Strengthen the technology system

Chapter 123 Growth of Short Video Platforms

Chapter 123 Growth of Short Video Platforms

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it is the end of July, and the month-long Meitu newcomer event is coming to an end.

For all Meitu users, this is a critical moment, because only the top [-] fans can get the special effect of the 'Moon Palace'.

Yang Rui used to be a user of the Douyin short video platform before. With her own ability, she has nearly 50 fans and is considered a small Internet celebrity.

Ever since Super Meitu updated the short video mode and launched a newcomer activity, they seldom go to the Douyin platform to find out, and instead develop from the Meitu platform.

"In this month, I have more than 40 fans on Meitu, which is faster than the growth rate on Douyin!"

During this month, more than two short videos were posted on the Meitu platform almost every day. Since he is good at singing and dancing, he has posted some short videos of various types.There are also some short videos made with Meitu's special effects images. These short videos are of very high quality and attract fans very quickly.

"Thanks to the foundation of the Douyin platform, the development speed on the Meitu platform is very fast. Otherwise, it must be very difficult to break into the top [-] within a month!"

Now Yang Rui has 40 followers. Although the number seems to be a lot, on the Meitu platform, the number of fans can only be maintained at around [-], and it will fluctuate every day.

The reason why we can have so many fans in such a short period of time is because we have attracted a lot of fans from the Douyin platform to this platform, the number is about 15.

"The newcomer event will be over soon, this moon palace special effect must be obtained, and work harder!"

Although the current ranking is around 50, Yang Rui doesn't dare to take it lightly, for fear that if she doesn't work hard for a day or two, she will be overtaken by the people behind, and this month's hard work will be in vain.

Among the 50-100 rankings, the number of fans of users is more than 30, and most of them are close to 40. If there is a slight difference, they may be overtaken and rank in the top [-].

Although the activity for newcomers is drawing to a close, those internet celebrities dare not let up at all, and they are all working hard not to fall from the altar at this critical moment.

To say that the most tense ranking stage is the position between 90-130, the number of internet celebrity fans in these rankings is about the same, there may be only a few hundred people difference, which is the result of 100 and 101.

In the CEO office of Wondershare Technology, there were two people sitting, one of them was Ding Jie, and the other was Jiang Lin, the director of the short video department.

There is an electronic screen at the back of the office, which is connected to a computer, and can observe the status of the network background at all times.

Looking at the background data, Jiang Lin looked very excited, and expressed deep admiration for Ding Jie's previous actions, "Mr. Ding, the newcomer activity on the short video platform is coming to an end soon. This one-month newcomer activity is very successful. , bringing unexpected publicity results to the platform!"

This kind of publicity strategy was originally thought of by Ding Jie. It seemed to be an ordinary publicity plan, but it had unexpected results. During this month, the number of platform users increased very exaggerated.

"In the first week of the newcomer event, the number of new users increased by 700 million, and in the next three weeks, the number of users increased by 1800 million. Now the total number of users has reached 2800 million!"

This user growth rate is already very fast. In just one month, through a newcomer activity, the number of users has increased by 2500 million, and there are many active users among them. 1800 million users log in to the Meitu program every day.

To measure the quality of a platform, it is not only the number of registrations, but also the number of active users.If a user downloads the platform, puts it there after registering, does not use it for ten days and a half months, and finally deletes it, this is just a virtual mark of users, and it is difficult to generate any value.

Only those users who are often active will choose to buy special effects pictures, attracting people around them to use this program together, generating real value and bringing benefits.

Ding Jie is also very satisfied with the number of active users on the platform, "The activity of our platform is naturally due to the incentive effect brought by the special effect map!"

In today's Meitu platform, there is an activity to give away special effects pictures. As long as users log in continuously, they can get special special effects pictures. This kind of thing cannot be obtained through purchase.

Through this small activity, the user activity of the Meitu platform has also become much higher, and users have gradually become dependent on the Meitu platform, which will replace other short video platforms over time.

Jiang Lin looked at another piece of data. This is the new income of the Meitu platform this month, which is much higher than the previous income. The income is getting higher and higher!"

The income of the Meitu platform is all due to the special effect images. The short video module does not have any charging items, and there is not even any advertisement, unless it is a promotion advertisement for its own products.

So if Meitu’s short videos want to make money, they must rely on special effects pictures to generate income.There are more and more users, and more and more people come into contact with special effects pictures, and more and more people buy special effects pictures.

"In the past month, the income generated by the special effect map is 1 million. After deducting the monthly bandwidth fee and the money that needs to be paid for taxes, it is about 2 million!"

Jiang Lin had to admire Ding Jie's ability. After integrating the Meitu platform and the short video platform, the profit rate increased a lot, at least five times before.

It is absolutely rare for a short video platform that can achieve such a profit in a short period of time. Although the current Douyin platform is popular, it is still in the mode of burning money.The combination of advertising costs and bandwidth costs is very high, and it is very difficult to make a profit in a short period of time.

Seeing the successful integration of short video and Meitu platform, Ding Jie felt a lot more confident, "The plan we made before to catch up with the Douyin platform will continue to be implemented, and the total number of users will reach 3000 million in the first month. Try to overtake the other party's user base next month!"

The number of Douyin users is close to 5000 million, and it is not impossible to catch up in the next month. However, there will be no newcomer activities on the Meitu platform in the second month, so it may be difficult to overtake.

"Mr. Ding, if we don't have newcomer activities in the second month, the spontaneous promotion of users will definitely be much less. It seems difficult to increase so many users in one month."

Jiang Lin is very clear about the current situation, and is also thinking about how to deal with it, "Why don't we start something similar to the rookie plan in the second month?"

(End of this chapter)

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