The strongest combat system

Chapter 622 Attacked

Chapter 622 Attacked
He sat in front of the window, staring at the starry universe, his eyes dazed.

The transport ship was moving fast, and its energy was fully replenished, and its speed was extremely fast, which was more than [-]% higher than the previous few days.

Four hours later, the transport ship completely moved away from the space station and arrived at a position where space cutting could be performed.

However, just when it was about to activate the space cutting device, four pitch-black warships suddenly appeared in the void in front of the transport ship, with huge skulls carved on their surfaces.

In the cockpit of the transport ship, when the operator saw these battleships, he was stunned for a while, and then his expression changed drastically, full of fear.

One of the older operators hurriedly picked up the communication device and handed it to the captain of the transport ship.

After connecting, a woman's voice came out: "What's wrong?"

If Zhao Hao stood here, he would definitely hear that the woman's voice was Mei Huiru, because this transport ship was her family's private property.

"Report Ma'am, there is a pirate group in front of us, it is the Shura pirate group that is notorious in this galaxy, ma'am, we are finished!" the operator said tremblingly.

He who often travels this route clearly knows what a group of ruthless people the Shura Pirates are. It is rumored that the men of the spaceships breached by them will either be killed, or taken away and sold to other galaxies as coolies.It's even worse for women. Being caught means all kinds of abuse, trafficking, and torture, and in the end they often end up in a situation where life would be worse than death.

All kinds of evil deeds also made the Shura Pirates be beaten by everyone. The Jinhui Empire also dispatched troops to siege the nest. As a result, the pirates were too cunning. place, so that the imperial army was impatient, and in the end the encirclement and suppression could not be stopped.

This also further fueled the arrogance of the Shura Pirates, making them act more recklessly. Whenever they find prey, they will often pounce on it. It doesn't matter who you are or what your background is.

Just as the operator finished speaking, a large number of black spots quickly appeared on the four warships of the Shura Pirates.

Looking closer, it is a group of mechas, modified by earth knights and light cavalry, so that they have the ability to fly in the universe.

These mechs were all painted black, and when they left the mothership, they began to disperse towards the two regions, preparing to surround the transport ship.

Moreover, in order to prevent the transport ship from entering the subspace, a warship near the center directly activated its energy cannon.

An extremely bright light suddenly flashed in the air, striking the space cutting device of the transport ship from the distant front as if spanning time and space.

'Boom' The space-cutting armor was blown apart, emitting billowing black smoke, which drifted into the universe.

The entire transport ship was shocked by the sudden explosion, with hesitation on their faces.

After Mei Huiru found out that it turned out to be the Shura Pirates, the vicious team active around the space station also showed horror on their faces. She knew very well what would happen to someone like herself if she fell into the pirates.

She sternly asked the operator: "Are you sure it's the Shura Pirates? It is said that this team was besieged by the army a few years ago. Didn't they leave the Luohong Starfield? Why are they back?"

The operator hurriedly responded: "It's definitely them. The hulls of the four warships are carved with huge skeletons. I can't admit it wrong. Madame, hurry up and find a way."

Mei Huiru's mind turned quickly. In terms of strength, the four warships of the Shura Pirates were definitely more powerful than them. After all, they were only semi-battleship transport ships, and their firepower was actually very weak.

Fight or not, eventually the entire ship will fall into the hands of the pirates, and the crew and passengers will be hijacked.If the family has the financial resources, they can still die if they pay a large amount of ransom.If there is no finance minister, life and death depend on the sky.

She glanced at Li Ming who had just woken up, gritted her teeth, and said anxiously: "Don't resist, go to the lifeboat as quickly as possible, and escape to the space station. Whether you can escape depends on your luck. Anyway, resistance is futile, and you will Arouse the viciousness of the pirate group."

After the "Mrs. Understand" operator finished speaking, he immediately hung up the communication and prepared to go to the lifeboat storage room. This was his only way of life.

Mei Huiru picked up Li Ming, opened the door of the room, and walked quickly towards the rescue boat storage room.Even if the family property is strong, it is best not to fall into the hands of pirates.

It didn't take long for the entire transport ship to be invaded by pirate landing personnel.

And these pirates seemed to know that they were going to escape in a lifeboat. There were about twenty mechas, and they immediately surrounded the place where the lifeboat was ejected.

Most of the transport ships were ordinary passengers with little financial resources. In order not to fall into the hands of pirates, a struggle was staged inside the transport ship.

The passengers held simple weapons and fought fiercely with the fully armed pirates in the corridor.

Due to the gap in equipment and number of passengers, the passengers were gradually suppressed. One passenger after another was killed by pirates' laser guns and bombs, and fires broke out in the entire cabin.

On the Shura pirate ship in the center, a middle-aged man in a white shirt with a handsome face, but with a scar across his face, was staring at the transport ship ahead.

Beside him, there was a bearded, burly man with a beam gun on his back.

The fierce man respectfully said to the middle-aged man: "Commander, how much benefit do you think we can gain by intercepting this transport ship?


The head of the group was called Bagger, and he said with a sneer: "Good thing, it's enough to not work for a few months. The transport ship is a big meat bun. There are many good things. There are people, and there are a lot of goods."

"The leader is wise," said the fierce man flatteringly.

At this moment, fierce battles are still going on in the transport ship, and battles are taking place in all the cabins. The pirates are armed with elite beam guns and charge towards the resisting crew members.

A series of energy beams shot out from the gun, from time to time, several passengers would be punched with bleeding holes all over their bodies, and finally fell limply to the ground.

And every time the thieves captured a corridor, they could always find a few women in the surrounding rooms who did not participate in the resistance, and they would tie up these women with ropes with a grinning grin, and then they would come back and deal with them together.

Corridors gradually collapsed, and the range of activities left for the resisters was rapidly shrinking, approaching the central hall of the transport ship.

Desperation gradually filled the transport ship, because most people knew that once the resistance failed, the fate that awaited them would be in the hands of pirates. No matter what type of pirates, the best end was hard labor. It's almost all kinds of things.

So no one wanted to fall into the hands of pirates, and tried their best to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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