I'm crazy

Chapter 494

Chapter 494

In the end, Ye Huanke still relied on himself to finish this high-level math test paper. Of course, he didn't need to think about the correct rate.

Ye Huanke left the examination room with a look of doubt on life.

Who is he?
Where is he?

At this time, he heard the discussion of other students who had just left the classroom.

"It's a deal! Alas! I'm about to give up my high math this time!"

"I'm also very dangerous. It's a waste of my hard study and review. Why are the papers so difficult!"

"I'm still preparing for the make-up exam."

In less than a minute, there were all the wailing voices of students who thought they were going to fail.

It sounds like you can feel the extremely sad and sad energy.

Ye Huanke felt the same way.

Although the joys and sorrows of human beings are not the same, at this time, he feels that they are still the same.

Ye Huanke collected his mood, and was about to leave when his head hurt, and then the memories belonging to the original body came.

This familiar routine...

Ye Huanke didn't bother to complain, and immediately accepted the memory.

The original body is also called Ye Huanke. Of course, unlike him, a scumbag, the original body is a top student, and he is the top one or two in every exam.

Ye Huanke's head hurts when he saw this, how should he keep this up?

Then Xueba was too obsessed with studying, so he fell into a coma for a while, and he got into this body without knowing what happened.

It's useless to think too much, Ye Huanke knows the truth of letting nature take its course.

The most important thing for him now is that she maintains the personality of Xueba, but it is too difficult for him!

On how a scumbag can become a top student in just a few hours...

I don't know if it's too late for him to commit suicide now?

No, suicide is too painful, he'd better live with it first.

There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, if there is no road, there will be no road.

Ye Huanke was not afraid.

He told himself like this, it's a pity that this ambition and pride didn't last for three seconds, what should he do with his high math!

Before he came, the other subjects had already been tested, and only the overlord subject of high mathematics was left for him to tackle.

Ye Huanke reasonably suspected that the world was not in the right feng shui.

Lin Yuan collected the papers and took them back to the office. Naturally, she doesn't need to grade these papers, but she will correct some when she is interested.

He took out a few sheets at random and took out a red pen to approve them.

But approved a few, not to mention [-] points, not even [-] points.

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows, "It looks like I'm going to take the make-up exam."

Kunlun Mirror silently mourned for these students, and then said cautiously: "Master, are the papers for the make-up exam so difficult?"

"Difficult?" Lin Yuan said lazily, "Do you think my papers are difficult?"

She thought it was too simple.

Not at all challenging.

Kunlun Mirror naturally wouldn't say that, but said: "Of course not, the mortals in this small plane are too stupid to keep up with your thinking, so they can't write it."

Lin Yuan nodded, "Indeed."

How many geniuses can there be, most of them are mediocre.

The paper she gave this time was indeed a bit more difficult than the papers given by other professors before, but it was not so difficult that she couldn't do it at all.

If you can't do it, in the final analysis, you still can't study.

After coming to this conclusion, Lin Yuan took out Ye Huanke's from the paper and read it immediately.

At first glance, it was very good, and sure enough, none of them was right.

Lin Yuan casually put down the paper.

Kunlun asked: "Master, are you going to kill him?"

Lin Yuan: "Why did you hang him up?"

She knew what was going on with Ye Huanke the first time she saw it, and she didn't have any chance to plagiarize. Although she didn't know all the topics, she still did it seriously by herself.

Linyuan was in a rare good mood these days, so he was very "kind" and spared Ye Huanke who was facing the hell-level high-level math exam just after passing through.

He casually wrote a score of 61 on the paper, then quickly corrected the rest of the papers, and Lin Yuan didn't care about it anymore.

As soon as Ye Huanke entered the dormitory, Tian Yan hugged his neck. As an otaku with a little bit of social phobia, Ye Huanke really wanted to pull down that heavy arm, but because of the character design, he still It's better not to do that for now.

In the dormitory where Xueba lives, the students in the first dormitory are all Xueba. Tian Yan and the others were all facing the answer just now. When they saw Ye Huanke, their eyes lit up, and they said instantly: "Fourth, what is the last multiple-choice question that you are counting?" How many?"

Ye Huanke: "..."

Can you let him go?
Before Ye Huanke could speak, Qu Wei in the dormitory said, "It must be 0. The professor's answer to that question is very slanted, and you can't understand it with a normal way of thinking!"

"I think it's 1. If it's 0, it's too biased, right?"

Qu Wei and another person, Qin Wu, immediately quarreled over this issue.

They couldn't convince each other at the same time, so they turned their attention to Ye Huanke, who had better grades than them and was a master of learning.

Ye Huanke, surrounded by the hot eyes of the two: "..."

Qu Wei took the lead and said, "Fourth brother, tell me quickly, what is your answer, is it 0?"

"Don't listen to him, is 1 right? Say it quickly, fourth child." Qin Wu said immediately.

Ye Huanke's face was cracked with a slit that looked like he was broken. The character design of Xueba can't be lost, so it can't be said that he didn't make it.

In this way, there is only one excuse left.

Ye Huanke looked sad and said, "I have a stomach ache today. I don't know what I wrote. This time I might fail."

Qu Wei, Qin Wu, and Tian Yan who had already let go of Ye Huanke were taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly comforted Ye Huanke, "It's okay, it's okay, you have to believe in your own level, you will never fail!"

As the saying goes, the final grades in college are not the result of your hard work, but the result of the teacher's hard work.

But Z is completely different. Most of the teachers are extremely strict. Even if you are short of one point, you will not be allowed to pass.

Not to mention their temporary professors.

Although the three comforted Ye Huanke, they didn't have much confidence.

Although Ye Huanke was acting at the beginning, when he thought of the result of failing the exam, his mood fluctuated, and the acting became a little more realistic.

He said dejectedly: "Oh, it's okay, if you really fail, prepare for the make-up exam."

It's like someone hasn't passed the exam yet.

Especially Ye Huanke, who got the memory of the original body, is very clear that nearly half of the students in the course of high mathematics fail in a semester.

And if you are lucky enough to be corrected by Professor Lin, then...

All I can say is "Come on for the make-up exam".

Ye Huanke lay on the bed thinking about what to do.

The original body is a top student, but he is not, and it will not be able to hide it for a long time, and the obvious gap between him and the original body will definitely be discovered by someone.

So he had to change his major, at least the School of Mathematics absolutely couldn't stay any longer.

He is a sophomore now, although the final exam has passed, but can he change his major as a sophomore?
Ye Huanke felt that he had to find out.

It shouldn't be so conspicuous for him to learn scum after changing his major. After all, it is a major that "he" has never been exposed to.

Ye Huanke turned over on the bed, life is really too difficult, he just wanted to be a salted fish, why did he have to go through this journey all the time!

Ye Huanke buried himself under the quilt, trying to smother himself to death so that he could go back again. It was a pity, but within a few seconds he silently crawled out due to lack of oxygen.

It's not that he's afraid, it's human's desire to survive, yes, it's not his fault.

Ye Huanke thought of it and hurriedly prepared to do it.

In just a few days, the matter of changing majors has already been settled by him.

The three people in the same dormitory looked at Ye Huanke's operations in bewilderment, puzzled, "Fourth, what's the matter with you? Don't you like mathematics the most?"

Why are you changing majors all of a sudden?

Does this development have a little bit of twists and turns?
Ye Huanke had already thought of his excuse. Nothing is more important and persuasive than the word interest, so he said with a straight face: "I used to like mathematics, but now I find that my favorite is computers, so I decided to , I'm going to learn computer."

He used to study computers, and he worked with computers all day in his later work, so this course is not bad.

Ye Huanke was full of confidence.

As soon as these words came out, the three of them looked at Ye Huanke with the eyes of a scumbag, and silently condemned his scumbag behavior of "chaos, abandonment, beginning and end".

Ye Huanke didn't accept this look at all, he was full of excitement at this moment, and he was about to be overjoyed.

Finally, there is no need to learn the mathematics that is so difficult and terrifying that it is comparable to the power of an atomic bomb.

Perhaps the expression on his face was so relieved and embarrassing that Tian Yan seemed to see his expression, and then he looked at Ye Huanke with sympathetic eyes, and said quietly: "But computers have to learn high number."

Ye Huanke stared at Tian Yan as if he had lost his sanity due to the bombing, and said dumbfounded, "What did you say?"

His eyes were stared to the extreme because of too much force, and they were full of unbelievable despair and a faint hope, like a criminal who was escorted to the vegetable market and was about to be executed the next moment, waiting for that road A decree that is almost impossible to come.

The corner of Tian Yan's mouth cracked uncontrollably. He seemed to be trying his best not to laugh out loud, and finally dropped the "knife" hanging above Ye Huanke's head, "Computers have to learn mathematics! Don't you?" Know?"

Tian Yan was slightly dissatisfied with Ye Huanke's "scumbag" behavior that he didn't like mathematics anymore.

The fourth son, a scumbag, obviously liked mathematics so much before, and he looked like he would never be separated from mathematics if he wanted to be a student of mathematics, and he would die for mathematics, but suddenly, for no reason, he didn't love mathematics, and abandoned him Mathematics, which I loved most before, has turned into the embrace of computers.

Tian Yan definitely wants to "teach" the scum of the fourth child a little, and let him know that high math is not something you want to throw away, and you can throw it away if you want.

There is a price to be paid for being chaotic and abandoning!
That is, you can never escape the shadow of your "ex", even if you have a "new love", you still need to take care of your "ex".

Ye Huanke finally felt the pain from the falling knife. His body wobbled for a moment, and then he supported the table beside him.

Then, shake again.

In the end, under the terrified eyes of the three, Ye Huanke passed out very successfully.

At the last second when Ye Huanke passed out, there were only two words hovering in his mind, "Fuck!"

When Ye Huanke woke up again, he was already "demented".

He blinked, his eyes were empty, looking at the familiar room, he told himself that he was dreaming.

Then, I was taken aback by the three heads who suddenly approached, "What are you doing?"

"Huh~" Tian Yan breathed a sigh of relief, "You scared us to death, fourth child!"

"That's right, we thought you had some kind of illness, and you were relapsed by the stimulation of the second child. You were really scared to death."

"Fortunately, there are medical students on our floor. I saw that you were just too emotional for a while, and the weather was too hot recently, so you passed out."

Ye Huanke heard these words, but still didn't want to give up, holding on to the last sliver of hope, he said: "Second, what did you tell me before I fainted?"

Tian Yan scratched his head, "Computers also need to learn advanced mathematics? Fourth child, I didn't lie to you, but computers really need to learn advanced mathematics."

Ye Huanke looked away in a daze, nodded numbly, and murmured: "Okay, I see."

Then he rolled his eyelids, seeing that he was about to faint again.

Tian Yan rushed forward and held Ye Huanke down, and shouted, "Quick! Pinch him!"

"I'm coming!"

Qin Wu pressed the other side of Ye Huanke's body, and then Qu Wei stretched out his thumb to press Ye Huanke's center.


A minute later, Ye Huanke's hair was disheveled like chicken nests, and his T-shirt was torn into strands and hung on his body under the chaos.

The fearful look in his eyes seemed to have experienced some indescribable activity in just one minute.

Panting weakly: "Let go of me!!!"

The other three were more tired than him: "You have to promise that we won't faint again!"

Ye Huanke rolled his big eyes with all his strength, moved his mouth up and down, and uttered a word with difficulty: "Get lost!"

Only then did the three of them let go of Ye Huanke, who was pressed tightly by them, "I'm exhausted, fourth child, your body is too weak, and you faint every now and then, isn't it just a high number? Even if you don't like it now Yes, but at least you’ve loved before, right? The familiarity and affection are still there, and it’s easy to learn.”

Tian Yan said puzzledly.

The other two also nodded vigorously. They could understand that Ye Huanke didn't like advanced mathematics anymore, but they really couldn't understand Ye Huanke's appearance of fainting when he heard that he wanted to learn advanced mathematics.

At any rate, he once loved, so why is he so ruthless?

Ye Huanke couldn't make any expression when he heard the words. The action just now had exhausted all his strength, so he could only say a word to the three of them bitterly: "You guys know nothing!"

He changed his major because he didn't want to learn advanced mathematics, and now he wants to continue studying, so why did he change?
Have you turned lonely?

Ye Huanke was about to cry, but why didn't he need to study advanced mathematics in the computer major in his original school! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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