Quickly wear it for you

Chapter 7 Marrying the Princess (6)

Chapter 7

"My lord, don't forget!"

After writing the prescription, when Feng Yu handed it to King Xian, she saw the excited look of the old man, and laughed unabashedly.

When he got home, he called Huamei over and asked her to prepare some pastries. Feng Yu came to the yard and played the piano beside the blooming flowers.

This piano is her magic weapon, and its name is 'Eating Spirits'.

Everyone who knows the name will complain and dislike it.

But Feng Yu never thought of changing her name.

'Spirit Devouring' has no spirit, it is just a magic weapon, and the name does not make any difference.

And the word 'spirit devouring' actually refers to its usefulness.

After traveling through countless worlds, if it is just a wishing soul source, it is not enough for Feng Yu's daily needs, so she needs to 'eat spirits'.

The "spiritual energy" that devours the world is transformed into its own use.

The 'spiritual energy' is different in every world. For example, in this world, what the 'soul devourer' devours is the natural energy.

In spring, summer, autumn and winter, flowers bloom and fall, and the sun and moon alternate, all of which are the manifestation of natural spirit.


The housekeeper of the palace stopped not far from Feng Yu, and looked at Concubine Li who was immersed in playing the piano with a tangled expression.

When this man was kicked out of the palace, he thought he would be depressed or rise up.

But these three years have passed, and every day is either playing the piano or reading a book. It's just extremely carefree, or heartless!

"what's up?"

It's not yet noon, and even if it's lunch, it shouldn't be the butler who came over.

"Go back to your mother, there is news from the palace, saying"

"say what?"

The housekeeper's expression was too tangled and hesitant, Feng Yu glanced at it, and stood up holding Qin.

"It's the prince, he beat someone in the palace"

What the butler didn't say was that the news came that it was their six-year-old prince who beat up the teacher!

"Oh~ it's only the first day of school, did someone provoke Xu'er?"

Under the astonishment in the housekeeper's eyes, Feng Yu went back to her room and changed her clothes, then asked someone to drive directly to the imperial city.

Although she hadn't entered the palace for three years, it was just because she was too lazy to deal with the emperor and concubines in the palace.

Now that her son beat someone, she, as a mother and concubine, can't do without coming.

"I have met Concubine Li, Your Majesty is waiting for you in the Imperial Garden!"

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the palace, the eunuch in charge of the emperor was waiting there, and it seemed that he had already prepared.

Follow this person into the palace, sit on the sedan chair, and head towards the imperial garden.

In the imperial garden, Feng Yu once wondered why the imperial palace likes to have such an existence.

But after seeing more, I basically understood that it’s like raising pets and letting them go out for a walk. If you don’t relax, you will get sick.

"Your Majesty, Concubine Li is here!"

Yue Linye held a flower viewing banquet in the imperial garden, and all the concubines and princes were present.

At this time, listening to the eunuch's report, all eyes were focused on the door.

Li Yue's appearance is excellent, and I haven't seen her in the past few years. In Yue Linye's eyes, the current body that has been conditioned by Feng Yu seems as if all the flowers around her have lost their luster.


Having not seen each other for several years, Yue Linye now regrets his original decision. The woman who left his side and had no charm at the time has become so beautiful.

"I haven't seen you for three years. Your Majesty seems to be very tired. You should rest more and take care of yourself!"

He is clearly only in his 20s, but now he looks at least in his 30s because of overdosing, and people will believe him if he says he is 40.

"Then let Yue'er come back to supervise?"

In the past, what Li Yue said was troublesome and disgusting in his eyes, but now, a word with irony makes him think it is care and love.

"No, the outside of the palace is pretty good. Being the head of a family is much happier than being the head of this palace. Moreover, His Majesty is really cruel about my sister's affairs, which makes people fearful!"

Looking at Yue Linye whose face changed instantly, Feng Yu was still smiling, she just wanted to reveal the fear in his heart.

Although Li Yue didn't have this person in her wish, from Feng Yu's point of view, this person should be dealt with.

Therefore, it is better to make him suffer a little bit at any time, and the most important point is to prevent him from collapsing earlier. How can Yue Lixu ascend to the throne earlier?

"You, aren't you afraid that I will punish you?"

Even if there is a problem with his body, Yue Linye still likes to watch the concubines in the palace jealous for him.

But this woman's performance, could it be that there is something different outside the palace?
When this person has problems in that area, he will always have unconscious doubts.

Especially after seeing her changes now and before, the suspicion of being cuckolded took root in his heart.

"Bitch! How dare you be unfaithful to me!"


After Feng Yu looked at him in silence for a long time, she suddenly decided that she was looking for someone outside
Even the other concubines did not expect such a development, they have never heard of it!
"Come on, take this bitch down for me!"

The audience was silent, Yue Linye's shout made the people present panic suddenly, what happened?
"Mother concubine?"

Yue Lixu was sitting with other princes, he was going to class obediently today, but the adult who gave the lecture wanted to speak ill of their mother and son.

He didn't regret doing it, but why was the concubine mother arrested by the emperor's order?

"Xu'er, the concubine wanted you to have a few more years of leisure, but your father didn't allow it!"

It's just the throne, Feng Yu originally wanted to wait for this child to grow up, but now Yue Linye actually did it because of his own imagination, it's really annoying!
"Mother, what are you going to do?"

In this world, Yue Lixu is the one who can understand Feng Yu's power the most. In his heart, the mother and concubine are immortals, so now, he is angry, so he wants to leave?

"Let Xu'er do what should be done in a few years, now!"

It's just a little emperor, work harder, but it can be regarded as fulfilling Li Yue's wish ahead of schedule, as for whether he can sit still
Feng Yu prefers to cultivate a tyrant than the benevolent monarch that everyone expects.

Those who dissatisfy can be killed, her "soul devourer", but she has never been picky about food.

"Mother and concubine won't leave, right?"

Yue Lixu now only cares about whether his mother and concubine will abandon him. As for the future and present, he has no time to pay attention.

"I'm not leaving, but Xu'er has to work hard to know?"

"Well, the boy will definitely work hard, and he will definitely listen to what the concubine mother says!"

The mother and son's conversation as if no one else was there made Yue Linye's anger boil even more.

If it was a threat before, but now, seeing that they didn't take him seriously at all, the killing intent in his heart was already extremely real.

"Take them! Put them in prison!"

Yue Linye's exasperation was in stark contrast to Feng Yu's smile.

When the guards who rushed forward were about to put the knife on Feng Yu's neck, something beyond everyone's expectations happened.

(End of this chapter)

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