Chapter 186 The nightmare has just begun

The morning light pierced through the gaps in the clouds, casting the first ray of golden light, climbing up the fence, and slowly covering the huge school grounds.

The more than 300 soldiers stood upright and lined up in a neat line, punching seriously against the morning wind.

Amidst the deafening roars of 'hey' and 'ha', the bare arms outside the blouse, the muscles were bulging, and the sweat-stained skin glowed bronze-colored in the light.

The neat and uniform movements are capable and agile, and at a glance, they do have a different spirit from ordinary soldiers.

While the handsome flag was rolling in the wind, there was a conversation between Gao Gaoshuai and an old man and a young man on the stage.

"Xian'er, in your opinion, what do these soldiers look like?"

There was a sense of relief in Li Jing's voice, and his clear eyes looked down on the soldiers under the stage, somewhat with a touch of pride.

He watched these young soldiers change day by day, and never competed with the soldiers of the battalion at any time, but Li Jing had absolute confidence in the team in front of him.

Looking across the faces of these soldiers, scars and drops of sweat were reflected in Li Xian's eyes, but it was far from the special tribes Li Xian saw in later generations.Shaking his head slightly, he made a sound slowly.

"Not enough, far from enough."

Meeting Li Jing's puzzled eyes, Li Xian turned his eyes to the soldiers below the stage again, raised his arms and pointed at them.

"These are young children who haven't faced the blood directly. They have a tyrannical skin, but after all, they lack some fire psychologically."

"Let's put it this way, these soldiers may not be defeated in the competition, but compared with those veterans who roamed the battlefield, there is still a big gap."

"They will be afraid of those heart-piercing shouts, they will be afraid of the sound of arrow feathers trembling in their ears, and they will be even more afraid of seeing those bloody, disemboweled scenes..."

The shadow under the reflection of the morning light slowly lowered its arms, and some words drifted slowly in the breeze.

"What's more, today's training can't be called cruel at all. The truly cruel training is actually a double training of body and mind."

"Even if His Majesty sent me here, I can't stop the gossip from the outside camp. I can only train this tribe to be different as much as I can."

The silver hair between the temples swept across the dignified cheeks, and a hint of worry appeared between the majestic veteran's thick eyebrows.

The tiger's eyes slowly wandered among the soldiers who had been with him for nearly a month, and his thoughts drifted away.

Li Xian's military training method is novel and unique, and he himself doubted it before, but after the results were seen in early January, Li Jing no longer doubted it.

As the main general, I can fully feel the unique cohesion of this new recruit. There is no doubt about the destructive power brought by such a team on the battlefield.

But thinking about Li Xian's next words, Li Jing's heart felt a little shaky, he was silent for a moment, his silver whiskers trembled, expressing his worry.

"Xian'er, my father has no objection to your new military training strategy."

"But when you go to battle to kill the enemy, no matter how strong you are, there will be times when you will be exhausted. If the difficulty is added, there may not be many left in this army camp."

Li Xian's mouth curled into a smile, and he spoke slowly.

"Father, even if you are a special tribe, how can you be like an ordinary soldier?"

"They should be the ones who take the heads of the enemy generals from the rebellious army, not the ones who rely on brute force to kill the blood from the rebellious army."

"Their existence lies in the essence, not in the abundance."

Stepping down the steps slowly, Li Xian spoke with confidence.

"If Dad believes in me, I will tell them some stories about how to survive and how to give them first aid in the evenings from now on."

After the delicious lunch, the morning training day after day has changed.

The sun was shining brightly, and many soldiers were sitting cross-legged in the muddy pit. More than 300 soldiers each had a soybean and a small embroidery needle, and they were going to carve five hollow characters at sunset today.

Some soldiers who could not read and write were also taken great care of. Large black and white letters were pasted on the wooden boards in the front row and hung up.

There was no whistle, no inspiring drum beating, and no hoarse and powerful yelling from the captain, the entire camp was silent.

A soldier lifted his dark cheeks slightly, glanced at the captain and Li Jing and his son sitting under the pergola all around, and whispered to the figure beside him.

"What's the situation? Let's be good old men. It's fine to let us know how to read and write. Why are you still picking up embroidery needles? Isn't this what those girls should do?"

The soldier beside him furrowed his thick brows, fixed his eyes on the small and clumsy walking needle, pursed his mouth tightly, and responded in a low voice.

"Who knows, as far as I guess, General Li is absolutely incapable of doing such a thing, but that ghostly Li Xian, maybe this bad move was made by him."

As soon as the words fell, there was a slight inhalation sound.

Just now, when he was distracted while talking, he accidentally pricked his thumb with the tip of the needle, and at a speed visible to the naked eye, a bright red blood cell slowly filled and expanded.

"This is a fucking bad move. If this continues, I don't think these words can be engraved, and our hands will be riddled with holes."

"What are you talking about! Just poke it!"

Someone took the words from the side, looked up at the large characters on the paper, and clustered their eyebrows.

"Have you two forgotten the military rules of obedience? If this is heard, you will at least be hit with a few military sticks."

"It's okay for those of you who can read and write. Look at me, what kind of illiterates have I been forced into."

"Recognizing the names of those Chinese herbal medicines made me dizzy all day long, but now I still know these words! If I'm fucking eliminated, I think I can succeed in finding a job in a private school!"

The words fell, causing the two people beside them to hold back their laughter.

"I've been in the army for so many years, this is the first time I know that these things are needed to become a soldier of the Tang Dynasty!"

The whispering in the mud continued, Li Xian squinted his eyes slightly, and didn't need to listen carefully, he still knew what the soldiers were talking about.

Slowly got up and stood up, stepped on the mud pond and the mud became softer, and reminded me with a smile.

"Everyone, this training should be much simpler than your previous ones. I repeat, this bean cannot be stained with mud. Otherwise, I have a duck step for you to try a little bit."

"This carving exercise is not for you to have a good handcraft in the future, but for you to concentrate and endure the hardship of the muddy ground, but also to complete this matter."

The walking pace suddenly stopped, Li Xian looked at the crowd who didn't take the advice to heart with his hands behind his back, and said calmly.

"Falling, sticking to mud, and not being able to carve are all failures."

"Those who finish today will rest tomorrow, and those who can't finish will have another chance tomorrow..."

Before the words were finished, the pot completely exploded in the swamp.

"This is the first time I've heard of it, but I can be kicked out of the barracks if I can't do it well."

"Isn't it? Isn't this a pervert? What is a duck step? Why do you feel a little weird when you hear the name?"

"How good do you think Li Xian's idea is? Maybe it's a bad move."

"What do you mean by uncertainty? When did this kid make a good move since he came to our barracks? Damn it, our barracks are full of wonderful things."

With the sunset on the west mountain, the day's easy training came to an end.

Yu Hui hit many soldiers who were squatting away, amidst the giggling laughter, Li Xian raised the corner of his mouth.

See tomorrow, see if you can still laugh?
(End of this chapter)

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