I'm crazy

Chapter 514 Violence

Chapter 514 Violence

Xu Lan is dead.

Lin Yuan just woke up from a deep sleep when he heard the news.

Kunlun Mirror has been paying attention to the development of the matter, so it told Lin Yuan immediately after Xu Lan died.

"Master, Xu Lan committed suicide."

There was still a lingering sleepiness between Lin Yuan's brows and eyes, hearing this, he leaned lazily on the sofa, his white wrist supported his chin, "Got it."

She can understand Xu Lan's psychology.

There was no desire to live at first, and even the only trace of obsession disappeared in the end. Ending one's own life is nothing more than a normal thing.

On the contrary, Xu Lan's death has aroused heated discussions in the society, because she wrote a suicide note before her death, which described in detail the torture and pain she had suffered in Chenqian Village for decades, adding to the fire that was already burning fiercely. Another barrel of oil was added.

No matter how things develop in the end, it has nothing to do with Lin Yuan.

After all, she is not a human being in a small plane, and she will not fight for the happiness of all mankind.

There are too many suffering women in this world, and it is impossible for her to save them all.

All her rules of conduct are all her own will.

Lin Yuan planned to sleep a little longer.

Although she just woke up.

No matter how sensational social news is, it will gradually disappear before the eyes of the world. After a long time, not many people will know about it.

Thirteen years later, Xu Ping looked at his daughter who had grown up and became slim, his eyes were slightly sore, and he quickly suppressed the tears that were about to fall.

Holding the admission notice, Xu Xixi smiled and said, "Mom, be happy, I was admitted by Jinghua University!"

Xu Ping nodded quickly, "Mom is so happy, my daughter is amazing!"

Xu Xixi's expression was a little proud, and she only showed her little daughter's attitude in front of her mother triumphantly, her chin slightly raised, "That's not true, I'm the best."

Xu Ping's sour mood just now became cheerful and happy in an instant, "You, you..."

She nodded Xu Xixi's forehead with a doting look on her face.

"But do you really plan to study law?" Xu Ping asked.

It's not that she thinks that studying law is bad. After all, if it weren't for people living in this world to survive, various majors would not have a so-called employment rate. Every major should be equal.

Beauty is when a hundred flowers bloom.

If higher university education really only offers some so-called courses with high employment rate, then the uniqueness of each person will eventually be annihilated.

Xu Xixi nodded seriously, "Mom, don't worry, I've thought it through. I want to study law well. Besides, I can double major. Studying law won't delay me from choosing what I like."

Xu Ping actually knew about it.

Her affairs and Xixi's childhood experience made her apply for law when she applied for a major.

As Xixi grew up, the more she saw outside, the more she understood the impact of the good or bad of the original family on the child.

"Some people spend their whole life healing their childhood, and some people spend their childhood healing their whole life."

This sentence really makes sense.

But Xu Ping would not blindly blame herself, because she knew that this was not her fault.

Xu Ping finally nodded and said, "Okay, Mom supports your decision."

Xu Xixi smiled happily.

What Xu Ping thought was right. Witnessing her mother's experience since she was a child and realizing the disadvantaged status of women in society when she grew up made her even more determined to study the Fa.

She wants to help more people.

Help more people who are still struggling in the quagmire.

She hopes and believes she can do it.

Just like she was on that small hill that year, she met the luckiest person in her life.

Xu Xixi was successfully admitted to university, studied law seriously, and became a divorce lawyer after graduating from university.

Despite all the accusations and incomprehensions, she still steadfastly walked her own path, helping every woman who wanted to divorce but couldn't leave the lawsuit.

I'm used to seeing couples fight over trivial matters, and even those who were originally deeply in love cheated on each other in a short period of time, so Xu Xixi has no idea of ​​getting married.

In this world, it is so difficult to find a person with normal character, let alone find someone who conforms to the three views and loves.

Love is a luxury from ancient times to the present.

After Qi Bai passed through the rubbish of Luo Housheng, he also gave up any idea of ​​getting married and dating. He originally thought that he would work hard to make money and raise a little fresh meat, but after he almost died, all these thoughts were given up.

Creatures like men are too scary, it's better for her to keep them at a respectful distance.

Then I reported Sanda and Taekwondo overnight.

Qi Bai now only wants to be a white-collar worker in a shopping mall and make good money, and when he retires, he will use the money he earns to go around the world to eat, drink, have fun and enjoy life.

When I get old, I will find a nursing home to live in.

She was very satisfied.

As for feelings, it is still as far away as possible.

"Love is precious, but life is more expensive. If it is for freedom, both can be thrown away."

Love has never been a necessity in life.

"So you don't want the little wolf dog I found for you?"

Chang Mei bit the straw in disbelief, but it took her a lot of effort to find a suitable one. She put down the milk tea in her hand, approached Qi Bai and raised her eyebrows and said: "If you don't like little wolf dogs, then little milk dogs are fine too." Be obedient and well-behaved, let you go east and never go west.”

Chang Mei tried her best to sell.

Qi Bai smiled helplessly, "No, I don't want meat or dogs."

Chang Mei: "..."

"You incomprehensible woman!" Chang Mei took a sip of milk tea and said angrily.

Qi Bai comforted her softly, "I'm really fine by myself."

She knew that her friend was afraid that she would be lonely and uncomfortable, but she really felt that her current life was the most satisfying for her, and it was many times better than before.

Chang Mei seriously asked back: "Really?"

Qi Bai nodded.

"Okay then." Chang Mei gave up, "You can do as long as you think it's good, after all, I do all this to make you happy, since you don't need it, then forget it."

Chang Mei smiled and said cheerfully.

Saying goodbye to Chang Mei who was going on a date, Qi Bai went into the mall alone to buy clothes for himself.

After shopping in the bustling shopping mall for about an hour, Qi Bai sat in a restaurant by the riverside, leaning on the window and looking at the colorful lights outside the window, feeling the long-lost calm and rare peace.

Only you know what you want most.

In this life, the one who can really accompany you forever is yourself, and everyone else is just a passer-by in this irreversible journey of life.

After meeting, there is parting.

Only myself is the eternal companion from one end to the end.

 "Love is precious, but life is more expensive. If it is for freedom, both can be thrown away."

  ——"Freedom and Love" Hungarian poet Petofi

  "Some people spend their whole life healing their childhood, and some people spend their childhood healing their whole life."

  ——Quoted from the Internet
(End of this chapter)

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