I'm crazy

Chapter 393 Male Support

Chapter 393 Male Support
"Master, Xu Gong was deposed by Que Qiuhan!"

Lin Yuan was enjoying the delicious food when he heard the news from Kunlun Mirror.


The one who was eating paused, "What's going on?"

Why did Xu Gong and Que Qiuhan kill himself before he took any action?

Kunlun Mirror then told Lin Yuan what happened in detail.

After listening to it, Lin Yuan didn't know what to say for a while.

Xu Gong was originally a scumbag.

After the average man has money, he wants to adopt a few young and beautiful ones to try something new.

If no action is taken, it is purely because of lack of money, not because of a good character.

Not to mention Xu Gong.

He didn't like Que Qiuhan in the first place, thinking how could he continue to be with Que Qiuhan after he had money?
As for Que Qiuhan's choice, it's not difficult to understand.

She was originally an untouchable young lady who gave up so much for her true love and was willing to dedicate herself, but in the end she found that the true love she thought was just a scam, and that the man she loved was even such a disgusting thing. Can't stand it.

To a little extreme, it's normal to do this kind of thing.

"That's why, never piss off a woman. What a truly irrational woman can do is definitely not what they want to see." Lin Yuan said lightly.

The Kunlun Mirror nodded in agreement. It followed its owner through so many planes, so it naturally knew the true abilities of the girl who usually looks fragrant and weak.

Women are much stronger than men, at least the endurance is not comparable to that of men.

Can a man bear a big aunt every month for decades or hundreds of months?

Can a man tolerate those high heels whose feet are worn out and bleed and calloused at the end?

Can a man endure the pain of pregnancy in October?

I don't think so.

So a really smart man won't piss off a woman to the point where she can't even close the show.

"How is Xu Gong doing now?" Lin Yuan asked with interest.

Originally, I was thinking of waiting for Xu Gong to make money and let him taste the feeling of falling from heaven to hell after he thought he was standing in the upper class. He never thought that the psychology of people was really difficult to grasp, and he still didn’t do anything. , the task is almost complete.

After being given sleeping pills by Que Qiuhan, Xu Gong fell into a deep sleep and became a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Que Qiuhan immediately picked up the knife and chopped off the cheap thing under Xu Gong's trousers, and she still couldn't let go of her hatred just because of this.

The eldest lady, who had never been trampled to death by an ant, cut off Xu Gong's limbs so easily with an axe, donated blood all over the floor, and dyed the small rental house red.

In the middle of Que Qiuhan chopping off Xu Gong's excrement thing, Xu Gong had already been awakened by the pain.

But Xu Gong has been tightly tied by Que Qiuhan with a rope, even if he wakes up, he can't escape.

So, Xu Gong watched himself being castrated by Que Qiuhan with his own eyes.

This pain, no one can understand.

Xu Gong regretted it very much, but what he regretted was how he got together with a lunatic like Que Qiuhan, rather than regretting dumping her.

Some people are like that, they never feel that their actions are wrong.

After the castration was completed, Xu Gong fainted once from the pain, but Que Qiuhan ignored him and continued to move his hands. After chopping off his hand, Xu Gong woke up again abruptly from the pain.

After repeated tortures like this, Xu Gong was finally tortured beyond human form.

Almost died of pain on the spot.

After Que Qiuhan finished all this, he took a bath for himself carefully and methodically, put on the dress that he was willing to buy for 100 yuan, and called the police.

That's right, Que Qiuhan didn't run away.

She didn't even think about running away. After all, she was spoiled by her family. It was unbelievable enough to do this under extreme emotions, and she knew she couldn't run away.

"So now, Xu Gong is abolished, right?" Lin Yuan asked.

Kunlun mirror turned around and said, "Yes, master, his golden finger investment system has no other function other than making money for him. It couldn't save him when Que Qiuhan wanted to kill him, and it can't save him even now. .”

Since Xu Gong has been abolished, he naturally cannot continue to be the host. The investment system immediately left him and went to find the host again.

Xu Gong is no longer worth wasting any more thought.

Que Qiuhan, on the other hand, after calling the police, the police quickly arrested her, but Que's father and mother regretted the mistake when they heard the news.

They just thought that their daughter would suffer a little bit, and they would come back naturally after recognizing the man Xu Gong. It was impossible not to recognize their daughter. They didn't expect that things would turn out like this in just a few months.

His own daughter broke the law.

The evidence that Que Qiuhan hurt Xu Gong was conclusive, and she surrendered herself, even if Que's father and Que mother wanted to help their daughter, there was nothing they could do.

The only thing that can be done is to hire a good lawyer for her, hoping to reduce her criminal responsibility.

Now the Que family is really in trouble. Originally, the Que family was in turmoil due to the turbulent management of the company, but now the only daughter broke the law again.

Que's father and Que's mother turned gray hair in just a few days, but within a few months, their fates changed suddenly.

Even the lawyer tried his best to defend Que Qiuhan, and Que Qiuhan was sentenced to five years in prison.

And these two people have nothing to do with Lin Yuan.

"The tasks in this world are extremely easy." Lin Yuan said leisurely while watching the movie while holding a teacup.

Which world is very easy!
Originally, I came to the small plane because I was bored and wanted to have some fun, and it wasn't for doing tasks or anything like that.

Besides, as the master demon god, there is nothing difficult for the master, and there is nothing the master can't do. Naturally, the master doesn't need to do such a show of slapping the face and abusing the scum.

Lin Yuan didn't pay much attention to the next thing, but Kunlun Mirror reported to him with great interest.

Que Qiuhan went to prison and was going to spend five years in prison. Xu Gong had his hands and feet cut off. When he woke up, he just wanted to die.

Of course death is impossible, how could a person like Xu Gong have the guts to die.

In the process of hating him so much that he wanted to kill Que Qiuhan, Xu Gong stood up "bravely". He couldn't die, he had to live well.

He still has a few million earned from the system, which is enough for him to live a good life, better than most people in this world.

Xu Gong found a nanny for himself and asked her to take care of his daily life, but a useless person like him, with so much money on his body, saints are a minority after all, how could he not be tempted, but within a few days, the nanny will take care of him. Take all his money away.

Xu Gong almost killed himself in anger. He called the police, but it was useless. The nanny is a habitual offender with rich experience. It is very likely that he will not be able to get back the money.

After Xu Gong heard this, he spat out a mouthful of blood angrily, but no matter how much he regretted and angered, things had already turned out like this, and he could only become a pauper with nothing but a house.

Even because he had no money at hand, he sold the house within a few days and bought a new small house to live in. Because of his own disability, he suffered all kinds of cold eyes and humiliation.

Without money, one can imagine his life as a useless person.

There is no money to hire a nurse, and all kinds of excrement are taken care of by himself before he can move to the toilet.

Things that were easy to do before can't be done now.

Xu Gong and Que Qiuhan couldn't say who was in more pain.

Lin Yuan didn't feel anything when he heard the news that Kunlun Mirror broadcast to him on time, and he didn't feel pitiful at all.

When Wen Yin was ruined by Xu Gong and Que Qiuhan, no one felt sympathy.

Even Que Qiuhan, who had taken care of and loved her since she was a child, didn't even shed a tear after hearing about Wen Yin's death.

The matter between Xu Gong and Que Qiuhan ended just like that, Lin Yuan did nothing, and the task was automatically completed.

Kunlun mirror thinks that the master is powerful, and the boss is the boss.

Lin Yuan originally thought that his affairs in this plane were over like this, and the days to come would be to manage the management company, play games, read novels and taste delicious food.

But he forgot one thing.

That is the eagerness of Wen's father and mother to hold a grandson.

"Son! You just go and have a look. Mom, I'm not one of those unenlightened people who insist on forcing my son. You just go and have a look. If you don't like it, I won't force you."

Wen's mother had been pestering Lin Yuan a few days ago, talking about letting him go on a blind date with a smile on her face.

But she was nice and nice, and there was no sense of persecution in her words, even if Lin Yuan wanted to sternly refuse, she had no chance.

He looked at Mother Wen who looked at him expectantly and flatteringly, frowned slightly, pressed his slender fingers on his temples, and reluctantly agreed: "Okay, just this time, if I don't like it, You can't push me anymore."

To these relatives who really care about Yuan Soul, although Lin Yuan is not Yuan Soul, but he is Yuan Soul now, enjoying this love, he is patient and cooperates with what he is willing to do as much as he can.

Seeing that her son finally agreed, mother Wen, who was overjoyed, was afraid that Lin Yuan would regret it in the end, so she hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, mom, just call now! You can't go back on your word!"

Lin Yuan looked at Mother Wen's excited expression, shook her head helplessly, and smiled lightly, her handsome and elegant face was like a blooming lotus flower, elegant and dignified.

The final time was confirmed at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Mother Wen knew that her son liked to sleep recently, and his naps were longer than before, but her son did not delay the company's affairs. On the contrary, he did better than before. Father Wen and Mother Wen did not think about it what to say.

In their view, the son was hurt by the previous relationship, and parents should be more considerate of the child. The son has grown up, and parents should not interfere with the child's too much affairs.

That's why Mother Wen wanted her son to start a relationship again.

Isn't it said that the best way to get over a relationship is to start a new one?

I don't know if it will work or not, but it doesn't work if I try.

Lin Yuan called Lei Yu and told him about it.

"Hey, I know, you want me to accompany you, don't you? There's nothing to be afraid of, why don't you like a sweet and soft girl?" Lei Yu asked a little puzzled.

Could it be that his brother has some psychological shadow caused by that woman Que Qiuhan?
This can't be done!

Lei Yu immediately decided to accompany his brother to observe the blind date that his aunt is looking for!What if someone like Que Qiuhan is even worse than Que Qiuhan again!
Lin Yuan knew that Lei Yu had misunderstood, but he didn't explain it, it was a trivial matter, and there was nothing wrong with being misunderstood.

In the afternoon of the next day, Lin Yuan and Lei Yu arrived at the agreed coffee shop ahead of schedule.

After the two exchanged a few words, Lei Yu took the initiative to speak and sat down in the back seat, not to disturb his brother's blind date.

Linyuan didn't wait for a few minutes before the people came.

Lin Yuan looked at the girl sitting on the seat, she looked gentle and graceful, and her temperament was outstanding, but he somehow felt a little uncoordinated.

"Sorry, have you been waiting for a long time?" The person who came was the first to speak, his voice was gentle and soft, and it sounded very comfortable, but Lin Yuan always felt that something was wrong.

He smiled lightly, "It's okay, I haven't been here for long, and the appointment time hasn't arrived yet."

Let go of what was wrong, the woman in front of me is undoubtedly a very good girl, gentle and decent, well-bred, she can almost be regarded as a model of a good wife and mother in every man's heart.

"That's good. My name is Song Qing. Nice to meet you."

Song Qing seemed very happy to hear Lin Yuan's words, and introduced herself with a slightly shy tone.

Lin Yuan communicated with her calmly, "Hello, Lin Yuan, I'm glad to meet you too."

Next, Lin Yuan and Song Qing were chatting casually, Lin Yuan could feel that Song Qing was trying to test something intentionally or unintentionally, or seemed to be trying to get closer to him.

Lin Yuan was slightly puzzled, he was sure that this was the first time he had seen Song Qing, and the memory of Yuan Hun Wen Yin did not include Song Qing.

So when we met for the first time today, one of Song Qing's attitudes was that she might like the original soul, Wen Yin, after all, Wen Yin is a very good person.

And if it is not for this reason, then her attitude is open to question.

The two were talking very casually here, to be precise, Lin Yuan was very casual, so casual that Song Qing could tell that he didn't care at a glance.

It's not that Wen Yin is perfunctory and disrespecting her, but that sense of distance, that obvious sense of alienation can let people know that he is not interested in her.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Song Qing's mouth, her expression remained unchanged, but the desire to conquer in her heart had long been aroused.

She doesn't like her, she likes this kind of strategy characters the most, and she loves to see these men who are crying and begging her to be with him after ignoring her in the early days.

What's more, the man in front of her is so good-looking, needless to say his figure, judging by her eyes of countless men, he is definitely the best.

She couldn't wait to taste his taste.

Song Qing licked her lips indiscriminately, and her eyes gradually lit up.

The beauty system yelled frantically in his mind.

[Host, stop your dangerous thoughts, this time is not a scumbag task! ! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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