I'm crazy

Chapter 488

Chapter 488 Nine Serenities
Lin Yuan, who was drinking tea in the hotel, gave a meal with his fingertips.

There was purple light flowing in the black eyes, and the faint light and shadow shone on her body. The next moment, the figure of Dao Nong Li Shuhua was no longer there.

When Lin Yuan arrived, Deng Fanli had already fallen to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

But Di Quan was floating in midair, his pupils were red, and he was still holding the bead tightly in his hand.

The Kunlun Mirror looked at it with trepidation.

I want to wake up Daquan.

It didn't work at all.

But when he saw Lin Yuan, the crimson color of Di Quan's eyes faded a little, but he regained his sanity after a while.

When he saw the scene in front of him, there was a hint of timidity in his deep black eyes, he looked at Lin Yuan nervously and said: "Lin...I'm sorry..."

Lin Yuan did not criticize Di Quan for doing something wrong.

Di Quan was originally a ghost born under the Underworld, and was suppressed under the Underworld since the day she was born. She only came out when she came to this plane, so she naturally didn't understand anything.

And I have learned a lot with Kunlun mirror these days following her, but after all, she is a ghost raised by nature, and the hostility can't be controlled when she is angry.

Lin Yuan stretched out his hand to caress Di Quan's head, Qing Ling's voice seemed devoid of warmth, but Di Quan heaved a sigh of relief, "You are not wrong."

Kunlun Mirror hurriedly flew to Lin Yuan's side, and said, "Master, I heard just now that this sorcerer wants to snatch the beads you gave Di Quan."

It was only then that Di Quan killed him.

With a wave of Lin Yuan's sleeve, the corpse in front of him has turned into specks of dust and disappeared.

"No problem, let's go."

As soon as this incident happened, Kunlun Mirror had no interest in continuing to play, so it followed Lin Yuan back to the hotel.

After resting, the group continued to head north.

Along the way, from time to time, I would kill a demon and get rid of a demon or something.

Of course, there are no demons in this small plane, but there are quite a few demons and ghosts caused by people's hearts.

Sheng Nuan made some extra money along the way and paid for the travel expenses.

That's right, she paid for the travel expenses of their group alone. After all, she was the only one in the group, so she couldn't let Sister Lin make money, right? This idea only turned around in her mind, and Sheng Nuan felt that she was treasonous up.

The others, on the other hand, wished for a ghost, they were children of rich families before they were alive, and never worried about money, and it was impossible for Mu An to make money.

Di Quan is such a child, she can't hire child labor, can she?

Fortunately, Sheng Nuan's business ability is good, and he has made a lot of money along the way.

Another two days passed, and finally arrived at the destination.

An unfinished building that looked deserted for an unknown amount of time appeared in front of my eyes.

Looking at the weeds in front of him, I don't know how tall they are, and looking at the unfinished building that looks like it will collapse at any time, Sheng Nuan looked at Lin Yuan with some puzzlement.

Lin Yuan didn't speak, but with a slight movement of his fingertips, a trace of divine power struck towards the unfinished building. In an instant, the unfinished building in Sheng Nuan's eyes changed its appearance.

A rough old-fashioned house appeared in front of Sheng Nuan.

Among them, ghosts and shadows are indistinct, like a paradise among ghosts.

Lin Yuan said lightly: "Follow."

Sheng Nuan and others hurriedly followed.

The closed door opened automatically when Lin Yuan walked up to him, it was very cute, as if there was aura.

Lin Yuan walked in front, while Mu An was on her right, Sheng Nuan and Xi followed behind, and the Kunlun Mirror and Diwan naturally floated in the air without occupying any space.

After walking two steps, a ghost appeared, saluted Lin Yuan, and respectfully said, "Greetings to the ghost king, please come with me, Your Excellency."

Ever since she came to this plane, she has been called the ghost king. Although Lin Yuan is not a ghost king, she didn't say anything, it's just a title.

Following the footsteps of the guide ghost, Lin Yuan and others entered the hall, and the hall was very lively, with many ghosts gathered.

They are all powerful ghosts in this plane.

Among them is a ghost that Lin Yuan is acquainted with, the original owner of the house where she lives now - Heng Lu.

Heng Lu was shocked for a moment when he saw Lin Yuan, and then immediately stood up and bowed to Lin Yuan.

The other ghosts who didn't know Linyuan saw Heng Lu's fearful gesture and laughed and said, "Miss Heng, what are you doing? Why do you worship a ghost who doesn't have the slightest name?"

"That's right, you've lost your reputation for nothing."

"I don't think it's such a big ghost, is it?"

There are several chairs in the hall, and there are three ghosts sitting on the chairs. They are all ghost kings occupying one side of the land. The ghost kings are very powerful. Strong ghosts are also relatively laissez-faire.

Now in this small plane, there are four ghost kings in the southeast, north and west.

And Lin Yuan's existence is probably not known to anyone except the owner of this house and Heng Lu. After all, she is either sleeping or relaxing all day long. She has not done any major things, so her reputation has naturally not spread.

As for those people in the celestial master world a few days ago, they only hoped to rot this matter in their stomachs, so how could they spread it out?
So this led to the fact that none of these ghost kings knew Lin Yuan, thinking that Lin Yuan was some kind of little ghost who came out of a den.

So it is quite puzzled for Heng Lu to salute Lin Yuan.

Heng Lu smiled at them, not bothering to pay attention to these deadly things.

Now they still dare not restrain their words, and they will know what to do when they know that this is an existence they cannot afford to offend.

Lin Yuan didn't even glance over, with a movement of her fingertips, a chair came to her side, and she sat down casually.

The wild and presumptuous posture seems to be that she is the master here.

The ghost kings who felt that they were seriously offended were very dissatisfied. It was a great shame and humiliation for him to be ignored by a ghost who appeared out of nowhere!
Lin Yuan was about to be taught a lesson.

But he was stopped by the more cautious ghost king.

"The matter is still unclear, so it's better not to act rashly."

Who knows if this seemingly harmless ghost in front of him is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

As a result, the atmosphere in the hall was filled with stagnation for a while.

It was Heng Lu who spoke first to break the oppressive atmosphere.

"My lord, are you also here at the invitation of the King of the North?" Heng Lu wanted to build a good relationship with Heng Lu, and his attitude was very respectful and cautious.

After all, she is very clear about the strength of the adult in front of her.

It's not a problem at all to kill the ghosts they are sitting on, only the three ghosts who can't see the strength of this person dare to be so presumptuous.

Lin Yuan said indifferently: "I'm here to get my things."

The ghost king next to him wanted to ridicule again when he heard it, what could she have in the hands of the ghost king?

Before the sarcasm was spoken, a man dressed in modern clothes came out.

Looking at the fluctuation of the ghost energy around him, the ghost coming is Tang Wei, the ghost king of the Northland.

The first thing Tang Wei saw was Lin Yuan. After all, with Lin Yuan's gorgeous face, anyone would probably notice her first.

It was also the first time for him to see this ghost king in Henglu's story. It was rare that a new ghost king appeared in the world, so he asked his subordinates to bring him here himself.

Tang Wei said with a smile: "Welcome everyone to come to the humble house as guests."

Tang Wei paid attention to Lin Yuan's expression, and found that she was still indifferent and clear, so he turned his gaze away with a smile.

I just don't know if this beautiful woman can be so calm and composed again later.

The ghost king of Xidi is straightforward, and he said as soon as Tang Wei finished speaking: "Stop talking nonsense, I know why I came here, just take it out."

As the last sentence fell, the eyes of the ghost kings were full of greed and burning desire.

Even Heng Lu changed his face slightly.

They have only one purpose in this trip, and that is a treasure in the hands of Tang Wei, the ghost king of the Northland.

Tang Wei smiled reassuringly, "What's the hurry, the treasure is always here, and it can't escape."

The ghost king of the west land wanted to speak again, but was dragged away by the ghost king of the south land.

"It doesn't hurt to wait any longer."

The Ghost King of Nandi knows that Tang Wei is a ghost with a more refined temper than a fox and more ruthless methods, so it is better not to be an enemy of him easily.

I saw Tang Wei walked a few steps towards Lin Yuan, leaned over slightly, then raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, and said, "I don't know if your Excellency is married?"

The ghost kings were a little puzzled when they saw his actions at first, and then they all booed after hearing this: "Okay you! I said why are you so fussing today, because I fell in love with his little lady!"

"Tang Wei, you have a good eye! This little lady is so good-looking, it's not a loss!"

Heng Lu's eyes were terrified, and she was about to stop it, but several ghost kings had already said it, she sighed secretly, it's all right now, even if she wanted to stop it, she couldn't stop it.

Mu An, who was behind Lin Yuan, had already put his hand on the handle of the knife at his waist, and just waited for Lin Yuan's words to split the presumptuous death-seeking ghost in two.

Sheng Nuan was even more furious, fuck it!

How dare she offend her elder sister Lin!Impatient to live!
She hates this kind of man the most. She doesn't have any self-knowledge. She thinks that only she is proud of her status and power, and everyone pays attention to him. She feels that all women in the world love him.

I bother!

There are also those who are booing around, implying that they feel honored to be seen, as if they have already made their own claim to classify others as their own without the consent of the person concerned.

Disgusting!No self-cultivation at all!

Sheng Nuan's eyes were burning, and he gritted his teeth angrily.

Kunlun Jing's reaction was even greater, and he rushed towards Tang Wei, and finally Lin Yuan raised his hand to stop Kunlun Jing's movement.

Lin Yuan's eyes are playful, her thin lips are slightly raised, and she is full of flair and wantonness, which is very different from the ordinary. She looks at Tang Wei who is waiting for her answer, her slender legs are very relaxed and overlap each other, Qingling's lazy The voice seemed to contain a bewitching smile and said: "Nothing."

When Tang Wei heard this, his thoughts became even hotter.

Such a beauty should belong to him.

He just asked casually just now, so what if he really has a relationship?

He has never thought about whether the other party is willing or not. Since he has already taken a fancy to it, even if he is not, then he has to give him joyful pleasure.

Tang Wei walked to his seat very proudly and sat down. What is important today is the matter of treasures. After this matter is resolved, he can think about when he should hold the wedding.

He is so good-looking, he doesn't lose a bit by marrying into the wife.

Linyuan's black eyes as deep as a cold pool seemed to be dotted with starlight, and a faint smile was outlined at the corner of his mouth, but when he looked carefully, he found that the deep abyss deep in those black eyes had never been illuminated by light.

And the shallow curvature of the mouth seems to be just a human illusion.

"Master, I'm so pissed off! I'm going to tear this thing into pieces!!!"

Kunlun mirror returned to Linyuan's sea of ​​consciousness, and spoke to Linyuan angrily.

The light golden mirror circled around in the sea of ​​consciousness without stopping for a moment, the light on the mirror surface was stronger and weaker at times, which showed the extent of Qi.

Lin Yuan said lightly, "Quiet."

The irritable Kunlun mirror obediently quieted down and stopped moving.

Tang Wei, who was sitting above him, took out a box under the fiery gaze of all the ghosts.

The box is made of high-quality red sandalwood, and the tentacles are gentle and delicate. Just looking at the box, one can tell that it is a valuable item.

Not to mention what's inside.

The gazes of the ghost kings and Heng Lu became hotter and hotter, as if they wanted to stick to them.

Tang Wei is very satisfied with the effect he has created.

He smiled and said, "Everyone knows what this is, so I won't introduce it to you."

Heng Lu was afraid that Lin Yuan would not know about it, so she secretly transmitted a voice transmission to Lin Yuan to explain: "My lord, the Ghost King of the Northland has a secret treasure in his hand, and not many people know about it."

"The legend of this secret treasure has been handed down from thousands of years ago. It contains gilt jade that can make ghosts condense into entities. Although I don't know whether the news is true or not, the strength of Tang Wei, who has been holding this box all these years, has indeed risen. A lot."

Heng Lu explained quietly.

Lin Yuan didn't speak, she naturally knew what was inside.

Heng Lu didn't dare to comment on Lin Yuan's attitude, and continued to stare at the box in Tang Wei's hand after speaking.

Tang Wei looked at the eyes of everyone and nodded in satisfaction, and continued: "For a hundred years, I have tried almost all methods, but I can't open this box. If any of you can open this box today, the gilt jade inside will be the same as mine." Four or six points with him."

This amount was not small, and the ghost kings were extremely satisfied with Tang Wei's generosity, and they didn't ask for more for themselves.

But who knew that Tang Wei's heart was bleeding, he naturally didn't want to share such a treasure with others, but it's a pity that it has been hundreds of years, and he still can't open the box, even using violence to destroy it.

I really had no other choice, so I called these ghosts over to see if they could do anything. These are all ghost king-level existences, and naturally they would not agree without enough rewards to satisfy them.

Tang Wei was about to pass the box to a ghost king beside him, when a light flashed in his hand, the box disappeared.

Tang Wei panicked, and then saw the box in Lin Yuan's hand, the dark black box against the pair of jade-like clear and beautiful hands was unbelievably beautiful.

Tang Wei settled down, "The ghost king is interested in this box, so let the ghost king look at it first."

Before the other ghost kings expressed any opinion on Tang Wei's title, the box disappeared without a trace as soon as the astonishingly beautiful man moved his finger.

But when she looked up, her posture was lazy and arrogant, and she said lightly: "This is my thing."

The atmosphere instantly cooled down.

(End of this chapter)

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