I'm crazy

Chapter 425

Chapter 425
The shadows of the lights flicker, and the faint fragrance floats.

The celebration banquet was very grand, Yun Dunying and others came earlier, and now they are sitting and drinking, and eating something by the way.

The rules of Qi State are not so strict, so the atmosphere at the banquet is very harmonious.

After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the emperor attaches great importance to generals.

"Your Majesty is here, His Highness Mingguang is here!"

"Long live your majesty, long live your majesty, and a thousand years for your highness the princess."

All the ministers saluted together.

After sitting in his seat, Emperor Qi Hui smiled and said, "Free from courtesy."

"Today is a special celebration banquet for the generals. Lovers don't have to be restrained, just have fun."

Naturally, no one would take the emperor's words seriously. In this kind of occasion, one must always pay attention to proportion. If one really enjoys oneself too much, it is not a good thing.

Of course, the emperor has said so, and the atmosphere should not be too stagnant.

The eldest prince Ji Xi, the second prince Ji Ze, the third prince Ji Sui, the fourth prince Ji Yu, the eldest princess Ji Yu, the second princess Ji Qin, and the fourth princess Ji Meng were all present.

Everyone looks different.

Ji Xi and Ji Sui's faces were not very good-looking, after all, logically speaking, they should be the princes who show the limelight, but they were all taken away by a princess named Ming Guang.

Ji Ze has already figured it out, things that don't belong to him may never belong to him, although it is difficult to let go, but being an idle prince is not a bad thing.

The eldest princess Ji Yu and the second princess Ji Qin are normal. They are already married princesses. Although the father's love for Mingguang was envied before, there is not much grievance.

After all, it is really impossible for them to treat their father like Mingguang and act like a baby to him, and care about him so much. It is no wonder that Father loves Mingguang so much. Their feelings are mutual. Like them, I am afraid that the emperor will not love Mingguang so much.

It's fine after I figured it out.

And Ji Meng's eyes were full of jealousy and dissatisfaction.

She is also the daughter of the emperor, why she Mingguang can get so much love, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is held in the hands like pearls and treasures.

As for her, she lived in a remote and dilapidated palace, and the people who served her for a few kilometers were all trash. She was like an invisible existence in this palace, and no one paid attention to her.

When the age is up, she will be betrothed to a man at will, and this life will pass like this, she is not reconciled at all.

Sitting on the seat, Lin Yuan who was bored took a sip of wine, and then put it down without interest.

The wine in the palace is said to be imperial wine, but the taste is really not very good.

Halfway through the banquet, the important part came, which was the emperor's rewards for meritorious ministers.

The eunuch Xuanzhi's happy voice sounded beside her ears, Lin Yuan only felt that she was drowsy and extremely sleepy, as expected, she would never get enough sleep.

Her black eyes were slightly closed, and she was about to fall asleep with her chin propped up like this, when she suddenly heard a voice calling her.

Lin Yuan opened his eyes, and saw that everyone was looking at her, and then at her cheap father, there was helplessness in his eyes.

Lazily said: "Huh?"

What happened?

Emperor Qi Hui waved his face and tried his best to show the majesty of the emperor: "Hurry up and accept the order!"

"Oh." It turned out to be an imperial decree for her.

Lin Yuan stood up, walked to the center, and waited for the eunuch Xuanzhi to read it to her.

Empress Mingguang has the special grace bestowed by the Holy Spirit, she does not need to salute to anyone, including when receiving orders, so she can just stand.

This makes the injustice even more injustice.

"Follow the sky to carry the goods, the emperor decreed:

Since ancient times, emperors have succeeded in setting up the sky and governing the Huan area, and they must establish Yuan Chu and Maolong as the foundation of the country, so that the Mianzong Society will have no boundaries.

I am full of Hong Xu, and I am trembling all day long.Looking up to the ancestor Mo Lie Zhaoshui, he has the most important entrustment.Chengyou Yanqing, Duanzai Yuanliang.

The three princesses, Mingguang and Yingqi, are talented and beautiful.I hereby abide by the benevolent orders of the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager, carry out the ceremony, obey the public opinion, and report to the heaven and earth, the ancestral temple, and the community.

On May 42th, [-]nd year of Chengming, Ming Guang was granted the book of treasures and became the empress dowager.

It is located in the Eastern Palace, to emphasize the rule of ten thousand years, and to tie the heart of the world.

Appreciate this! "

As early as when the eunuch read the first sentence, many people had already noticed it, but the surprise in their hearts did not diminish by half. Although smart people knew about His Majesty's secret operations in the past two years, they did not expect that His Majesty would actually So impatient, at the celebration banquet, he suddenly announced that His Royal Highness Li Mingguang was the Empress Dowager, not to mention several princes with crowns.

No one denies His Royal Highness Mingguang's ability, but for the ancient patriarchal society, this impact is too great.

Even in modern times, when a father of a wealthy and noble family who is about to delegate power has a son and the son is an adult, he will cause a lot of criticism if he says that he wants to let his daughter inherit all the family property, let alone in ancient times.

Ji Ze stopped pouring the wine, but finally he was relieved.

Ji Xi and Ji Sui couldn't believe it at all, and the eldest princess Ji Yu and the second princess Ji Qin thought they had heard it wrong.

Ji Meng almost lost her composure and knocked over the thing in front of her. She opened her eyes wide and didn't know what she was looking at. She was so shocked by the news that she lost all sanity at this moment.

She was jealous of Ming Guang's favor from her father, jealous of her status, and was unwilling to be reconciled to having such a large distance from her, but now this imperial decree told her that her thinking was too wrong and her vision was too narrow.

Now it's not just the size of the gap in status, but the direct difference.

Ji Meng sat in a daze, but fortunately no one noticed her at this time.

What can I do if I am not reconciled now?

She is already the empress dowager, the future empress, the one she will really look up to and even bow down to in the future, no matter how unwilling she is, she must restrain her emotions completely.

Not to mention the mixed feelings in the hearts of other people present, Lin Yuan, the person involved, hadn't woken up when she first heard it, but when she wanted to stop it, the imperial decree had already been read, and her first The response is to say no.

Who wants to be an emperor, she doesn't want to work as an emperor at all, okay?
She has no interest in the emperor at all.

Whoever loves to be whoever is, in short, don't look for her, she is very clear about her own position in this plane, just hug a golden thigh and wait for death.

Eyes as dark as midnight looked at Emperor Qi Hui, revealing a message brightly: Is it okay to refuse the decree?
Emperor Qi Hui also stared at her silently, and asked: What do you think?
In this invisible confrontation, Emperor Qi Hui, the cheap father, won in the end.

The imperial decree has already been read, and besides, her cheap father has been really good to her all these years, not to mention that in the past two years, although Linyuan has been "fighting" at the border, she is also clear about the news and situation in the imperial capital.

Even if she didn't want to think about or admit to Emperor Qi Hui's plan, she still knew about it.

It's just that Lin Yuan rarely had a little luck, maybe she was thinking too much, but now it seems that she really didn't think too much.

Why does it seem that her desire to hold a golden thigh will never come true?
Lin Yuan was slightly puzzled.

In the end, it can only be attributed to the fact that she is too good at herself. She is a big shot herself, so how could she hold the golden thighs, so she can only be her own golden thighs.

Lin Yuan was filled with regret.

It's not her fault that she's too strong...

Lin Yuan finally accepted it, with no expression on his face, but the bored rejection was obvious in his eyes.

Seeing that Emperor Qi Hui was really angry and funny, what everyone wanted became a hot potato in her eyes.

It's useless to refuse, she has to accept it if she accepts it, or accepts it if she doesn't.

Emperor Qi Hui, who had won the "war" with Linyuan once in a while, was in an extremely good mood, and felt that he was smoother and younger.

The eunuch Xuanzhi respectfully handed the imperial decree to Linyuan, and Linyuan took it with a slight movement of his right hand. Compared with the eunuch's respect, she seemed too casual.

But no one in the room dared to say anything.

If it could be explained before that Princess Guang was just a princess who relied on the emperor's favor and acted willfully, then it is completely different now.

The Crown Princess, unless something important happens, she will be the next emperor of Qi!
Who would dare to treat His Royal Highness Ming Guang with the same attitude as their future emperors?
It's not that he doesn't want to hang out with the next emperor.

After receiving the imperial edict, Lin Yuan turned around and stood facing the crowd.

Qingjue's slender figure stood there indifferently, but it made people feel a sense of awe and worship.

"His Majesty the Empress Dowager is a thousand years old!"

The people bowed down.

At this moment, the next emperor of the Qi Kingdom, the Empress Qiangu, starts here.

No matter how surprised you are, the matter is a foregone conclusion. It is better for those who are aware of Emperor Qi Hui's intentions, after all, they are already psychologically prepared.

And people who have no consciousness from the beginning to the end can be said to be shocked.

The two-year arrangement is very effective, at least now there are no ministers who object openly, because those who object are no longer in the court.

After the news spread to the people, it was unexpectedly found that the people accepted it very well.

Except for a few people who are sour, there are almost no people who oppose it.

One of the reasons is that Emperor Qi Hui's arrangement and Linyuan's achievements are extraordinary, regardless of gender, he is the best existence among the children of Emperor Qi Hui.

The second, which is also a very important part, is Linyuan's appearance. Just look at the reactions of the people who saw Linyuan on the long street that day, they were simply astonished!

Many people would accept that such a good-looking princess would be their emperor!

Therefore, the public opinion that some people were secretly expecting did not appear at all.

In Concubine Xian's palace, Concubine Xian almost died of anger when she heard the news.

She is guarding against the second prince Ji Ze, the third prince Ji Sui, the fourth prince Ji Yu, and even the fifth prince, that little brat, she will guard against her future prince's opponent.

She guarded against everyone who might threaten her prince to take that seat, except the princess Linyuan.

But it happened, it happened, that seat was taken away by a princess she had never guarded against in the end!

Concubine Xian vomited blood without anger, it was because her mental quality had recovered.

Who would have thought?Who would have thought that this would end up like this?

I'm going to piss me off!

Concubine Xian got very angry in the palace.

At the same time, in Defei's palace, Defei looked at the third prince Ji Sui who seemed to have not reacted and said worriedly: "Sui'er?"

"Huh?" Ji Sui was taken aback for a moment, then came back to his senses, "Mother Concubine."

"What is my son's plan now?" Concubine De asked thinking of the current situation.

Ji Sui was silent for a moment and said, "I'm afraid my son won't take the initiative to attack."

The imperial father's imperial edict has been issued, and the matter is almost a foregone conclusion, but it is not so easy for Ji Sui to give up what he has been pursuing for more than ten years so easily.

He will not take the initiative to do anything, because he knows that he does not have the capital to be hostile to Ming Guang.

Only now did he find out that his father had already paved the way for Ming Guang, and the army was almost in Ming Guang's hands. The ministers who opposed him had been demoted or relocated by his father as early as two years ago.There is also the most important public opinion, which is now almost all in favor of Mingguang, and all the advantages are on Mingguang's side. He really can't do anything, and he can't do anything.

But he obviously can't let go easily now, so the only way is to wait.

Wait until he gives up and really lets go, or... wait for that opportunity to come.

Ji Sui wasn't sure if he could wait for it, and a voice in his heart told him that maybe it was impossible.

Ji Sui smiled bitterly and said, "My son is really jealous."

Because of the existence of his mother and concubine, he has a certain weight in front of his father since he was a child. At least his father has not ignored him, and he is respected as a prince. If it's him alone, all of them may not be able to compare to one-tenth of Ming Guang's weight in the heart of his father.

In the past, he could comfort himself and say that it was not important. After all, as an older brother, how could he be jealous of his younger sister, but now he really understands that the emperor's every step of the way? If there are fewer obstacles on the road, he can't convince himself not to be jealous, how can this not make people jealous?

Born in the emperor's family, he has seen too many bloody and cruel scenes of father and son killing each other and brothers killing each other in history books. He didn't dare to have much expectation for family happiness and father-son relationship.

But the facts now tell him that before he knew it, his father had devoted all his trust and affection to Ming Guang. It's not that they didn't have any, but in the end there were too few of them.

If you are afraid of comparison, you will find out when you compare...

Ji Sui sighed secretly, with a gloomy expression on his face, he murmured: "My son is really jealous."

Concubine De raised her hand and gently patted Ji Sui's shoulder, comforting him softly: "My son and concubine mother are still here."

You can't expect the love of the emperor, otherwise you must be the one who gets hurt in the end.

The emperor is not really ruthless, but you don't know who the emperor's love will fall on, so avoid harm if you don't expect it.

What Concubine De didn't say was that she breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the news that His Majesty Li Mingguang was crowned as the Empress Dowager.

The road to seizing the heirloom is extremely difficult and dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will be left with many bones.

Even if Concubine De has confidence in Ji Sui and her children are excellent, there is no guarantee that Sui'er will win in the end.

Since ancient times, how many excellent and capable princes have died, been disabled, or been imprisoned, and even the prince who was established as the prince may not be the final winner.

Concubine De was afraid, afraid that the final outcome would be too tragic, but she couldn't tell anyone.

Now that the overall situation has been decided and the crown prince has been established, I have to say that she is really relieved, the stone in her heart that seemed to fall at any time disappeared.

She didn't know whether to say the result was good or bad, but maybe it wasn't that bad, was it?
The reactions of the other ministers and princesses are self-evident, and they always want to talk to themselves or with someone they really trust in private.

In the queen's palace, the queen was also in a state of bewilderment, because she never thought of this possibility.

Sometimes she thinks that if Mingguang is the prince, then that seat should be her Mingguang.

But since Mingguang is a princess, she hopes that her Mingguang can live a carefree life without bowing down for anything or anyone.

She is willing to plan for this.

But in the end the seat was still in Mingguang's hands, and the queen was both happy and worried.

The happy thing is that the emperor is on top, and her Ming Guang will not suffer any grievances in the future. The worry is that it will be harder to be the emperor. Ming Guang is lazy, and she doesn't want Ming Guang to work so hard.

It can be said that the queen was worried about her bright light.

At this time, Lin Yuan in the Qianyuan Palace was staring at Emperor Qi Hui, both of them were silent, to see who would consume the other in the end!snort!

Emperor Qi Hui blinked his sour eyes and didn't speak. This little bastard didn't know how to give in to him, and didn't know how to respect and love her father!
Lin Yuan had a smile in his eyes and didn't speak,
She would never agree, it would be good to accept the imperial decree, and now it is impossible for her to take over the trouble of Qi Guo immediately!

In the end, Emperor Qi Hui couldn't hold it anymore, and took the lead in scolding: "Little bastard, can't you let your father and me rest more?"

He has been an emperor for more than forty years, and he is almost exhausted. He can finally let go of this stall. Who knows that the heir he has chosen will not take over.

Lin Yuan is helpless, why do all the cheap fathers she meets don't respect power?
Can't wait to pack up the throne and deliver it to her?

The point is that she doesn't like it, nor does she want it.

So in the end, this kind of "confrontation" situation was formed.

"How about the emperor take over for a while longer, and the minister will take over?" Lin Yuan discussed.

Emperor Qi Hui didn't let her take advantage of the loopholes, "How long is a period of time, you can tell me clearly!"

Lin Yuan smiled and said, "Three or four years?"

Emperor Qi Hui's eyes widened in an instant, and he coughed a few times very hard, trembling like a dying person, "dreary" and said: "What did you say?! Say it again?!"

Lin Yuan was really afraid of these old urchins whose acting skills were better than hers, and sighed helplessly, with the corners of his mouth slightly hooked, and said with a light smile, "One year, how about one year?"

Immediately, the cough stopped, the pale complexion stopped pretending, and there was no sign of sadness, and he became alive and well in an instant.

"That's about the same!" Emperor Qi Hui was very proud.

Lin Yuan smiled and said nothing, the gentle sunlight refracted in the dark eyes of Shen Yuan, although it couldn't illuminate the cold abyss, it warmed it a bit.

The sound of cicadas outside the hall, everything is safe.

The prosperity is stable and the prosperity is romantic.

 This plane is over, and there should be no more episodes.

  Thanks to the little angel Qianyu for the reward and the little angels for their votes

(End of this chapter)

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