I'm crazy

Chapter 382 The Great Demon King

Chapter 382 The Great Demon King

Everyone has seen what happened to Pang Liuhan, and those who have news channels naturally know who did it.

The person who originally wanted to make a move weighed his ability, but finally gave up regardless of his reluctance.

After all, they didn't want to end up like Pang Liuhan.

""Ask Asked" is trending well now, and its box office results are also very good. By the way, there is a program invitation recently, do you want to go?" Tong Shijing reported the news to Lin Yuan.

"What program?" If it was an ordinary program, Tong Shijing probably wouldn't have told her.

"The talent show "Idol Cultivation Plan"."

Linyuan has also heard about this program, a model introduced from the Bangzi Kingdom, a real person cultivating idol project.

It's very popular, and it's all about finding some young and good-looking children and adding successful brainwashing marketing, the effect is naturally not much worse.

"Why did you send me an invitation?"

Even though she asked this, Lin Yuan also knew the reason, it was just that she was very hot now.

In the traffic era, traffic is king.

I am afraid that any businessman will never give up the opportunity to have traffic.

Tong Shijing said: "It's not that you are very popular, but you don't have any job for the time being, just to be a mentor for the first term, you can go if you want."

The position of her family's big devil is not an idol, so naturally she doesn't need to participate in variety shows and reality shows to attract popularity. Traffic is important these days, but it also depends on when.

"Hmm..." Lin Yuan pondered for a while, "Then go, anyway, it's just the first issue."

There are three mentors in the "Idol Development Plan", one of them, Yu Qianru, needs to be cultivated because of an accidental injury, so he needs a substitute mentor to take over the class.

Linyuan doesn't care what can be replaced or not.

But the fans and viewers of "Idol Cultivation Plan" are obviously very curious about this new mentor who has not yet been announced.

[I don't know who the new mentor is?But don't be another idiot who doesn't know anything, pretending to be an insider for an outsider! 】

【That's right, Cao Feilu is simply scoring randomly. He doesn't understand shit, and he even came to teach the players. It really made me laugh out loud! 】

["Idol Cultivation Plan" is good for everything, except that the people in the program group are blind, what kind of mentor is hired, yes, I am talking about the mentally retarded Cao Feilu, if it weren't for him, my brother would have fallen to No. 3? 】

[To be honest, I think this show is just to create momentum for Wei Shupai, otherwise why would he be so successful? I don’t think he has any real skills at all, let alone singing if he can’t dance. 】

[What do you mean upstairs?What do you mean my family tree can't do anything?You can't!Don't watch it if you don't like it!It looks like someone is begging you! 】

[That's right, I don't like to watch roll! 】

[I'll go, your rightful owner just can't do it, can't let people say anything?Can't afford to lose!Fans are a bunch of mad dogs!Catch whoever bites!Is it just a passerby who can't express his opinion? 】

[Fuck, don't be disgusting!Return passers-by, passers-by is what you look like?Are all the photos of Xing Mufeng on your page fake?Don't be disgusting! 】

[Fuck you, can't I upload two photos?Can passers-by not post two photos? 】

[Is it enough upstairs, who passers-by looks like you?I'm just a passerby, and I wouldn't post so many photos of one person on the page! 】

Up to now, Zhalang has been full of scuffles between fans of several companies. The fans of other houses are far away, for fear that their own masters will be harmed. After all, their masters are not as good as the number of fans who are currently fighting, so they are still low-key A little is better.

As for the news about the new mentor, it has already been trending. Even those who don't follow the "Idol Development Plan" know that the program team will have a new mentor.

Under everyone's expectations, the program team finally became an individual, and announced who the mentor was in the last three days.

As soon as Lin Yuan's name came out, there was another bloodbath, the hot searches remained high, and the discussion was surprisingly high.

At least it caused a shock among the fans of the Great Demon King.

[When did the big devil accept this show? I seriously feel that this kind of show doesn't match my big devil's painting style! 】

[I agree, to be honest, I really don't understand why the Great Devil wants to participate in this kind of program, but I definitely support the decision of the Great Devil!I want to see! ! !Take a close look at the beauty of my Great Demon King! ! ! 】

[Maybe the big devil is short of money? 】

[Hahaha, the sisters upstairs are telling the truth. A few days ago, there were big bosses who said that our big devil has no money recently?Maybe it's for the appearance fee, after all, judging from the character of the big devil, it doesn't seem like he likes to participate in this kind of show. 】

[Shhhhh, keep your voice down!If the big devil saw this, he would not be happy. 】

[Like facing the abyss: I saw @魔王的Servant boo boo boo boo, keep your voice down!If the big devil saw this, he would not be happy. 】

[Aoooooooooooo(0 ) eyes ahhh!! ! !what do i seeI was flopped by the big devil! 】

[Sister, you won't survive tonight, and you will die if you are flopped by the devil. Do you think this is a good thing? 】

[Sister, Lord Demon King is so bloodthirsty, you will not end well! 】

[Sisters... no more! ! !I am so envious and jealous! 】

【...Me too, why not me! 】

[Hahaha, it looks interesting, is Lin Yuan really going to the show for money?So real! 】

[There are too few celebrities who are so real and unpretentious, I want to be a fan! 】

The topic of #林元无费# was once again a hot search topic, which made everyone, including inside and outside the entertainment industry, deeply impressed by the fact that Linyuan had no money. This also caused many dumbfounding misunderstandings in the future.

But now, the people who eat melons are happy, and the fans are distressed that their big devil is so poor. If they don't allow it, they really want to send money directly to their big devil.

And the other celebrities looked at the hot search and were jealous of their toothache. The popularity was really pissing me off, but they just commented on a news without five words in total and it was on the hot search.

Are trending searches so easy?
Then why do they have to buy it every time?

Although I know that this enthusiasm may only be temporary, but it still makes people itch with hatred.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Linyuan's mouth, and his dark abyss-like eyes were reflected on the screen of the mobile phone like the brightest fireworks in the world, which was too beautiful to behold.

"It's interesting to read those cute comments later."

Qingling's voice was filled with laughter, making it even more touching. At least Cao Feilu in front of her couldn't help but blushed.

She really can't bear the charm of the Great Demon King!
Why is it so recruiting!

Soon it was time to record the show. In the past few days, fans were almost becoming big lemon essences for the tickets of the "Idol Development Plan" program group.

To give them the face that the big devil should have, and to see their big devil, I have to go no matter what!

[WooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooI want to buy at a high price! 】

【Hey~\(≧▽≦)/~ la la la I have a ticket!But I don't know how to sell it. I got it through hard work, and I don't want to sell it for any amount of money! 】

[I really beeped the dog too→(UxU), I... I got a dirty word on my lips and finally swallowed it by myself...]

[Hahaha, after all, they are my sisters, so they can't fight among themselves, right? o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓ Slapping the table and laughing wildly! 】


The lights of the show were shining brightly, and most of the fans below were already seated.

Two young girls, one is cute and cute, and the other is full of mature royal sister.

The tall sister Yu held the cute girl's things, frowned at the noisy scene, and said to the girl: "This is the last time, after the end, you will take the college entrance examination, hear?"

The soft and cute girl nodded obediently, her baby fat face was full of seriousness, "Don't worry, sister, I will prepare for the exam with peace of mind after watching this episode!"

After all, only her parents and elder sister who are admitted to a good school will not object to her chasing her big devil, and her big devil is so good, she must be more serious.

She has to study hard so that she can spend money for her family's big devil in the future and become a qualified and excellent cash machine. After all, her family's big devil is very poor, and she feels distressed. She wants to prepare for raising her family's big devil in the future!
Sister Yu didn't know that her well-behaved younger sister was thinking about these things, so she patted her head in relief. After the two of them sat down in their seats, the show would start soon.

Sister Yu felt a headache when she saw her soft and cute younger sister put on the devil's hairpin, and her two big eyes stared at the stage waiting for her big devil to come out.

In fact, she doesn't agree with her younger sister chasing stars.

The entertainment industry is too complicated, and no one knows what kind of person a star who is glamorous on the surface is like in private.

What if her cute and well-behaved younger sister is taken away by someone with a heart?
But she couldn't directly refuse to object. Her sister looked at Ruanmeng, but she actually had her own ideas. If she strongly objected, she might be angry.

No, fortunately, the college entrance examination is about to take place. After this period of time, my sister probably won't like this person anymore. After all, she has also learned that fans' love sometimes has a long shelf life and is still very short.

The lights flash and the show begins!
"Hello, dear viewers, everyone, welcome to the "Idol Cultivation Plan", next..."

The host's voice was covered by loud cheers, and Yujie actually didn't hear what she said clearly.

After the host routinely thanked the donor's father, the show officially began.

The instructor Cao Feilu and Huang Sheng had already sat down, and Lin Yuan was the only one left.

The voices of the audience subconsciously quieted down. At this moment, the entire recording room was silent. This kind of silence made Sister Yu hold her breath involuntarily.

It's strange, she obviously doesn't like Linyuan at all, why is she inexplicably nervous?
Looking at the younger sister next to her, her whole body is completely tilted, her neck is stretched as if she is about to grow to the front, and her eyes are full of expectation and love.

Lin Yuan walked up from the stage slowly, feeling the quietness of the recording room, his eyes like ink dots slowly rippling, and the abyss-like brows and eyes that contained the coldness of the cold mountain quietly melted away, those eyes were like Gathering the mystery and brilliance of the entire universe, time and space, the eyes glanced flatly and magnificently across the stage, and those who were seen by her dark eyes were not consciously shuddered, unavoidable, uncontrollable, and involuntary. It seems that doomed, it seems To be favored by the gods who are revered and regarded as beliefs is the sweetest thing you can ask for.

This scene was projected on the big screen very skillfully and wisely by the camera, and everyone including the people sitting behind saw this person, who seemed to be an existence that did not seem to exist in the world.

Like a cloud-piercing arrow, it directly hits people's hearts with unparalleled power like thunder, and it won't allow you to escape the domineering power that won't allow you to refuse.

Everyone held their breath completely at this moment, and no one was willing to interrupt this moment.

Until this person took the initiative to break the silence of this moment.

"Don't you welcome me?"

The person with lofty temperament, lofty temperament and willful pride said such a sentence with a light smile, which was obviously a joke, but it made her heart feel cold when she heard this, and felt that she had made a big mistake, which made her feel I am not welcome!

The fans were the first to react. I saw them shouting in unison, their voices seemed to tear the sky, and they brought their own love to the person they loved: Your Majesty the Demon King! "

It’s fine to call the Great Demon King in private, but it’s always awkward to call it when it’s time for support, so the fans thought of a new name, and now they can finally call it out.

After the fans shouted in unison, the people who were stunned finally came back to their senses, and looked at the people who were already sitting on the chairs, they all blushed and couldn't control their hearts.

They never knew that Lin Yuan was such a person!

Such a person who cannot be described in words.

The two with the little sister sitting beside them looked at each other, and they both understood the meaning in each other's eyes, sister, I'm afraid I'm going to climb the wall...! ! ! ! !I really can't help it!
Sister Yu finally came back to her senses, clutching her throbbing chest and staring at the back of the man in front of her in a daze, her beautiful eyes sparkled slightly.

She really didn't expect...

The host also didn't expect Lin Yuan to cause such a big commotion, and he didn't react for a while.

It was the director of the program group who gave her crazy hints at the bottom to finally connect to the process.

But the line of sight still unconsciously went towards Lin Yuan's direction.

Not only her, but most of the people in the arena may not be able to take their eyes off for a while.

Cao Feilu felt tense when he noticed this situation, Lin Yuan completely concealed the presence of other people.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but put on a little expression on his face, making him look even uglier than usual.

Huang Sheng on the side didn't react at all, she wasn't originally from the entertainment circle, she didn't have interests involved, so naturally she didn't care about these things.

Lin Yuan naturally felt Cao Feilu's emotions, but what does it matter to her?

Could it be her fault that she was so popular?
For a while, the atmosphere among the three mentors was somewhat complicated.

In fact, only Cao Feilu was dissatisfied there, and the other two didn't care at all.

After Lin Yuan and Huang Sheng exchanged a few friendly words, the show officially started.

However, Lin Yuan's appearance was completely recorded after a period of time without editing for a second, which caused a huge shock on the Internet.

 Thank you little evil angel, little angel Gu Nian, and little angel who is kneeling on one knee and the moon has bent~\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦

(End of this chapter)

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