I'm crazy

Chapter 440

Chapter 440
The spring breeze brings warmth, and the greenery is pleasant. The Zongmen of Wanshan Zongmen is surrounded by green mountains and green waters. The scenery is picturesque.

But today this intoxicating view is not appreciated by many people.

Ning Hao is not an official disciple of Wanshan Sect, but a cleaning disciple, responsible for cleaning the bluestone steps outside the sect.

Today, he is still sweeping with a broom as usual. Because it is spring, there are not as many fallen leaves as in autumn. Ning Hao's work is relatively easy, and he can also be lazy.

As soon as he loosened his muscles and bones, he raised his waist and saw a person walking slowly under the bluestone steps.

The visitors walked leisurely, not as hasty and hasty as those who came to visit Wanshanzong or ask for help, and they did not have the sense of admiration and respect that other sects faced with the best in the world.

Looking at her footsteps, Ning Hao felt that in the heart of the visitor, there might be no difference between the famous Wanshan sect and this mountain, river and tree.

Even the faint and undisciplined posture seems to be that the Wanshan sect that people in the rivers and lakes yearn for is not as important as this landscape.

Ning Hao was stunned for a moment before he noticed that the person's appearance and demeanor were really extraordinary.

When he was a child, he eavesdropped on his master's lectures in a small school in the town.

At that time, the Master spoke a poem.

It was once a shocking photo...

Maybe this poem is not very appropriate to use here, but when I saw the person coming, the poem that I didn't know how many years ago I heard and thought he had forgotten suddenly popped up in my mind.

He has never been able to understand the "Jinghongzhaoying" in this sentence. He feels that there is no such beautiful person in the world. Even the girl Cang Yunzhou likes in the sect, in Ning Hao's opinion, she can't be called such a beautiful person. Four characters.

But now, he vaguely understands the twists and turns of the poet's lines.

Jinghong shines on the shadows, faces the water and shines on the flowers, and the graceful beauty is nothing more than that.

Ning Hao quickly put down the broom and went up to meet him.

"Your Excellency, do you want to visit Wanshanzong?" Ning Hao felt that he should not use the word "visit", because he always felt that he had insulted the person in front of him.

Ning Hao's attitude was even more respectful, and he saw the corners of the visitor's lips slightly raised, expressing a wanton, free-spirited and romantic attitude.

Obviously she is unparalleled in style, but she is chic and arrogant.

Everyone in the world loves beauty, but in front of such a beauty, for some reason, Ning Hao couldn't feel the slightest blasphemy.

Lin Yuan's eyes are deep, his eyes are indifferent, but the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, looking at the respectful and dignified person in front of him, he said leisurely: "I'll pay a visit to Cang Yao."

Hearing her call the head's name directly, Ning Hao wondered which faction or senior in the Jianghu came here. After all, some seniors have extraordinary martial arts, good looks, and are not at all old.

Ning Hao bowed and said, "Excuse me, senior, do you have an invitation card?"

A lazy voice said: "Nothing."

Ning Hao was worried, this is a bit difficult to deal with, Wanshanzong is the top three sects in Jianghu, although he doesn't like it very much, but that's where the strength lies.

There are many people who come to challenge every day, and there are many people in the rivers and lakes who want to become a master. Naturally, not everyone can enter the Wanshan sect.

As a person who is not even an official disciple, Ning Hao naturally has no right to let people into the mountain.

He could only apologize: "Senior, please wait a moment, and this junior will go and greet you."

Seeing that Ning Hao really wanted to turn around, Lin Yuan said calmly, "No need."

She came to settle some matters today, and she didn't need to flirt with Cang Cang, and she didn't have the patience to do superficial tricks or tricks.

To be exact, today she...

It's here to kill!

The killing intent moved slightly, the sword's intent was awe-inspiring, and the sound of the sword's whistle sounded softly, as if to indicate its urgency.

"Pre... Senior?"

Ning Hao was slightly panicked. Even though he was not at a high level of martial arts, he knew that some of the best weapons were connected with their masters.

Intention to move the sword cry, let alone such a murderous sword cry.

The visitor is not good.

Ning Hao passed this sentence in his mind almost instantly.

But the person in front of him seemed to have nothing to do with the word killing.

The person in front of him should walk comfortably in the misty and rainy south of the Yangtze River, calmly write in the snow of Feihong seal, ride a horse in the river and lake in the desert outside the Great Wall, and sing a long song.

It's just that you shouldn't kill with a sword.

Ning Hao plucked up his courage a little bit and looked at the visitor, trembling all over.

It's him.

It didn't fit in his eyes, and when he looked carefully, he found that the senior's deep black eyes were full of the darkness of blood, rain, corpses, mountains and seas of blood, like ancient gods, gods who had really been killed from the bones.

Lin Yuan held the excited Jian loosely in his hand.

This sword was given to her by her cheap master Xing Chen. Since she took it, she has been carrying it with her all the time. no.

But this is not a big deal, since she can't use divine power, she can still follow the martial arts of this plane to enter the Tao with martial arts.

Even the strength of the sword itself has been lowered a lot.

Lin Yuan kindly reminded Ning Hao, "Go further away."

She will not be responsible if she accidentally hurts him.

Holding the sword, Lin Yuan walked slowly into the Wanshan sect.

Ning Hao was startled, and didn't know what to do, but then he thought, this kind of fighting between seniors is not something he can do.

Wanshanzong didn't treat people like him who are not even disciples very well, and he didn't have any sense of belonging to the sect, so he didn't go in to join in the fun, it's better to stay outside and sweep his land obediently.

The gatekeeper disciple looked at Lin Yuan who was approaching with a sword, frowned, and reprimanded loudly: "Who are you? Wanshan Sect does not allow outsiders to enter, do you have an invitation card?"

While speaking, he also drew out his sword to stop Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan naturally didn't bother to say anything to these disciples, a sword energy passed over and directly stunned him.

The injustice has the head and the debt has the owner.

She is not a bloodthirsty god, she will not kill indiscriminately.

The guard disciple fainted on the ground without even sending out a signal.

Lin Yuan walked all the way without being hindered in the slightest.

It was only after he walked into the inner hall that the disciple noticed something was wrong and rushed to inform Cang Yunzhou and Cang Yue.

At that time, Cang Yue was summoning his subordinates to inquire about Lin Yuan's news.

"Have you not found it yet?" Cang Yue's voice was low.

The subordinate knelt on the ground and replied, "Yes."


Cang Yue waved all the things on the table with one sleeve, "So many people can't find a weak woman who has no strength! What are they doing for food!"

With the weakening of his martial arts realm, Cang Yueyue's temper became worse and worse. In the past, the image of a refined gentleman could not be pretended at all except in front of others.

In the arena, everyone understands how scary it is to be weak.

Especially the weakness of the once powerful.

Will throw you into hell.

As the head of the Wanshan sect, how could he have no rivals and enemies? Once the news of his decline in martial arts level is spread, it goes without saying what will happen to him.

In this world, there has always been a lot of trouble, and little charcoal in the snow.

Especially seeing a formerly powerful and high-ranking person suddenly fall into the mortal world one day, anyone can add a handful of dirty mud to his fall, and make him fall faster. How much can the evil of human nature be controlled?

Cangyue has seen too many days when the proud son of heaven in the past fell into the quagmire and was inferior to ordinary people, and he himself was the driving force behind the scenes.

He couldn't allow himself to be like that.

So he has to find that martial arts cheat book!

at all costs.

But these wastes are useless, not even a woman can be found.

Thinking of this, Cang Ye could not control his anger, and the urge to kill kept flashing in his mind.

Cang Yue gritted his teeth and held back, waved his hands to let his subordinates go down. These are all dead men of Wanshan sect, they are only loyal to the head of the sect, and he is not afraid of being known.

As soon as the subordinate went down, Cang Yueyue was about to meditate and adjust his breath, when the door was pushed open vigorously.

Cang Yue frowned, and his unstable breath became more and more chaotic under the panic.

"Master, something is wrong!" the disciple panicked.

Cang Yue asked softly, "What happened?"

Seeing the calm head, the disciple felt a little relieved, and said, "Go back to the head, someone broke into the mountain gate and wanted to see you, and none of the disciples could stop him."

Cang Yue was puzzled, he knew all the young heroes in the rivers and lakes, no one would dare to intrude into the Wanshan sect so recklessly, not to mention that so many disciples of the Wanshan sect were not all useless, and it was impossible to stop them.

As for those martial arts masters, it is even more impossible.

All masters need the attitude of masters.

Is it the forces of the underworld?
Cang Yue waved his sleeves and asked, "Where's the young master?"

His son is not weak, so it is impossible for him to be familiar with him.

The disciple replied: "Young Sect Master has gone out and is not in the sect."

Sure enough, Cang Yue stood up, with a calm head, "Then go and see, who dares to act presumptuously in my Wanshan sect?"

And when Cang Yue and the disciples who reported to him came out, there were already densely packed "corpses" lying on the ground, it was shocking to look at.

Standing standing with his sword in hand, Lin Yuan is extremely graceful and unparalleled in elegance.

When Cang Yue came out, he saw the "corpses" all over the place, and he was furious. He just didn't care about the lives of these disciples, and he didn't allow his Wanshan sect to be provoked like this. It was rumored that his Wanshan sect still had a reputation. ?
Cang Yue looked at Lin Yuan, but didn't recognize him for a while, "Who are you? How did my Wanshan sect offend you?"

It's not surprising that they can't recognize them, it's just that there is a huge difference between Lin Yuan and Lu Ling.

Different souls are in the same body, and their attitudes and temperaments are different.

What's more, after more than a year, Linyuan cured Lu Ling's body and entered the martial arts. The weakness disappeared immediately, and the changes were naturally greater.

Facing Cang Yueyue's questioning, Lin Yuan said indifferently: "You really offended me."

She looked at Cang Yaoyue, her eyes flickered, and she said with a smile: "Sect Master Cang still doesn't recognize me, right?"

Cang Yue was startled, and then said in shock: "Lu Ling!"

Then he immediately restrained his questioning expression, and said with great concern: "So it's Miss Lu, what are you doing?"

He smiled kindly, "The marriage contract between you and Cang Yunzhou is the order of your parents. I know you don't want to, but you can't leave home to do it! You are a little girl, how dangerous."

His face was full of disapproval.

Lin Yuan quietly watched him pretend, and did not interrupt in a very gracious manner.

Cang Yue looked at Lin Yuan with a happy face, and assured her firmly, "Don't worry, girl Lu, since you don't like that kid Cang Yunzhou, your Uncle Cang, I won't force you, the engagement will be terminated immediately, that is, don't do it again I ran away from home, and I will temporarily stay in Wanshanzong, and I will send you to your home in a few days, how about it?"

Kunlun Mirror felt disgusted when he heard it in the sea of ​​consciousness, "Master, this old thing is too shameless!"

It was black and white, it was his son who fell in love with someone else, and he also said that the master didn't want that shit engagement.

By the way, it can also keep the master in Wanshanzong, which is convenient for him to make a move.

The corners of Lin Yuan's mouth were slightly raised, and he held a sword in his right hand with an extremely beautiful sword flower, and said to Cang Ye: "I'm here today, specially to kill you."

Cang Yue's expression changed, he looked at Lin Yuan as kindly as some ignorant junior.

Lin Yuan was too lazy to listen to his nonsense, and directly slashed at Cang Yue with a sword aura, and Cang Yue was shocked by the sword aura and took a step back when he was caught off guard.

"What are you doing, Miss Lu?" The puzzlement on his face made him even more sad, but there was a hidden madness and excitement in Shan Na's eyes.

He was right!
He was right!
Lu Lijin has martial arts cheats in his hands!

Otherwise, why did his martial arts progress so quickly back then?How can he explain why his daughter, a person with no talent in martial arts, let alone a weak body, used force in this short year?

There are definitely martial arts cheats!

The more Cang Yue thought about it, the more excited he became. It seems that there is no problem with his martial arts realm falling. The most important thing now is to kill or lock up Lu Ling and let her hand over the martial arts secret book.

Cang Yue subdued his excitement, even though there was no one around him, he was always paying attention to his disguise, and said with deep sorrow: "Girl Lu, Uncle Cang has no one who is sorry for you, right? Why do you treat Uncle Cang like this?"

It looked as though he had been humiliated and misunderstood.

Lin Yuan's thin lips moved lightly, "There are so many dramas, Cang Yue, you must be aware that I already know everything, right?"

The expression on Cang Yue's face remained the same, and he was still in great pain, he said in puzzlement, "Uncle Cang can't understand what you are talking about, Miss Lu."

Of course he knew that since Lu Ling had already killed the sect, if he still had that attitude towards him, he knew that she already knew everything.

But so what?
He refused to admit it, who knew that Cang Yunzhou's death was not an accident.

Besides, he is not the only one who wants Lu Li to die?
He just did what most people wanted to do but didn't have the courage and ability to do it.

He didn't think he was wrong, didn't he just kill a person?People die all the time in the rivers and lakes, what is a human life worth?
Who is to blame if Lu Lijin doesn't give him the martial arts cheats and seeks death?

Cang Yue didn't feel guilty at all, he felt that he was wrong, the martial arts secret book should belong to him!

If Lu Lijin hadn't insisted on saving him back then, he would have been the one who fell off the cliff, he would have been the one who got the martial arts cheats, and it would have been him who had benefited, not Lu Lijin, a bastard who didn't know where he came from!

In Cang Yue's heart, he was not wrong at all, it was originally his property!
 I don’t know if this chapter has described Lin Yuan’s powerful demeanor that is understated ()
  I was so sleepy that my head fell on the bed while I was writing.

  Thank you monster baby for your reward, thank you all for your encouragement ▽●
(End of this chapter)

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