I'm crazy

Chapter 362 President

Chapter 362 President
Qiao Xun'an took out the folder and handed it to Lin Yuan, "This is my resume, you can take a look."

Lin Yuan, who was leaning against the deck, sat up straight, took the resume handed over by Qiao Xun'an and read it.

Qiao Xun'an quietly observed Lin Yuan, who might become her immediate boss, but didn't see anything.

She didn't really trust this job very much in her heart. After all, it was a company that didn't even have a name. It sounded like a pyramid scheme.

But she has no better options.

It is not so easy for a person from country A to find a good job abroad, especially because she doesn't want to settle for it, even if she thinks she is an excellent person.

"Master, do you want to hire Qiao Xun'an?" Kunlun Mirror asked curiously.

Lin Yuan looked at Qiao Xun'an's excellent resume, and asked, "Why not, what a talent."

Qiao Xun'an waited nervously. After a while, Lin Yuan put down his resume and saw Qiao Xun'an's unconsciously tense expression and smiled, "Don't be nervous, my boss is easy to talk to."

Qiao Xun'an was taken aback for a moment, and immediately said, "Thank you for your trust."

Lin Yuan leaned against the deck again and heard the words: "Then I won't go around in circles, our company still has nothing."

Greenwell, who was drinking coffee, choked. Boss, do we need to be so straightforward?What if you can't fool someone?
Greenwell was very worried.

Ever since she heard Lin's words and made up her mind that day, she has decided to follow Lin. She and Lin have been classmates for more than a year. She understands Lin's temperament, and she feels that Lin wants to It is impossible to fail in what is to be done.

Although the big boss now looks a bit unreliable.

Qiao Xun'an was also embarrassed, for a moment he didn't know what to say, what should he say, to show his loyalty?Say she will work hard?What's the matter with always feeling a little awkward?

But Lin Yuan didn't need her to speak. After throwing such a big knife, she said fearlessly: "But don't worry, as the big boss of the company, I have enough money. If I don't have anything, just take my time."

Qiao Xun'an seemed to see the golden light that belonged to money and was desirable in her boss.

At this moment, the image of the boss in her mind grew stronger than ever.

That's right, social animals are so frank and cute.

Seeing the familiar shining eyes, Lin Yuan curled his lips and said to Kunlun Mirror: "Look, your master and I are so popular."

It's just a proper heartthrob.

Kunlun mirror agrees very much, "The master is the best!"

The filters of the two main mirrors are all right.

"By the way, there are a few more things I need to explain to you."

Qiao Xun'an quickly straightened his expression and said, "Say it."

Lin Yuan stretched out his hand to help his peaked cap that was about to fall off the ground, with a lazy and calm expression, "I prefer casual, and the other two people in the company, Greenville and Larry, are designers who don't understand anything, so come here now. Said, you are the only one in the company, so...you know what I mean?"

Qiao Xun'an took a deep breath, spread out her sweet and delicate smile and said, "Of course, don't worry."

Isn't it just that you don't like to take care of things?
What kind of thing is this, as long as the boss has money to pay wages, she will live and die with the company.

Besides, Qiao Xun'an was actually a little touched, because not all company bosses have such courage to hand over their company and money to their subordinates and give her such great autonomy.

Although Qiao Xun'an didn't know why the boss she met for the first time trusted her so much, she felt that if the boss could always trust her like this, she might stay in this company forever.

Kunlun Mirror looked at the admiration for the master in the eyes of the female supporting role, and the full of excitement and motivation, and once again felt the power of her master.

Look at this deceptive (ah bah) powerful personality charm!
Qiao Xun'an finally thought of one thing when things were almost discussed, "Boss, what is the name of our company?"

Lin Yuan: "I'll think about it."

After thinking for a while, she finally said: "Let's call it Wuyi."

How can you say that you have no clothes, and you share the same robe with your son!
She still prefers these classical literature.

As a native of country A, Qiao Xun'an naturally thought of this line of poetry, and was immediately excited again. Her boss is really an excellent patriotic entrepreneur!
Greenwell read it twice: "May Day, no clothes? Lin, what does this mean?"

Lin Yuan explained: "It means no clothes."

Greenwell's eyes lit up, "That's a good name!"

If you don't have any clothes, let their company make clothes, which is very good.

She will do it in the future, so that the clothes of their company can't be bought even if they want to, hahaha!
Branding is as important as sales, Greenwell agrees.

After deciding on the name, Qiao Xun'an, Lin Yuan, and Greenwell Joseph, the bosses and subordinates of the three temporarily released companies, discussed a few things and then left after discussing a few things.

Greenwell is not good at these things, and she is not interested in business management. She only likes making clothes. She has been inspired recently and wants to take this opportunity to quickly make their company's autumn clothes and make a good start.

So I couldn't sit still without saying a few words.

As for Qiao Xun'an, it was because the boss had already reminded her just now that she prefers leisure, so naturally she couldn't bother her too much, so it's fine to solve the problem of needing the boss now.

"Hey, the company has been established." Lin Yuan stretched his waist and said.

Kunlun Mirror was a little puzzled by the master's trust in Qiao Xun'an, "Master, do you just give the company and so much money to Qiao Xun'an?"

What if she monopolizes the company and the money?
Kunlun mirror is a little worried.

Lin Yuan's black pupils were calm, like a calm sea, an indifferent smile was drawn on the corner of her mouth, and she said indifferently, "So what?"

So what if Qiao Xun'an swallowed her things alone?

She doesn't care if she doesn't want to take care of it, it's not that she doesn't know how to take care of it.

She has enough capital and ability to solve the problem, so she is not afraid of this kind of thing happening.

In the final analysis, her frivolity, recklessness and arrogance are all based on her absolute strength.

Demons are not stupid.

The Kunlun mirror understood what the master meant, it was indeed thinking too much and forgot the identity of the master.

Not to mention the power and money of these extraneous things, even the entire universe is probably not as important as a speck of dust she likes in the heart of the master, so naturally it does not come into the eyes of the master.

The master never cares about these, and doesn't need to care about them.


Recently, there was a rumor on the Internet for some unknown reason, saying that there was unfair competition within the AUTOGRAF Design Institute, and that a Chinese national A won No.1 in a fashion design competition.

People with a discerning eye will know that the news is nonsense, but many people on the Internet believe it.

[Autograf actually awarded No.1 to a person from country A?I can't believe it!too terrifying! 】

[There is definitely unfair competition, this person from country A may have made some kind of deal! 】

【AUTOGRAF is one of the best academies in Paris, is it starting to degenerate now?It's so sad. 】


The speed at which these comments were fermented was unimaginable, almost in just a day or two. It seemed that the news was everywhere that it was unfair for people from country A to win the award.

Some people refuted it.

[Why is it unfair for people from country A to win the award?There are also many foreign students from country A in my school, and most of them study very well! 】

[Why do so many people believe this kind of words, are they not brains? 】

[This is racial discrimination! 】

However, these words mixed with most of the suspicious and cursing remarks did not cause much splash, but were not clearly scolded.

"Fucking! What's wrong with the people nowadays, they're just out of their minds! What do they know to curse people like this?" Greenville looked at the news on the Internet with a tablet and was confused.

Without even knowing the real situation, he casually opened his mouth to let out his stench.

Greenville went straight to the battle and scolded these trolls.

[People in country A just like to fake! 】

[You are the one who fucking likes to fake! 】

【Is AUTOGRAF school stupid? 】

[You are stupid, a fool, a mentally handicapped person who couldn't even pass the school exam! 】


It wasn't until after three hundred rounds of the battle that Greenwell felt a little angry in her heart, but she was still very angry!
As soon as the tablet phone was put down, it rang, and Greenwell picked it up and said, "Xian'an, what's wrong?"

Qiao Xun'an was also flipping through the news on the Internet. Compared with Greenwell's anger, her expression was very calm.

In addition to financial management, she has also learned a lot, among which network marketing is one aspect. Good marketing can definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

Although there is a lot of scolding on the Internet now, she knows that these are sailors deliberately invited by someone. Don't think that there are no such people abroad.

Most of the real passers-by are still rational, which is also due to the growing strength of the motherland.

So it is actually very easy to reverse the situation.

But again, there is no need to spend this money.

The other party is doing free publicity for them, isn't it?

She can be put to good use.

"Greenwell, have you and Larry finished your autumn clothes yet?" Qiao Xun'an asked.

Greenwell: "It's done."

She was about to tell Xun An when she was interrupted by these mentally retarded people on the Internet.

"That's good."

So let's take advantage of this trend and let their company appear in front of everyone.

Because Qiao Xun'an didn't care, the comments on the Internet became more and more unbearable, especially the evaluation of people from country A, which was almost unbearable.

Not to mention people from country A who really study abroad, even people from country F can't stand it anymore.

Where did this mental retardation come from!Is it to provoke a conflict between country F and country A?
More and more passers-by couldn't understand what happened, but they were obviously not the opponents of the navy who made a living by this, and they were scolded unclearly.

In this way, passers-by became even more angry.

Too much!
The more the navy scolded, the more the passers-by defended, and the two parties quarreled directly because of this issue.

Sailor leader:?Don't you just want to earn some extra money?what happened...?
Therefore, a small Wuyi company related to this topic appeared in the eyes of everyone.

The black army of the navy has turned from a passerby who doesn't know when it has turned into a fan, and the passers-by have worked hard to maintain it, successfully making the news of the Wuyi company's autumn clothing conference a hot search.

Netizens who didn't know the situation and opened the Internet to see this message:? ? ?

Is this some hidden luxury brand?
Why don't they know?

It feels like a few million dollars have been missed.

So, under extremely inexplicable circumstances, a small company's autumn clothing launch conference that came out of nowhere occupied everyone's attention.

Of course Lin Yuan knew about the news on the Internet, but he didn't care about that sentence at all.

She also knew what Qiao Xun'an was thinking. Afraid that she would not understand, Qiao Xun'an called her specifically to ask her for instructions, so as not to make her, the boss, feel that she was doing nothing with money.

Lin Yuan was not worried about this.

This kind of marketing is similar to celebrity marketing, inexplicably starting to blackmail a person, and when the blackmail is almost known to everyone, there will be a big reversal, especially when netizens find out that the person they have blackmailed for so long is so good, naturally It's from black to pink, and black doesn't move.

Of course, this must be based on the strong strength of the target being marketed, otherwise everything in this idea will be reversed, and netizens will probably hate this target being marketed even more.

Then again, powerful people naturally don't need this kind of marketing method that can still ruin the popularity of passers-by to a certain extent.

Of course, their company is not actively marketing, but just following the trend.

[Don: Do you need my help? 】

Lin Yuan withdrew his thoughts and looked at the phone, it was a message from Don.

The two got in touch after meeting Don a year ago and having a good chat with him.

Lin Yuan is not a person who likes chatting on social software very much, so naturally she seldom sends messages to Don, but Don occasionally sends her some messages.

For example, some places he has been to and some food he has eaten.

Simply put, it is food and scenery.

Coupled with the beauty of Don, the combination of the three beauties made Lin Yuan feel quite happy, and he was also willing to chat with Don.

Don was very measured and would not bother her too much, but the light topics were liked by both of them.

[Pro: It's okay, the staff should be done soon. 】

Don didn't ask any more questions, and changed the topic along the way.

【Don: Okay, by the way, I just went to a place yesterday, where...】

Don looked at the sleeping mobile phone and blinked its slender eyelashes as if he was lost in his own thoughts.

It wasn't until Claire Carey's words woke him up: "Boss? Boss?"

Don restrained the complicated and obscure emotions in his eyes and said, "What's wrong?"

Claire Carey bowed slightly, "Your special flight to Provence has been arranged, are you going now?"

Don was silent, and waited until Claire Carey couldn't bear to ask again before he said in a low voice: "Let's go."

The hoarse voice was inexplicably sad but also inexplicably moving.

Claire Carey looked at the back of his boss, filled with a faint silence, neither deep nor heavy but hard to eliminate.

When did this start?
Claire Carey didn't know, as if he had been like this for no reason since a certain day.

Moreover, Boss has gone to many places that he has never been interested in for more than half a year. He obviously doesn't like drinking but has collected a lot of fine wine.

Claire Carey also wondered more than once whether the boss fell in love with someone, but he has always followed the boss and never met anyone.

It's also okay to imagine what kind of person can make the boss look like this.

In the end, this guess can only be overturned.

 Thanks to the little angel Mr. Cat, the book friend 854 little angel, the little angel Gu Nian Sansheng, and the little angel Lu Yanan for their tickets ⊙▽⊙

(End of this chapter)

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