Chapter 341 The Last Glory
Within two hours, the city gate was slowly opened from the inside.

The top of the outer city was full of soldiers, and the dilapidated top of the city was stained red with blood. Under the irradiance of the evening sun, it gave off a strong smell of blood.

Li Xian rode his horse and slowly walked in through the open city gate, and the Han flag behind him slowly floated into the city.

Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaidao ran down the wall excitedly, the handle of Mo Dao leaned heavily on the ground, and took advantage of the momentum to get on their horses.Reining in the reins, raised his blood-stained face.

"It's so fucking enjoyable!"

"After all these battles, these gangsters are still cowardly and easy to kill, like slaughtering pigs and dogs."

Like Baishang, a fledgling who had just entered the barracks, Cheng Chumo pursed his lips with a look of disdain.

"You're only promising at this point, killing a few cowards is nothing."

Facing the front, the soldiers kneeling in a row, holding their heads in their hands, nuzzled and responded.

"that's it?"

"Relying on my pure bloodline, a coward who eats the emperor's food all day long, I would feel dirty if I killed him."

"To kill..."

Looking away from Wu Tan who was standing on the top of the opposite city, there was a tinge of scarlet in his eyes.

"Killing such a general is considered a real skill."

Hearing what the two said, Li Xian raised his hand to signal for the two to be quiet, and turned to look up at the result.

"The order."

"Before all the soldiers conscript the city, push these soldiers down to the city."

"By the way, ring the alarm bell for them. If you want to survive, open the city gate and hang the Han flag!"

Nearly a hundred people were driven to the bottom of the city, one by one knelt down and wailed under the city, and the Xiqiang archers behind them aimed straight at these people.

The hard bow was taken by the soldiers, Cheng Chumo put on the kraft paper and shot straight at the head of the city. At a distance of 120 steps, it was firmly nailed to the wooden railing of the pavilion above Wu Tan's head.

Wu Tan, who pretended to be calm, was also really confused. There were not many people on the grassland who could draw a hard bow, and even fewer were able to shoot steadily into the target at 120 steps.

When I was horrified, I deeply doubted the strength of the lieutenant general.There was even some suspicion that this lieutenant general didn't do his best when attacking the city earlier!

While trembling, he pinched the scroll and looked at it again, his heart suddenly turned pale with shock.

Immediately, the whole city exploded.

Wu Tan held the scroll and looked at the veterans around him, feeling extremely bitter in his heart.

Originally, all these former veterans were gathered together, the purpose was to make a positive statement in the country, so that these soldiers would have more courage to face this Tang cavalry.

There are only a few thousand people in the alliance, and against more than ten thousand defenders, not to mention being condescending, there is such a huge advantage in numbers. In Wu Tan's eyes, at least he can easily defend the city, but it is only the first time. In the first battle, his fantasy was completely shattered.

So much so that now, these veterans who have worked so hard to gather have to go to the battlefield. It is very likely that most of them, who should have enjoyed their old age in peace, will die in the flames of war...

As a veteran city defender personally named by the Khan, Wu Tan had no reason to lead his troops to surrender.

If I don't even have the courage to face this Tang Qi directly, and bring some Han people back, how will I face my own people?
"The world is impermanent..."

The figure with tears in his eyes looks away from the vast desert sand sea. In the early spring, the grasslands moistened by the rain have sprouted, and the greenery full of vitality is particularly gratifying from a distance.

But at this time, Wu Tan didn't feel the slightest hope in his heart, and even felt the fear and trembling of the army.

After being silent for a long time, the eyes with old tears retracted their gaze from a distance, and looked at the pairs of eyes around them.

Rubbing his lips lightly, the silver whiskers couldn't stop shaking in the breeze, murmured for a while, and spoke tremblingly.

"Let's go! Let's go and meet the soldiers of the Tang people..."

"At least... we have faced..."

Most of the voices that responded sparsely were filled with anxiety and fear. At this moment, even if they don't want to, they can't just throw away the burden like this at this moment.


Boom boom... boom boom boom.

With the sound of war drums, the figures at the top of the city gradually disappeared from the eyes of the Tang soldiers below the city.



The city gate slowly opened a gap in the next moment, and the sound of horseshoes came faintly from the city.

Li Xian narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the half-open city gate, with a smile on his lips.

"It's interesting, how dare you abandon a city that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and go out to fight?"

Jiang Tiyan, who was beside him, reined in his horse and came up, stopped beside Li Xian, and sighed slightly.

"General Wu Tan became famous in his early years. He traveled all over the world and fought many brilliant battles under the command of the former king. Because he was dissatisfied with Fu Yun's style, he simply took up the idle job of guarding the king's city."

"Now that we are facing the battle in Kaesong, most of them cannot let go of the stubbornness in my heart, the stubbornness about my previous reputation."

The gate of the city was open, and the veteran leader with a silver beard and silver hair, holding a spear in his hand, would have been quite heroic if it weren't for that old face pulling his hips.Qin Huaidao walked away from the generals who walked out slowly, and then laughed out loud.

"This royal city is really like what I said before. It is full of old and weak soldiers. Look at the formation, it is full of gray-bearded generals. Isn't this letting us rely on the strong to bully the weak?"

"Even in terms of physique, these veterans can't stand it. How can they fight?"

Cheng Chumo let out a cold snort from his nose, and looked coldly at the lined up flags and soldiers in sprinting formation, with a look of disdain on his face.

"With a mere city of more than ten thousand people, do you really think that us young soldiers are people who have never seen the big world?"

"Under Fu Yun's command, the carefully selected tiger cavalry were several times stronger than ours, and yet they were all defeated. Their behavior is tantamount to blocking a car with their arms!"

Gazing at the cavalry charging team running towards this side with their hooves spreading, Li Xian's eyes suddenly burst into a cold light.

The next moment the voice suddenly rose, he reined in the horse's reins, and raised the knife at his waist to the sky.

"Beat the drums and fight!"

"Use your swift and fierce charge to tell them who is the master of such a battlefield!"

"Let them see clearly who is the wolf king in this wasteland!"

dong dong dong~
The long trumpets and exciting drums suddenly exploded in the next moment and shook the entire open land between the inner and outer cities.

Cheng Chumo licked his lips, bloodthirsty light appeared in his eyes again, Qin Huaidao on the other side secretly clenched the sticky blood-stained Mo Dao, gritted his teeth, looking eager to try.

The two had just taken two steps, but were stopped by Li Xian holding a sword.

"A mere remnant veteran, how can he use hundreds of horses to dispatch."


The two of them glanced at Li Xian, and shunned the horse back, looking rather disappointed.

Stirring the mane of the horse under his crotch in embarrassment, Cheng Chumo coughed twice.

"Of course I understand that."

Qin Huaidao then pressed the Mo Dao on the ground and put his arms around his chest.

"Yes, good steel is used on the blade, we all understand this."

"We... we just want to scare them."

Li Xian also ignored the conversation between the two, Jiang Tiyan showed a casual look of joy in his peripheral vision, tightened the reins and waited for Li Xian to give the order.

"Jiang Tiyan obeys the order! The whole army attacks and crushes them!"

(End of this chapter)

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