Chapter 275 Breaking Guangning

Under the moonlight, the torrential river rushed silently and turbulently along the long tunnel towards the base of the city wall, impacting and penetrating the foundation of the city wall.

When the sky turned pale, the Jiang family army barracks outside Guangning City had already become active.Soldiers lined up for breakfast.Those who had already eaten began to feed the horses, pack armor and weapons, etc.

By the time the desolate and distant bullhorn hummed, the sky was already bright.Groups of Jiang Family Army soldiers in black clothes and black armor left the camp and began to line up outside Guangning City. In a short while, they formed a black square formation like a standing pine forest. It was shocking to watch. fear.

The Qing soldiers on the city knew that the enemy was about to attack the city again, and all of them looked down as if they were facing a big enemy. They clenched their weapons tightly and looked down nervously.

Many people who were bombarded by Jiang's army's cannons in the past two days had some anti-cannon experience. They just waited for the cannon to sound and lay down on the ground, so their eyes wandered on the ground, as if they were looking for a place to lie down in advance.

After breakfast, Engedel came to the west tower early and looked down at the formation of Jiang's army from the lookout. After watching for a long time, he found that there seemed to be no change, but for some reason, he always felt a little flustered in his heart, as if Like what's going to happen today.

The red cannons under the city fired again as expected, the muzzle fire flashed, white smoke rose everywhere, and the cannons rumbled.

As soon as the cannon fired below, the Qing army at the top of the city reflexively lay down on the ground, looking a little orderly. Engel's face twitched while watching in the west tower, and he stomped his feet fiercely.

The cannons were rumbling, but Engel's attention was no longer on it.He suddenly had an illusion, as if the tower under his feet shook, could it be because of the stomping of his foot just now?

He stared at the ground under his feet, but he couldn't feel the shaking anymore.He shook his head for a long time, probably because he was so nervous these two days that he had hallucinations.

But at this time, the tower under his feet suddenly moved again, two times, three times. Only then did Engel realize that it was not his hallucination, but that it was really moving. His face changed, and he hurriedly ran out.

While running, he heard the creaking sound coming from under his feet, and then his body felt as if he was running sideways.

He hurriedly looked up and found that many soldiers on a section of the city wall were staggering like him, as if they were drunk.

Could it be that Dilong turned around?This was Engel's first reaction.

But he is a warrior after all, with agility, he stabilized his figure, and finally reached a flat place after a few vertical leaps.

Before he could stand still, there was a muffled rumbling sound from behind his head. Looking back, the city wall he was standing on collapsed, and even the West City Tower not far away was crooked. The tiles on the top fluttered down.

In the end, there was another loud bang, smoke and dust rose everywhere, and the entire city wall sank, and some soldiers who had no time to escape also yelled and fell down, and were buried in the ruins in an instant.

With the sudden change, the Qing army in the west city was stunned. They all thought it was Dilong who turned over. Some even knelt down and kowtowed to the sky to pray.

The Qing army in other directions and those in the city also looked in the direction of the west city blankly, not knowing what happened.

At this moment, there was a thunderous cry from the Jiang family's army camp below the city, the voice was obviously excited, and there was a sense of satisfaction that the expectation had come true.

Engdel's heart sank, and he hurriedly looked out of the city, but what he saw were countless black figures rushing towards the gap in the collapsed city wall.

Some of the Jiang family army who rushed up the city wall along the ruins fought with the Qing army who rushed over the city wall, and some killed along the steps leading to the city, and rushed towards the city gate.

The change came too suddenly, there were not many Qing troops near the city gate, and the city gate was quickly captured by Jiang's army.

The heavy city gate was opened from the inside, and the cavalry of the Jiang family army who had been waiting outside the gate charged into the city on horseback, followed by countless infantry, and killed the target that had been assigned long ago.

Some killed the Qing army guarding the other three gates, and some went to snatch the treasury and granaries. The loud shouts of killing quickly spread from the west city to the southeast and north.

The Qing army, which was originally small in strength, was originally blocked by the city wall and still had some confidence. Now that the city has been broken, it has already been terrified. After being killed by the wolf-like Jiang family army, they cried for their fathers and mothers, and their corpses lay all over the ground. retreat.

Dozens of soldiers escorted Engel out of the crowd, grabbed a few horses and fled towards the unencircled north gate.

By the time Jiang Chuan entered the city with his personal guards, the whole city had basically calmed down, except for one or two indistinct roars and fights, which were Jiang's army clearing out the hidden Qing troops in the city. Remnants.

Ran Wu received Jiang Chuan outside the west gate, and led his people to follow him to the magistrate's yamen.

Guangning is a prefectural city. Compared with Liaoyang, the city is larger and has a larger population. It was set as Guangning prefecture when it still belonged to Ming Dynasty.

Ran Wu knew his master very well, and the first thing he would check after breaking through a city was the treasury and granary.

"My lord, don't worry, the treasury and the granary have been controlled by the last general, and the Tartars didn't have time to do anything wrong. Now each has a thousand soldiers and horses guarding there."

Ran Wu rode a horse slightly behind Jiang Chuan's horse to report.

Jiang Chuan really laughed: "That's good. If we spend so much effort and let the tartars destroy the treasury and granary again, we will really lose money."

After pausing for a while, Jiang Chuan ordered again: "Old rules, you will send troops to organize patrols in the city later, and if you encounter Tartars routs, you will be killed if you don't surrender immediately. And those who want to fish in troubled waters, don't worry about the Manchus, they will all be in the street Fa-rectification."

Ran Wu nodded and accepted the order.

Jiang Chuan turned his head to Sima Muyi, who was a few steps behind him on the other side, and said, "Muyi, after you arrive at the government office, you will issue an announcement on the safety of the people in my name. It is the same rule as we did in Liaoyang."

"Your subordinate takes orders." Mu Yi cupped his hands immediately.

The group walked and talked, and Jiang Chuan explained a few more things.There is basically no need to elaborate on these things. With Liaoyang's experience, it can be used here.

After arriving at the Guangning government office, the gate was already full of soldiers, and Li Jian had been the first to clean it all up. When he saw Jiang Chuan and his party coming, he hurried forward to greet him.

"Where are the people in here?" Jiang Chuan got off his horse, walked in first, and asked casually.

Li Jian knew that he was referring to the original officials of the government office, and said: "Return to the Lord. When the general brought people over, those guys were about to flee, but the general blocked them. Now they are all stuffed in the prison gone."

"Okay, let's lock it up for a few days, and wait for a trial after it's settled down to see if it's useful. If the heinous ones are hacked up, they can win the hearts of the people." Jiang Chuan ordered after thinking for a while.

"Promise!" Li Jian accepted the order.

While Mu Yi was writing the An Min Notice, Jiang Chuan took Li Jian to the Guangning Treasury.

 In the past few days, the [-]D has been updated for three consecutive days. For the old cat with severe lumbar muscle strain, it is a bit overwhelming today. The back pain is even worse. I didn’t sleep well last night. My muscles hurt so much that I can walk with bowed legs, and I feel lethargic all day long. I'm really worried that my day will turn into ten years of snowfall.It should be impossible to finish the fifth shift today, but I still try my best to know the third shift.Forgive me, brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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