I'm crazy

Chapter 473

Chapter 473
Sixth Queen's Mansion.

After Feng Lingyu came out of the sixth princess's study, she walked aimlessly.

Her biological father hurt her favorite father, who still loved her as his own child.

This fact made Feng Lingyu unable to accept it for a while.

Before she knew it, Feng Lingyu came to a place she had never been before.

Feng Lingyu came back to his senses for a while, and saw the writing on the door, which seemed to be the place where Shu Yi lived.

Thinking of this name, Feng Lingyu felt uncomfortable for a while.

She pursed her lips, hesitated for a while, and finally walked in.

The yard is very empty, but it doesn't look bleak and dilapidated, and it's well tidied up.

The servant standing outside the door saw Feng Lingyu's figure, and after being stunned, he quickly said happily: "Your Highness!"

He was about to come over immediately, but was stopped by Feng Lingyu's raised hand.

The servant looked at the frost on the face of the little highness, hesitated for a while and said cautiously: "Why is the little highness here?"

He watched Feng Lingyu not speak, and then asked tentatively: "Does your highness know something?"

Feng Lingyu's eyes swept over the servant, who immediately didn't dare to speak again.

Feng Lingyu said to the servant: "Is he inside?"

She didn't want to call Shu Yi Daddy.

In her heart, he was never her father.

The servant nodded, with complicated emotions on his face, Shu Yi hadn't been doing well since five years ago, and his sanity was a little out of order.

Feng Lingyu raised his chin slightly and said, "Open the door."

The servant hesitated, he was afraid that Shu Yi would hurt His Highness.

But under Feng Lingyu's slightly cold gaze, he finally opened the door.

As if I haven't seen the sun for five years, the moment the door is opened, even the sun is unwilling to cast into the room.

Feng Lingyu saw the person lying on the bed at the first sight, his expression was haggard, his face was haggard, he was obviously only 30 years old, but he looked lifeless like an old man on the verge of death.

Feng Lingyu hesitated for a while, then the man also saw her.

"who are you?"

It was very difficult for the hoarse and unpleasant voice to utter these words.

In the blink of an eye, as if he had thought of something, his cloudy eyes lit up, his hands tightly grasped the curtain, and he walked off the bed with his body supported.

Seeing him getting closer and closer to her, Feng Lingyu couldn't help taking a step back.

This step seemed to have angered the person in front of him, Feng Lingyu felt a pain in his shoulder, and was grabbed by the person in front of him.

Those cloudy eyes stared straight at her, and the meaning revealed in them made Feng Lingyu frowned uncomfortably.

Shu Yi became even angrier, "Why are you looking at me like that! Why are you looking at me like that! Do you know...do you know, you were born by me! I am your biological father! You've considered a thief as your father for so many years. You don't even recognize your biological father!"

Feng Lingyu listened to the angry and crazy voice in his ear, but it seemed to be far away from her, without the slightest thought.

If there was a little bit of expectation that I didn't know before, then now, there is only a lot of disgust and boredom left.

She shouldn't be here.

Feng Lingyu wanted to break free from Shu Yi's shackles, but she was a child after all, so she struggled a few times to no avail.

Seeing her struggling to escape, Shu Yi was even more angry.

She has betrayed him, and the child he gave birth to has become that bitch's!

He is going to kill her!

He is going to kill her!

Shu Yi's eyes were red, his sanity had been lost for five years, and his hands directly grabbed Feng Lingyu's neck.

But after a while, Feng Lingyu's face turned red, and tears filled his eyes.

Just when Feng Lingyu felt that he was going to die here, at Shu Yi's hands, the door was kicked open.

Liu Yushao's figure appeared in front of Feng Lingyu.

The last thing Feng Lingyu saw was her father's gentle eyes and the hand gently caressing her face.

Liu Yushao handed Feng Lingyu who had fainted to Shi An, "Take Ling Yu back."

Shi An bowed, hugged Feng Lingyu and left, and then Liu Yushao's people guarding the door closed the door.

Feng Lingyu was taken away, Shu Yi's rationality finally came back gradually, he looked at the person in front of him.

This slut who took away his child has a dignified and elegant posture, and his complexion is the same as that of five years ago, but he himself has grown older.

Hatred overflowed from Shu Yi's eyes, "Bitch! How dare you come here!"

Liu Yushao adjusted her clothes gracefully, and smiled softly, "Why can't I come here?"

Liu Yushao looked at Shu Yi, his eyes were filled with contempt and nausea that Shu Yi hated endlessly, "Speaking of which, I would like to thank you, after today, you will have nothing to do with Feng Lingyu at all, even if you are her biological father .”

"You fart! I am Feng Lingyu's biological father, and this will never change unless she dies! I will always be his biological father. You want to replace me, dreaming!"

After hearing Liu Yushao's words, Shu Yi cursed directly.

Five years of being imprisoned here has already made him lose all reason, only hatred is left to support him.

Now that he heard that the hope that he still vaguely kept in his heart was directly shattered by Liu Yushao, how could he not be crazy.

Even though Liu Yushao took Feng Lingyu away five years ago, he didn't really give up. He is Feng Lingyu's real father, and she will definitely know when she grows up.

At that time, she will definitely release him, respect him, serve him, and kill that bitch Liu Yushao.

It was this idea that kept Shu Yi alive for five years.

Regarding Shu Yi's madness, Liu Yushao chuckled, and said in a cold tone, "I'm afraid you are dreaming, look at your current appearance, think about your attitude towards Feng Lingyu just now, and you would think that she would want to recognize you Is it a fool's dream."

The depths of Liu Yushao's eyes are full of darkness and malice, "You just watch how the child you gave birth to serve me, respect me and regard me as her dearest and most beloved person, and you can only hide in this dirty place. rotten and stinks."

After Liu Yushao finished speaking, he turned around and left, leaving Shu Yi in the room with a frenzied and hideous expression.

He kept saying "impossible, impossible".

Liu Yushao, who was outside the house, smiled slightly when he heard the voice, what is impossible, why is it impossible?

When he returned to his yard, Feng Lingyu had already woken up.

Liu Yushao immediately went up to meet her, touched her face lightly, and asked, "Is Ling Yu okay? Why did she go so suddenly?"

Feng Lingyu's eyes dodged slightly, "The boy just walked around casually, so he went there."

Liu Yushao flicked her forehead softly when he heard the words, and reprimanded with a smile: "Forget it this time, you have to be careful in the future, Shu Yi lost his mind, try not to get close to that place, understand?"

Feng Lingyu nodded obediently, she will not go there again in the future.

Liu Yushao smiled in satisfaction and said "Good boy".

Feng Lingyu blushed, and buried her small body in Liu Yushao's arms with attachment, "Daddy."

"Huh?" Liu Yushao stroked Feng Lingyu's back to comfort her.

"Are you my only child?"

A small voice came from his arms, muffled and not very clear.

Liu Yushao smiled and said, "Daddy naturally has only our Lingyu child, what's the matter? Are you unhappy?"

"No." Feng Lingyu shook his head, hugged Liu Yushao even tighter with his small hands, and said in a small but firm voice, "Daddy, I will definitely treat you well in the future!"

Liu Yushao patted Feng Lingyu's hand on the back for an imperceptible pause, an unpredictable smile appeared in the depths of his eyes, but his tone was as gentle as ever, and he teased Feng Lingyu in his arms: "Of course, Ling Yu is wrong. Hello, dad, who do you want to treat?"

"En!" Feng Lingyu nodded heavily.

Lin Yuan, who had rested in the General's Mansion for a few days, thought of the Sixth Emperor's Mansion, so he continued to pay attention to the scene.

By now, the curtain can be drawn.

Lin Yuan no longer casts attention on the Sixth Emperor's House, she should be thinking about her own problems now.

Although I have slept for two years, my sleepiness has not diminished much.

In the final analysis, it was because it was the sleepiness of the soul, she was in this body now, no matter how long she slept, it was useless.

So she is fleeing now?Or just disappear?

"Master, let's just leave this body and go?"

Kunlun mirror asked in the sea of ​​consciousness.

When the master was in the prehistoric times, he often fell asleep, and he slept for an unknown number of years.

Now because it is not the main body, even if it is sleeping, it will not work, it must be separated from the main body.

Kunlun Mirror doesn't want to stay in this plane any longer.

"You want to leave?" Lin Yuan's lips curled slightly.

The Kunlun mirror turned around in the sea of ​​consciousness, "Yeah, I feel that this plane is boring, and I have done what I should do."

Kunlun Mirror didn't want to say that it was too boring for him to stay in the sea of ​​consciousness all the time.

Oh, why can't it take form?
If it can transform into shape, it can stay with the owner all the time, and it can also taste the delicacies that the owner likes to eat. Every time it sees those delicacies, Kunlun Mirror feels that the saliva that it does not have will flow down.

Lin Yuan's black eyes were smiling, and he waved his sleeves lightly and said, "I didn't think the plane you chose was boring, but you're disgusted instead?"

The surface of the Kunlun mirror flickered, rubbing against Linyuan's soul embarrassingly, "I'm the wrong master."

It really forgot that this is the plane it chose.

How can it talk about being bored?
Isn't this slapping yourself in the face?

As an artifact of His Majesty the Demon God, this kind of thing must never happen!
Kunlun mirror immediately said: "No, this plane is actually very interesting."

How could the plane it chose be boring?
If it's boring, it's also the fault of the author who killed a thousand swords, and it has nothing to do with the Kunlun artifact!
The sharp and willful eyebrows and eyes are smiling lightly, like frost and snow turning into rain, and the ground is full of charm.

"That's all right, let's wait for a while."

The lazy and clear voice spread into the sea of ​​consciousness, the Kunlun mirror froze, and the mirror did not flicker, and after a while, he said: "Yes, master."

Lin Yuan listened to the sleepy voice, tapped his fingertips, smiled and said nothing.

In the palace, the queen coughed for a while before continuing to read the memorial.

"Your Majesty, you should take a break."

The lady in charge advised softly.

The queen shook her head, "No need, I know my own body."

Her body has been damaged since she was a child, and the torment of illnesses over the years has made her suffer even more, and her body has been further damaged.

The medicine Lin Yuan brought was very useful, and she hadn't had any pain in the past six years, nor had she been unable to get out of that gorgeous dragon bed.

But no matter how effective the medicine is, it will not work when the lifespan is up.

Her fate has come to this point, and it is already at the point where medicine and stone are no longer used by doctors.

Therefore, it is time to elect the next emperor of Fengyang.

The queen's eyes were deep, but there was no fluctuation on her face, as calm as ever.

These days, the ministers in Fengyang have clearly sensed the changes in the situation.

The queen has handed over more and more affairs to the princesses, and the queen's health is obviously not good.

All these signs made the ministers' hearts tremble, and they thought of a possibility.

In the imperial garden, the empress and Lin Yuan sat facing each other, the empress held a teacup in her hand, her face was slightly pale.

She looked at the person in front of her, this minister who fought for Fengyang to defend his family and country.

If it were not for knowing her identity, just looking at her unparalleled beauty and elegance, no one would have guessed that this person is a general with blood on his hands.

"Linyuan, if... the world is so big, you can always be at ease."

The queen sighed, and said seriously to Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan's drooping eyelashes lifted slightly, and the curly arcs cast winding shadows under his eyes.

She naturally understood what the queen was talking about.

Not every emperor can have her heart, and can let go of a general with hundreds of thousands of troops in his hand, and this general is not her confidant.

If the empress really dies, the next emperor may not be able to tolerate her. At that time, there may be another dispute.

And the empress also saw that as a courtier, she didn't care much about power and status. At that time, when the world is big, let her be free.

Lin Yuan nodded, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will never end up in a wilderness with corpses."

The teasing words made the queen smile, "That's good."

For a wise emperor like the empress, I am afraid that even a courtier would be eager to meet him.

Although Lin Yuan doesn't have the friendship of a scholar dying for his confidant, he can still feel it.

A year later, the empress died and a new emperor took over.

In the same year, Feng Linyuan, a famous general of the Fengyang Kingdom, disappeared and searched all over the world but failed to find him.

At this time, Linyuan had already entered the void universe.

Thousands of stars are connected in series to form a vast sea of ​​stars, in which the light of the stars is twinkling, and the little stars are extremely dazzling.

But this eye-catching scene is nothing compared to the figure in the void.

Elegant and incomparably mysterious, the figure lying quietly in the void has a face that is even more beautiful than a masterpiece of a god, without any blemishes. His slender, white hands, which are more translucent than beautiful jade, overlap and fall on his abdomen, and his long black hair, which hangs down to his ankles, is in the universe. Floating quietly in it, the stars are nostalgic by her side, and the stars all over the sky put on the brightest costumes for her.

Those Shen Yuan's dark eyes were quietly closed at this moment.

The light-golden mirror quietly landed beside her.

Apart from this figure, there is no other existence in this boundless starry sky. It seems that such a large space is specially opened up for this figure.

Exists only for her.

 This plane is over, huh~
  Thanks for the green onion memory meddling the sad little angel's reward, thank you little angels for your votes
(End of this chapter)

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