Chapter 378
The news of the triumphant return of the army from the western frontier came out, and the people of the entire imperial city were really busy preparing for the grand welcome ceremony, bouquets, red silk, and some excited people even prepared to eat.

Li Xian can also be regarded as the master who is busy in his spare time. Before the piles of materials are sent to the firearms camp, Chenshi assigns tasks to Xu Mao and then swaggers out of the camp to tell stories with Princess Changle and cook some of his favorite dishes.

The rising sun shines on the figure who is rinsing his mouth and brushing his teeth with a cup in hand, and the elongated shadow is reflected on Xu Mao who is standing quietly beside him holding a bamboo board.

Li Xian really admires this Xu Mao, who is always diligent and submissive.What Li Xian casually said about the reform of the firearms camp was recorded on the bamboo board, and the next day he told Li Xian that those things had been completed and that there were still some deficiencies.


After spitting out the water stains in his mouth, the bitter taste produced by the acacia juice remained in his mouth, which made people feel extremely uncomfortable. Li Xian took another two sips of water and spit it out, which relieved a little.

"You did a good job, knowing that you should prepare some other medicine stones to cover up people's eyes and ears."

"It's just that the bamboo boards I used before can't be used any more. Maybe I can find other substitutes in the firearms camp."

As the servant in command of the entire firearms battalion, Li Xian gave due praise. Out of the corner of his eye, the figure who was writing and drawing on the bamboo board was slightly suffocated, then raised his bewildered fat face, and followed him back Behind Li Xian in the house.

"Your subordinates dare to ask Li Shilang, if the bamboo boards and pottery pots were used as the shell in Shichengtou back then?"

"If you don't use this kind of thing now, what kind of thing should you use instead?"

There is no way to hold a curious figure, Li Xian smiled slightly.

"At the beginning, it was because of the urgency of the war. In a hurry, clay pots and wooden barrels were used. Such a fragile and fragile texture greatly reduced the power of firearms."

"Now that the camp is stationed, we have relatively enough time. With this condition, let's replace it with iron sheets."

"Today, you go to Changsun's mansion and ask the blacksmith workshop to make some iron sheets."

Hearing what Li Xian said, Xu Mao, who was following behind with a pen in hand, stifled slightly, with two light eyebrows clustered together, he looked up at Li Xian who was tidying his clothes, and said hesitantly for a moment.

"Li Shilang, Changsun's workshop is mainly engaged in forging weapons and armor, and casting coins and agricultural tools. The family business of princes, nobles and officials are all recorded in detail, and there is no iron sheet in my memory."

"I'm afraid... this kind of thing needs a blueprint."

You have recorded the family backgrounds of all princes and noble ministers?

This is simply a walking classic!
No wonder no one in the entire Ministry of Industry could replace this person.

So fucking professional.

"Smash it! If you smash it with a hammer, you have to smash it out!"

Li Xian didn't mind finding something for the eldest grandson's mansion, let alone finding something for this conscientious civil servant.

Striding out of the house, the person behind should take the door behind him, nodded heavily, and just trotted two steps to follow behind Li Xian.

"What else can Li Shilang order?"

Staying with such a workaholic made Li Xian extremely uncomfortable. His hardworking and down-to-earth made people feel a little ashamed and waved his hands impatiently.

"No, let's go."

Just like in the past, Xu Mao sent Li Xian to bow and salute at the gate of the camp, and when he saw Li Xian turned on his horse, he straightened his body and watched Li Xian leave.

There were soldiers of the guards in front, galloping forward on horseback, dismounted in front of Li Xian who was about to leave the camp, and clasped their hands together.

"Li Shilang, the outskirts of the imperial city, take down the secret work."

Li Xian and Xu Mao behind him both looked one sided, and before they could be asked carefully, the soldiers on the opposite side added again.

"Here comes someone who carries a knife and makes it for him. He claims to be a bodyguard under His Highness the Crown Prince's command. It will be difficult to verify the authenticity in the end. I still hope Li Shilang, Master Xu will make a decision."

This time, all the soldiers under Li Shimin's command were dispatched. It is absolutely impossible to say that they have never met Li Chengqian at all. The soldiers said this is just a disguised form of giving the initiative to Li Xian.

But after listening to Li Xian's heart, his scalp felt a little numb!
Prince Li Chengqian?
Isn't this looking for trouble for yourself?
His Majesty personally decreed that anyone who trespasses in the firearms camp, regardless of their status, will be shot to death!

Both, Li Xian didn't want to get involved with this extremely sensitive identity at all, so as not to get burned.

In an invisible place behind him, Xu Mao lowered his head, his eyes were full of horror, and cold sweat covered his forehead almost instantly.

He didn't know why Li Chengqian came here, let alone why Li Chengqian did what he did.

Knowingly committing a crime, isn't this using His Majesty's decree to cause trouble?

If people are arrested according to the decree, won't this completely discredit the prince of the Tang Dynasty?What's more, even if you press it back, Li Shiming's old face will be dull!It even made Li Shimin a little embarrassed to come down!

Reporting or not, arresting or not arresting, this is a trouble!
The three of them were all stunned in front of the city, and the air became heavy as they thought about each other.

a long time.

Xu Mao and the reporting soldiers raised their eyes and focused on Li Xian, waiting for a definite answer.

Being caught between the most powerful father and son in Datang, Li Xian felt that such a choice was too difficult for the first time!
As the breeze blew, the mane on the horse's neck brushed against Li Xian's hand holding the rein, tightening it.

"Go, go and see!"

The secluded suburbs are far away from human habitation, and they are not placed on official roads. Apart from the solid loess mud roads that have been rolled these days, there are no other roads.

Walking on the rutted road, the weeds on both sides of the road wiped the knees, and you can see a few people surrounded by you.

Even if these soldiers who have never met each other don't know the name of Prince Li Chengqian, they can still tell from the clear jade pendant around his waist.As soldiers of the royal forest, they knew that only the emperor Li Shimin was loyal behind them, so they didn't have much fear of the prince in front of them, but their eyes were full of indifference.But because of the honorable position of the prince, he put one hand on the handle of the knife at his waist, put on a guard posture, and did not draw his sword.

The footsteps stepped on the solid mud, and the blurry figure in front of him gradually became clear, and the voice of the conversation could be faintly heard.

"My lords, Li Zhen, our party didn't intend to trespass on the forbidden area, we just wandered in by following the escaped hares for hunting and hunting."

"You can see clearly, this is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. Could it be that you can't even believe his words?"

"Let's end this matter here, we will withdraw here, and we will be safe..."

Noisy words came out, and the Qianniu guards guarding the circle also secretly held their swords and did not make a move.

Li Zhen stood on the tall horse, condescendingly explaining the accidental trespass, turned the horse's head around, waved his hand slightly, and the guards under his command withdrew.


The head of the confronting imperial guards, with a red tassel on his head, saw that the visitor was about to leave, half of his cold blade was unsheathed, he took a step suddenly, and stopped in front of the group of people.

"Everything is waiting for the words of the servant of the firearms camp. Before that..."

"...No one can leave."

Li Chengqian, who had been guarded in the middle all this time, raised his eyebrows slightly, his face darkened, and he slowly raised his arms, signaling his guards to be safe and calm. From the corner of his vision, he saw a few people appearing out of nowhere on Kuoye, the corners of his mouth darkened With a smile, he whispered in a voice that only he could hear.


(End of this chapter)

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