I'm crazy

Chapter 443

Chapter 443
Lin Yuan entered the room as usual.

And the people in the inn who hadn't left at this time looked at each other, all of them concentrating in the same way, and they also took the weapons in their hands.

For a moment, the entire inn was empty, without any movement.

Lin Yuan, who was in the room, naturally sensed the unusual atmosphere, sitting lazily on a chair drinking tea, putting his sword aside and not moving.

"It started again."

She raised her hand to support her chin in a somewhat boring manner, and the boredom could not be concealed in her lazy voice.

Everyone in the world is like this, knowing that huge benefits will bring terrible and terrifying results, but for that slight possibility, some people will gamble their lives.

Lin Yuan felt that if they were not annoying, she was a little annoyed.

It is also tiring to do it every time.

If this plane can use divine power, or just spiritual power, why does she have to work so hard on herself, a word spirit can make them perish by themselves.

Unlike now, she still needs to do it herself.

Wind blows.

Sword moves.

By the time An Yun came back with the food he bought, all the damned people were dead.

"Miss, where are we going next?"

An Yun put away the food he bought and asked.

She hasn't asked Miss where her destination is yet.

The slender index finger and middle finger pinched the pastry, Lin Yuan lazily said: "Go find some people."

The barriers of this plane are too tight, if you want to break the void, it is not impossible for her alone, but Lin Yuan doesn't want her to be so tired.

It's better to find more people, especially the aborigines in the plane. Even if they can't break the barrier of the plane, as long as someone breaks through the realm of a great master that no one has broken through for hundreds of years, the barrier of the plane will naturally loosen.

Anyway, she has nothing to do, and it's rare that she is interested in making some contributions to this plane.

An Yun naturally nodded obediently, and she would go wherever her own lady went.


Thousands of miles away, in the center of the bustling city of Sioux City, there is a three-storey attic.

And on the plaque in the attic, there are three low-key and wanton characters written in pen and ink——Baixiao Pavilion.

It is the headquarters of Bai Xiaosheng, one of the invisible forces in the world.

At this time, in the attic, a scholar-like person who was writing something on a piece of paper with a pen was interrupted by a note that came through the air.

The scholar looked thin and lacking any force, but he saw that he swiped his pen when the note came through the air, and the note condensed with force suddenly fell quietly on the desk in front of him.

The scholar opened the note and saw that it was news about Linyuan.

But a few lines of words are enough to read at a glance. The scholar retracted his inner strength, and the note in his hand turned into flying catkins and fell lightly into a basket at his feet.

Then he picked up the pen and continued writing on the paper.


In a cold place in the northwest, a young man walked with difficulty in the strong wind with his own baggage on his back.

It was Ning Hao who swept the ground in front of the Wanshan sect.

After he saw Cang Yue, the head of Wanshan Sect, die that day, he packed up his burden and left before the young Sect Master Cang Yunzhou came.

It's a pity that he has been sweeping the land in Wanshanzong for several years, but he hasn't saved even a few taels of silver.

However, Ning Hao is also optimistic and good-natured. He cares about few things in his life and is naturally transparent.

So he took his own baggage with only a few clothes and left.

He originally planned to go a little farther, and then find a job to do it.

After all, he is a poor man who has never married a wife and had children, so he can feed the whole family without worrying about it.

But for some reason, he inexplicably remembered the words that senior, the person whose name he already knew, said to him.

"Find a new master, and practice well."

Ning Hao's walking steps just stopped in place.

It is obviously a person who has never met before, and it is obviously a sentence that sounds so casual.

This made Ning Hao stop.

Perhaps it was not that sentence that stopped him, but the desire that had never been extinguished in his heart.

"Ning Hao, Ning Hao, you are really crazy."

Ning Hao looked at the strong wind in the northwest that was strong enough to blow people away, and laughed at himself with a wry smile, but he never stopped moving forward, and never thought of regretting it.

The reason why he came to Wanshan Sect was naturally because he also longed for martial arts.

If he didn't want to, why would he just stay in Wanshanzong for a few years and not leave?
Who doesn't care about the legendary magical power that can move mountains and seas?
Even if his mind is transparent, he is not transparent enough to let go of everything.

His pursuit of martial arts has never faded away.

That's why I continued on the road alone, and continued to pursue my heart's desire.

Chao heard that, Xi can die.


Lin Yuan and An Yun continued to set off towards their destination, and after another half a day's journey, they stopped here in Xuancheng.

Because Lin Yuan is not in a hurry, naturally their schedules are not rushed at all, they always stop and go as they go, playing and stopping in places from time to time.

So much so that I don’t know how many days I have gone, and the destination has not yet arrived.

As soon as Lin Yuan got off the carriage, he found Xuancheng was extremely lively, with red lanterns and red ribbons hanging everywhere, it was very festive.

"What is the happy event in Xuancheng?"

Today she changed into men's clothes, just because men's clothes are convenient, and she didn't do too many other modifications, so anyone with a discerning eye can see that this young man with a perfect appearance is a beautiful person.

Lin Yuan held a folding fan he bought casually from a small street vendor in his hand and said casually to An Yun beside him as he fanned it.

An Yun shook his head when he saw this, and was about to say that she was going to investigate, when a kindly woman who heard her words beside her said, "This... Miss is your first visit to Xuancheng, isn't it?"

The woman hesitated a little, but still called Miss according to Lin Yuan's real gender.

Lin Yuan smiled and nodded.

Seeing her gentle expression, the enthusiasm on the woman's face became more obvious, and she explained to them: "This is a great event for us in Xuancheng today!"

"Oh?" Lin Yuan asked cooperatively.

The woman was immediately excited and proud, "Today is Miss Kan, the daughter of the great city lord of our Xuancheng, who is going to compete in martial arts to recruit relatives. No, many sons and daughters around Xuancheng have gone to see it these days."

"Because the city lord of our Xuancheng manages Xuancheng well, the people in the city live and work in peace and contentment, and the people love the city lord, so they all volunteered to add a touch of joy to Miss Kan's wedding."

The woman pointed to the red lanterns and red ribbons and said.

Lin Yuan nodded slightly, "It is indeed a good thing."

The woman was very happy to publicize the wisdom of their city lord and the prosperity of Xuancheng for the outsiders, and left very satisfied.

Lin Yuan said to An Yun who was about to find the inn: "In that case, let's join in the fun."

An Yun nodded, and had no objection to his young lady's decision.

The Chaotang is weak in this plane, and the affairs of the Jianghu are often beyond the Chaotang's hands, and naturally, people in the Jianghu have no interest in the Chaotang.

The two maintain a delicate harmony.

And the city lord of Xuancheng is a rare person who can be the lord of a city in the court and win good people in the rivers and lakes.

Of course, in the final analysis, it was because his own martial arts were not weak.

After all, no matter where it is, the strong are respected.

Those who walk in death in the rivers and lakes will not value and respect you just because you are in a city.

Therefore, Xuancheng under his rule is rarely stable and peaceful, and there were not so many provocative and troublesome people in the past.

By the time Lin Yuan and An Yun walked to the scene of the martial arts competition to recruit relatives, they already knew almost everything about the Lord of Xuancheng.

When they arrived at the scene, the first thing they saw was the huge competition platform in the center, on which two people were already fighting.

The atmosphere was lively.

Countless people were watching all around, densely packed, without any place to stay.

Seeing this, Lin Yuan paused for a while.

Then he looked around casually, and saw a few chairs next to the competition platform, and a middle-aged man with a firm face and a serious expression was sitting on the chair in the middle.

Taking another look at his attire, Lin Yuan immediately confirmed that this was Kan Putian, the lord of Xuancheng, and beside him sat a woman in a blue flowing fairy dress.

The face is soft and the two big black eyes wander around from time to time following the situation on the competition stage, very lively and lively.

Lin Yuan looked at the dense crowd of people around the competition stage, and moved his footsteps slightly, like a fleeting shadow, not even a speck of dust, and arrived next to Kan Putian, the lord of Xuancheng, and his daughter Kan Jundong.

Kan Putian looked at Linyuan who appeared suddenly, his expression became solemn, his eyes became alert immediately, he protected Kan Jundong who was curious beside him with one hand, stood up and waved to Linyuan, "I don't know who you are?"

His demeanor was very polite, but his subconscious vigilance did not diminish at all.

Kan Putian looked at this person who appeared suddenly, and his heart sank.

Even he didn't perceive the aura of the coming person at all, he didn't see it until the coming person appeared beside him brightly.

Kan Putian was secretly startled by this inadvertently revealed strength.

Even if some dangerous person that he can't control came to his city, it would be serious.

Linyuan's folding fan was swaying slightly, and he wore a black robe with wide sleeves. He was unparalleled in style and had a relaxed expression, which was in stark contrast to Kan Putian's secret vigilance.

Qingling's lazy voice said with a smile: "I'm passing through Xuancheng, and I come across such a grand event occasionally, so I come to watch it. I wonder if the city lord can be the next one?"

The words are quite polite, but in fact Lin Yuan doesn't mind being "gentle" when he is in a good mood.

Kan Putian looked at the elegant and calm posture of this person in front of him, he really looked like an elegant and graceful Tianjiao who could only be raised by a famous family for hundreds of years in the prosperous age.

Kan Putian's tense muscles relaxed slightly, and he stretched out his hand politely: "Naturally, Your Excellency please."

Linyuan then Shi Shiran sat down next to Kan Jundong.

Facing Kan Jundong's curious eyes, the corners of Lin Yuan's mouth curled up slightly, and an evil smile spread from his thin lips.

The eyes infiltrated with ink are faintly like the hell of the Nine Abyss, attracting countless creatures who don't know the danger and are intoxicated and obsessed with it.

Kan Jundong's fair face with a little baby fat turned red instantly, he stared straight at Lin Yuan's two big black grape-like eyes and blinked uncomfortably, then turned around immediately and continued to look at the stage.

But those empty eyes and blushing cheeks all showed that her mind was not on the arena at all.

Kan Putian, who had been secretly watching Lin Yuan and his daughter, gritted his teeth unconsciously, and the muscles that had been relaxed a little bit tensed up again.

This extraordinary and unexpected person was a real woman, and he believed that his daughter would not fail to see this.

But my daughter's current state is very dangerous!

Kan Putian naturally admits that the people around him are unparalleled in appearance and demeanor, and he is the most flirtatious person he has ever seen, but no matter how extraordinary he is, he is still a woman, and it is naturally impossible to be with his daughter.

Kan Putian stared at the two people on the stage who hadn't decided the winner, and his irritated mood suddenly rose a little bit.

He didn't agree with this kind of martial arts contest to recruit relatives.

It's all random stuff written in the script, so it's not half reliable.

His daughter was influenced by him, and she was quite yearning for the affairs of the world.

But there is nothing so good in the world.

Not all people in the Jianghu are chivalrous knights who are willing to be kind and enmity, wielding their swords.

Even if he is a chivalrous man with good character, he will not allow his daughter to marry a man from the rivers and lakes.

Because of the danger, but also because of the possibility of a precarious life.

Kan Putian originally planned to choose Kan Jundong among the good men in Xuancheng, but she had no choice but to engage in this contest to recruit relatives.

In this way, there are all kinds of crooked melons and cracked dates.

The existence of those with ulterior motives cannot be ruled out.

Kan Putian was even more upset.


From the corner of Kan Putian's eyes, he looked at his daughter who was already staring at the visitor with a blushing face, and thought to himself, maybe this is also an opportunity.

The visitor is a woman, so naturally she won't have anything to do with his daughter, and since the daughter seems to like the visitor so much, it is very likely that she will give up this inconspicuous contest to recruit relatives.

As soon as Kan Jundong turned his head away, he regretted it again, and then turned back immediately.

She has always been lively, and now that she sees such a good-looking person, she naturally won't hold back.

If you see a good-looking person, you must see enough!
Who knows when it won't be seen anymore?
When you can see it, of course you have to read enough, and you must not let yourself regret it later.

Kan Jundong leaned over directly, propping his chin with both hands, staring at Lin Yuan reluctantly.

The hair is so long!The eyes are so dark!The skin is so white!

Ahhh, everything is so beautiful!
Simply perfect!
Kan Jundong screamed silently in his heart.

Of course she knew it was a lady, but so what?
In this world, only beauty has no boundaries. Beauty is beauty, regardless of gender.

Kan Jundong thought of her own scripts again. For such a beautiful person, when she thought of who might be cheaper in the future, she felt very distressed!
It's better to let the beauty be beautiful alone, no one deserves to take a cent.

Feeling the "hot" gaze around her, Lin Yuan also turned her head slightly.

The mysterious deep pupils and the agile big eyes looked at each other, and saw the big eyes trembling in front of them, but they still looked at her unswervingly.

Lin Yuan blinked his eyelashes slightly, and smiled leisurely: "What are you looking at me for?"

(End of this chapter)

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