I'm crazy

Chapter 457

Chapter 457
"Master, have you got up yet?"

Lin Yuan opened his eyes, and said to the people waiting outside: "Wait first."

The maid outside said respectfully: "Yes."

Lin Yuan began to sort out the memories of this time.

The plane she was going to this time was not this small plane, but a supernatural plane, and she didn't even need to choose her identity, just use divine power to construct a spirit body to act as a ghost.

But in the end it didn't work out.

The reason is because there are too many supernatural planes in the thousands of novel planes, and there are quite a few that overlap and are a little bit similar. I can't find a new plane for a while, and there must be no novel plots.

So I chose another one.

And the plane that Lin Yuan came to this time is a female respected plane, where women are the most respected.

The woman supports the family outside, the man takes care of his wife and teaches his daughter, and they don't step outside the door.

Linyuan's identity this time is the general of Fengyang Kingdom——Feng Linyuan.

And she just married a man not long ago.

Lin Yuan's expression was indifferent, without any emotion.

Originally, this marriage was not easy, and the other party didn't like the original soul of this body, so she naturally didn't need to worry about it.

Lin Yuan got up and called the maid to help her wash up. After packing up, she went to the front yard to have breakfast.

By the time she reaches this point, Lang Shuyi, the former soul's husband, is already eating.

If this is placed in someone else's home, I'm afraid he will have to be reprimanded. Before the wife's master arrives, he starts to eat by himself, without any rules.

But in Yuansoul's General's Mansion, naturally no one restrained Yi.

Yuan Soul didn't have any background behind him, and he gained his status entirely by hard work. All the elders in the family had passed away. Apart from Yuan Soul, Shu Yi was the only master in the general's mansion.

And Shu Yi liked him because of his original soul, but he did a lot of things.

Lin Yuan thought of the original plot.

Shu Yi has the reputation of the number one son in this capital, Yuan Soul fell in love at first sight when he first saw him.

Because of the great disparity in family background, it was impossible for the Shu family to betroth Shu Yi to Yuan Soul, so Yuan Soul became more determined to join the army.

She thought, if Shu Yi is unmarried and willing to marry her when she becomes famous, then she will ask the queen to marry her.

Yuan Soul has a resolute personality, is courageous and resourceful, and has been promoted to a high position after several years in the army, and for some reason, Shu Yi, who is over eighteen years old, has not yet married.

The original soul sent someone to contact the Shu family, and finally the Shu family said yes.

So Yuan Soul naturally asked the Queen to give him a marriage. The Queen saw that Yuan Soul and Shu Yi were quite compatible, and that Yuan Soul was a loyal subject who had won many battles and was loyal to her, so she happily gave the marriage.

The marriage with Shu Yi was exhausting. She didn't have any savings, but in order to show her solemnity and love, the dowry was not light, which gave Shu Yi enough face.

But Yuan Soul never imagined that the husband she tried so hard to marry didn't like her at all.

On the wedding night a few days ago, he lied and claimed to be sick, and he was very indifferent to Yuan Soul on weekdays.

And Yuan Soul felt that her husband was not feeling well, so naturally she didn't say much, and carefully protected and accommodated her, thinking that her indifference to her was because the newly married man left his home in a bad mood, so naturally he cherished her even more , without half an opinion.

"Why are you here now!"

When Lin Yuan was thinking about the plot and sitting on the seat, the person in the seat a little far away from her frowned impatiently and said such a sentence to her.

Lin Yuan's indifferent black eyes swept over, and the man in front of him was dressed in white clothes, dressed in a simple and elegant way, and his appearance was somewhat clear, but the irritability between his brows completely ruined that little temperament.

Lin Yuan ignored him, the maid presented her with a rice bowl and started to eat breakfast on her own.

Seeing that the person who usually accommodated him and followed him was silent today, Shu Yi said dissatisfiedly, "I'm asking you something! What do you mean by not speaking?"

Lin Yuan felt slightly amused.

The original soul's filter is probably too thick, so he thinks that Shu Yi is good everywhere.

In fact, in this plane where women are the most respected, if a husband like Shu Yi who despises his wife and doesn't take her seriously, if he changes his wife, even the grumpy one will be beaten.

No matter how good-tempered the wife-lord is, she won't be happy in her heart.

And Shu Yi relied on Yuan Soul's admiration for him, but he never restrained his temper and even pushed forward.

Just like now, not to mention that it is the husband's job to wait for his wife to get up and eat, even if there are maids and servants in rich families, the husband does not need to do too much.

Then there is absolutely no husband who doesn't wait for his wife to have a meal and scolds his wife for coming late. I'm afraid he wants to be divorced.

But looking at Shu Yi like this, he may really feel that Yuan Soul will tolerate everything about him, and he has nothing to fear.

If the person in this body is still the original soul, then she will naturally not feel anything, and will coax Shu Yi instead.

It's a pity that now this body has changed a soul, Lin Yuan will not let himself suffer a little bit of grievance.

She put down her chopsticks, looked at Shu Yi with deep black eyes and said, "What's your opinion?"

Shu Yi was startled, and his dissatisfied expression froze. Feng Linyuan had never treated him like this before, and he was really stunned for a while.

After reacting, he became even angrier.

"Okay you, who said that if you marry me back, you will love me, protect me and love me for the rest of your life, and now you have revealed your true colors in just two days?"

Shu Yi slapped the table hard, his voice shrill and angry.

Pointing at Linyuan, he said angrily: "I tell you Feng Linyuan, I, Shu Yi, are not easy to mess with. If you dare to treat me like this, I will make you regret it! I want to make peace!"

Shu Yi looked at Lin Yuan, his sharp voice could not conceal his complacency, he naturally knew how much Feng Linyuan liked him, and it was impossible for her to reconcile with him.

She can't live without him!
In the next moment, Feng Linyuan would definitely obediently beg him for mercy, begging him to take back these words.

Lin Yuan finished his breakfast leisurely, without being affected by Shu Yi at all.

Putting down his chopsticks and looking at Shu Yi who looked confident, his emotions didn't fluctuate at all.

In fact, if not at least to consider what was involved in this body, the man who dared to point at her is now dead.

Lin Yuan leaned on the chair, the resolute soldier-like aura that belonged to the original soul dissipated from his body, wanton and lazy, with a loose expression, a posture that belonged exclusively to the demon god Lin Yuan.

No matter how stupid Shu Yi was, he could feel something was wrong with Lin Yuan at this time.

Lin Yuan didn't wait for Shu Yi to say anything, and said directly to the maid beside him, "Go get a pen and paper."

The maid immediately went down to fetch a pen and paper.

Shu Yi had only just married into the General's Mansion for two days, and the people in the General's Mansion naturally belonged to the original soul, unlike later, it was still on the surface of the General's Mansion, but in fact all the people inside were Shu Yi's.

The original soul has already been emptied in the later stage.

I don't know yet.

When Shu Yi heard Lin Yuan's words, he looked at her incredulously, and said loudly, "Feng Linyuan! Are you crazy? You want to make peace with me!"

Lin Yuan frowned slightly at the sharp and piercing voice, and said coldly, "Isn't this fulfilling your wish?"

Shu Yi stood up from the chair in a hurry, "Feng Linyuan, you are doing well!"

Lin Yuan's tone was indifferent, "I don't need you to tell me whether I'm good or not."

Shu Yi was so angry that he waved his sleeves and ran out of the general's mansion.

And the maid who came with a pen and paper looked at Lin Yuan and said, "General?"

Linyuan Shi Shiran stood up from the chair, tall and straight like a lonely peak and green pine, and said lightly: "Go down."

After Lin Yuan returned to the study, He Ning, the housekeeper from the General's Mansion, came to the study and knocked on the door.

He Ning is an old man in the general's mansion, who fought with Yuan Soul when she was a soldier, and later went to make a living again because he injured his arm and couldn't continue.

However, Yuan Soul happened to meet He Ning who had a hard life later, so he brought her with him again. He said that he was a housekeeper, but in fact he was also a true best friend.

In the original plot, after the death of Yuan Soul, He Ning was the only one who ran to find out the truth about the death of Yuan Soul, and the final end was also very miserable.

"Master, Husband has returned home."

He Ning stood in front of Lin Yuan and reported to her.

Yuan Soul also said that He Ning didn't have to call her master when there was no one around, but He Ning firmly disagreed, so Yuan Soul just let her go.

Lin Yuan sat without moving, his expression did not have the anxiety and panic of Yuan Soul at all.

He Ning naturally noticed that her master seemed to have changed.

But she is happy with the change.

The master has no identity and background, and he has really worked hard all the way to achieve his status, and the hardships are naturally self-evident.

As for which man the master likes, this is the master's own business, and with the master's temperament, he will definitely treat his husband well. He Ning's only request is to hope that the master's husband also likes the master and treats the master well.

It is precisely because he understands the difficulty of his master that he hopes that his master will be happy.

I hope that the master returns to his own home in the General's Mansion, at least he doesn't have to make false claims with others, and he doesn't have to be cautious everywhere.

But who knew that his master liked such a man.

He Ning manages the General's Mansion, and there are many people who need to deal with on weekdays, and he pays great attention to what he says and does.

I am used to seeing all kinds of people, how can I not see that the husband married by my master not only doesn't like his master, but is also full of contempt.

This made He Ning not angry.

It's a pity that the master put all his heart on Shu Yi, even if He Ning said it, he didn't listen at all.

If today's incident had happened in the past, it would never have happened at all, let alone Shu Yi ran out directly, and his master hadn't moved at all.

It seemed like Shu Yi didn't care about Shu Yi at all.

Lin Yuan put down the training sheet he had written in his hand, looked at He Ning and said indifferently: "We can't rest Shu Yi for the time being."

Shu Yi was startled, and then immediately reacted and said: "Then master, in the future..."

Lin Yuan's eyebrows were indifferent, and Qingling's voice was like frost and snow, "During the time I haven't given up on Shu Yi, you can do whatever you want, after all, he will not be another master of the General's Mansion from now on. gone."

This plane cannot use spiritual power, so naturally Lin Yuan can't just kill people like Shu Yi and settle down.

Moreover, the forces behind Shu Yi are not small, if they want to get rid of Shu Yi smoothly and without any mistakes, they need to think long term.

But Lin Yuan is not in a hurry, after all, there is nothing to do, so let's pass the time.

When she got into this body, she didn't like Shu Yi who was liked by the soul. Although she couldn't give up Shu Yi for the time being, she would not let Shu Yi dominate the general's house again.

Naturally, the master's treatment will not be given, of course, He Ning can handle it by himself.

He Ning nodded respectfully, "Yes."

Then he said: "Master, today is the day to go back home, master is going to Shu's house?"

Three days after a man marries a woman, he will go back to the man's home. Generally, only the husband who is liked by the wife is eligible to be accompanied by the wife.

And Yuan Soul had already prepared the ceremony of returning home long before today and planned to accompany Shu Yi back to Shu's house.

But of course it's impossible now.

Lin Yuan said softly: "No need, just pack up all the things and send them to the warehouse, and change the key of the warehouse."


He replied in a respectful voice.

Because he wants to marry Shu Yi, his master has almost emptied the warehouse. In this Fengyang country that doesn't take men seriously, his master's love for Shu Yi can be learned from heaven and earth. In this capital, who doesn't envy Shu Yi Only the master likes it, ten miles of red makeup.

It's a pity that Shu Yi didn't realize the preciousness of this affection.

After all, the master didn't like Shu Yi for some reason, and He Ning didn't know how to say anything to make things go back to the way they were before.

There is also the key to the warehouse, although there are not many things in the warehouse.

But Shu Yi was originally the only master in this mansion, so naturally he had the key to the warehouse.

Now that the master changed his mind, even if she didn't say anything, He Ning would never let Shu Yi hold the key again.

He Ning went out to work, and Lin Yuan continued to stay in the study.

Because of the marriage, the empress specially granted the original soul several days of leave, so now she doesn't need to go to court.

Linyuan stayed here leisurely, but Shufu was in a different situation.

In the Shu mansion, Shu Luoya, the head of the Shu family, and her husband Li Cheng sat there and had already finished a cup of tea, but Feng Linyuan and Shu Yi were still there, and they were extremely dissatisfied.

"What's going on with Feng Linyuan! This official married Yi'er to her, and that's how she treated Yi'er and the Shu family? Let's see what time it is and they're still there!"

Shu Luoya patted the table, and the water in the teacup on the table swayed, and Li Cheng, who was sitting beside him, hurriedly comforted him in a soft voice: "There must be some delay, the wife master will go to the study first, and wait for Yi'er and Feng Linyuan When I come back, I will tell my wife-master again."

Shu Luoya's expression softened slightly, and he said to Li Cheng: "Then it will be hard for you, I will deal with government affairs first."

Li Cheng smiled and nodded.

But before Shu Luo Ya got up to leave, she saw a crying figure running in.

"Mother! Daddy!"

Shu Yi threw himself into Li Cheng's arms with an aggrieved expression.

Li Cheng's expression changed, and he said worriedly: "Yi'er, what's the matter, what happened? Where's Feng Linyuan?"

Shu Yi choked up his voice, but actually there were not many tears in his eyes at all. He looked at the impatient Shu Luoya with an aggrieved face, and now there was only a little bit of dissatisfaction in his heart, but now he was really aggrieved.

It's because he's not a woman, and his mother never liked him, if it wasn't for him...

 Kaka Kaka... Kawen Kaka killed me!

(End of this chapter)

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