I'm crazy

Chapter 437 Meow Meow Meow

Chapter 437 Meow Meow Meow

Although he felt that the second shit-shoveling officer was a bit strange these days, Lin Yuan didn't care.

After all, who doesn't have a little secret or something.

But what she never expected was that Yi Paiyun's "secret" had something to do with her.

"You really think too much, KK is normal, there is nothing wrong."

Xie Hong explained to Yi Paiyun with some headaches that as KK's bedside person, how could he not know KK's physical condition? After that day, because he was worried about KK's body, he also studied this knowledge carefully, but the fact It proved that Yi Paiyun was indeed overthinking.

It's a pity that he still refused to believe what he said, and called him out again when KK was taking a nap at noon today.

Lin Yuan in the room yawned, his little furry head rubbed against the arms surrounded by his two front paws, his small and exquisite ears fluttered, and then he opened those black eyes that were especially sleepy. Hitomi.

The shit-shoveling officer wasn't there, and Lin Yuan didn't think much about it. Most of the time, the shit-shoveling officer wasn't there when she woke up, after all, she slept for hours.

Lin Yuan jumped off the big soft bed lightly and landed silently.

Then he opened the door and walked out. The presidential suite that Yi Paiyun had booked was of good quality with a lot of money, and because Lin Yuan was a cat now, there was no sound in this series of actions.

When he got out of the bedroom, he saw two people in the living room talking, Lin Yuan was about to jump on it when he heard Yi Paiyun's words.

"Why don't you believe me? KK is really in estrus! How else can I explain her actions these days? She has a loss of appetite, is very clingy, and likes to go out in the middle of the night!" Yi Paiyun was also very helpless, Why did Xie Hong just not believe him?

He didn't mean to harm KK, he just wanted to prepare in advance.

Lin Yuan at this time: "... very good, very good."

He even said she was in love?
She didn't even know what she did to let Yi Paiyun get such an extremely ridiculous point of view.

Lin Yuan's mood was very calm and indifferent, he just stared at Yi Paiyun silently for a while with those mysterious but dangerous black pupils, and then looked away.

She wanted to hear what Xie Hong thought.

Xie Hong looked helpless, and the figure sitting on the sofa was like a tall pine tree, handsome and elegant.

He pondered for a while, and then said again: "KK is really fine."

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he said, "Have you never thought about what would happen if KK heard this?"

Xie Hong's original intention was to let Yi Paiyun restrain his thoughts, after all, no one knows KK's temperament better than him.

But unexpectedly, Yi Paiyun waved his hand nonchalantly and said: "KK won't know, she always sleeps for hours before getting up during her afternoon nap, how could she hear it?"

Xie Hong was noncommittal, "Okay, I'm going to continue to take a nap with KK. By the way, KK really doesn't have any problems."

Yi Paiyun was also puzzled by Xie Hong's stubbornness, but he firmly believed that there was no problem with his judgment, so he didn't bother to talk anymore, and sat on the sofa by himself.

But after a while, he found that Xie Hong hadn't left yet, and asked in confusion: "What's the matter, why are you still..." Didn't leave...

Following Xie Hong's line of sight and looking at Yi Paiyun, there was no chance to speak the last two words.

At this moment, Yi Paiyun only had one sentence in his mind: "Mom, help!!!!!!"

Large unwanted rollover scene.

Yi Paiyun sat stiffly on the sofa and did not move, looking at Lin Yuan with either dull or miserable eyes.

Say what?Hurry up!What should he say at this time? ! ! ! ! !
The smile at the corner of Xie Hong's mouth froze. Although he didn't do anything, he also felt very scared, and there was a harbinger of a storm in the air.

It was too late to say it, it was so fast, before Xie Hong opened his mouth to say something to ease the atmosphere, he saw a black figure rushing over with lightning speed.

After only a second or two, he heard Yi Paiyun's... earth-shattering... scream...


His voice was so fierce, his begging for mercy was so fast, and his movements so cowardly that he couldn't help but be so vivid, he didn't have the slightest hint of a domineering president.

Hearing the cry for help from Yi Paiyun who was only one meter away from him, Xie Hong silently lowered his head and covered his face with his hands as if he didn't exist.

He is now an invisible man, no one can see, and he can't hear.

After there was no more movement, Xie Hong quietly removed the hand covering his face, turned around silently and looked at Yi Paiyun who was on the sofa beside him.

Just this one glance made Xie Hong's heart shrink.

Yi Paiyun was lying on the sofa at this time, with a very leisurely posture, provided that he didn't look at him like that.

The casual suit was torn into strips by the sharp claws for some reason, and he wanted to take it off. The exposed chest was covered with claw marks, and some of them were even bloody.

There are two claw marks on the face, one on the left and one on the right, as well as the obvious imprint of the plum blossom pad. At a glance, it can be seen that this is a masterpiece similar to two slaps.

His hair was ravaged into a pile of chicken coops, and people who didn't know his dying appearance thought he had been subjected to such brutal and cruel abuse...

Xie Hong: "..."

It would be better for him to go back quickly.


Just as Xie Hong's mind was spinning wildly with the idea of ​​running quickly, the lazy and melodious meow of a cat sounded.

Xie Hong shifted his gaze slightly, and saw a group of pure black furry, exquisite little body, stretching his claws in an elegant and noble posture, which is very attractive.

If one ignores Yi Paiyun, who is "not human", this is really a scene that can be painted.

Xie Hong's eyes met Lin Yuan's perfectly.

The cat, which was still stretching its paws, put down its paws at this moment, and the black eyes, which could not see any emotions clearly, stared at Xie Hong faintly, as if weighing something.

Xie Hong's heart trembled, but he still had that calm expression on his face, as if he hadn't been affected at all.


He saw the cat plopping towards him... pounced.

"My life is over!" These were all the thoughts in Xie Hong's mind in this short one or two seconds.

Xie Hong closed his eyes in horror, and opened his eyes quietly and tentatively after feeling the soft and warm fur in his arms.

Then he saw the cat nestling in his arms.

Xie Hong quietly let out a long sigh of relief, it seems that KK doesn't intend to care about him anymore.

Xie Hong gently touched the cat's body cautiously, without any other reaction, and now the stone in his heart was completely let go.

Yi Paiyun regained his breath, sat up straight, looked at Lin Yuan in Xie Hong's arms and begged for mercy, "I was wrong, I dared to speculate about His Majesty KK at will, His Majesty was right to punish him!"

Lin Yuan, who was treated with "dog-leg flattery", rolled his eyes in disgust and didn't look at him.


Let her hear such words in the future, it will not be so easy to let her go.

Yi Paiyun shook his head quickly, signaling that he would never dare again.

Lin Yuan said to Xie Hong with a little satisfaction: "Meow meow."

Knowing that KK would have something to eat after waking up in the afternoon, Xie Hong hurriedly put Lin Yuan on the sofa, and called the hotel waiter to ask them to bring some fresh fruit desserts.

After eating the fruit, Lin Yuan abandoned Xie Hong, the excrement shovel officer who served him, and went out to play. Yi Paiyun's assistant Xia Ping followed to protect Lin Yuan's safety.

At this time, Xie Hongcai said: "Are you okay?"

Yi Paiyun waved his hands "very weakly" and said, "It's okay, it just looks a little scary, but it's actually just a little flesh wound."

It's really not serious, Yi Paiyun knows that his cat owner has lightened up his efforts, and it should be because he provided delicious food to spare him a little bit.

At this moment, Yi Paiyun is so thankful that he is a domineering president and has a lot of money.

Otherwise, whether he is still alive today is another matter.

Xie Hong looked at the claw marks all over his body and couldn't laugh or cry, "I told you several times and you just didn't listen, now you know what's going on?"

Yi Paiyun shook his head vigorously, "I have indeed learned a lesson, I didn't expect the cat owner to be so terrible when he gets angry."

Lin Yuan couldn't hear Yi Paiyun's words outside, if he heard it, he might not care.

She wasn't angry at all, she didn't have big mood swings, what she did was just because she thought she wanted to do it.

Nothing affected by emotion.

Furthermore, her real mood swings, let alone Yi Paiyun, even this small world could not bear it.

So there is no way to talk about being angry.

Because he was worried about safety issues, Yi Paiyun always had a doctor with him when he went out to play like this, and it just came in handy now.

But it wasn't a serious injury at first, the doctor took some medicine and explained some precautions such as diet, and left with the medicine box.

When Linyuan came back after playing enough, this trip would almost come to an end.

Yi Paiyun returned to the company and home with two paw prints, one on the left and one on the right.

All the employees in the company saw were dumbfounded.

What a wild girlfriend the CEO has made!Make your face like this!
They were all wondering how intense the relationship between the president and his girlfriend was!
Yi Paiyun's stern face was calm, and he didn't reveal any emotion. Looking at the obscene expression on the employee's face, the corners of Yi Paiyun's mouth twitched slightly when he couldn't see it. It was very "intense" indeed. !
"Son, mom misses you...huh? What's going on?"

Yi's mother, who originally wanted to express an image of a loving mother, was startled when she saw the marks on her son's face, and then she smiled and said: "My son has a girlfriend, look at you, I don't want to tell my mother about having a girlfriend. Mom Is it the kind of pedantic and unenlightened person? Son! Don't worry, as long as your girlfriend's family background is clean and her character is good, mother will never object. "

Mother Yi looked very happy, and patted Yi Paiyun on the shoulder to comfort her, the excitement on her face was clearly revealed.

Yi's mother was happy in her heart. Looking at this state, will the day when she holds her grandson be far behind?Ha ha ha ha!

He knows it!

Yi Paiyun sighed. Although he knew that Yi's mother might not believe it, he still wanted to explain, "Mom, you're overthinking it. The cat caught it."

Mother Yi looked suspicious, "Really? Son, didn't you lie to your mother?"

Then he straightened his expression and said: "Don't worry, mom is really not the kind of mother who'll give you 1000 million and leave my son. Besides, your mother and I don't have 1000 million! Hahaha."

Yi Paiyun: "..."

He is tired, really!

Finally, he explained: "I really don't have a mother. Didn't I raise a cat? The cat caught it."

He thought his mother wouldn't believe it, but Yi's mother sighed, and said in a dazed way: "I knew it, with your temperament of worrying about ghosts and hating ghosts, it would be strange to have a girlfriend."

After speaking, he still stared at him with hatred.

Yi Paiyun: "...Mom, isn't this talking nicely? Why is it still a personal attack?"

Yi Mu's cheerful smile was shattered by Yi Paiyun's words, and she didn't want to talk to him anymore, so she went upstairs directly.

Yi Paiyun: "..."

It's not over yet.

Because the traces would not disappear for a while, and Yi Paiyun didn't like to use cosmetics, so when he was talking about business, all his business partners looked at him with deep meaning and seemingly understanding eyes.

Look at his face from time to time and laugh, come over and pat him on the shoulder if you have a good relationship, with a quick understanding expression of "I know, you don't need to say anything" and "I didn't know that your love is so deep" suddenly realized .

Yi Paiyun felt that he had turned into a monkey for people to watch, and it was still the kind that had no performance fee.

However, the news that Yi Paiyun had a very "wild" little girlfriend spread throughout their circle within a short while. As soon as Yi Paiyun went out, everyone looked at him with the expression that he never wanted to see again.

Now he really understands the meaning of heaven's sins are forgiven, but self-inflicted sins cannot live.

Yi Paiyun's stern face was expressionless, and he slightly raised his head to look at the sky, trying to look like a literary youth who was 45 degrees melancholy, but unfortunately his temperament really didn't match.

In the eyes of those who saw it, they thought Mr. Yi missed their little girlfriend.

So, one after another, the bosses who came to discuss business readily agreed to let Yi Paiyun go, and didn't drink too much with him.

Yi Paiyun thought to himself, this is probably the only good thing that can be rejoiced in this matter.


Life is so dramatic.


After the happy vacation, Xie Hong continued to study with Lin Yuan.

Because of his grades, Fifth Middle School assigned him a dormitory just like in junior high school, and allowed him to bring his cat to school.

Yi Paiyun had already sent someone to clean up the things that needed to be cleaned up, so Xie Hong just hugged Xie Hong and moved in.

So, on the first day of school, when the teacher gave a unified speech, Xie Hong sat upright on the seat and hugged a delicate and elegant black cat in his arms. Two pairs of eyes, one pair of dark and quiet, and one pair of mysterious and profound, were all in harmony. staring at the teacher on the podium.

As a result, the teacher who is speaking is often stuck.

Can't help but look at the cat below, as it should be, the more you look at it, the more stuck, the more stuck you look.

The first day of high school was spent in such a weird and inexplicably funny atmosphere.

Very smoothly, Xie Hong and his cat became famous in one fell swoop.

Everyone knows, everyone knows (in school).

(End of this chapter)

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