I'm crazy

Chapter 351 Happy

Chapter 351 Happy
Lin Yuan sat on the top of the abyss, drinking wine leisurely, and said with a light smile, "It's because your master is great."

If it weren't for luck or other things detected by the system, she wouldn't be listed as the protagonist of the strategy, indirectly blocking the "sword" for her cheap master.

I don't know what to ask for from her cheap master to offset her loss?
After taking a sip of wine, Lin Yuan thought silently.

Xingshen in Zizhu Forest inexplicably felt a chill flashing around him.

According to Lin Yuan's own calculation, there are still a few days before the opening date of the snow lotus, so Yuan's speed is not fast, and he is flying slowly.

This led to people who came to their door on their own initiative.

"Ahhh! Help!" A tragic voice came from not far away.

Lin Yuan looked up, and saw a handsome young man flying towards her, Lin Yuan drank the last sip of wine very calmly, and then his mind moved, Yuan very obediently carried her to change the direction.

The fluttering person was stunned for a moment, but before he could react, he screamed and fell from an unknown height.


Lin Yuan didn't even look away, Yuan continued to carry her forward slowly.

Fang Liangwen, who was about to hit the ground, quickly called the system, and was caught by the system when he was still a few meters away from the ground.

"It seems that the raider this time is not such a kind-hearted person!" Fang Liangwen sighed towards his system.

Looking at such a handsome young man, he didn't even have any intention of saving him.

The system complained: "This is not a silly white sweet plane. The protagonist is a sweet protagonist who doesn't know anything. This is the plane of cultivating immortals. Which cultivator has never seen blood in his hands, let alone a high-level cultivator. I just said that this bullshit beauty saving the hero is not good, you still have to try, besides, you are not a hero!"

Fang Liangwen couldn't take it anymore and said: "Okay! My god, I just said this, and you refuted so much, are you planning to piss me off? Although the drama is old-fashioned, sometimes it is These old-fashioned but not uncommon classic dramas have shown great ability, otherwise, would my success be fake for so many times?"

The system was taken aback by Fang Liangwen's words, but then stiffened again, "I know you're good, okay?"

After a while of silence, he continued: "The target of this strategy is...how should I describe it... I will describe it as a person who is indifferent and lazy, but in fact he is very arrogant, and the difficulty factor is very high. Yes, the rewards are also very high, you have to be serious, otherwise the things you fancy in the system store a few days ago will be ruined."

Fang Liangwen clapped his hands and said to himself: "Don't worry! I have never lost to anyone in the strategy. I have never seen anyone with a more difficult personality than this. I will not miss it."

The system didn't say anything depressing, but for some reason, it somehow felt that this task might not be completed.

Linyuan on the road looked at the scenery, and the Kunlun mirror circled around her angrily. Whenever it encountered something related to the master, it would never calm down.

"Stop spinning, rest for a while." Lin Yuan, who was dizzy from being turned by the Kunlun Mirror, uttered a voice, and the Kunlun Mirror stopped immediately, and obediently stood on her left shoulder without moving.

Lin Yuan chuckled and comforted Kunlun Jing who was in anger, "I don't like them so much and accept their system when they meet next time, okay?"

Kunlun Mirror said crisply: "Okay."

The master has spoken, and when it sees these rebels again, it will swallow their systems, let them play with other people's feelings so wantonly, and dare to hit the master's head.

Linyuan, who had been staying in the snow mountain for three days, finally saw the moment when the snow lotus bloomed. Under the sunshine, the white snow lotus petals were transparent and beautiful, with strange and unique patterns on each petal. It is open all the time, and the scenery is really beautiful.

The beauty of nature is always the most eye-catching and shocking.

Impatient Linyuan, who had been watching for three days without seeing anything, took off the snow lotus and put it in a special box after admiring the opening of the snow lotus.

Ready to take it back and make tea.

Yes, it is that luxurious.

A snow lotus flower that took thousands of years to bloom, which is of great benefit to practitioners, Linyuan is going to make tea with it.

What a reckless move!
It's a pity that Lin Yuan didn't realize it at all.

For the snow fox who was born in the snow mountain in this plane, that is, she, the snow mountain is her home, and the snow lotus is her thing, and she is free to do whatever she wants with the things in her home.

After putting away the snow lotus, I stayed on the snow mountain for a few more days before returning slowly by the Yuan.

On the way, Linyuan ran into Fang Liangwen who wanted to have a "beauty saves the hero" scene a few days ago.

Lin Yuan looked coldly at Fang Liangwen who was also approaching her with a sword. Although his cultivation base was high, his foundation was flimsy and without a single foundation, he could tell at a glance that some improper means were used to push him up.

Fang Liangwen raised a bright smile and wanted to say hello. He has a handsome body, and it is impossible to take the road of domineering and conquering.

So we can only take the road of making the protagonist feel pity and love this kind of little milk dog, but he has also gone through this road, so he is also very sure, and generally people with such a strong personality prefer cute and cute ones. He is much stronger than the person who is still a disciple of Jianzong.

So it must be him who wins in the end.

The bright smile on the corner of Fang Liangwen's mouth hadn't been fully revealed. Just as the words were about to escape from his throat, he was frightened by the shrill screams in his head. He couldn't care about the attack target in front of him, and asked quickly: "System? System What's wrong with you? System?..."

After calling several times, there was no response from the system. Coupled with the screams he heard, Fang Liangwen couldn't help but panic. He can act recklessly in so many planes, play with anyone's feelings or leave as soon as he wants. If he wants to stay, he stays because of the system. Without the system, he is an ordinary person. After being injured, he will not heal soon. He needs to work hard to do everything. An ordinary person who will die if his life is threatened.

The sense of superiority that people on those planes despise and look down on will be annihilated with the disappearance of the system.

So, never lose the system!Absolutely not!
Fang Liangwen thought so, but the panic in his heart became heavier and heavier, but in the end he couldn't even do Yujian, and fell straight down.

This time there is no system, and his cultivation base is also empty, so he doesn't know what his ending will be.

After the Kunlun mirror swallowed the system, it continued to ask for credit from Linyuan. Linyuan also praised it with a chuckle. This simple sentence that did not seem to be a compliment made the mirror surface of the Kunlun mirror slightly red, and the flashing light turned red that's it.

 Woooooo~ Please ask for a monthly ticket ⊙﹏⊙
(End of this chapter)

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