I'm crazy

Chapter 417

Chapter 417
Although Ji Ze was very reluctant, the final result could not be changed.

The ledger still fell into Lin Yuan's hands.

Lin Yuan handed over the account book to Mu An, and asked Mu An to take it with him, "I'll leave in a few days."

As for why she left in a few days, it was naturally because Linyuan hadn't visited Jiangnan enough, she would not change her plan just because of a small accident.

"Yes, master."

At the residence of Chu Weibo, the magistrate of Yangzhou, everyone gathered together again to discuss what to do next.

"Now Ji Ze has been staying in that princess's house and can't come out, and the people we arranged can't get in, so what should we do now? Are we really waiting for them to bring the account books back to the Imperial Capital?"

Shen Shiming slapped the table hard, very angry.

The rest of the people didn't speak, and they had nothing to do for the time being, they couldn't just let the guards rush in and snatch the account books back, right?

When Ji Ze was alone in the past, they dared to find a way to kill him directly, but now the emperor's favorite princess has also gone to the south of the Yangtze River. If something happened to the two of them together, they don't think the emperor will investigate to the end. No matter how concealed it is at the time, it will inevitably leave disasters behind.

"The point is that I don't know whether Ji Ze has told the princess about the account book. If not, it will be easier." One of them said humanely.

Shen Shiming looked disdainful, "How could it be possible to tell a woman such an important matter as the account book, what a woman can do, the princess must not know."

What Shen Shiming said was very certain. From his point of view, no, maybe from everyone's point of view, she was just a princess and there was no threat at all.

No one took her seriously, they just thought that if she died in Jiangnan, it would be difficult for the emperor to explain.

Everyone looked at Chu Weibo, Chu Weibo didn't speak for a moment, he was thinking whether he really wanted to get rid of Ji Ze and that princess together, even if the emperor was really angry, with so many of them, they should be more concealed , Is there anything else that can't be done, maybe they can't find out that they did it.

"If it really doesn't work, let's deal with the two together." Finally Chu Weibo made a decision.

In the Imperial Palace, the Queen put down the chopsticks in her hand and asked, "Is there any news about Ming Guang?"

The confidant maid immediately whispered: "Go back to your mother, Your Highness has been staying in Jiangnan for the past few days."

The queen sighed, she didn't object to Ming Guang going out to play, it's fine to go out, but at least bring more guards and maids!

Now there is only Mu An by his side, taking a step back, even if safety is not a problem, but Mu An is a bodyguard, he can't do the work of serving people, how convenient is it for Ming Guang to be outside alone.

It made her sick to think of her children suffering where she didn't know.

The maid comforted: "Don't worry, His Highness will be fine."

The queen remained silent, and there was no use worrying now, all she could do was wait. Fortunately, after finding out the traces of Ming Guang, His Majesty sent some guards there, presumably there would be no problem.

The same is true in Qianyuan Hall, Linyuan is not there, Emperor Qi Hui looks at the delicacies on the table and has no appetite at all.

The little bastard didn't feel anything when he was there, and sometimes he was even a little annoying, because he often wandered around him, eating his and using his, and still disgusted.

Now that the little bastard is not around often, Emperor Qi Hui doesn't feel lonely.

This is the thing, he is a little uncomfortable.

"This little bastard, it seems that he is so happy outside that he has forgotten the palace and my father." Emperor Qi Hui scolded with a smile.

Wei Jin beside him also smiled and bowed: "Your Highness is still young, so he naturally likes the scenery outside. Your Majesty need not worry. No matter how nice the outside is, it is not as comfortable as home. Your Highness will always come back."

Emperor Qi Hui, who was comforted by Wei Jin, looked a little better, "I don't think that little bastard has come back. Hmph, for her, I'm afraid the outside is much better than the palace."

Wei Jin lowered his head and snickered silently. Although His Majesty said so, he understood that His Majesty missed Her Royal Highness, but he just didn't want to admit it.

Linyuan in the south of the Yangtze River obviously doesn't know how much her mother and empress and that cheap father miss her in the palace.

After she had finished shopping in Jiangnan, she planned to leave.

After hearing the news, Ji Ze didn't know whether he should breathe a sigh of relief or take a breath.

Obviously, Mu An is the only one around Ming Guang who knows martial arts, even if Chu Weibo and they don't know how to fight in Sucheng, it doesn't mean that they will just wait when they get out of Sucheng, and what will they do then?
But now he doesn't have the slightest right to speak, and he has no choice but to follow Mingguang and the others.

So Lin Yuan, Mu An, Hang Qin and Ji Ze got into the carriage and headed out of Su City.

Of course Lin Yuan didn't want to ride in the same carriage with Ji Ze, so he bought another carriage for him and hired a driver.

As soon as Linyuan left Suzhou City, Chu Weibo got the news, "Go, deal with them after leaving the boundary of Suzhou City completely."

Now that it has reached this level, they simply get rid of everything without doing anything.

As soon as he left the city, the people caught up with him.

"Let's go first, they won't do anything for the time being." Lin Yuan who was in the carriage said calmly.

In response, Mu An twitched Ta Yun lightly, and Ta Yun galloped away. The horse in the carriage that Ji Ze was riding on was also a good horse, but after all, it was not as good as Lin Yuan's horse, Ta Yun, so it was hard to catch up. strenuous.

Ji Ze was dizzy from being bumped by the fast-moving carriage, and his whole body seemed to be thrown away in a second.

He tried his best to hold on to the car body, so as not to let himself sway from side to side so that he spit out on the car indecently.

The people chasing behind followed closely, but they didn't make any moves. Indeed, as Lin Yuan said, it's not the time to make a move yet, after the two waves of people one after the other have left for about a quarter of an hour.

The people who were chasing very closely finally sped up their speed again, and surrounded Lin Yuan and his party.

As soon as Mu An pulled the horse rope, Ta Yun stopped obediently immediately.

Ji Ze's carriage slowed to a stop, and happened to be under the right side of Linyuan's carriage.

At this time, the air was full of wind and rain. Hang Qin sat obediently and did not move. Even with his three-legged cat skills, he could feel the murderous air in the air, which showed how dangerous the situation was.

And today's situation obviously cannot be compared with those bandits who met that day with only a little kung fu.

"Sister Lin." Hang Qin moved his body a little uneasy, looked at Lin Yuan with big round eyes and said softly.

"It's okay." Lin Yuan still said the same calm words.

"Mu An, go to Ji Ze's side." Lin Yuan ordered Mu An to protect Ji Ze. After all, he is also the son of a cheap father, so he can't really be asked to die here.

"Sister Lin, Brother Mu is gone, so what shall we do?" Hearing that Lin Yuan asked Mu An to protect Ji Ze, Hang Qin became even more worried.

People are close and distant.

For Ji Ze, who has only been with them for a few days and is not very familiar with them, it is natural that sister Lin is important, and Hang Qin certainly does not want Mu An to leave.

Lin Yuan stretched out his hand to touch Hang Qin's hair, and said with a smile, "Isn't there still me here? Why, don't you believe your sister Lin?"

"Ah?" Hang Qin was obviously surprised.

He never thought that elder sister Lin would know martial arts, after all, anyone would think that a fairy like elder sister Lin is not a sword wielder, but a heavenly fairy who eats the wind and eats the snow.

Moreover, he has never seen sister Lin practicing martial arts. His father said that martial arts needs to be practiced frequently to ensure that he will not become unfamiliar.

Besides, he had seen Sister Lin's hand before, her fingers were slender and fair, as clear as the glazed beads he played with when he was a child, and to put it bluntly, he wanted to take a bite out of them just looking at him.

Although these fingers are very beautiful, but the fragile look that seems to be broken when touched is not like the hands of martial arts.

Hang Qin fell into his own entanglement.

Then he thought that it might be that sister Lin knew a little bit of martial arts. As a kind and good boy, of course he couldn't expose what sister Lin said.

Of course, Linyuan could see that Hang Qin didn't take her words seriously, and she didn't care.

After Mu An got out of the car and walked to Ji Ze's side, the masked men in black all attacked.

Not saying a single useless word is very different from the scripts in the movies and TV dramas that Lin Yuan has seen occasionally.

As for why you have to wear black clothes during the day, of course it's not a fucking reason like this is the villain's standard equipment.

Instead, it takes into account all-round and multi-field.

First of all, black clothes are cheap, no matter how bad the professional skills are, they can be used by killers, and it is also convenient to uniform the clothes, at least they will not kill their own people by mistake.

Secondly, most of the murders are carried out at night, which is conducive to concealing identities, and there are no signs.

Finally, you have to consider your own professional ability. After all, this killer organization does not successfully complete the mission every time. It is always not the case when it is injured. After the injury, the bloody black clothes will work, and it will not be too obvious. .

All in all, there are many reasons why killers wear black clothes, so I won't list them here, so as not to talk about my hydrology.

Bringing the topic back, this group of people who don't know if they are a regular killer organization rushed forward without saying a word.

The number of people in the two carriages is the same, after all, they are not sure who owns the account books, and the task is to wipe them all out.

As a professional killer organization, they naturally have to fulfill the tasks assigned by their employers, and they cannot be treated differently.

Mu An's side has already started to do something. He stood by the carriage and did not let the man in black get close to the carriage. At the same time, he was distracted to look at Linyuan.

It is an order from the master to let him protect the second prince, but the one he really wants to protect first is always the master.

If there is a conflict between the two, Mu An must disobey the order and carry out his supreme principles.

Lin Yuan drew out her sword. She didn't have a sword when she came out, so she could only get one from Jiangnan temporarily. It's not very easy to use, but it's okay, a real top expert can kill by flying flowers and picking leaves.

Her body is not strong enough, her aptitude is not high, and her martial arts cannot be practiced to the peak, which is enough for her, at least it is more than enough to kill these people.

So Mu An and Hang Qin saw that Lin Yuan, who had no force in their eyes, was holding a sword loosely in his right hand, with an extremely careless expression. He got out of the carriage and faced the oncoming man in black, and even held his arms leisurely. A beautiful sword flower.

It's so easy that it doesn't look like killing people in the battlefield of life and death, but dancing swords in the center of some stage.

The long sword is extremely sharp, and when the sword sees blood, the flash of the sword's light is a fresh human life.

Lin Yuan's expression was indifferent, murder turned into an art performance for her, and it was still an art performance that she didn't like, her black eyes did not have the slightest wave, and there was even a hint of boredom, as if she was interested in this extremely boring art performance. Feel bored and bored.

As one fell, the rest felt fear, not of death, but of the man in front of them.

What they do is killing people, so they naturally know that they will die by the sword one day.

They were not afraid of death, but seeing this man's gesture today, they were moved and terrified.

The person in front of her was holding a sword, clearly trying to kill someone, but there was no emotion in her eyes, she raised and lowered the sword very naturally, so naturally that she seemed to have done this action no less than a thousand times.

They have seen many people's demeanors when they kill, some are excited, some are disgusted, and there are all kinds. There was a moment of barely visible discomfort.

But it was obvious that there was no one in front of him.

They didn't know how to describe the feeling, but they felt a shudder all over them, a fear they couldn't describe.

Seeing that the man in black had the intention of retreating, Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly, and suddenly smiled between the boring eyebrows, and she, who had been meaningless all the time, burst into a faint smile in an instant.

But this smile is not clear and pure at all, on the contrary, it is like the seductive messenger who returned from hell, taking the soul away.

The rest of the men in black were stunned, but before they could react, they felt a chill on their necks, and when they looked down, a bloodstain had already appeared on their necks.

Lin Yuan lazily held the sword, the blood dripping from the tip of the sword fell on the ground and smeared the bloody mark.

It was rare for her to hold a sword, so how could she let someone go like this, of course it was in line with her usual code of conduct to stay all of them.

After all the people on Linyuan's side were dealt with, Mu An was completely relieved and focused on solving the remaining people on his side.

In just a few breaths, all the men in black who came to assassinate this time were killed.

Lin Yuan threw the sword to Mu An, and said calmly, "Wash it for me."

Mu An looked at Lin Yuan, he just killed someone, but His Highness didn't have any bloody killing aura on him. If you ignore the current environment and the blood-stained sword in his hand, it means that His Highness is There will be no disobedience when you just come back from appreciating flowers and reciting poems.

Unlike him, no matter how restrained he is, he still has a faint bloody killing spirit.

Ji Ze had been sitting in the carriage with the driver just now, he only lifted the curtain for a glance at the beginning, and then put it down immediately.

Since I haven't seen it again, I naturally don't know that half of these people were killed by the princess Linyuan.

At this time, when he got out of the car and saw these messy corpses, he inevitably felt nauseated and fearful, so he accidentally vomited.

No matter how much you plan on weekdays, it is also a secret conspiracy, a killing that cannot be seen without blood.

On the bright side, Ji Ze had never encountered such a real scene of blood dripping with swords and eyes, and he didn't know that it was such a terrible thing.

The word killing has never been a cold word, it is accompanied by fresh lives.

Those superiors wantonly control the lives of the people below them in invisible places, and regard human lives as pawns, so we know that one day they will be backlashed.

Ji Ze leaned on the tree and vomited in a mess, without the dignity of a prince.

And Hang Qin, who saw this scene again, was much better, after all, he had seen it once a few days ago.

After Ji Ze had almost vomited, the carriage set off again, heading towards the imperial capital.

There was no place for Ji Ze to wash in the suburbs, so he could only continue walking in clothes soiled by the filth he vomited out. The dirt on his body was obvious, and there was a sour smell. Ji Ze's face changed again and again. Changed, green and white, fists clenched, extremely ugly.

 Killing people can really be as beautiful as art, because I think of the scenes in martial arts novels, especially Gu Long's martial arts novels, cool! ()

(End of this chapter)

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