat shit today.

And after he managed to stabilize his figure, a group of crows suddenly flew over his head, and they circled around him a few times and croaked a few times.

Forget it, Ding Zhao negative has always felt that he is the son of God, even if the crow calls him, he doesn't think it's a big deal.

But unexpectedly, the crow that yelled at him was still shitting on his head! ! !

This made him intolerable!

Can he bear it?

Of course not!

So he immediately decided that he wanted to get this place back!
Ding Zhaoling climbed up a tree that was close at hand, and decided to make this group of crows look good, because the group of crows flew very low, so he was confident that even if he couldn't find the place where the group of crows were, he could find one.

During the whole process of his climbing the tree, the crows all stopped on the tree and looked at him quietly.

This made Zhu Qiuxin, who was climbing the tree carefully, happy. It seemed that as long as he was careful, he could always catch one or two to avenge him.

As for what to do if you catch it?
Ding Zhao negative said that he is a caring person who loves animals, how could he use some kind of "torture" to treat crows?

The biggest thing is to lock them in the bathroom of his house and let them taste "shit!"snort!

Ding Zhaocheng hugged the tree and walked up the tree. The clothes worth several thousand were completely destroyed in the process, but he didn't care at all.

All he could see were the crows and victory!
What he didn't know was that the crow that was docked on the tree was also talking at this time.

"Patriarch, what is this man doing?" A crow standing behind a crow asked.

The patriarch looked at Ding Zhaoling who was still climbing up the tree in a mysterious way, and suddenly smiled and said: "Da Hei! This man is in love, but unfortunately he has no companion, so I just have to Can be so pitiful against the tree."

After finishing speaking, he seemed to sigh: "This thing without a wife is pitiful! Whether it is a human or an animal, so Dahei..."

The patriarch turned his head, looked at the crow behind him with a sad face and taught it: "Marrying a wife is a major event in life! Remember it!"

After speaking, he looked at the other crows and said, "It's the same for you, this is the most important thing to remember."

All the crows nodded heavily and said firmly: "We remember!"

They looked at the pitiful human rubbing against the tree, and they all thought in their hearts, this human is too miserable, they don't want to be like this in the future!
Ding Zhao, who was about to reach the destination, twitched his mouth, and almost grabbed the tree trunk unhappily and threw himself off.

Arrived!Arrived!almost there!

"Huh~" Ding Zhao took out a breath cautiously, he was about to suffocate him, he was afraid that the crow would run away with his exhaled breath.

Fortunately, the crow still docked on the tree trunk in the same stupid manner, but turned its head following his movements, and kept looking at him with black eyes.

Ding Zhao negative actually felt that he somehow saw sympathy in the crow's eyes?
Ding Zhao shook his head, he was definitely too tired from climbing trees.

what!finally reached!

Ding Zhaoling stopped to rest for a while, and then stretched out his sinful hand after he recovered...

He caught!He caught!He caught!

"I'll go!" Ding Zhao complained, isn't this crow looking stupid?Why can't even catch one.

And the crow who had already flown into the air said: "Patriarch, what did this human want to do just now?"

The patriarch hovered around Ding Zhao, but he was not within the reach of Ding Zhao.

Ding Zhao's heart was ruthless and he didn't care.

He fights!
He stretched out his arm and grabbed it directly!

...Ding Zhaoling watched helplessly as his fingertips "passed by" the crow's black feathers...

The fingertips seemed to still have the touch of the feathers, and himself... Ding Zhao took a subconscious look at himself, and found that both of his hands seemed to have loosened the roots?
"Ah!!! Help!!!" A shrill cry pierced the sky.

It's just that in this "desert" villa area, who will come to rescue him.

So in the end Ding Zhao made a glorious "sacrifice".

Sacrifice his ass...

And the patriarch who was about to go back to the group looked at Ding Zhaochen's series of actions and said, "This human being has bad intentions, he actually wants me!"

"Huh?" Dahei and other crow members questioned.

The patriarch said incredulously: "Doesn't he have a wife? He even wanted to take me back as a wife. Human beings are really terrible. Don't they even know about species isolation? Are humans so illiterate?" ?”

The patriarch said to his clan members with great grief: "Let's stay away from humans in the future. Human beings are really terrible creatures."

The members of the crow said in unison, "Yes!"

Seeing that the crows were flying away, Ding Zhaolu thumped the ground, unwillingly tore up a strand of grass, and then guiltyly put down the strand of grass that he had "trampled on".

There is no way, his targets of revenge have all left, and it is impossible for him to stay here any longer.

In the end, Ding Zhaocheng could only leave with "regret".

He opens his car door and sits in the driver's seat, fires...

"Huh?" Ding Zhao felt unbelievable, and continued to try!
Or not!

"What happened to this today?" Well, his car, his newly bought car, his newly filled car, his newly inspected car and there is nothing wrong with it!Can't start the fire?
"God, are you kidding me?" Ding Zhao was in disbelief.

He raised his head and said silently: "Aren't I your own son? Did your old man give birth to another one so soon and don't want me?"

God: ...

No way, it doesn't want to!

Who made you "offend" that big devil today?
Although the Great Demon King doesn't seem to care about it, it can't be silent. Besides, why did it give birth to another one?

If it was not good for him, then when he fell from such a high tree, his butt would have been opened, and he could still walk and sit like he is now?

It doesn't carry this pot, okay?

The hard-working Ding Zhao got out of the car again, wanting to turn on his cell phone to call his cronies and let them pick him up.

I just took out my phone and clicked on it.

"Huh?" Can't open it?

A little more force, um, turned it on, but he saw the battery, well, only a little bit.

...Okay...it's turned off...

"No way!" Ding Zhao was speechless, "I just charged the battery before going out!"

He decided that he would burn incense and worship Buddha immediately after he returned, but he didn't know if it would work or not.

Hey, maybe he can ask the Taoist priest for two of those so-and-so talismans!

(End of this chapter)

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