I'm crazy

Chapter 508 Violence

Chapter 508 Violence

Lin Yuan sat lazily on the branch and didn't want to move. The Kunlun mirror was beside her, looking at the stars in the sky with the same boredom.

"Kunlun, change something for me."

Although she is not hungry, she wants to eat something delicious.

The Kunlun mirror was about to cast a spell to fetch objects from the air, but was interrupted by movement not far under the tree.

Lin Yuan, who heard a lot of movement, also looked over, and saw a man and a woman arguing endlessly under the tree, arguing very fiercely.

Lin Yuan and Kunlun Mirror, who were extremely bored, looked at it. Although it was not interesting at all, it could pass some time anyway.

"Qi Bai, what do you mean?"

The young man, who was dressed in a fashion trend and whose clothes seemed to be expensive at a glance, endured his anger, but he couldn't hide his questioning tone.

The woman named Qi Bai dresses more appropriately and intellectually. Although her appearance is not good, she is also fair-skinned and beautiful. She has a very comfortable and relaxed appearance. It can be seen that her personality is more gentle.

When Qi Bai heard Luo Housheng's questioning, he clenched his bag tightly with his left hand, with a tired and sad expression on his face, he pretended to be indifferent and said: "Luo Housheng, it's obvious that you cheated, but you actually asked me what I mean? We're divorced Bar."

Luo Housheng grabbed Qi Bai's wrist with great strength, Qi Bai felt pain, and he couldn't break free if he wanted to break free.

He said angrily: "tell me clearly, when did I cheat?"

He frowned coldly: "I told you that Zhao Yu and I just had a meal together. Do you have to be so suspicious! Can you be more generous and stop being so inexplicably jealous?"

Qi Bai, whose wrist hurts from being grabbed by him, showed undisguised fatigue in his eyes.

She was caught and still didn't admit what she had done, and said she was making trouble for no reason, that she was jealous?

Qi Bai really didn't know what to say, her family education was too good, she couldn't be as shameless as Luo Housheng, and she couldn't be as shameless as other women.

She just turned cold and said, "Let go!"

Seeing that she was really angry, Luo Housheng subconsciously let go of Qi Bai's wrist, and then said angrily: "Say it! Are you wrong if you don't say it? Are you admitting that you are making trouble for no reason? I have said it several times Now, Zhao Yu and I have nothing to do with each other, you have to guess wildly, seriously, how have you become like this since you got married? What does it look like to be so suspicious?"

Qi Bai almost laughed out of anger.

At this moment, she really began to doubt her vision, why did she fall in love with such a person in the first place?
Was she blind and fell in love with such a shameless and disgusting person?

Qi Bai didn't want to continue talking nonsense with Luo Housheng, he couldn't communicate with someone like him at all.

Because he will distort all your remarks, turn all your words to his advantage, and say everything as if it is your fault, he will always be innocent, he will always be innocent.

It's all because of you making trouble for no reason, because you are jealous and sensitive, and because you are acting crazy.

Qi Bai closed his eyes, restrained all his fragile expressions, and said coldly, "I don't care what kind of relationship you have with Zhao Yu, and I don't want to care about it. Anyway, we're divorced."

There is no room for further negotiation on this matter.

She felt disgusted when she thought that the people she had been intimate with would turn their heads and talk sweetly to other women, or even touch and kiss them in bed.

Incredibly disgusting.

People who can't even achieve the minimum loyalty in marriage really insult the word marriage, let alone talk about love.

Love is such a sacred and precious thing, and it has never been qualified for those who tease others casually and step on a few boats with their feelings.

She believes that if love is conscious, it will be extremely disgusting. Those who talk about love to other people after rolling on the bed with others will probably be disgusting.

People who use feelings as an excuse to go fishing are not qualified to talk about love.

Luo Housheng's face changed instantly, as if he was extremely angry, but for some reason he restrained himself, he took Qi Bai's hand, and began to beg again, "Don't, don't, I'm wrong Qi Bai, you trust me I really have nothing to do with Zhao Yu! I love you so much, you know that, right?"

Qi Bai didn't move, but Luo Housheng was overjoyed, it seemed that he had moved.

He knew that women are emotionally retarded.

Saying a few good words can make them soften, and they will not care about the previous things at all. He has already had a lot of experience, not to mention that Qi Bai still loves him so much, he just needs to subdue her casually.

There was a smug look in Luo Housheng's eyes, but this time Qi Bai, who had been observing him carefully, looked straight at him.

She listened to Luo Housheng's sweet words just now, as after every quarrel in the past, she felt that her heart was put into ice and gradually cooled down.

The details that I hadn't thought about carefully before now flashed before my eyes like a movie.

How could she so easily ignore Luo Housheng's perfunctory attitude under that so-called "love language"?

Ignored the smug look in his eyes that seemed to completely control her?

Overlooked the truth of his hypocrisy?

Qi Bai narrowed his eyes slightly. At this moment, the eyes blinded by her love of singing a one-man show alone finally opened the fog that had covered her vision for several years, and she suddenly realized that she had ignored So many things.

Now that Qi Bai has calmed down, she has always been smart.

She also doesn't think there's anything wrong with being obsessed with love.

There is nothing wrong with people who love brains.

What's wrong is that they don't know people clearly, and what's wrong is that there is too much rubbish in this world.

Being deceived by a scumbag, instead of blaming the scumbag, accusing the deceived person of being stupid and saying that she has a brain problem, what is the rationale for this?
At this moment, Qi Bai is a little thankful that he discovered it early, and he hasn't wasted too much of his precious time on Luo Housheng's rubbish, and there is still time.

There is still time to stop the loss in time.

Looking at Qi Bai's calm and indifferent eyes, Luo Housheng didn't know why he suddenly felt flustered.

Like something out of his control.



Qi Bai's expression is wrong!
She should be tired, sad, helpless, sad...

It just shouldn't be this kind of indifference and calmness, as if she doesn't care at all, as if she has decided to give up on him completely.

Luo Housheng held Qi Bai's hand even tighter, he planned to say something more, express his feelings for her again, and put on a good show, but Qi Bai threw him away again with all his strength.

Qi Bai stared at Luo Housheng coldly, and said the last sentence to him, "Luo Housheng, be more straightforward, don't make me look down on you."

After speaking, he turned around and left.

The back of her departure looked so chic, as if she had let go of all the shackles, countless heavy pressures suddenly left her body.

"Fuck it! Qi Bai, that bitch!"

Seeing Qi Bai walking away alone, Luo Housheng cursed angrily, turned around and kicked a tree next to him, unexpectedly, he accidentally kicked it crookedly and twisted his foot.


Luo Housheng sat down directly under the tree, held his feet and howled.

The evening wind blows gently, rustling the leaves like a beautiful laugh.

"Damn! It's really unlucky to drink cold water and stuff your teeth!"

Luo Housheng was still holding his feet and cursing. After a while, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and made a call.

"Zhao Yu, what the hell are you doing! Why haven't you answered the phone for so long?" Luo Housheng's face was full of anger.

Zhao Yu, who was doing manicure on the other side of the phone, rolled his eyes, but his tone was so sweet that it dripped out of honey.

"Honey, I'm cooking, and I've made your favorite sweet and sour pork, do you want to come?"

The manicurist who was doing Zhao Yu's manicure was taken aback by her lack of expression on her face, her soft voice, and her ability to lie without a hint of guilt. She almost drew a wrong pattern.

Quickly restraining his mind, he continued to draw the pattern seriously.

Coaxed by Zhao Yu's kind words, the anger in Luo Housheng's heart calmed down a bit, coughed a few times and put on a gentleman's gesture: "My ankle is sprained, you come to pick me up."

Zhao Yu cursed silently.

Then she was delicate and weak, and said with great concern: "You sprained your ankle, is it serious? Is there something serious? Why are you so careless? You are trying to kill me!"

Zhao Yu's coaxing and loving words made Luo Housheng feel comfortable for a while.

What kind of woman is Qi Bai, who only knows to work and work every day, and doesn't act like a baby, he can't bear it long ago, if it wasn't for...

Luo Housheng pretended to be impatient and said: "Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense, come and pick me up if you feel like it, I'll send you the location."

After speaking, I hung up.

Zhao Yu looked at the hung up phone and was speechless for a while, then rolled his eyes greatly.

I really don't know where Luo Housheng got the confidence to be so shameless, he acts like a master every day, even he himself is supported by his wife, not to mention a waste, he has a big temper.

I'm afraid he was spoiled by his wife.

He doesn't have the appearance that a soft rice man should have.

Lin Yuan sat on the tree, too lazy to listen to Luo Housheng's scolding Qi Bai.

He said to Kunlun mirror beside him: "Kunlun, why do you think human beings insist on getting married?"

Not all unions are for love.She has walked the human plane so many times, and many marriages have not been based on love.

Even most parents and relatives will force their children to marry.

Lin Yuan didn't quite understand.

Especially women.

Obviously as a woman, she understands the hardships of marriage better, and she is not doing well, so why force her children to suffer as much as her or even more than her?
In marriage, women always pay more.

In the past, after a woman got married, all the housework was done by her alone.

She covers all the meals, laundry and housework for the family.

You have to have children. After you get married, it seems that all your value is in this so-called "home", and all your freedom is in this small "home". From then on, you are so-and-so Your wife, so-and-so's mother, in short, will not be yourself.

But now, it seems to be better.

In fact, there is still not much change in essence. Women have to do more, and women always have to take care of their families.

It's also a tiring day and a hard day's work. After returning home, women still have to cook, wash dishes, clean up the house, feed the children, and all the trivial things in life.

And men can just lie on the sofa and play with their mobile phones openly, wait for dinner and then go to bed.

Don't say it's bullshit.

Looking around the world, 90.00% of households are like this.

How many exceptions can there be?
Wouldn't it be nice to live alone?
Why are there still so many people who want to get married and live a life like hell that can't breathe?

Lin Yuan was very confused.

Kunlun Mirror thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out, and finally just said: "People are really troublesome creatures."

"Being a human is too much trouble."

It reaffirms the sentence.

Lin Yuan lazily echoed, "In life, there are too many rules and regulations, which are all created by human beings to restrain themselves, and some of them are even more ridiculous."

All kinds of complicated rules and regulations can make anyone who really yearns for freedom overwhelmed.

Kunlun mirror flashed the mirror, "So fortunately I am a mirror, it is really troublesome to be a human being."

It said to Linyuan again: "Fortunately, the master is not a human, but a demon."

You can be free and easy, follow your heart and nature, without restraint.

The world is so big, let it roam.

Lin Yuan flicked the Kunlun mirror with his fingers, and lazily said: "Your master, I was born as a demon, what else can I be if I am not a demon? I will never be such a troublesome creature as a human being."

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, Zhao Yu came late after Luo Housheng felt that he was about to catch a cold from the evening wind.

Luo Housheng hugged himself and was about to speak when he sneezed loudly and said, "Why are you so fucking slow! What are you doing?"

Zhao Yu said slightly aggrieved: "Didn't I pack some food for you because I was afraid that you would not eat and be hungry?"

Zhao Yu hurriedly brought a blanket to wrap Luo Housheng who had shrunk into a ball, and opened the car door to let him in.

The heater in the car was fully turned on, and Luo Housheng felt the warmth as soon as he entered, and took off the blanket after wrapping it up for a while.

After Zhao Yu sat in the driver's seat, he said, "Qi Bai wants to divorce me!"

Zhao Yu said anxiously with aggrieved face: "Ah! Why did Sister Qi divorce you? Is it because of me? It's all my fault."

But in the bottom of my heart, I was thinking to myself that I should have left long ago.

Luo Housheng is such a rubbish, how can he be worthy of someone like Qi Bai.

Although she is a mistress, she is a mistress with principles and a conscience.

The families that can be destroyed by her are all the ones that have never been harmonious. Men are not good things. Really good men will find mistresses?
The mistress can't force men to sleep with them, can she?
That's why she sometimes doesn't understand why after the original partner catches a man cheating, it's always the mistress who beats her, and it's still the mistress who curses and hates her.

Shouldn't he hate his so-called husband the most?
If a man doesn't have that kind of heart, no amount of mistresses will be able to pry the corner of the wall.

What confused Zhao Yu the most was the kind of woman who felt that her husband was forced to find a mistress, that she had suffered a great grievance, that it was a last resort, and that a man could just say a few words and believe that they would not do it again.

To this, Zhao Yu could only say one thing: . . .

 The recent news makes people shudder, knowing people, knowing faces but not knowing their hearts. In short, if little angels want to fall in love or get married, they must think carefully. Don't just find someone who doesn't know what it is just because of their parents' persecution or some other reason. People are dead, and character is the most important thing! ! !

  This is the bottom line, it doesn't matter if you don't have love, but if you don't have character, it's terrible.

  Remember to remember!

  Thanks to the little angel Lianmei, the little angel Yanli from Beimo for their rewards, and thanks to the little angels for their votes

(End of this chapter)

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