I'm crazy

Chapter 385 The Great Demon King

Chapter 385 The Great Demon King

"Sister Lin, drink tea."

Assistant Xiao Xia brought tea to Lin Yuan, and Lin Yuan was about to drink it when Kunlun Mirror shouted in his mind: "Master! Don't drink it!"

Lin Yuan paused, then put down the teacup, the assistant asked puzzled, "Sister Lin, is it too hot?"

Lin Yuan shook his head, "No, I suddenly don't want to drink tea today, please bring me a bottle of mineral water."

Although Xiao Xia was puzzled, she immediately responded and turned to get the mineral water.

Lin Yuan then said: "What's wrong with this water?"

Kunlun Mirror was puzzled, "Master, how do you know?"

Lin Yuan laughed and said, "Didn't you say that?"

"Oh!" Kunlun Mirror said in a daze, the mirror in Linyuan's sea of ​​knowledge flickered, feeling inexplicably stupid.

Not far away, Cheng Yun, who had been paying attention to Linyuan's movements, saw Linyuan put down the cup of tea, his expression suddenly changed.

"Master, there are drugs in this cup of tea."

Lin Yuan's flat expression didn't change at all even after hearing such shocking words from Kunlun Mirror, he just said lightly, "Really?"

It seems that something short-sighted is getting impatient.

She thought about it, who was the last one who offended her?

No, it should be said that Yuan Soul was bullied, and she happened to do a little favor.

It seems to be the company of the original soul.

It should be gone by now.

"Master, what are you going to do?" Kunlun Mirror asked.

"What do you think I should do?" Lin Yuan asked with a half-smile.

The Kunlun Mirror did not speak now. If the memory of the master is still there, and the divine power has not been completely sealed, then it is definitely too lazy to say a word, and these people who dare to move their thoughts to the master will simply disappear into this world.

But now the master's memory and divine power have been sealed, so it really can't think of what the master will do.

"Don't worry, I don't need to do anything."

Lin Yuan took the mineral water from his assistant Xiao Xia, unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip, frowned, then put it down and didn't drink any more.

Not to mention that it has no taste, it is still cold, but the tea is still better.

She stood up and said to Xiao Xia before leaving, "Pour that cup of tea down."

Xiaoxia picked up the teacup and went to the bathroom to drop the tea. Thinking that sister Shui Linyuan didn't drink it this time, it might be because the teacup she picked out this time was not good, so she just threw the teacup away, which was a mistake.

Today there was a rivalry between Lin Yuan and Cheng Yun, Lin Yuan didn't do anything, and Cheng Yun lost his mind.

"Kakaka! Cheng Yun!!! How many times have I said this, it's not like this expression at this time, are you fucking acting a vegetable for me? Ah! There is no expression at all!!!"

The director's growling voice spread throughout the audience, Cheng Yun lowered his head in anger and resentment, and did not make a sound.

His performance these days is getting worse and worse. If this continues, it will be a matter of time before he gets replaced.

And the reason for all this is because of this woman in front of her!

Cheng Yun looked up at Lin Yuan, and saw that she was smiling, her eyes were full of disdain for him and condescending indifference.

If it weren't for the fact that he still had a little sense now, Cheng Yun might have rushed forward and killed this person who dared to laugh at him!

Lin Yuan looked at the scene in front of her indifferently. For someone like Cheng Yun who puts her own interests at the top of her mind, she didn't need to do anything else at all. It can lead to self-destruction.

Seeing that she is so outstanding and her career is going smoothly, how can a person who is already jealous be calm, the more jealous the more fluctuating, the performance will naturally not be good.

Then the director reprimanded the staff, and it was even more impossible for the staff to show any kindness to those who delayed their work progress. It was a vicious circle, and the worse the performance, the worse.

She didn't need to do anything and he would kill himself.

Lin Yuan looked at Cheng Yun's hateful eyes and expression, a smile appeared on his thin lips, and he became even angrier as he looked at him with satisfaction.

But what should be done is still to be done. After all, she is not a good person, is she? How could the person who plotted against her be easily let go?

The director got angry when he saw Cheng Yun standing still. It was because he didn't act well, so why don't people say it now?

As soon as he waved his hand, he didn't bother to waste his time talking about Cheng Yun, so he asked him to go down to read the script and shoot other parts first.

Then when Lin Yuan came over, he patted her on the shoulder happily, and said happily: "The acting is very good, keep it up!"

When Lin Yuan turned around, he saw Cheng Yun's more sinister expression.

Be angry, the more angry you are, the more you will lose your mind, and it will be easier for her to achieve her goal.

Cheng Yun stared at Lin Yuan's back, his eyes were bloodshot, since there is no way to do it with drugs, then just think of a new way.

It's always easy to destroy someone, isn't it?
Cheng Yun left without a trace.

Lin Yuan kept Kunlun Jing watching his actions, and when the time was almost up, he asked Kunlun Jing to make a fake call to the police.

Naturally, the police caught Cheng Yun, who was buying murders on the dark net, and of course there was no serious punishment for this attempted act.

The most important thing is that after the police caught Cheng Yun, they discovered that there were more than one women persecuted by him, and he had used this method more than once.

The news of the police entering and exiting Cheng Yun's residence "coincidentally" was photographed by the paparazzi, and even posted on the Internet, and the reason for Cheng Yun's arrest and imprisonment was announced later, which caused even more shock!
[I'm going, this is knowing people, knowing faces but not knowing the heart!This Cheng Yun looks shy and handsome, but he is actually such a vicious person in his heart! 】

[Buy murder to kill!It is really "able" to buy water army to rape her and force her to commit suicide! 】

[This kind of person should be executed!Don't come out and pollute this society! 】

[No, it's cheaper to execute him. Is the death penalty very simple in modern society?There is nothing to feel when you shoot him down, and it is far less painful than those punishments in ancient times. The death penalty is too cheap for him, so he should be sent to the strictest prison for life imprisonment! 】

As for Lin Yuan's fans, they were also frightened.

[Oh my god!I suddenly thought of the inexplicable scandal not long ago, could it be that Cheng Yun directed and acted himself?This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that this Cheng Yun will not see him stir up scandals, and he will feel resentful...]

[Think about it carefully, maybe the person he wants to kill is our Great Demon King?Fuck, I'll kill him on horseback! 】

[Don't think about it, don't think about it, now this thing has nothing to do with our big devil, no, I was wrong, it never had anything to do with it!Stop discussing him. 】

The fans changed the topic tacitly.

And Cheng Yun had completely disappeared from the set. Except for the director, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It's a great thing that such a person who needs acting skills and lack of acting skills hinders the progress of work, and now finds that a person with no character has left their crew.

And the director was not very happy because Cheng Yun was arrested, and the role he played had to be re-selected. All the hard work and tape these days were in vain, and he didn't even know how much to increase the budget.

Oh, worry!

Who knows how sad the director of a literary film is?
Sponsorships were not easy to get in the first place, every penny would be split into two cents, and now a large amount of budget has been added, really...

However, the matter of money was settled later, because Lin Yuan personally sponsored this drama, so she became the second largest sponsor of the crew, and the crew who respected and liked her were even more happy watching her , the gold master's father must hold it.

And those actors who looked at Lin Yuan disliked and were jealous didn't even dare to fart.

Can't afford to offend.

After several months of filming, the filming of the scene is almost finished.

After Tong Shijing brought Lin Yuan back from the film crew, she was temporarily in a situation where she had no job and was extremely free.

Of course, in the current situation where the entire studio relies on her to eat alone, it is impossible for her to take a longer rest.

"I think it's time to start the studio's recruitment plan."

How can you only squeeze her alone, and find more squeezes... No, work is the right thing to do.

Tong Shijing nodded, "Indeed, since we have opened a studio, we should recruit some people, but we need to plan carefully."

It would be bad if you recruited those who are too ambitious and only want to take shortcuts instead of improving their acting skills, or recruit some white-eyed wolves.

Now that the big boss has spoken, it is natural to start work.

For the job of working for the big boss, the staff in the studio are all enthusiastic and excited.

After all, the boss is really kind, with high wages and good benefits, and not too pushy. He talks about money and ideals. He is a fairy boss in the eyes of employees.

They just want to work in this studio until they die, and they have made plans for retirement.

But the studio only has the boss now, even if they want to work, they don't have much to do, so they naturally feel ashamed of the boss's high salary, thinking about how to contribute to the boss and dedicate themselves every day!

That's it! They're finally working!

After Lin Yuan made this decision, the studio started a fast-paced recruitment plan. Their aim is that there are not many expensive and talented people, and they may not be able to pick out one out of ten.

And during this period of time, the post-production work of "Human World" was finally completed.

Without exception, if you want to release it in country A, you must delete it.

As expected by the director and the crew, the subject matter of "Human World" is already sensitive enough, not to mention that it is full of bloody violence and satire on the government.

The final ending is not the traditional so-called victory of justice over evil. The heroine Sang Ping "gets free" and fights against violence for the injustice of this world. It's strange that all these factors can be broadcast in country A.

However, this drama was originally intended to compete for awards, and the director didn't care too much. After the production was completed, it was sent to the film festival in country Y.

When Lin Yuan had almost forgotten about this movie in which she acted as the heroine for the first time, the director's frantic phone call successfully reminded her of it.

After the news that "The World" was successfully shortlisted for the five major awards at the Venice Film Festival came to China, all the audience in country A went crazy.

As long as anyone has a little knowledge of the film festival news, I am afraid that no one will know that the Venice Film Festival in Country Y is known as the world's three major film festivals along with the Cannes Film Festival in Country F and the Berlin Film Festival in Country D!
The gold content of the award is self-evident.

In fact, since the 90s, there have been no outstanding films in country A that have been nominated for international film festivals for decades.

How can this be considered a pain for a big country with thousands of years of civilization!

Everyone wants their country's culture to amaze the world and revitalize it, but movies, one of the forms of modern culture, have not had any good news. Naturally, it makes people feel sad, just like the national football team is brushed away every year.

[Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!I'm going crazy, I'm going crazy, is the film in my country finally going to be revived? ! 】

[It almost made me cry with excitement!I really don’t know how long I’ve been waiting. The last film that was shortlisted for an international film festival seems to have been 30 years ago, right? 】

【Ahhh!The director is awesome!Great editing!The actors are awesome!The crew are awesome! 】

[Stop talking, my neighbor was woken up by me, and I'm going to apologize, ahh, I'm still too excited! 】

[I want to confess that I am the Great Demon King!It's my first film as a heroine!How is she so powerful! 】

The Internet can already be described as a collapse of the earth. Zhalang alone has collapsed twice when the news came, and after the news spread step by step, all the programmers who had already fallen asleep and were woken up worked overtime After a bit of rushing, it still crashed once, until the "blood and tears" of the hard-pressed programmer flowed out, it was barely repaired, and it survived without crashing again!

【My husband is Zhalang's programmer, sadly, he is already on his way to the company, haha, a moment of silence for his hair╭(●`′●)╯╰(●''●)╮】

[The expression upstairs is a complete betrayal of myself! 】

[I just want to say, when will I be able to see the movie "Human World"!I am greedy for the films that can be shortlisted for the Venice Film Festival... People who are short of films can't afford to be hurt! (━┳━_┳┳━)】

[People who know a little bit of inside information revealed that this movie may not be released in China, and everyone knows the reason. 】

【...(* ̄rǒ ̄) picking booger...】



[·()·I'm heartbroken]

【Alas... Speechless...】

【Upstairs, just understand, don’t say it, or I’ll tell you to drink tea...\_(ツ)_/】

【(oェ`o) It's boring. 】

[Bitter, Yun sad, speechless (ーー゛)]

 Thanks to the evil little angels and Gu Nian little angels for their votes

(End of this chapter)

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